Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2710 I can’t imagine how big it will be

Lang Xing's spiritual thoughts came over at this time.

"Shen Qing, Su Wan, are you two together? Come here!"

Su Wan closed the isolation restriction outside, glanced at Shen Qing, and flew towards Langxing.

After the two sat in front of Lang Xing, Lang Xing asked worriedly, "You two didn't quarrel, did you? Why did you activate the isolation circle?"

Su Wan rushed to say, "We talked about Xun Yi a little bit. I didn't want Jiang Xiao and the others to hear. We had a good chat."

"Oh, that's good." Hearing that the conversation was about Xun Yi, Lang Xing was too sensible to ask any more questions. He handed the small ball in his hand to Su Wan, looked at Shen Qing and asked, "How far can you see? "

Shen Qing did not answer his words, but said to Su Wan, "It can only be opened by sending in all the spiritual consciousness. Don't worry, there is no danger."

Su Wan played with the little ball and said, "It's not urgent. I'm not at ease right now. Let's talk about it later."

Seeing that it was difficult to get rid of her, Shen Qing could only go straight to Lang Xing and said, "We just talked about your soul leaving the body. Did you get a location from the magic circle?" .??.

Lang Xing looked at Su Wan with slight displeasure.

Su Wan said calmly, "I didn't want to mention this to her, but she insisted on asking. I didn't tell her where the place was."

Lang Xing put away his displeasure, looked at Shen Qing and said, "Let's talk about that place later. I know you are all wary of me at this moment, fearing that I might sneak in to check. You can rest assured, that place is too It’s far away, I won’t take risks recklessly, and there are still many things to be busy with, so I don’t have that much free time.”

Su Wan glanced at Shen Qing with a smile.

Shen Qing said unwillingly, "It doesn't matter if you are busy. I am very free now. Let me go and take a look for you."

Langxing didn't want to reject Shen Qing in front of Su Wan, so he smiled and said to Su Wan, "Go back and take a look at this geosphere. It's really a treasure. I'm sure you will be shocked after seeing it."

Then show your chin to Jiangxiao and Xiyang, and remember to tell them to keep it a secret. "

His statement just now reassured Su Wan. Hearing this, she glared at him with a smile and said, "Since you still have private things to say, I have to be sensible." After that, he stood up and walked out.

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Don't be so mean. Who did you learn this from?"

"Those who are close to Mo are evil. Of course they were led astray by you people." After Su Wan said this, she felt something was wrong. She glared at Lang Xing again and said, "I'm just telling the truth. You are the ones who are harsh and mean."

Shen Qing said calmly, "You two are going to flirt and scold each other until no one is around. I'm still sitting here."

After saying this, Su Wanyu's cheeks turned red and she flew away in a hurry.

Lang Xing looked at Shen Qing with a dumbfounded smile and said, "Can't you two stop being so tit-for-tat?"

Shen Qing didn't want to talk about this and said, "Give me that location. I want to see it."

Lang Xing grimaced and said, "It's easy to say anything else, but this really doesn't work. That place is too far away. I just searched it on the geosphere. It's farther than I thought before. Let's go together later. Now I don't care." How can I not tell you."

Shen Qing remained silent, knowing that it was useless to say anything.

Lang Xingdui smiled and said, "Besides, you are not idle now? Don't you need to understand the small world? I still have many spiritual problems for you to understand, and there are also Yuan Yizhou's skills, which are enough for you You have been busy for decades, and then I can take you to Qianxu Palace to see the Xuansu Heavenly Patterns and the Lingxu Wonderland, and to Puyun Continent to see the Wuji Fairyland and the Xu Shui Secret Realm."

Shen Qing said, "I really want to see Xian Baosu first.

The power of the spirit. "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "Did Su Wan tell you? No problem, I'll just take you to see it later."

Shen Qing said solemnly, "Although Su Wan didn't tell me in detail, I can imagine it. If Sijia continues to risk your life regardless of your life or death, I will warn her."

Lang Xing waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Don't get me wrong, she didn't care about my life or death, I had to help her."

Shen Qing snorted and said, "I shouldn't be meddling in your affairs, and you don't have to explain it to her. I have my own sense of proportion. If you don't want me to go to her, don't rely on her in everything." ”

Lang Xing nodded hurriedly and said, "I understand, I understand. Don't worry, I also know what's appropriate. It was indeed an accident last time. I can't blame her entirely."

Shen Qing softened his expression, "Let's talk about it, I want to know how you resurrected the soul."

Lang Xing smiled proudly and said, "I'm not busy with this. Tell me first, how big of an area can you see in the geographical sphere with your cultivation?"

Shen Qing showed a map with only a simple outline. ??

Lang Xing frowned and said, "It's not much bigger than what I saw."

Shen Qing glanced at him angrily and said, "This mainly relies on divine consciousness. You practiced the Sky Observation Technique as soon as you entered Xianlin Academy. Even in your Qianxu Palace, it is a top-level technique. Plus you are weird." With your cultivation method, your spiritual consciousness is stronger than that of ordinary people.”

Lang Xing nodded, thinking, "It feels like we only saw a small part. I can't imagine how big it is. Only seeing this part shocked me, and I realized how big the world is."

Shen Qing agreed, "I was also shocked. I even felt powerless for a time. I felt that I was too small. After seeing the small world, I connected the two.

Come to think of it, I feel panicked. She stretched out her finger and clicked it in the air, "You Fang said that there are great supernatural powers rushing out of the small world in the sky. Will it be the same after we rush out?" "

Langxing immediately said, "Yes, and if you rush out, you can't come back. You can only float in the endless void until you die alone. So you must not break into the Lingji sky easily. It's easy to go out but hard to come back. Although There are some legends about the outside of Lingji Space circulated in the cultivation world, but there are no explanations for the mist in Duyun Mountain. They are just like the myths and stories in the world. I think they are all made up. It is estimated that no one who breaks out can come back. "

Shen Qing said expressionlessly, "If you can only survive in the spiritual silence space, then what's the point of living?"

"Then you're going to die? Die alone in the void?" Lang Xing looked at her with sorrow.

Shen Qing's face remained expressionless and silent.

Langxing was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "I can understand your feelings, and I also know that any words of advice are unnecessary. I still clearly remember the days when my parents died and I was helpless. Lian feels that life and death have become insignificant matters, so I can't advise you anymore. I only hope that you can take risks later. It is best to wait until I have no attachment to this world, so that I can If I go with you, you won’t be alone even if you die in the void.”

"No need." Shen Qing said almost indifferently.

Langxing looked at her, his eye circles slowly turning red and he said, "After seeing the small world, I thought of you, and thought of the scene where you fell alone in the boundless void. I was very..." At this point, he was a little bit Choking, he swallowed and continued, "That picture has become a lingering nightmare for me. The more I don't want to think about such an ominous thing, the more I can't forget it..." His eyes flashed. I burst into tears and said no more.

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