Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2712 The leader wants to strengthen the Huayue Sect.

Lang Xing looked at her with mocking eyes and said, "She is indeed defying heaven. She has created a miracle of becoming a feather for more than a thousand years. She dares to be the first in the world. This is something that only extraordinary people can do. It is not difficult to imagine how much it takes." Such wisdom and self-confidence, but with an example, the followers who follow will be much more relaxed. Even if you can't achieve it in more than a thousand years, you can always hope for two or three thousand years, right? This miracle is a blow to the mediocre, but to you, it should be inspiring and encouraging.”

Although Jiang Xiao agreed with these words in his heart, he said, "Looking at your virtue, you really think of yourself as the Feather Immortal Lord, don't you?"

Xiyang smiled happily and said, "Whether he is the Feather Immortal Lord or not, his knowledge is much higher than mine. After hearing this, I want to practice now."

Jiangxiao smiled and glared at Xiyang, "Just give him a thumbs up! You two really have the same chemistry."

"We are heroes and think alike!" Lang Xing smiled proudly.

Xiyang also laughed, but he laughed at the comment of "we are on the same page," because he knew that the four words "Jiangxiao" contained two lifetimes of brotherly love. Whether he was with Xunyi or Langxing, he could not be said to be on the same page, let alone There is more to it than friendship.

Langxing suddenly blinked and said to the two of them with his magical power, "You really have to enter the feathering stage soon. Although Hutian is good to me, we can't live relying on others. Now that we have another wandering place, I I can tell you that he has spiritual eyes, and he doesn’t want Hu Tian to take him away, so we must have the strength that Hu Tian is afraid of as soon as possible. I didn’t want to fight him before, but you are all his. He is a thorn in my side, so I have to take precautions against him. The Flower Moon Sect was initially established as a joke, but now we need to raise this banner. Ultimately, we must make the Flower Moon Sect a force that the Guardians dare not offend easily. This way we can better protect everyone.”

When Hu Tian was mentioned, Xi Yang's eyes became gloomy. The last time Hu Tian wanted to take Jiang Xiao away had been weighing on his heart like a huge boulder.

Jiangxiao grabbed their arms and secretly said, "This matter

We have to be extremely careful. If Hutian finds out that we want to raise a banner against him, he won't tolerate it, and even Lang Xing will get involved. "

Lang Xing said, "You should be careful. The Huayue Sect still maintains the principles we have set before. It is mysterious and unpredictable. When we are strong enough, we will do a few earth-shattering things to make the Huayue Sect famous all over the world. But It’s still very foggy. Let Hutian know better. If he dares to attack us, we won’t be able to blame him.”

Xiyang frowned and said, "He is in the dark and is difficult to deal with."

Lang Xing blinked at the two of them and said, "He wants to protect this world. This is his weakness. We can force him to come over and stop the war with a battle at any time. Don't forget, Shu Yan can help." As for us, Shu Yan often uses her spiritual eyes to check on Lu Gang and I. As long as we write out the plan in big characters, Shu Yan can help us deliver false news to Hu Tian. As long as Hu Tian is tricked into the ambush we set No need to worry about being able to plot against him."

Jiangxiao tightened her hand on Lang Xing's arm to express her gratitude. She knew clearly that Lang Xing must have been thinking about this matter. It was Hu Tian's move to take her away that prompted Lang Xing to make the decision to deal with it. Determination to protect the sky.

Xi Yang's eyes lit up and he said, "It seems feasible! Your Qiankun Bag can hide a large number of ambushes. As long as you arrange it carefully, you still have a high chance of winning."

Langxing warned, "Don't be impatient. Firstly, Hutian is very kind to me, and I don't want to take the initiative to break up with him. Besides, Shuyan is still in his hands. If he wants to take action, he must make sure everything is safe. Secondly, we His strength is not enough. I don’t want anyone to get hurt, so I have to take this matter slowly. What I hope most is that the matter can be resolved without getting angry with him. I don’t want to be his enemy from the bottom of my heart, because What he does is what I want to do.”

Xiyang shakes

The leader said, "Then this matter must be considered carefully. There is no room for hesitation against such a powerful opponent. If you don't have the determination to kill, this won't happen."

Jiangxiao frowned and said to Xiyang, "Don't push him. You don't know what kind of person he is. It's very rare for him to be so kind to him as Hu Tian. He definitely can't kill Hu Tian." "Xin, didn't he just say that, let's see how things develop in the future. If Hu Tian takes action against the Huayue Sect, there will be nothing to discuss."

Xiyang looked at Lang Xing and said, "You have to think about this. Otherwise, don't do it. If you do, you have to be determined to kill. That is a monster that can easily kill Yu Chan and Senior Xiaoyao. Once If we fail, we will all die."

"Yeah." Lang Xing frowned and responded.

Xiyang changed his relaxed expression and said with a smile, "I am very interested in doing a few earth-shattering things. If you don't have any good goals, I can give you two." .??.

Lang Xing laughed and said, "One of them should be to pacify Wanfu Xiuyu, right?"

"You kid!" Xi Yang punched Lang Xing on the chest, "You guessed it right and caused Jiangxiao and I to suffer such a big loss. I will definitely not be able to spare those people."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "What about the other thing? Aren't you going to Beihai?"

Xiyang smiled and shook his head and said, "You guessed this wrong. Although we have gone to the North Sea twice, we are not very familiar with it. If we want to make a name for ourselves quickly, it is not safe to go there, but we are familiar with the South China Sea." More familiar."

Lang Xing was amused and said, "You actually want to go back to the South China Sea to cause trouble? Did you have a lot of grudges there back then?"

Xiyang frowned at Jiangxiao and said, "This is the only descendant of Jiangxia Palace. There are too many grievances. Although she has put down those grievances long ago, if she wants to cause trouble, she will find a few heinous people to kill." It’s not a bad idea.”

Jiangxiao objected, “The chaos in the South China Sea will last forever.

It's because there are many people who remember Jiangxia Palace's kindness and want to avenge the Jiang family. I don't want to add fuel to the flames. If you want to make trouble in the South China Sea, don't use the banner of Jiangxia Palace. Just kill those who deserve to be killed. Come on, we can’t let so many people fall into fighting because of the Jiang family. Our Jiang family can’t afford such a heavy burden. "

Lang Xing agreed, "This is so right. We should just do these things as justice for heaven."

Jiangxiao said curiously, "Hey, I remember that you used to be disdainful of the idea of ​​​​doing justice for the sky. Why are you using this as an excuse now?"

Lang Xing showed a pretentious expression and said, "Because I have understood it, I will tell you this later. Your level is too low now. I am afraid that your Taoism will be shaken after listening to it."

Jiangxiao spat, "Why do you have so many things that can shake our Taoist hearts? Our Taoist hearts are all made of clay!"

Langxing Douqi said, "I'm really afraid of shaking your Taoist heart. Taking out something from here will make your Taoist heart collapse, so hurry up and become a feather. By then, you will be able to resist the torment. I I can tell you a little more.”

Jiangxiao rolled her eyes at Langxing angrily, knowing that it was hard to eat hot tofu in a hurry, so she had to endure it no matter how itchy she was.

Langxing told Xiyang, "These two goals can be set first, but you must wait until you are strong enough before taking action. Doing it cleanly will show your ability. It will be boring if you are dragging your feet. Don't worry."

Xiyang smiled slightly and said, "Do you think I am a person who can't hold his breath? Huayue Sect, please stop talking about this in advance and tell us what kind of spiritual eyes you have opened."

"Cha Wei." There was no need to hide it at this point, Lang Xing said it happily.

"Cha Wei..." Jiangxiao was obviously disappointed. This kind of spiritual eye was almost the most useless in everyone's opinion.

When Lang Xing was considering whether to explain a few more words to them, Su Wan walked in.

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