Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2717 You are a troublemaker!

Su Wan struck with a wave of her hand, sealed Lang Xing with a restraint, and knocked Lang Xing away with a wave of her jade hand.

Although Lang Xing was on guard, the speed and power of Su Wan's attacks were no longer comparable to those in the past. In this playful fight, all he could do was get beaten.

"Let's see how fast you can solve it." Su Wan flew leisurely in front of Lang Xing and hit the restrictions one after another in a leisurely manner.

It takes some effort to break the restrictions of monk Huayu. Lang Xing knew that he couldn't fight, so he simply didn't bother. He looked at Su Wan with a smile and said, "You have really grown up, how about we two fight openly?" Let’s discuss it?”

Su Wan smiled proudly and said, "Do you think you have a chance of beating you upright? I know all about your little tricks. I can easily kill you before you can use the scrap metal."

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "Are you too self-righteous? Not to mention that after comprehending the Xuan Su Celestial Pattern, my mind has been broken and my magic power has increased. Even just using a hunter's bow can make you ecstasy."

"You still want to use a hunter's bow on me!" Su Wan was angry and funny and knocked him away again.

"Su Wan, please don't bully me too much!" Lang Xing protested depressedly. This time, his body-protecting divine light shined with golden light. This little lady was very ruthless. .??.

"Just bully you, how about that?" Su Wan poked Lang Xing's forehead with her finger, and once again lit up a small piece of golden light with the protective divine light.

Although Lang Xing's face turned pale from the beating, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay! You wait for me. If you have the ability, don't stop. Don't let me put the ban on you, otherwise you will regrettable."

"How dare you threaten me." Su Wan happily used a burst of spiritual power to knock Lang Xing down. Although a hole was made on the ground, the force was obviously much smaller than before.

Lang Xing smiled and watched her fall down triumphantly, feeling happier than Su Wan. He felt that after Su Wan became a feather, not only did she not become calmer and indifferent like others, but she became even brighter. This can be seen from her words and deeds. It was quite abnormal to be able to feel it clearly, but it was the result he most wanted to see.

"Try to be tougher again?" Su Wan pointed at Lang Xing with her hand pinched, with a teasing expression that was half-smiling.

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "Little fairy concubine, I have something unclear and I would like to ask for advice."

There was a hint of threat in Su Wan's smiling eyes, knowing that he would not have anything nice to say, so she was ready to continue teaching him a lesson after he finished speaking.

Lang Xing said with an undiminished smile, "Everyone cultivates forward. The higher the cultivation level, the calmer they are. Why do I think you are cultivating backward? The higher the cultivation level, the more like a child. When we first met, You are in the middle stage of Yuanying, and you have quite the bearing of a great monk. In the late stage of Yuanying, you are not as good as before. Now you have barely strengthened your feathers, and you are worse than you were in the late stage of Yuanying. Is this a unique technique that you have learned? Is it called the magical power of rejuvenation?”

As soon as Su Wan heard it halfway, she held back her laughter and was about to take action, but when he finished speaking, she put her hand down thoughtfully.

Lang Xing interrupted, "Hey! What are you thinking about? You asked me to help you settle down. If you change your mind, just go back and meditate quietly."

Su Wan shook her head gently and said, "Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. It is normal for me to be unable to calm down when I am with a kid like you, but..." she said

At this point she looked into the distance, "I think the current situation has something to do with her."

"Nascent Soul?" Langxing asked.

Su Wan retracted her gaze and looked at him and nodded, "This is very magical. It seems that she took away some of the things I didn't want. I'm not sure yet whether it's true or because she stepped into Huayu. Because of the new realm.”

Lang Xing said, "As far as I know, everyone becomes indifferent, quiet, and holy after they transform into feathers. This comes from the heart and cannot be concealed. I guess the reason why you are like this is mainly because of your transformation into feathers." It’s so nondescript and terrible.”

"It's enough to deal with you!" Su Wan finally knocked out the magic weapon. Lang Xing, who was standing in the pit, was beaten more than a thousand feet away, leaving a long deep groove on the ground.

Su Wan ignored him and lowered her head to think about the reason.

Lang Xing remained quiet and silent, and did not try to undo the seven or eight restrictions on his body. He did not want to disturb Su Wan anymore. He had already reminded her once before. Although Su Wan asked him to do this, he still couldn't do it. Enough is enough.

After a while, Su Wan came over, put away the restriction on him, then looked at him with calm eyes and said, "I think it has something to do with her. In the mysterious realm of Hua Yu, I put her Part of the baby died, and she also took away part of me."

"Everyone gets what he needs, it's fair for both of you." Lang Xing said with a smile. In fact, this was a comforting word. They all had a guess, that is, under the magical power of the Xuanjing, Su Wan was in a state of unconsciousness. Xia and Yuanying had a life-and-death struggle, and both suffered losses and gains. Yuanying took away the things Su Wan didn't want.

This guess is too bizarre, but it seems to be the only answer. Lang Xing's feeling when facing the spirit body can also confirm this. She is close, but does not want to be too close. She feels that she is very similar to Su Wan, but yet There is an obvious difference.

Su Wan remained silent.

Lang Xing shook his head and said with a smile, "You don't owe her anything. If you hadn't maintained your kindness in the Xuan Realm, it would have been completely eliminated by you. Although you didn't like the things she gave away, it still doesn't matter. It’s not something you can control, and what you don’t like may be what she likes, such as the belief in becoming an immortal, or the peaceful state of mind.”

Su Wan nodded slightly, feeling a little more relaxed and said, "I think this can give us a glimpse of the mystery of the mysterious realm."

Langxing winked at her, looked at the sky again, then pretended to have a solemn expression, opened his arms as a hug and said, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

"Get out!" Su Wan scolded with a smile, but suddenly she shuddered and her expression couldn't help but change.

Seeing that the lie had come true, Lang Xing couldn't help but secretly regret it, and hurriedly opened up his body-protecting divine light to protect her. First, he used his mental power to give her a soft drink to disperse her thoughts, and then said, "Think of something else quickly to distract her." energy."

Su Wan shivered again and felt that the terrifying shadow had passed. Then she angrily punched Lang Xing on the shoulder and said, "You are a troublemaker! You can cause trouble even if you don't do anything!"

Lang Xing could only grin and admit that he was unlucky. He was probably not to blame for this matter. Without his seduction, Su Wan would have been punished by heaven. But who made him insist on joking about this? He was scolded. Not an injustice. Su Wan struck with a wave of her hand, sealed Lang Xing with a restraint, and knocked Lang Xing away with a wave of her jade hand.

Although Lang Xing was on guard, the speed and power of Su Wan's attacks were no longer comparable to those in the past. In this playful fight, all he could do was get beaten.

"Let's see how fast you can solve it." Su Wan flew leisurely in front of Lang Xing and hit the restrictions one after another in a leisurely manner.

It takes some effort to break the restrictions of monk Huayu. Lang Xing knew that he couldn't fight, so he simply didn't bother. He looked at Su Wan with a smile and said, "You have really grown up, how about we two fight openly?" Let’s discuss it?”

Su Wan smiled proudly and said, "Do you think you have a chance of beating you upright? I know all about your little tricks. I can easily kill you before you can use the scrap metal."

Lang Xing curled his lips and said, "Are you too self-righteous? Not to mention that after comprehending the Xuan Su Celestial Pattern, my mind has been broken and my magic power has increased. Even just using a hunter's bow can make you ecstasy."

"You still want to use a hunter's bow on me!" Su Wan was angry and funny and knocked him away again.

"Su Wan, please don't bully me too much!" Lang Xing protested depressedly. This time, his body-protecting divine light shined with golden light. This little lady was very ruthless.

"Just bully you, how about that?" Su Wan poked Lang Xing's forehead with her finger, and once again lit up a small piece of golden light with the body-protecting divine light.

Although Lang Xing's face turned pale from the beating, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay! You wait for me. If you have the ability, don't stop. Don't let me put the ban on you, otherwise you will regrettable."

"How dare you threaten me." Su Wan happily used a burst of spiritual power to knock Lang Xing down. Although a hole was made on the ground, the force was obviously much smaller than before.

Lang Xing smiled and watched her fall down triumphantly, feeling happier than Su Wan. He felt that after Su Wan became a feather, not only did she not become calmer and indifferent like others, but she became even brighter. This can be seen from her words and deeds. It was quite abnormal to be able to feel it clearly, but it was the result he most wanted to see.

"Try to be tougher again?" Su Wan pointed at Lang Xing with her hand pinched, with a teasing expression that was half-smiling.

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "Little fairy concubine, I have something unclear and I would like to ask for advice."

There was a hint of threat in Su Wan's smiling eyes, knowing that he would not have anything nice to say, so she was ready to continue teaching him a lesson after he finished speaking.

Lang Xing said with an undiminished smile, "Everyone cultivates forward. The higher the cultivation level, the calmer they are. Why do I think you are cultivating backward? The higher the cultivation level, the more like a child. When we first met, You are in the middle stage of Yuanying, and you have quite the bearing of a great monk. In the late stage of Yuanying, you are not as good as before. Now you have barely strengthened your feathers, and you are worse than you were in the late stage of Yuanying. Is this a unique technique that you have learned? Is it called the magical power of rejuvenation?”

As soon as Su Wan heard it halfway, she held back her laughter and was about to take action, but when he finished speaking, she put her hand down thoughtfully.

Lang Xing interrupted, "Hey! What are you thinking about? You asked me to help you settle down. If you change your mind, just go back and meditate quietly."

Su Wan shook her head gently and said, "Those who are close to vermillion are red and those who are close to ink are black. It is normal for me to be unable to calm down when I am with a kid like you, but..." she said

At this point she looked into the distance, "I think the current situation has something to do with her."

"Nascent Soul?" Langxing asked.

Su Wan retracted her gaze and looked at him and nodded, "This is very magical. It seems that she took away some of the things I didn't want. I'm not sure yet whether it's true or because she stepped into Huayu. Because of the new realm.”

Lang Xing said, "As far as I know, everyone becomes indifferent, quiet, and holy after they transform into feathers. This comes from the heart and cannot be concealed. I guess the reason why you are like this is mainly because of your transformation into feathers." It’s so nondescript and terrible.”

"It's enough to deal with you!" Su Wan finally knocked out the magic weapon. Lang Xing, who was standing in the pit, was beaten more than a thousand feet away, leaving a long deep groove on the ground.

Su Wan ignored him and lowered her head to think about the reason.

Lang Xing remained quiet and silent, and did not try to undo the seven or eight restrictions on his body. He did not want to disturb Su Wan anymore. He had already reminded her once before. Although Su Wan asked him to do this, he still couldn't do it. Enough is enough.

After a while, Su Wan came over, put away the restriction on him, then looked at him with calm eyes and said, "I think it has something to do with her. In the mysterious realm of Huayu, I put her Part of the baby died, and she also took away part of me."

"Everyone gets what he needs, it's fair for both of you." Lang Xing said with a smile. In fact, this was a comforting word. They all had a guess, that is, under the magical power of the Xuanjing, Su Wan was in a state of unconsciousness. Xia and Yuanying had a life-and-death struggle, and both suffered losses and gains. Yuanying took away the things Su Wan didn't want.

This guess is too bizarre, but it seems to be the only answer. Lang Xing's feeling when facing the spirit body can also confirm this. She is close, but does not want to be too close. She feels that she is very similar to Su Wan, but yet There is an obvious difference.

Su Wan remained silent.

Lang Xing shook his head and smiled and said, "You don't owe her anything. If you hadn't maintained your kindness in the mysterious realm, it would have been completely eliminated by you. Although you didn't like the things she gave away, that's not it." It’s not something you can control, and what you don’t like may be what she likes, such as the belief in becoming an immortal, or the peaceful state of mind.”

Su Wan nodded slightly, feeling a little more relaxed and said, "I think this can give us a glimpse of the mystery of the mysterious realm."

Langxing winked at her, looked at the sky again, then pretended to have a solemn expression, opened his arms as a hug and said, "Don't be afraid, it's okay."

"Get out!" Su Wan scolded with a smile, but suddenly she shuddered and her expression couldn't help but change.

Seeing that the lie had come true, Lang Xing couldn't help but secretly regret it, and hurriedly opened up his body-protecting divine light to protect her. He first used his mental power to give her a soft drink to shake her thoughts away, and then said, "Think of something else quickly to distract her." energy."

Su Wan shuddered again and felt that the terrifying shadow had passed. Then she angrily punched Lang Xing on the shoulder and said, "You are a troublemaker! You can cause trouble even if you don't do anything!"

Lang Xing could only grin and admit that he was unlucky. He was probably not to blame for this matter. Without his seduction, Su Wan would have been punished by heaven. But who made him insist on joking about this? He was scolded. Not an injustice.

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