Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2755 If you are not convinced, you can have another fight.

Su Wan also clenched her fists like Bai Xiang. It was no longer a big deal for Langxing to kill monk Huayu. In this kind of face-to-face battle, he was very sure of winning, but if he didn't kill to achieve enlightenment, it wouldn't be appropriate. The secret of the magical power of the mind has been revealed. If you give up this powerful method, the danger will be doubled.

Langxing's cultivation level was much higher than that of the mid-stage Nascent Soul. The pressure coming from a distance of 50,000 feet was not enough to have a big impact on him, so when the pressure reached his body, he used the invisible method to hide his body.

At this moment, Enlightenment has reached a distance of 20,000 feet. This is the third time that Lang Xing has played invisibility. He has been prepared for this. He shouted angrily and moved his hands forward, hoping to use the powerful magic power of the monk Huayu to destroy the tens of thousands of people in front of him. The area of ​​10 feet is trapped and locked. Lang Xing, who is casting the invisible spell, cannot fly fast and will definitely not be able to escape from this area. There was nothing he could do about it. Langxing's invisibility spell was too good, and the poisonous fog here was not conducive to his searching with his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, as soon as his magic power was released, a bright light flashed in one place, and Lang Xing only moved less than a thousand feet.

"Hmph!" Zhengwu snorted heavily and raised his hand, ready to grab Lang Xing directly from the air.

There was nothing special about this grab. It was nothing more than relying on powerful magic power to grab objects from a distance. That heavy groan that contained the cultivation level of Huayu was the way to defeat the enemy. He used at least five points of cultivation level. If Lang If Xingzhen was just a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, this snort could make Lang Xing lose half his life.

But just as he was halfway through humming, his tone changed, and the second half turned into a groan of pain and fear, because for some reason his heart suddenly hurt, as if he had been pinched hard by a hand, which made him feel uncomfortable. The magic power of his hum was dissipated before it could be exerted.

Someone is plotting against me! This idea immediately flashed in Zhengwu's mind, because he didn't believe that Lang Xing, who was trapped in his magic power, could still have the power to fight back, and he still had such a weird attack power.

Before he could think about it, a colorful brilliance came over quickly. It was the Rusty Spirit Sword. When Langxing used this sword to scare away Zheng Chen, he had already sensed how powerful this spiritual treasure was, and he did not dare to neglect it at this moment. , hurriedly used his hands to perform Wuxiang Sect's unique skill - Immortal Silk Trapping Spirit Jue, to forcefully collect this spiritual treasure. .??.

The first "immortal silk" was cut off like a melon and vegetables. The corner of Zheng Enlighten's mouth twitched. This spiritual treasure was more powerful than he expected, but he also had confidence in his heart. With the mysterious fairy silk, he could Lingjue should be able to subdue this Lingbao.

The second path, the third path, the fourth path..., when the seventh "immortal thread" was cut off, it was only a matter of a moment. The Rust Spirit Sword was now unable to move forward at all.

Just as Zhengwu breathed a sigh of relief, the white shadow transformed from the whiteboard had already rushed towards him. He hurriedly gathered his spiritual power to block it, but another spiritual treasure came after him. It was a dark green thunder light, and a dark green light flashed out. The flash turned into a Xuan Yue Spear that could make Yu Yu monks tremble!

Zhengwu couldn't care less about the small whiteboard, and hurriedly tried his best to resist the Xuan Yue Spear that could kill him. Two rays of light flashed around him, which were even used as protective treasures. He knew in his heart that he couldn't carry this terrifying spiritual treasure with his own magic power alone.

The ocher yellow light flashed. It was the Spear of the Mysterious Moon that defeated the spiritual shield that had been condensed in a hurry. Although it was condensed in a hurry, this shield also contained most of the defensive power of a Feathered Monk. Yes, and this magic shield comes from another secret skill of Wuxiang Sect.

Emerald green and dark red light flashed next,

The two treasures sent by Zhengwu were also destroyed. They were two spiritual treasures that he had been smelting for many years. The successive heavy injuries made his face turn pale. At this time, a small white board was printed on his empty body. Under the divine light, a drop of bright red blood appeared in the corners of the left and right eyes of Enlightenment. Others vomit blood, but after practicing the Wuxiang Sect's techniques, the bleeding will be at the corner of the eye.

The Xuan Yue Spear, which was still in power, stopped in front of the latest defensive magic deployed by Zhengwu. The Rusty Spirit Sword, which had been trapped, actually started to move again. It wisely moved away from the Xuan Yue Spear. It was changed to point towards enlightenment from the right side, and the dimmed rusty color flashed again, indicating that it could still launch a fatal attack.

Zhengwu remained motionless, staring straight at Lang Xing slowly flying towards him. He knew very well that the Rust Spirit Sword could kill half of his life now, and the Xuanyue Spear could kill him directly. He turned invisible, and he was still alive because others were merciful, but there were too many things that he didn't know clearly in his heart. How could a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying be able to activate two such spiritual treasures? Even the spiritual treasure that turned into a white shadow cannot be activated by this cultivation level, and...

Fear prevented Enlightenment from taking care of the pile of mysteries, but there was one worry that could be eliminated, that is, there was no powerful enemy ambushing nearby. The sudden sharp pain in my heart should have been caused by this kid. This kid He is strong enough and doesn't need help from others secretly.

There was a look of begging in his eyes involuntarily, his life was already in someone else's hands, and if he didn't give in, nearly ten thousand years of hard work would be gone.

Langxing put away the small whiteboard, the Rusty Spirit Sword and the Water Ting Sword, and looked at Zhengwu with disdain. He was already very familiar with this job, and he couldn't even count how many great supernatural powers Zhengwu had been dealt with by him. , others can also tell from his calmness that this is definitely not the first time he has defeated the Huayu monk.

"If you are not convinced, you can fight again and realize the immortality. Do you want to try again?" Lang Xing's teasing was full of confidence.

Zhengwu lowered his eyes. If he hadn't been in front of so many people, he would have even begged for mercy. How could he dare to fight again? Although he still had many methods to use, they may not have tried their best. Now he not only knows how deep the sky is, but also knows how to be in awe.

Lang Xing stopped paying attention to him and fell down leisurely. He stared at Yanji Immortal Lord, stretched out his hand and said to him, "It's your turn. Do you have anything else to say?"

"You win." Yanji Immortal Lord pursed his lips tightly after saying these three words. Three great monks from the Wuxiang Sect and one great supernatural power came on stage one after another. They repeatedly showed mercy, in the face of such a powerful force. What else could he say.

Zhengli walked up the two steps with an embarrassed look on her face, "Thank you, junior brother, for giving me such kindness. I know your junior brother's mind. Let this matter pass. He who doesn't know is not guilty. If he had known about junior brother earlier, Junior Brother already possesses the strength of an Immortal Lord, so my uncle and senior fellow apprentices will not think of asking for punishment. They should give you due respect, and it will be nothing for you to punish Fu Xing. "

Langxing looked at Yanji coldly and said, "I don't want to conquer others with force. Fuxing has been entangled again and again, even dragging the law guard into the water for personal revenge. If this is a disciple of Qianxu Palace, I will definitely kick him out of the door." , but you still stand up for him regardless of right or wrong, then you deserve the humiliation today. This is my way, and this matter will end here. If there are still people who are not convinced and hold back their demands. If you want to trouble the disciples of Qianxu Palace, then I won't be so polite. I am not bound by the laws of heaven, so you can decide what to do!" Su Wan also clenched her fists like Bai Xiang, and Lang Xing killed monk Hua Yu. It’s no longer a problem. In this kind of face-to-face battle, there is a great guarantee of victory. However, if you don’t kill the person who is enlightened, it is not appropriate to reveal the secret of the mind’s magical power. If you give up this powerful method, it will be very dangerous. It's going to be doubled.

Langxing's cultivation level was much higher than that of the mid-stage Nascent Soul. The pressure coming from a distance of 50,000 feet was not enough to have a big impact on him, so when the pressure reached his body, he used the invisible method to hide his body.

At this moment, Enlightenment has reached a distance of 20,000 feet. This is the third time that Lang Xing has played invisibility. He has been prepared for this. He shouted angrily and moved his hands forward, hoping to use the powerful magic power of the monk Huayu to destroy the tens of thousands of people in front of him. The area of ​​10 feet is trapped and locked. Lang Xing, who is casting the invisible spell, cannot fly fast and will definitely not be able to escape from this area. There was nothing he could do about it. Langxing's invisibility spell was too good, and the poisonous fog here was not conducive to his searching with his spiritual consciousness.

Sure enough, as soon as his magic power was released, a bright light flashed in one place, and Lang Xing only moved less than a thousand feet.

"Hmph!" Zhengwu snorted heavily and raised his hand, ready to grab Lang Xing directly from the air.

There was nothing special about this grab. It was nothing more than relying on powerful magic power to grab objects from a distance. That heavy groan that contained the cultivation level of Huayu was the way to defeat the enemy. He used at least five points of cultivation level. If Lang If Xingzhen was just a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, this snort could make Lang Xing lose half his life.

But just as he was halfway through humming, his tone changed, and the second half turned into a groan of pain and fear, because for some reason his heart suddenly hurt, as if he had been pinched hard by a hand, which made him feel uncomfortable. The magic power of his humming dissipated before it could be exerted.

Someone is plotting against me! This idea immediately flashed in Zhengwu's mind, because he didn't believe that Lang Xing, who was trapped in his magic power, could still have the power to fight back, and he still had such a weird attack power.

Before he could think about it, a colorful brilliance came over quickly. It was the Rust Spirit Sword. When Lang Xing used this sword to scare away Zheng Chen, he realized how powerful this spiritual treasure was, and he did not dare to neglect it at this moment. , hurriedly used his hands to perform Wuxiang Sect's unique skill - Immortal Silk Trapping Spirit Jue, to forcefully collect this spiritual treasure.

The first "immortal silk" was cut off like a melon and vegetables. The corner of Zheng Enlighten's mouth twitched. This spiritual treasure was more powerful than he expected, but he also had confidence in his heart. With the mysterious fairy silk, he could Lingjue should be able to subdue this Lingbao. ??

The second path, the third path, the fourth path..., when the seventh "immortal thread" was cut off, it was only a matter of a moment, and the Rusty Spirit Sword was no longer able to move forward at all.

Just as Zhengwu breathed a sigh of relief, the white shadow transformed from the whiteboard had already rushed towards him. He hurriedly gathered his spiritual power to block it, but another spiritual treasure came after him. It was a dark green thunder light, and a dark green light flashed out. The flash turned into a Xuan Yue Spear that could make Yu Yu monks tremble!

Zhengwu couldn't care about the little whiteboard anymore, and hurriedly tried his best to resist the Xuan Yue Spear that could kill him. Two rays of light flashed around him, which were even used as protective treasures. He knew in his heart that he couldn't carry this terrifying spiritual treasure with his own magic power alone.

The ocher yellow light flashed. It was the Spear of the Mysterious Moon that defeated the spiritual shield that had been condensed in a hurry. Although it was condensed in a hurry, this shield also contained most of the defensive power of a Feathered Monk. Yes, and this magic shield comes from another secret skill of Wuxiang Sect.

Emerald green and dark red light flashed next,

The two treasures sent by Zhengwu were also destroyed. They were two spiritual treasures that he had been smelting for many years. The successive heavy injuries made his face turn pale. At this time, a small white board was printed on his empty body. Under the divine light, a drop of bright red blood appeared in the corners of the left and right eyes of Enlightenment. Others vomit blood, but after practicing the Wuxiang Sect's techniques, the bleeding will be at the corner of the eye.

The Xuan Yue Spear, which was still in power, stopped in front of the latest defensive magic deployed by Zhengwu. The Rusty Spirit Sword, which had been trapped, actually started to move again. It wisely moved away from the Xuan Yue Spear. It was changed to point towards enlightenment from the right side, and the dimmed rusty color flashed again, indicating that it could still launch a fatal attack.

Zhengwu remained motionless, staring straight at Lang Xing slowly flying towards him. He knew very well that the Rust Spirit Sword could kill half of his life now, and the Xuanyue Spear could kill him directly. He turned invisible, and he was still alive because others were merciful, but there were too many things that he didn't know clearly in his heart. How could a monk in the middle stage of Yuanying be able to activate two such spiritual treasures? Even the spiritual treasure that turned into a white shadow cannot be activated by this cultivation level, and...

Fear prevented Enlightenment from taking care of the pile of mysteries, but there was one worry that could be eliminated, that is, there was no powerful enemy ambushing nearby. The sudden sharp pain in my heart should have been caused by this kid. This kid He is strong enough and doesn't need help from others secretly.

There was a look of begging in his eyes involuntarily, his life was already in someone else's hands, and if he didn't give in, nearly ten thousand years of hard work would be gone.

Langxing put away the small whiteboard, the Rusty Spirit Sword and the Water Ting Sword, and looked at Zhengwu with disdain. He was already very familiar with this job, and he couldn't even count how many great supernatural powers Zhengwu had been dealt with by him. , others can also tell from his calmness that this is definitely not the first time he has defeated the Huayu monk.

"If you are not convinced, you can fight again and realize the immortality. Do you want to try again?" Lang Xing's teasing was full of confidence.

Zhengwu lowered his eyes. If he hadn't been in front of so many people, he would have even begged for mercy. How could he dare to fight again? Although he still had many methods to use, they may not have tried their best. Now he not only knows how deep the sky is, but also knows how to be in awe.

Lang Xing stopped paying attention to him and fell down leisurely. He stared at Yanji Immortal Lord, stretched out his hand and said to him, "It's your turn. Do you have anything else to say?"

"You win." Yanji Immortal Lord pursed his lips tightly after saying these three words. Three great monks from the Wuxiang Sect and one great supernatural power came on stage one after another. They repeatedly showed mercy, in the face of such a powerful force. What else could he say.

Zhengli walked up the two steps with an embarrassed look on her face, "Thank you, junior brother, for giving me such kindness. I know your junior brother's mind. Let this matter pass. He who doesn't know is not guilty. If he had known about junior brother earlier, Junior Brother already possesses the strength of an Immortal Lord, so my uncle and senior fellow apprentices will not think of asking for punishment. They should give you due respect, and it will be nothing for you to punish Fu Xing. "

Langxing looked at Yanji coldly and said, "I don't want to conquer others with force. Fuxing has been entangled again and again, even dragging the law guard into the water for personal revenge. If this is a disciple of Qianxu Palace, I will definitely kick him out of the door." , but you still stand up for him regardless of right or wrong, then you deserve the humiliation today. This is my way, and this matter will end here. If there are still people who are not convinced and hold back their demands. If you go to trouble the disciples of Qianxu Palace, then I won’t be so polite. I am not bound by the laws of heaven, so you can decide what to do!”

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