Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2757 You can really coax yourself to play

Langxing rode the spirit crane leisurely, thinking about Bai Xiang. As for defeating the Wuxiang Sect, he had forgotten about it. When Su Wan made the agreement with the Yinling Swamp, he did not take it seriously. As for him, fighting against Huayu Monk was neither nerve-wracking nor exciting.

After a while, Su Wan, Liu Yun, and Yundao caught up.

Liu Yun said to Lang Xing, "Tian Binzi asked me to bring you a message. He will then go to Qianxu Palace, hoping to have another interview with you."

Yun Dao then said, "My master also wants to talk to you."

Su Wan said, "Xianzun Qimu told me that he planned to go to Daiyuan Mountain to bless Xiang'er in a few days. I declined. I guess he also wanted to find a chance to meet you."

Lang Xing shook his head noncommittally and said nothing.

"Where are Xiang'er and Lingye?" Liu Yun asked.

Langxing pointed to the northeast and said, "Xiang'er has gone to practice. Fifth senior brother is worried and wants to take care of him." .??.

"Then ignore them. Let's continue walking and chatting." Liu Yun took Su Wan's arm.

Yundao immediately took Su Wan's other arm, and the three of them stopped caring about Lang Xing and flew away while chatting.

Langxing followed them silently on the crane. Seeing the three of them acting like kidnappers and intimate friends, he couldn't help but feel funny. Su Wan's transformation into a feather made her instantly become a favorite, flowing. Both Yun and Yundao had countless questions to ask her. Before Shen Qing and Su Wan became feathers, Liu Yun, who had turned into feathers at six thousand years old, could be regarded as the leader among female cultivators. No one could have imagined that these two people would turn into feathers. Immediately after its birth, it left the previous leaders far behind and created incredible miracles.

Liu Yun, Su Wan, and Yundao, any one of these three female cultivators is a strange woman who can shock the world of cultivation and make countless people look up to them but unable to catch up. Now the three of them are running around hand in hand like three little girls. In the sky of Nanjingzhou, if this scene spreads, it will definitely become a scandal in the world of cultivation.

A beautiful story, I don’t know how many people will sigh and envy it.

Langxing looked at the three of them, feeling a little proud in his heart. Birds of a feather flock together, and people flock together. I am afraid that he is the only one in the world who can have a close relationship with these three strange women, and he can also control this rampant queue. Lengthen it a little longer and add Shen Qing, the most amazing woman in the world.

The three of them ignored Lang Xing along the way. Lang Xing was quite happy to be at ease. He was lying on the back of the crane with his legs crossed. He was so leisurely and free. Who would have thought that this carefree little monk had just defeated Tangtang Wuxiang? There is a great magical power in the form of feathers and three great monks in the late stage of Nascent Soul.

When approaching Qianxu Palace, the three women stopped. Liuyun said to Langxing with a look of disgust, "You are really good at coaxing yourself to play. I don't think you will grow up!" Because Langxing stopped taking advantage of the spirit at some point. Not only that, he also used his spiritual energy to condense a large lotus leaf on top of his head to protect himself from the sun. There was also a small frog lying on the lotus leaf.

Su Wan could see that the little frog looked exactly like Tuntian, and Lang Xing must have missed Tuntian.

Listening to Liu Yun scolding Lang Xing, Yundao pursed his lips and smiled, but there was a hint of sourness in his heart. Although he had put aside the emotional entanglement with Lang Xing, Su Wan had now become a phoenix soaring in the nine heavens, and she was reunited with Lang Xing. They were a perfect match, and the sour feeling in her heart was hard to explain to outsiders.

Lang Xing laughed, collected the white clouds and lotus leaves, and complained, "You don't have time to pay attention to me. I have to coax myself to play."

Liuyun smiled and pushed him on the head, "Okay, you go ahead, I'll wait for Lingye here."

Yun Dao Shiqu said to Su Wan, "I disturbed my sister all the way. I should also

gone back. "

Langxing smiled and said, "Don't leave in a hurry. Senior Sister Liuyun is very bored here. I'll find something for her to do. You can help protect her. It won't be in vain. You will also share in the benefits." After speaking, he glanced at Amelia Su.

Su Wan took out the geosphere and handed it to Liu Yun. After telling the two how to use it, she turned around and flew towards Qianxu Palace.

Lang Xing urged Linghe to catch up with a guilty conscience, and said with a smile, "Yundao is so concerned about the trouble we caused, take care of her."

Su Wan smiled and said, "I planned to show her the geosphere, but we talked about a lot of things along the way. If I show her the geosphere again, I'm afraid it will make her retreat. Since you have to rush to give this to her, Favor, if she is in seclusion here, you will be responsible for guarding her. "

Lang Xing smiled and said, "This is at the entrance of our Qianxu Palace. Even if she really retreats here, she doesn't need me to guard her."

Su Wan curled her lips slightly and accelerated towards Qianxu Palace.

When Langxing arrived at Qianxu Palace, Lingjun, Lingtong and others had already welcomed Su Wan in. Although Su Wan had concealed her cultivation and did not visit as the Fairy Concubine Huayu, Lingtong had already been trained by her master. No longer against Lang Xing, pleasing Su Wan is undoubtedly a good way to ease the relationship with Lang Xing, so he showed great attentiveness to Su Wan this time.

Hengsi Xianzun was still in retreat, but Hengcha Xianzun was back. Lingtong warmly greeted Lang Xing, who was chasing him, and asked him to accompany Su Wan to see Hengcha Xianzun.

Lang Xing had just talked with his uncle not long ago. He didn't have much to say with this uncle. Seeing that Ling Tong and the others didn't mean to embarrass Su Wan, he felt relieved and said, "If the uncle summons me, Let me go, I will go to Xianlinyuan first."

When I came to Xianlinyuan, I asked Danzi that the magic circle had been opened where he lived. I guess he had started to retreat. Lang

Xing was quite pleased and secretly wished that this senior brother could break through and enter the late Nascent Soul stage as soon as possible.

After leaving Wen Danzi's residence, he wandered around the Xianlin Courtyard with nothing to do. He should have gone to see what Huaying was doing, but Su Wan was here. It was a bit inappropriate for him to go see Huaying. Wandering in such a big place He felt a little boring in the Immortal Forest Courtyard. Although he had lived in the Immortal Forest Courtyard for a while, he had little contact with most of the people here, and subsequently he did not have much interest in this holy land of cultivation that everyone yearned for. So much emotion.

"It's rare to see you come back." Guangpu, the headmaster of Xianlinyuan, found him wandering around and rushed over happily.

"Senior brother, how are you lately?" Seeing Guangpu, Langxing became happier. This senior brother is the most normal person in Xianlin Academy and the most humane.

"Fortunately, how are you doing recently? Did you get into any trouble?" Guangpu asked with a friendly smile.

"Well..." Lang Xing pondered for a moment with a smile on his face, and said, "I had a small dispute with the Wuxiang Sect. Although it has been resolved, you should be more careful when you see people from the Wuxiang Sect in the future, Yanji That old guy is not very good, and the disciples he has taught are not very open-minded, so just avoid them if you can."

Guangpu pointed at him with his hand, smiled and said in a scolding tone, "How could you say that to an ancestor like that? It's so disrespectful." Then he used his spiritual thoughts to say, "You are right, the ethos of the Wuxiang Sect is indeed true. No, they have been fighting with us. You don’t need to tell us, everyone knows about this. Who did you get into trouble with? "

Lang Xing chuckled and said, "I destroyed Zhenghua's disciple Fu Xing."

"Ah? Is it really useless?" Guangpu asked worriedly.

"Well, he's a complete loser. I almost didn't kill him directly, but I held back." Lang Xing said seriously, feeling a little aggrieved at the end.

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