Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2759 I’m angry with myself

While Huaying was gritting his teeth angrily, he noticed two people chasing him in the distance, namely Lang Xing and Xing Peng.

"Lang Xing! Come here!" She sent a vicious message.

Langxing drove Xingpeng here just to see if he could attract Huaying's attention. Although he succeeded, Huaying's fierceness made him a little confused, so he abandoned Xingpeng and flew over. Xingpeng ran away as if he had escaped from death.

"What's going on? Who are you angry with?" Lang Xing sat across from the case with a smile on his face.

Huaying bit her lip, looked at Lang Xing with fierce and aggrieved eyes and said nothing. .??.

"What's wrong? I haven't done anything to offend you." Lang Xing could tell that this look was directed at him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of anything that had offended her.

Huaying turned her head and looked out the window, her eyes full of stubbornness and unyielding.

Lang Xing put away his smile and said with a grimace, "What is it for? Even if you die, you have to let me die."

Huaying took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, turned around and looked at Lang Xing with a frosty face and said, "It's none of your business. I'm angry with myself. I hate myself for being useless and incompetent. Su Wan has become a feather." Right? When did this happen?”

"How do you know? Did you hear what Senior Brother Guangpu said?" Langxing asked curiously. Senior Brother Guangpu is not a loudmouthed person.

"She and Senior Brother Guangpu came here just now, and we met." Huaying didn't want to tell directly that Su Wan came to her to protest. It would be better for Lang Xing to ask for it herself. This would also show her own strength. Generous.

"Ah? She came to Xianlin Courtyard?" Lang I wouldn't make such an unreasonable request.

"Tell me first when she became a feather." The frost on Huaying's face melted a little. Langxing would definitely pursue this matter, and he could take a small revenge on Su Wan.

"Not long ago, a few months ago." Lang Xing replied absently, still wondering why Su Wan came to Xianlin Courtyard.

The coldness on Huaying's face and body suddenly disappeared, and she changed into a look full of grievances and pity. She lowered her head and complained faintly, "Shen Qing has turned into a feather, Su Wan has also turned into a feather, and no one cares about me. I can only lament my lack of luck.”

Lang Xing said with pity and amusement, "Do you think they both relied on me to help them become feathers? I'm not that capable. Besides, I didn't ignore you either. Not long ago, I just let Wu Senior brother and the others took you to Puyunzhou for training. They also asked for a pill for you from senior brother Wendanzi. They also gave you a high-grade spiritual treasure before. You can also say that you are ignoring this. ah?"

Huaying looked at him with resentment and said, "It's because of your help that the two of them can become feathers. I have never heard of people who can become feathers at the age of more than a thousand years old. Now there are two of them, and these two people are from the same family." You are the closest person to me. You can deceive others but cannot deceive me. You know in your heart how much benefit you have given to both of them. I am afraid that the benefit you have given to them is not even one ten thousandth of what others have given me. I can’t blame you. Who let myself follow you? I can't compare with others, I can only lament my lack of luck, hate myself for being too stupid, such a waste, God has given me such a lucky star

I was sent to my side and arranged to be my junior brother. I couldn't even control it. I deserved to end up like this. "

Lang Xing couldn't help laughing and said, "What has happened to you? It's so miserable. You are now a great fairy in the late Nascent Soul stage. I have some credit for this, right? Considering your age, this achievement is staggering. Come on, don't look so pitiful, more than 99% of the people in the world will envy you to death. "

Not only did Huaying not laugh, but she felt even more aggrieved. She looked at Lang Xing resentfully and said with a bit of cry, "You are still laughing, I feel so uncomfortable now. My achievements are nothing compared to the two of them. I don't want to pester you." , but you have helped them both become feathers, how can I not be jealous, I am full of frustration and anxiety at the moment, it would be fine if you just help them become feathers, but this inevitably makes me suffer, I will never be able to catch up with them in this life, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to be enterprising." At the end of the sentence, her eyes dimmed.

Lang Xing could see that her dejection was not all fake, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "You can't do this. Not only will you be hit by them, but everyone who knows about it will be hit, but you should put this aside." This blow turned into the fighting spirit to catch up. You are a proud person, a disciple of Xianlin Academy, and a proud senior sister in my heart. How can you just give up? "

Huaying breathed out weakly and said, "But they have already transformed into feathers, what else can I do."

Lang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Look, you just don't take what I say to heart. So what about turning into a feather? Didn't I tell you that turning into a feather is nothing special at all. If turning into a feather is the end of cultivation, then It is understandable that you are so downcast, but it is not the end. The end is enlightenment and becoming an immortal. There is still a long way to go from becoming a feather to becoming an immortal. You will naturally have the opportunity to catch up with them and overtake them. Furthermore, you and them What are you comparing to? It’s not like you can become a fairy by surpassing them, so just go on calmly in the way you like. Being competitive may be an advantage in the early stage, but when you have a clear mind, you should not let it go. It exists and you should figure this out.”

Huaying blinked, feeling suddenly relieved. Lang Xing did tell her that becoming a feather was nothing, but her vision was not that high, so she unconsciously focused on the matter of becoming a feather. Lang Xing's enlightenment made her see hope again, and then she felt inspired. However, she still looked depressed and angry and said, "Although there is still a long way to go, I am destined to be left farther and farther away from others. Who will let me So unwelcome."

Lang Xing smiled awkwardly and said, "Honestly speaking, I helped them both more than I helped you, but that's not because I favor one over the other. It's because the situations of the three of you are different. The senior sister who has taken care of me since I was a child is no worse than the two of them in terms of closeness and distance, but both of them are willing to go out and are not afraid of being shaken, so I can feel free to say anything to them boldly, and you can It’s different. As a disciple of the Xianlin Academy, it’s not difficult to become a feather as long as you follow the steps. You don’t have to take risks and work hard like them. You can trade time for safety. I think this is the best choice for you.”

Huaying pursed her lips and said, "But they made me anxious and angry. It's hard to say whether this mental barrier can be eliminated. You are also involved here. You don't need to say it nice to me. You just favor them. I've been bullied like this, you can do what you want." As Huaying gritted his teeth angrily, he noticed two people chasing him in the distance, they were Lang Xing and Xing Peng.

"Lang Xing! Come here!" She sent a vicious message.

Langxing drove Xingpeng here just to see if he could attract Huaying's attention. Although he succeeded, Huaying's fierceness made him a little confused, so he abandoned Xingpeng and flew over. Xingpeng ran away as if he had escaped from death.

"What's going on? Who are you angry with?" Lang Xing sat across from Ji An with a smile on his face.

Huaying bit her lip and looked at Lang Xing with fierce and aggrieved eyes without saying a word, ??

"What's wrong? I haven't done anything to offend you." Lang Xing could tell that this look was directed at him, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't think of anything that had offended her.

Huaying turned her head and looked out the window, her eyes full of stubbornness and unyielding.

Lang Xing put away his smile and said with a grimace, "What is it for? Even if you die, you have to let me die."

Huaying took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, turned around and looked at Lang Xing with a frosty face and said, "It's none of your business. I'm angry with myself. I hate myself for being useless and incompetent. Su Wan has become a feather." Right? When did this happen?”

"How do you know? Did you hear what Senior Brother Guangpu said?" Langxing asked curiously. Senior Brother Guangpu is not a loudmouthed person.

"She and Senior Brother Guangpu came here just now, and we met." Huaying didn't want to tell directly that Su Wan came to her to protest. It would be better for Lang Xing to ask for it herself. This would also show her own strength. Generous.

"Ah? She came to Xianlin Courtyard?" Lang I wouldn't make such an unreasonable request.

"Tell me first when she became a feather." The frost on Huaying's face melted a little. Langxing would definitely pursue this matter, and he could take a small revenge on Su Wan.

"Not long ago, a few months ago." Lang Xing replied absently, still wondering why Su Wan came to Xianlin Courtyard.

The coldness on Huaying's face and body suddenly disappeared, and she changed into a look full of grievances and pity. She lowered her head and complained quietly, "Shen Qing has turned into a feather, Su Wan has also turned into a feather, and no one cares about me. I can only lament my lack of luck.”

Lang Xing said with pity and amusement, "Do you think they both relied on me to help them become feathers? I'm not that capable. Besides, I didn't ignore you either. Not long ago, I just let Wu Senior brother and the others took you to Puyunzhou for training. They also asked for a pill for you from senior brother Wendanzi. They also gave you a high-grade spiritual treasure before. You can also say that you are ignoring this. ah?"

Huaying looked at him with resentment and said, "It's because of your help that the two of them can become feathers. I have never heard of people who can become feathers at the age of more than a thousand years old. Now there are two of them, and these two people are from the same family." You are the closest person to me. You can deceive others but cannot deceive me. You know in your heart how much benefit you have given to both of them. I am afraid that the benefit you have given to them is not even one ten thousandth of what others have given me. I can’t blame you. Who let myself follow you? I can't compare with others, so I can only lament my lack of luck, hate myself for being too stupid, such a waste, God has given me such a lucky star

I was sent to my side and arranged to be my junior brother. I couldn't even control it. I deserved to end up like this. "

Lang Xing couldn't help laughing and said, "What has happened to you? It's so miserable. You are now a great fairy in the late Nascent Soul stage. I have some credit for this, right? Considering your age, this achievement is staggering. Come on, don't look so pitiful, more than 99% of the people in the world will envy you to death. "

Not only did Huaying not laugh, but she felt even more aggrieved. She looked at Lang Xing resentfully and said with a bit of cry, "You are still laughing, I feel so uncomfortable now. My achievements are nothing compared to the two of them. I don't want to pester you." , but you have helped them both become feathers, how can I not be jealous, I am full of frustration and anxiety at the moment, it would be fine if you just help them become feathers, but this inevitably makes me suffer, I will never be able to catch up with them in this life, and I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to be enterprising." At the end of the sentence, her eyes dimmed.

Lang Xing could see that her dejection was not all fake, he couldn't help but frowned and said, "You can't do this. Not only will you be hit by them, but everyone who knows about it will be hit, but you should put this aside." This blow turned into the fighting spirit to catch up. You are a proud person, a disciple of Xianlin Academy, and a proud senior sister in my heart. How can you just give up? "

Huaying breathed out weakly and said, "But they have already transformed into feathers, what else can I do."

Lang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "Look, you just don't take what I say to heart. So what about turning into a feather? Didn't I tell you that turning into a feather is nothing special at all. If turning into a feather is the end of cultivation, then It is understandable that you are so downcast, but it is not the end. The end is enlightenment and becoming an immortal. There is still a long way to go from becoming a feather to becoming an immortal. You will naturally have the opportunity to catch up with them and overtake them. Furthermore, you and them What are you comparing to? It’s not like you can become a fairy by surpassing them, so just go on calmly in the way you like. Being competitive may be an advantage in the early stage, but when you have a clear mind, you should not let it go. It exists and you should figure this out.”

Huaying blinked, feeling suddenly relieved. Lang Xing did tell her that becoming a feather was nothing, but her vision was not that high, so she unconsciously focused on the matter of becoming a feather. Lang Xing's enlightenment made her see hope again, and then she felt inspired. However, she still looked depressed and angry and said, "Although there is still a long way to go, I am destined to be left farther and farther away from others. Who will let me So unwelcome."

Lang Xing smiled awkwardly and said, "Honestly speaking, I helped them both more than I helped you, but that's not because I favor one over the other. It's because the situations of the three of you are different. The senior sister who has taken care of me since I was a child is no worse than the two of them in terms of closeness and distance, but both of them are willing to go out and are not afraid of being shaken, so I can feel free to say anything to them boldly, and you can It’s different. As a disciple of the Xianlin Academy, it’s not difficult to become a feather as long as you follow the steps. You don’t have to take risks and work hard like them. You can trade time for safety. I think this is the best choice for you.”

Huaying pursed her lips and said, "But they made me anxious and angry. It's hard to say whether this mental barrier can be eliminated. You are also involved here. You don't need to say it nice to me. You just favor them. I've been bullied like this, you can take care of it yourself."

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