Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2790 It’s better not to sit down if it’s not easy to sit down.

After hearing what he said, the three of them felt a little embarrassed. They all knew that Lang Xing could just tell them that they were also guilty.

Qingqiu forced a smile and said, "Originally, you are so young, no one expected you to do anything for Zixiao Palace, but you are extremely talented and incredibly capable. You have actually done a lot for Zixiao Palace, even us. I have all benefited greatly from you, Xing'er, you have done enough for Zixiao Palace and you are worthy of Master's love. If you don't want to take care of things here in the future, you don't have to take care of them. You grew up in Nanjingzhou. Yes, your heart is so kind. We will not make it difficult for you. You just need to take care of yourself and concentrate on cultivation. Master loves you because he loves you and is destined to you. He is not asking you to take care of us. Yes, even if you don’t care about Zixiao Palace from now on, we can still understand.”

Nuan Dong felt bad in his heart, "Just don't bother with these noisy things in the future. I don't want you to stop even entering the Zixiao Palace and not look at anything you don't like. That's not what you said to me last time." Is that very clear? Now I have some understanding of Puyunzhou and Zixiao Palace. Let’s stay above these chaos and just focus on cultivating and enlightening. You won’t even want me as a senior sister, right?”

Langxing smiled warmly at her and said, "Fourth Senior Sister, didn't I just say that if you are in danger, I will risk my life to save you. Although I like and hate you, you are my dearest people, but what have you done?" I don’t want to understand anything, I just want to be your junior brother and keep in mind your love for me. I won’t be separated from you because of this. No matter when the time comes, you will always be my senior sister.”

Having said this, he looked at Qingqiu, "The reason why I want to take care of this matter is because I don't want you to fall into a dangerous whirlpool. I am in Nanjingzhou. If you are really in danger, I am afraid that when I get the news, late."

Qingqiu stroked his shoulders and said, "We know how you feel about us senior sisters. There is no need to worry. We are all in the late Nascent Soul stage. Even if Zixiao Palace is in trouble, it will be easy for us to save our lives." , Moreover, thanks to your seventh brother and your many good relationships, our popularity among the nine sects is pretty good. This is also an important reason why Xin De finally dared to agree to be the great elder. Zixiao Palace will not What's the big deal?"

Langxing was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "I can see that you all support senior brother to be the great elder. I can't persuade you. Call all the senior brothers from Waihai. I will tell you what to say." Make it clear to them, if you still don't change your mind in the end, then I will take away those who are willing to follow me, and I hope you will not stop them." After that, he sent a spiritual message and told Chen Lu waiting outside to invite Xin De. et al.

Qingqiu frowned and said, "What do you mean by this? Who are you going to take away? Where? Nan Jingzhou?"

Nuan Dong pushed Lang Xing anxiously and said, "Don't act like a child. This is absolutely unacceptable. How could someone so understanding like you get confused? Even I understand this. Take the people from Zixiao Palace with you." Nan Jingzhou, this is defection. If there is no quarrel here, you have really put Zixiao Palace in the spotlight!"

Lang Xing frowned and said nothing.

Qingqiu grabbed his arm and said, "Don't say these words again, don't say them out loud. Just spreading these words out is enough for us."

Lang Xing exhaled a sigh of relief and lowered his head.

Yan Bing, who had not spoken much, also bowed his head.

She lowered her head, she supported Lang Xing, but there was no place for her to talk in front of the two uncles.

After a while, four people, Xin De, Xin Ping, Faith and Faith, rushed over together.

Xin De, who was proud of the spring breeze, said to Lang Xing with a smile on his face as soon as he came in, "Dignified guests are coming one after another. I am so busy that I am dizzy. If you have anything to say, just go over and tell us. Quan Mao and the others are waiting to see you. Quan Mao and the others are waiting to see you." Mao sent people to invite Quanzhen, and Xin Zuo also sent people to invite Xin Zheng. They both told me to keep you and let their senior brother meet you. Junior brother, you are so majestic. I have more face."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I have some important words to say to some senior brothers. The second senior brother is not back, right?"

Xin De said, "He is busy with military affairs and can't escape. He can only take the time to attend the ceremony on the day when I take over as the chief elder. If you have anything to say, you can't leave so many guests hanging there for too long, otherwise they should say that I haven't sat down yet." He started to put on airs when he got into the Grand Elder's seat. None of us in Pu Yunzhou are easy to serve. It's not easy to sit in the Grand Elder's seat." Although he was complaining, his face could not hide his pride and satisfaction. The color of joy.

Lang Xing said sincerely, "If you don't want to sit down, why don't you sit down? Senior brother, please forgive me. You are not a scheming, cunning, and ruthless person, so you are not suitable for sitting in this seat."

"Ah..." Xinde didn't expect him to say such words. He felt a little stupid for a moment, and then said after a moment, "It's not me who wants to sit down, it's Quanzhen who asked me to sit down over and over again. In the end, he swore to God that he meant it sincerely." If you want to give this position to me, how can I refuse? Moreover, Xinping and the others also tried their best to persuade me. Your third and fourth senior sisters also want me to be the elder." At the end, he couldn't help but show some displeasure. When he was in high spirits, Lang Xing's pouring of cold water was too disappointing. This was because he had already recognized that Lang Xing was the lucky star of Zixiao Palace like Xiao Qi. If not, he would definitely have an attack immediately.

Langxing looked at Xinping, frowned and said, "Third senior brother, you are the most scheming person in Zixiao Palace. Do you really think that senior brother should be the great elder of this Thousand Sect Association?"

Ever since Lang Xing shocked the Wuji Sect's gang in front of the Blood Soul Mountain, Xinping had been in awe of his junior brother. At this moment, he couldn't help but smile and said, "You said that senior brother is not as cunning and ruthless as Quanzhen and others?" That's right. It's really not appropriate to be the great elder, but we can help. This position is too important. As long as you have the authority, you won't be afraid that other sects will play tricks.

Your Seventh Senior Brother not only helped us resolve our grudges with the Beigong Family, the Chizhu Sect, and the Youqi Sect, but also allowed them to become friends with us. You also rescued Bei Gongyi. The last time they came to ask for help, You have given them such great help again. The Beigong family is completely on our side. Wuji Sect is afraid of you. Over at Youqi Sect, Xiaoqi and you both have a good relationship with Guyunzhan. Guyun You broke into the late Nascent Soul stage some time ago, and now your status in the sect is getting higher and higher. Moreover, Xuan Dou and Zhen Dou have praised you and expressed their good will to me. You must be helping me. Are you busy with them? "

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal." He could remember that the last time Senior Xiaoyao forced Uncle Yinzhen to let the Soul Refining Sect give up practicing soul training, he met Guyun Zhan on the road and warned Guyunzhan that it was best to let You Qimen should stop practicing soul arts. After seeing the fate of the Soul Refining Sect, the people of Youqimen must be grateful for their warning. After hearing what he said, the three of them felt a little embarrassed. They all knew that Lang Xing could just tell them that they were also guilty.

Qingqiu forced a smile and said, "Originally, you are so young, no one expected you to do anything for Zixiao Palace, but you are extremely talented and incredibly capable. You have actually done a lot for Zixiao Palace, even us. I have all benefited greatly from you, Xing'er, you have done enough for Zixiao Palace and you are worthy of Master's love. If you don't want to take care of things here in the future, you don't have to take care of them. You grew up in Nanjingzhou. Yes, your heart is so kind. We will not make it difficult for you. You just need to take care of yourself and concentrate on cultivation. Master loves you because he loves you and is destined to you. He is not asking you to take care of us. Yes, even if you don’t care about Zixiao Palace from now on, we can still understand.”

Nuan Dong felt bad in his heart, "Just don't bother with these noisy things in the future. I don't want you to stop even entering the Zixiao Palace and not look at anything you don't like. That's not what you said to me last time." Is that very clear? Now I have some understanding of Puyunzhou and Zixiao Palace. Let’s stay above these chaos and just focus on cultivating and enlightening. You won’t even want me as a senior sister, right?”

Langxing smiled warmly at her and said, "Fourth Senior Sister, didn't I just say that if you are in danger, I will risk my life to save you. Although I like and hate you, you are my dearest people, but what have you done?" I don’t want to understand anything, I just want to be your junior brother and keep in mind your love for me. I won’t be separated from you because of this. No matter when the time comes, you will always be my senior sister.”

Having said this, he looked at Qingqiu, "The reason why I want to take care of this matter is because I don't want you to fall into a dangerous whirlpool. I am in Nanjingzhou. If you are really in danger, I am afraid that when I get the news, late."

Qingqiu stroked his shoulders and said, "We know how you feel about us senior sisters. There is no need to worry. We are all in the late Nascent Soul stage. Even if Zixiao Palace is in trouble, it will be easy for us to save our lives." , Moreover, thanks to your seventh brother and your many good relationships, our popularity among the nine sects is pretty good. This is also an important reason why Xin De finally dared to agree to be the great elder. Zixiao Palace will not What's the big deal?"

Langxing was silent for a while, then sighed and said, "I can see that you all support senior brother to be the great elder. I can't persuade you. Call all the senior brothers from Waihai. I will tell you what to say." Make it clear to them, if you still don't change your mind in the end, then I will take away those who are willing to follow me, and I hope you will not stop them." After that, he sent a spiritual message and told Chen Lu waiting outside to invite Xin De. et al.

Qingqiu frowned and said, "What do you mean by this? Who are you going to take away? Where? Nan Jingzhou?"

Nuan Dong pushed Lang Xing anxiously and said, "Don't act like a child. This is absolutely unacceptable. How could someone so understanding like you get confused? Even I understand this. Take the people from Zixiao Palace with you." Nan Jingzhou, this is defection. If there is no quarrel here, you have really put Zixiao Palace in the spotlight!"

Lang Xing frowned and said nothing.

Qingqiu grabbed his arm and said, "Don't say these words again, don't say them out loud. Just spreading these words out is enough for us."

Lang Xing exhaled a sigh of relief and lowered his head.

Yan Bing, who had not spoken much, also bowed his head.

She lowered her head, she supported Lang Xing, but there was no place for her to talk in front of the two uncles.

After a while, four people, Xin De, Xin Ping, Faith and Faith, rushed over together.

Xin De, who was proud of the spring breeze, said to Lang Xing with a smile on his face as soon as he came in, "Dignified guests are coming one after another. I am so busy that I am dizzy. If you have anything to say, just go over and tell us. Quan Mao and the others are waiting to see you. Quan Mao and the others are waiting to see you." Mao sent people to invite Quanzhen, and Xin Zuo also sent people to invite Xin Zheng. They both told me to keep you and let their senior brother meet you. Junior brother, you are so majestic. I have more face."

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I have some important words to say to some senior brothers. The second senior brother is not back, right?"

Xin De said, "He is busy with military affairs and can't escape. He can only take the time to attend the ceremony on the day when I take over as the chief elder. If you have anything to say, you can't leave so many guests hanging there for too long, otherwise they should say that I haven't sat down yet." He started to put on airs when he got into the Grand Elder's seat. None of us in Pu Yunzhou are easy to serve. It's not easy to sit in the Grand Elder's seat." Although he was complaining, his face could not hide his pride and satisfaction. The color of joy.

Lang Xing said sincerely, "If you don't want to sit down, why don't you sit down? Senior brother, please forgive me. You are not a scheming, cunning, and ruthless person, so you are not suitable for sitting in this seat."

"Ah..." Xinde didn't expect him to say such words. He felt a little stupid for a moment, and then said after a moment, "It's not me who wants to sit down, it's Quanzhen who asked me to sit down over and over again. In the end, he swore to God that he meant it sincerely." If you want to give this position to me, how can I refuse? Moreover, Xinping and the others also tried their best to persuade me. Your third and fourth senior sisters also want me to be the elder." At the end, he couldn't help but show some displeasure. When he was in high spirits, Lang Xing's pouring of cold water was too disappointing. This was because he had already recognized that Lang Xing was the lucky star of Zixiao Palace like Xiao Qi. If not, he would definitely have an attack immediately.

Langxing looked at Xinping, frowned and said, "Third senior brother, you are the most scheming person in Zixiao Palace. Do you really think that senior brother should be the great elder of this Thousand Sect Association?"

Ever since Lang Xing shocked the Wuji Sect's gang in front of the Blood Soul Mountain, Xinping had been in awe of his junior brother. At this moment, he couldn't help but smile and said, "You said that senior brother is not as cunning and ruthless as Quanzhen and others?" That's right. It's really not appropriate to be the great elder, but we can help. This position is too important. As long as you have the authority, you won't be afraid that other sects will play tricks.

Your Seventh Senior Brother not only helped us resolve our grudges with the Beigong Family, the Chizhu Sect, and the Youqi Sect, but also allowed them to become friends with us. You also rescued Bei Gongyi. The last time they came to ask for help, You have given them such great help again. The Beigong family is completely on our side. Wuji Sect is afraid of you. Over at Youqi Sect, Xiaoqi and you both have a good relationship with Guyunzhan. Guyun You broke into the late Nascent Soul stage some time ago, and now your status in the sect is getting higher and higher. Moreover, Xuan Dou and Zhen Dou have praised you and expressed their good will to me. You must be helping me. Are you busy with them? "

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "It's not a big deal." He could remember that the last time Senior Xiaoyao forced Uncle Yinzhen to let the Soul Refining Sect give up practicing soul training, he met Guyun Zhan on the road and warned Guyunzhan that it was best to let You Qimen should stop practicing soul arts. After seeing the fate of the Soul Refining Sect, the people of Youqimen must be grateful for their warning.

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