Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2803 Does this make you more polite?

Crossed the border and came to Nanjingzhou.

Huaying is in front, Qingyu and Zhuangyu are on the left and right, Langxing is in the middle, the four people are leading the way, and the big monks such as Suiyu and Wen Bing are protecting the team.

Both the Sky-pecking Eagle and Qingluan stayed in Puyun Continent, so everyone could only carry each other and the team could only reach the flying speed of the early Nascent Soul.

After flying about five thousand miles, a border guard army from the Tianlu Alliance came galloping from the left. They were led by three late-stage Nascent Soul generals, followed by two four-winged giant rocs, with more than fifty mid-stage Nascent Soul soldiers riding on them. The monk, apparently he came in a hurry after receiving the message.

The hearts of everyone in Zixiao Palace were raised. Langxing raised his hand to stop the team and reassured, "Don't panic. No one is allowed to take action without my order." After that, he started talking to Huaying, Qingyu, and Zhuangyu. The guards came forward to greet him.

"Are you the Lingxing of Qianxu Palace?" asked the general wearing a jade collar and gold robe opposite, and stopped five thousand feet away from Langxing. More than fifty middle-stage Nascent Soul soldiers immediately lined up behind him. Opened the attack formation.

Langxing looked at these people, but none of them looked familiar, so he calmly replied, "Yes, this is Lingxing of Qianxu Palace. I brought some friends over from Puyunzhou. Please make it easy for you and let us pass." "

The general asked, "Are these people going to rebel against Puyunzhou?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "No, I want to take them to live in a very remote place. These people will not participate in the dispute between the two continents."

A red-collared and gold-robed general next to him looked at the team and said, "Everyone carries several Qiankun bags. Your friends are rich enough. Are they all from noble families?" .??.

Langxing looked at him and said, "Yes, they are from a noble family, but they have never participated in the war between the two continents. If the general is done investigating, please take back your consciousness. They are my friends."

The man smiled and said, "You have already said that they are your friends, but just because they are your friends is not enough for us to let them go. With so many people crossing the border secretly in a group, they must be checked one by one and registered. Even if they are released, we will have to send people to escort them until we can ensure that these people will not cause trouble. "

Langxing also smiled and said, "I have walked through this border countless times. This is not the first time I have brought people from Puyunzhou here. I have never been interrogated."

The man's eyes turned cold and said, "You have repeatedly crossed the border and you feel quite proud of it? You are the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace and the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, and you are trusted by the Immortal Lord Cihang, so I will just be lenient to you." , you are still not satisfied? Not to mention you, even if the Immortal Lord of Qingyuan Sect brings so many people here, we will check them one by one! "

Qingyu and Zhuangyu winked at Langxing, indicating that if he couldn't do it, they would retreat first.

Lang Xing's face darkened and he said calmly, "I am not only trusted by the old immortal Cihang, but also by the leader Tianbinzi." As he said that, he showed the scene of talking with Tianbinzi hand in hand.

The man showed no sign of weakness and said, "That's useless. Even if you invite the alliance leader here, you have to do the interrogation. This is the responsibility of the border guard army, and the alliance leader has no right to interfere! There is no need to bring the alliance leader out to scare people, I can do it Let me tell you my Taoist name. My name is Xuan Yingzi. If you don’t accept it, you can sue me in front of the alliance leader.”


Huaying couldn't hold back his anger and said, "You don't need to scare people with the law. The laws of the Tianlu Alliance have no control over the disciples of Qianxu Palace! You want to interrogate, right? Come on, I think you dare to touch our Immortal Lord Give it a try!”

"So what about Qianxu Palace..."

Before Xuan Yingzi finished speaking, the general in jade collar and gold robe stopped him and said to Huaying with a smile, "Fairy, there is no need to be angry. As we just said, Lingxing is both the immortal king of Qianxu Palace and the immortal of Zixiao Palace." Sir, it is understandable to travel between the two continents. We can trust him, so we don’t need to check him. Since the fairy is a member of Qianxu Palace, he doesn’t need to check, but these people must be checked. Fairy, please. considerate.”

These words are quite humane, and it’s hard to say anything else.

Xuan Yingzi shouted to the Zixiao Palace disciples with great momentum, "Hand over the Qiankun bag and the magic weapons and spiritual treasures on your body, declare yourself a cultivator, and line up to wait for interrogation!"

"No need to move." Lang Xing said to everyone, and then looked at Xuan Yingzi calmly and said, "I respect the soldiers of the Tianlu League who fulfill their duties. Although your attitude is not very good, I don't want to argue with you, and you My boss is so polite that I have no reason to fall out.”

Xuan Yingzi stared and was about to have a seizure.

Lang Xing's eyes had already flashed a cold light, he looked at the three generals and said, "The above is what I want to say as a monk in Nanjingzhou. The next thing is what I want to say as a monk in this world, the confrontation between the two continents. Let the Heavenly Law Alliance give you the power to interrogate passing people, but Nanjingzhou does not belong to the Heavenly Law Alliance, and Puyunzhou does not belong to Qianzonghui. Your laws are only suitable for controlling ordinary people. I support the Heavenly Law Alliance in governing The law is enforced within the scope, because this law was agreed upon by the monks of Nanjingzhou, but it still does not apply to extraordinary people. I have no intention of participating in the dispute between the two continents. This is recognized by Cihang Xianzun and Tianbinzi Alliance Leader. of……"

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Yingzi interrupted unbearably, "Aren't you just relying on your relationship with these two people? I told you, it's useless! Aren't you just the Immortal Lord of two sects? Have you become an extraordinary person? We admit that you have some ability, but you are still far from being above the law! "

Lang Xing raised his hand and said "formation."

Suddenly, the brilliance behind them flourished. As the formation spread out, more than a dozen spiritual treasures and more than a hundred magic weapons bloomed with a terrifying and terrifying brilliance. Several ferocious spiritual beasts soared into the air and let out terrifying roars. .

Lang Xing pointed at Xuan Yingzi and said coldly, "Does this make you more polite?"

The fifty or sixty people on the opposite side all shrank their eyes. After seeing a dozen spiritual treasures and dozens of high-grade magic weapons, they still underestimated how wealthy these people were. Moreover, judging from the formations listed by these people, this group of people Not only were they well-trained, but they also had a tacit understanding. Even the disciples in the Kairong period were able to advance and retreat in a certain way. Although there was a look of panic on their faces, none of them flinched.

"Retreat!" The general in the jade collar and gold robe hurriedly issued an order. More than fifty mid-stage Nascent Soul soldiers behind him formed a formation and retreated from Wanzhang. Everyone understood and knew that the general did not want to start a war, so they still held on to their treasures. There was no movement in the hand.

The three golden-robed generals stood still, and the jade-collared general said to Lang Xing with a serious face, "If I'm not mistaken, these people are all from Zixiao Palace, right?" They crossed the border and came to Nanjingzhou.

Huaying is in front, Qingyu and Zhuangyu are on the left and right, Langxing is in the middle, the four people are leading the way, and the big monks such as Suiyu and Wen Bing are protecting the team.

Both the Sky-pecking Eagle and Qingluan stayed in Puyun Continent, so everyone could only carry each other and the team could only reach the flying speed of the early Nascent Soul.

After flying about five thousand miles, a border guard army from the Tianlu Alliance came galloping from the left. They were led by three late-stage Nascent Soul generals, followed by two four-winged giant rocs, with more than fifty mid-stage Nascent Soul soldiers riding on them. The monk, apparently he came in a hurry after receiving the message.

The hearts of everyone in Zixiao Palace were raised. Langxing raised his hand to stop the team and reassured, "Don't panic. No one is allowed to take action without my order." After that, he started talking to Huaying, Qingyu, and Zhuangyu. The guards came forward to greet him.

"Are you the Lingxing of Qianxu Palace?" asked the general wearing a jade collar and gold robe opposite, and stopped five thousand feet away from Langxing. More than fifty middle-stage Nascent Soul soldiers immediately lined up behind him. Opened the attack formation.

Langxing looked at these people, but none of them looked familiar, so he calmly replied, "Yes, this is Lingxing of Qianxu Palace. I brought some friends over from Puyunzhou. Please make it easy for you and let us pass." "

The general asked, "Are these people going to rebel against Puyunzhou?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "No, I want to take them to live in a very remote place. These people will not participate in the dispute between the two continents."

A red-collared and gold-robed general next to him looked at the team and said, "Everyone carries several Qiankun bags. Your friends are all rich enough. They all come from noble families, right?"

Langxing looked at him and said, "Yes, they are from a noble family, but they have never participated in the war between the two continents. If the general is done investigating, please take back your consciousness. They are my friends."

The man smiled and said, "You have already said that they are your friends, but just because they are your friends is not enough for us to let them go. With so many people crossing the border secretly in a group, they must be checked one by one and registered. Even if they are released, we will have to send people to escort them until we can ensure that these people will not cause trouble. "

Langxing also smiled and said, "I have walked through this border countless times. This is not the first time I have brought people from Puyunzhou here. I have never been interrogated."

The man's eyes turned cold and said, "You have repeatedly crossed the border and you feel quite proud of it? You are the Immortal Lord of Qianxu Palace and the Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace, and you are trusted by the Immortal Lord Cihang, so I will just be lenient to you." , you are still not satisfied? Not to mention you, even if the Immortal Lord of Qingyuan Sect brings so many people here, we will check them one by one! "

Qingyu and Zhuangyu winked at Langxing, indicating that if he couldn't do it, they would retreat first.

Lang Xing's face darkened and he said calmly, "I am not only trusted by the old immortal Cihang, but also by the leader Tianbinzi." As he said that, he showed the scene of talking with Tianbinzi hand in hand.

The man showed no sign of weakness and said, "That's useless. Even if you invite the alliance leader here, you have to do the interrogation. This is the responsibility of the border guard army, and the alliance leader has no right to interfere! There is no need to bring the alliance leader out to scare people, I can do it Let me tell you my Taoist name. My name is Xuan Yingzi. If you don’t accept it, you can sue me in front of the alliance leader.”


Huaying couldn't hold back his anger and said, "You don't need to scare people with the law. The laws of the Tianlu Alliance have no control over the disciples of Qianxu Palace! You want to interrogate, right? Come on, I think you dare to touch our Immortal Lord Give it a try!”

"So what about Qianxu Palace..."

Before Xuan Yingzi finished speaking, the general in jade collar and gold robe stopped him and said to Huaying with a smile, "Fairy, there is no need to be angry. As we just said, Lingxing is both the immortal king of Qianxu Palace and the immortal of Zixiao Palace." Sir, it is understandable to travel between the two continents. We can trust him, so we don’t need to check him. Since the fairy is a member of Qianxu Palace, he doesn’t need to check, but these people must be checked. Fairy, please. considerate.”

These words are quite humane, and it’s hard to say anything else.

Xuan Yingzi shouted to the Zixiao Palace disciples with great momentum, "Hand over the Qiankun bag and the magic weapons and spiritual treasures on your body, declare yourself a cultivator, and line up to wait for interrogation!"

"No need to move." Lang Xing said to everyone, and then looked at Xuan Yingzi calmly and said, "I respect the soldiers of the Tianlu League who fulfill their duties. Although your attitude is not very good, I don't want to argue with you, and you My boss is so polite that I have no reason to fall out.”

Xuan Yingzi stared and was about to have a seizure.

Lang Xing's eyes had already flashed a cold light, he looked at the three generals and said, "The above is what I want to say as a monk in Nanjingzhou. The next thing is what I want to say as a monk in this world, the confrontation between the two continents. Let the Heavenly Law Alliance give you the power to interrogate passing people, but Nanjingzhou does not belong to the Heavenly Law Alliance, and Puyunzhou does not belong to Qianzonghui. Your laws are only suitable for controlling ordinary people. I support the Heavenly Law Alliance in governing The law is enforced within the scope, because this law was agreed upon by the monks of Nanjingzhou, but it still does not apply to extraordinary people. I have no intention of participating in the dispute between the two continents. This is recognized by Cihang Xianzun and Tianbinzi Alliance Leader. of……"

Before he finished speaking, Xuan Yingzi interrupted unbearably, "Aren't you just relying on your relationship with these two people? I told you, it's useless! Aren't you just the Immortal Lord of two sects? Have you become an extraordinary person? We admit that you have some ability, but you are still far from being above the law! "

Lang Xing raised his hand and said "formation."

Suddenly, the brilliance behind them flourished. As the formation spread out, more than a dozen spiritual treasures and more than a hundred magic weapons bloomed with a terrifying and terrifying brilliance. Several ferocious spiritual beasts soared into the air and let out terrifying roars. .

Lang Xing pointed at Xuan Yingzi and said coldly, "Does this make you more polite?"

The fifty or sixty people on the opposite side all shrank their eyes. After seeing a dozen spiritual treasures and dozens of high-grade magic weapons, they still underestimated how wealthy these people were. Moreover, judging from the formations listed by these people, this group of people Not only were they well-trained, but they also had a tacit understanding. Even the disciples in the Kairong period were able to advance and retreat in a certain way. Although there was a look of panic on their faces, none of them flinched.

"Retreat!" The general in jade collar and gold robe hurriedly issued an order. More than fifty mid-stage Nascent Soul soldiers behind him formed a formation and retreated from Wanzhang. Everyone understood and knew that the general did not want to start a war, so they still held on to their treasures. There was no movement in the hand.

The three golden-robed generals stood still, and the jade-collared general said to Lang Xing with a serious face, "If I'm not mistaken, these people are all from Zixiao Palace, right?"

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