Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2824 It’s you who doesn’t know whether to live or die!

The four of them came all the way to the vicinity of Gintama Sect.

Langxing said to the three of them, "The Silver Bag Immortal here is not a good person. When we fled back to Nanjingzhou, he and the Yushen Immortal planned to intercept and kill us. Later, for some reason, they changed their minds, but this person is by no means a good person." , Gongsun Chong said that this person has lost his conscience, and most of his disciples are extremely evil people. The Silver Soul Sect can be said to be the evil among the evils in Wanfu Xiu Domain, so there is no need to show mercy. "

Yun Dao and Huaying didn't say anything. They didn't like killing, and they weren't very interested in eradicating evil. Since Lang Xing said so, let's just kill and see.

When Sijia was a saint, she took it as her own duty to eradicate evil. Although she went in the wrong direction at first, she did not object to killing, so she said to Lang Xing, "Then use them to feed the resentful spirits. Catch all those with high moral standards, and let the law enforcement guards distinguish between good and bad ones."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and be arrogant. It's called evil people who have their own trials and tribulations!" After saying that, he laughed loudly and urged the spirit crane to fly towards the gate of Gintama Sect.

The three women all flew down from the crane and looked at him with disgust.

Langxing stopped Linghe and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

Sijia said calmly, "We are not evil people, you can grind it yourself."

Lang Xing was amused, pointed at the three of them and didn't know what to say, and after a long time he said, "Okay! Just be your hypocrites, and I will be my true villain. To evil people, I am the biggest evil person. You There is no need for these three hypocrites to go, I, the Immortal Lord, can pick the Silver Soul Sect by myself!" After that, he stood on the spiritual crane and walked away proudly.

The three women smiled at each other and followed from a distance.

The area where the Gintama Sect is located has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the scenery is excellent, but it is filled with gloomy energy. Most of the sects that practice soul arts have this creepy gloomy energy.

Langxing put away the spirit crane and came to the gate of Gintama Sect with an expressionless face.

A disciple on duty at the mountain gate saw his unkind expression and came up to him and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Lang Xing waved his hand, and with a flash of black and yellow light, the disciple in the middle stage of Nascent Soul was killed by Kasukawa. Then he carried Kasukawa, still looking at the gate of Gintama Sect with an expressionless face.

The seven or eight disciples guarding the mountain gate were all stunned for a moment. They looked at this figure who looked like a murderer in astonishment. After reacting, three of them cursed angrily and rushed forward, while the others fled into the sect in panic and rushed forward. Seeing that their companions did not follow, the three people retreated timidly, while the other two were desperadoes and continued to kill Langxing viciously.

Lang Xing didn't even look at them. Saikawa swung out and easily knocked away the magic weapon they hit. The two ruthless men couldn't be cruel anymore. They wanted to retreat timidly, but Saikawa had already swept forward. The two of them looked horrified and tried their best to resist, but their little defensive power was not worth mentioning under Kasukawa's magic power, and they were swept away and killed by Kasukawa.

Huaying and Sijia both frowned slightly. Compared to Yun Dao, they both understood Lang Xing's kindness more deeply. Although Lang Xing said before that he didn't have to show mercy to the Silver Soul Sect, at this moment Lang Xing still It made them feel strange.

Lang Xing's attitude toward killing has changed somewhat since he gained some understanding of good and evil, but his nature is good after all, so he still doesn't want to kill people at will. This is why he still wanted to go after he seriously injured two monks. The reason why he sent them on their way was to search their souls. The battle at the Demon Flame Palace made him a little more motivated to kill.

To be honest, he was tired of it. The scowling and glaring looks of these gangsters showed that they were not good people at first glance. Until now, everything he saw was like this. He was tired of it. As long as there were a few people who looked like good people, they were not good. It would make him so cold.

In contrast, there are still some good people in Pu Yunzhou, so his attitude towards Pu Yunzhou has changed from hatred in his childhood, to sympathy later, and then to helpless indifference. Wanfu Xiuyu is a den of evil people, which even makes him lose his patience. It’s time to pick out the good people who shouldn’t be killed.

He felt at this moment as if he had stepped into a filthy land full of maggots, and he just wanted to set off a fire and burn everything that could move to death.

After killing those two people, Langxing repeated his old tricks and started to retreat with Sijia and the three of them. It was not to lure the enemy, but just because he didn't want too many people to see their incredible fighting power.

At this time, Lingxiang and the others began to run away desperately. Their attempt to lure the enemy was too successful. There were more than a dozen great monks chasing after them, followed by hundreds of mid-stage Nascent Soul monks. The opponent could be so accurate. After being tracked down, they had to suspect that there was a monk who was secretly commanding.

Even Lingye and Liuyun had this suspicion, but no matter how much they searched, they couldn't find the supernatural power behind the other party. In desperation, they had no choice but to quietly bring Hei Si and Xianyun over, leaving Lingxiang and It will be much easier for the two Nascent Souls, Huahu and Huahu, to escape in the later stages.

Hei Si said to Ling Ye and Liu Yun, who were full of doubts, "They seem to have a very powerful tracking spirit. Lang Xing killed one before."

Lingye and Liuyun hurriedly searched the area near Lingxiang and Huahu, and they found extremely subtle fluctuations in spiritual power. The two looked at each other, and some of them were just convinced. This kid Langxing was really unbelievable.

Of course, this tracking spiritual creature cannot be eliminated. It is doing a disservice to the Zhenhai League. The more concentrated the pursuers are, the easier it will be to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Xiyang and the others finally provoked the ancestors of the Lingbo Sect. Before that, they had killed four groups of pursuers.

When the Yu Shen Xian Zun, who was as fat as a pile of white lard, blocked their way, Xi Yang's eyes lit up.

"You guys really don't know how to live or die. I let you go last time. Do you think I'm afraid of your backers?" Yushen Xianzun was really angry. When he chased after him, he saw with his own eyes that these three people killed his two beloved ones. disciple.

"You are the one who doesn't know whether to live or die!" Xiyang roared, and the Qing Yan Sword and Li Yan shot out. In order to buy some time, Li Yan, which was only suitable for sneak attacks, was also used as an ordinary treasure.

Gongsun Chong's Shadow Sword followed, along with a high-grade talisman obtained from Wutian Valley. The talisman transformed into a golden double-horned rhinoceros and roared towards the Royal God Immortal.

After Jiangxiao released Wu Hei, he immediately floated up with his hand pinch method. In order to prevent another great god, Tongshu Shenxian Fei, from coming to kill them, they could not delay for a moment. They had to use the most powerful means to kill the royal god in front of them first. .

Seeing that these three people dared to take the lead in taking action against him, Yu Shenxian Zun laughed angrily. These three people were really bastards, but this was easy to handle. Since they made the first move, he had full control, no matter what. He can be blamed for being injured or killed.

Facing the attack of three high-grade spiritual treasures and a powerful fire bird, he did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly allocated half of his mind to deal with it, while the other half of his mind was used to guard against sneak attacks. These three people were too aggressive. No one would believe it if there was no great supernatural power following him secretly. The four of them came all the way to the vicinity of Gintama Sect.

Langxing said to the three of them, "The Silver Bag Immortal here is not a good person. When we fled back to Nanjingzhou, he and the Yushen Immortal planned to intercept and kill us. Later, for some reason, they changed their minds, but this person is by no means a good person." , Gongsun Chong said that this person has lost his conscience, and most of his disciples are extremely evil people. The Silver Soul Sect can be said to be the evil among the evils in Wanfu Xiu Domain, so there is no need to show mercy. "

Yun Dao and Huaying didn't say anything. They didn't like killing, and they weren't very interested in eradicating evil. Since Lang Xing said so, let's just kill and see.

When Sijia was a saint, she took it as her own duty to eradicate evil. Although she went in the wrong direction at first, she did not object to killing, so she said to Lang Xing, "Then use them to feed the resentful spirits. Catch all those with high moral standards, and let the law enforcement guards distinguish between good and bad ones."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "Okay, let's go and be arrogant. It's called evil people who have their own trials and tribulations!" After saying that, he laughed loudly and urged the spirit crane to fly towards the gate of Gintama Sect.

The three women all flew down from the crane and looked at him with disgust.

Langxing stopped Linghe and asked puzzledly, "What's wrong?"

Sijia said calmly, "We are not evil people, you can grind it yourself."

Lang Xing was amused, pointed at the three of them and didn't know what to say, and after a long time he said, "Okay! Just be your hypocrites, and I will be my true villain. To evil people, I am the biggest evil person. You There is no need for these three hypocrites to go, I, the Immortal Lord, can single-handedly pick the Silver Soul Sect!" After that, he stood on the spiritual crane and walked away proudly.

The three women smiled at each other and followed from a distance.

The area where the Gintama Sect is located has beautiful mountains and rivers, and the scenery is excellent, but it is filled with gloomy energy. Most of the sects that practice soul arts have this creepy gloomy energy.

Langxing put away the spirit crane and came to the gate of Gintama Sect with an expressionless face.

A disciple on duty at the mountain gate saw his unkind expression and came up to him and asked, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Lang Xing waved his hand, and with a flash of black and yellow brilliance, this disciple in the middle stage of Nascent Soul was killed by Kasukawa. Then he carried Kasukawa, still looking at the gate of Gintama Sect with an expressionless face.

The seven or eight disciples guarding the mountain gate were all stunned for a moment. They looked at this figure who looked like a murderer in astonishment. After reacting, three of them cursed angrily and rushed forward, while the others fled into the sect in panic and rushed forward. Seeing that their companions did not follow, the three of them retreated timidly, while the other two were desperadoes and continued to kill Langxing viciously.

Lang Xing didn't even look at them. Saikawa swung out and easily knocked away the magic weapon they hit. The two ruthless men couldn't be cruel anymore. They wanted to retreat timidly, but Saikawa had already swept forward. The two of them looked horrified and tried their best to resist, but their little defensive power was not worth mentioning under Kasukawa's magic power, and they were swept away and killed by Kasukawa.

Huaying and Sijia both frowned slightly. Compared to Yun Dao, they both understood Lang Xing's kindness better. Although Lang Xing said before that he didn't have to show mercy to the Silver Soul Sect, at this moment Lang Xing still It made them feel strange.

Lang Xing's attitude toward killing has changed somewhat since he gained some understanding of good and evil, but his nature is good after all, so he still doesn't want to kill people at will. This is why he still wanted to go after he seriously injured two monks. The reason why he sent them on their way was to search their souls. The battle at the Demon Flame Palace made him a little more passionate about killing.

To be honest, he was tired of it. The scowling and glaring looks of these gangsters showed that they were not good people at first glance. Until now, everything he saw was like this. He was tired of it. As long as there were a few people who looked like good people, they were not good. It would make him so cold.

In contrast, there are still some good people in Pu Yunzhou, so his attitude towards Pu Yunzhou has changed from hatred in his childhood, to sympathy later, and then to helpless indifference. Wanfu Xiuyu is a den of evil people, which even makes him lose his patience. It’s time to pick out the good people who shouldn’t be killed.

He felt at this moment as if he had stepped into a filthy land full of maggots, and he just wanted to set off a fire and burn everything that could move to death.

After killing those two people, Langxing repeated his old tricks and started to retreat with Sijia and the three of them. It was not to lure the enemy, but just because he didn't want too many people to see their incredible fighting power.

At this time, Lingxiang and the others began to run away desperately. Their attempt to lure the enemy was too successful. There were more than a dozen great monks chasing after them, followed by hundreds of mid-stage Nascent Soul monks. The opponent could be so accurate. After being tracked down, they had to suspect that there was a monk who was secretly commanding.

Even Lingye and Liuyun had this suspicion, but no matter how much they searched, they couldn't find the supernatural power behind the other party. In desperation, they had no choice but to quietly bring Hei Si and Xianyun over, leaving Lingxiang and It will be much easier for the two Nascent Souls, Huahu and Huahu, to escape in the later stages.

Hei Si said to Ling Ye and Liu Yun, who were full of doubts, "They seem to have a very powerful tracking spirit, and Lang Xing killed one before."

Lingye and Liuyun hurriedly searched the area near Lingxiang and Huahu, and sure enough they found extremely subtle fluctuations in spiritual power. The two looked at each other, and they were just convinced. Langxing was really unbelievable.

Of course, this tracking spiritual creature cannot be eliminated. It is doing a disservice to the Zhenhai League. The more concentrated the pursuers are, the easier it will be to catch them all in one fell swoop.

Xiyang and the others finally provoked the ancestors of the Lingbo Sect. Before that, they had killed four groups of pursuers.

When the Yu Shen Xian Zun, who was as fat as a pile of white lard, blocked their way, Xi Yang's eyes lit up.

"You guys really don't know how to live or die. I let you go last time. Do you think I'm afraid of your backers?" Yushen Xianzun was really angry. When he chased after him, he saw with his own eyes that these three people killed his two beloved ones. disciple.

"You are the one who doesn't know whether to live or die!" Xiyang roared, and the Qing Yan Sword and Li Yan shot out. In order to buy some time, Li Yan, which was only suitable for sneak attacks, was also used as an ordinary treasure.

Gongsun Chong's Shadow Sword followed, along with a high-grade talisman obtained from Wutian Valley. The talisman transformed into a golden double-horned rhinoceros and roared towards the Royal God Immortal.

After Jiangxiao released Wu Hei, he immediately floated up with his hand pinch method. In order to prevent another great god, Tongshu Shenxian Fei, from coming to kill them, they could not delay for a moment. They had to use the most powerful means to kill the royal god in front of them first. .

Seeing that these three people dared to take the lead in taking action against him, Yu Shenxian Zun laughed angrily. These three people were really bastards, but this was easy to handle. Since they made the first move, he had full control, no matter what. He can be blamed for being injured or killed.

Facing the attack of three high-grade spiritual treasures and a powerful fire bird, he did not dare to be careless, and hurriedly allocated half of his mind to deal with it, while the other half of his mind was used to guard against sneak attacks. These three people were too aggressive. No one would believe it if there was no great supernatural power following him secretly.

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