Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2833 Wanfu League will use you to sacrifice the flag today!

Qi Mu and the four of them were silent. This was because they didn't bother to talk. At this time, there was no point in talking about it.

Langxing looked at it indifferently and said, "Do you think it's great just to have a great supernatural power? That you can do whatever you want? Then where do you place other people's Taoism? Although you have similar feelings to Yushen, Yinbao and others, it doesn't mean that Then you are on the right track. Since our Taoism is incompatible with water and fire, there is nothing more to say."

The great eagle-headed demon cultivator said solemnly, "It's hard to win over a crowd by bullying a few, and you may not be able to keep me. If I'm pressed, I'll fight to the death with you. Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out of my way!" After that, It glanced at the four Qimu people with its cold eyes.

The great supernatural power exerts its power, and the color of heaven and earth changes!

Eight black winds with a height of thousands of feet suddenly rose around it. The huge wind pillars connecting the sky and the ground made eight different whistles, either sharp or low. Sand and rocks flew on the ground, lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, and countless shadows were cast between the eight wind pillars. Flying and circling, it was in a desperate posture.

Qi Mu and the others couldn't help but retreated. Although they were sure of victory with four against one, they really couldn't bear the fatal blow of a great demon cultivator for such a thing.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lang Xing's mouth. This kind of formation could no longer scare him, but before he could speak, Jiang Xiao stood up bravely, with a large, fluttering emerald green ball condensed with spiritual power floating behind her. The flag is thirty feet long and twenty feet high. There are three big red characters on it, "Ten Thousand Blessings Alliance". This flag is very majestic, with dark lines floating on the flag. It depicts birds singing, flowers fragrant, and scenes of all ethnic groups living in harmony. It can be seen that she I spent a lot of time on such a big flag. There is a small yellow flag above the big flag with a big "绛" character on it. That is the flag of the alliance leader.

"Four Immortal Lords and Immortal Concubines, please move away." Jiang Xiao gave orders to the four Feathered Monks as soon as he came up.

Seeing her majestic appearance, Lang Xing was both amazed and amused. He also formed a slightly smaller war flag behind his back. There was also a small flag hanging on top of the war flag, which read "Punish the evil envoy——Lang Xing" "Five blue words.

Xiyang and Gongsun Chong glanced at Langxing speechlessly. They were so generous with each other, which was much better than when they were looking for money back then.

Jiangxiao was very satisfied with Langxing's performance, and then glanced at Xiyang and Gongsun Chong with slight dissatisfaction. The two had no choice but to form a battle flag of the Wanfu Alliance in the same way as Langxing, but they were too embarrassed to hang it like Langxing. A small flag with an official position written on it. After all, the Wanfu League has not yet been officially established.

The great demon cultivator with the eagle head didn't know what Jiang Xiao was trying to do, so he looked at her with wary eyes. The others were also confused and looked at this heroic and heroic fairy with wide eyes.

At this time Jiangxiao glanced at Yundao and Sijia again.

Yundao Ren smiled and formed a battle flag behind her back that was much smaller than that of Lang Xing and others. Although she was still not used to the behavior of Jiang Xiao, Lang Xing and others, she had to admit that these people They are really funny. Not only are they funny in ordinary times, but they can also make earth-shattering events very funny.

Looking sideways at the battle flag that Sijia Ning produced, Yun Dao almost laughed out loud. This saint was even more amazing. The flag that she produced was only the size of a palm. She was just having fun with Jiang Xiao.

Jiangxiao and the others were almost made to laugh by Sijia's battle flag, but they held it back, but Huahu and the others behind them burst into laughter.

"Quiet!" Jiangxiao yelled at the three of them. The Wanfu League was making its debut and it couldn't be a farce.

The three of them, Huahu, naturally wanted to cheer for Jiangxiao, and immediately stopped laughing. The three of them straightened their faces and acted solemnly, looking at the fog.

I almost wanted to scold them. These three boys would not behave so obediently in front of the alliance leader.

As the saying goes, people praise others, Lingxiang and Huahu are both great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, and Lingxiang still has the deputy commander's war flag flying on his head. Under Jiangxiao's scolding, the two of them were so obedient, This made everyone involuntarily take a high look at the Jiang leader.

At this time, Jiangxiao looked at the great eagle-headed demon cultivator majestically: "I let five of my subordinates fight against you. It doesn't count as bullying a few."

"Of course not. If you have the guts to just come here, I can even guarantee not to hurt your lives." The eagle-headed demon cultivator secretly rejoiced in his heart. This is really a savior sent from heaven. As long as one or two can be captured, most of them will be saved today. He could leave safely. He immediately figured out which one to capture first. He knew a little bit about Gongsun Chong and knew that this kid was more difficult to deal with. Lang Xing was obviously not easy to mess with. The sword that flashed with lightning had to be dealt with carefully. , after choosing, he felt that Jiangxiao and Xiyang should be the first choices, because with his eyesight, he could see that Yundao and Sijia must have very special skills, especially that Sijia, who still had the leisure to show off such a side at this time Xiaoqi and Jiangxiao were having fun, which showed how relaxed he was.

"Well, our Wanfu Alliance will use your sacrifice flag today! Get it for me!" Jiangxiao pointed at the eagle-headed demon cultivator with great momentum.

"Kill!" Lang Xing's violent shout was uttered at the same time as Xin Nian Shuan's shout.

At the same moment, Yun Dao suddenly pressed down the jade hand holding the spell, and the Wandering Soul Sword came out. However, this time she did not rush forward as hard as before. The six of them would not necessarily be able to fight against three or four feather monks. You'll lose, it's too easy to beat this one.

Sijia's reciting voice also sounded. She was even more cunning. She didn't even push the treasure out. Lang Xing's Shui Ting Sword was enough.

Xiyang's Xinghuo and Gongsun Chong's Yunshui came out together. The two then used their body skills to urge their respective spirit treasures to pounce forward.

Jiangxiao really has the style of the leader of the alliance. She stood there calmly and motionless. She was very confident in her heart. There was no need to use the combined attack spell of Zhenyuan Lu. It was easy for these five people to deal with a big demon cultivator. The reason why she stood up and proposed six The reason why humans fight against the great demon cultivator is, firstly, to establish prestige for the Ten Thousand Fortunes Alliance, and secondly, to hide everyone's fighting power. Otherwise, Langxing can kill the opponent alone. Five people can kill one Feathered cultivator, which is enough to see. It was enough to make Wanfu League famous in one battle.

When Jiangxiao pointed at the great demon cultivator and shouted "Get it for me", Huahu said to Lingxiang and Heisi with emotion, "This little lady is really quick and easy in doing things."

He was not the only one to feel this way, everyone present had this feeling. The battle with the Huayu monk was fought at the drop of a hat. It only took three or two sentences in total. It was so refreshing that many people had not yet woken up. Well, the action has already been taken over there, and no one can think about it anymore, they are all watching the battlefield nervously.

Lingxiang and the three of them knew the outcome clearly, so they chatted while looking at the battlefield. Lingxiang said with a wicked smile, "What? Are you greedy?"

Hua Hu sighed.

Hei Si thought his sigh was a bit strange, and was afraid that he really had some thoughts about Jiang Xiao, so he said, "Only Xi Yang can tolerate her."

Hua Hu said with an angry mind, "Don't talk nonsense, you two. I was thinking of Xun Yi."

Now both Lingxiang and Hei Si understood. Yes, Jiangxiao had told them more than once how close she and Xunyi were. If Xunyi were here right now, the scene would definitely be more interesting. What a pity...

While the three of them were chatting, the war over there had ended. To be precise, the war ended just as the three of them were chatting. Qi Mu and the four of them were silent. This was because they didn't bother to talk. At this time, there was no point in talking about it.

Langxing looked at it indifferently and said, "Do you think it's great just to have a great supernatural power? That you can do whatever you want? Then where do you place other people's Taoism? Although you have similar feelings to Yushen, Yinbao and others, it doesn't mean that Then you are on the right track. Since our Taoism is incompatible with water and fire, there is nothing more to say."

The great eagle-headed demon cultivator said solemnly, "It's hard to win over a crowd by bullying a few, and you may not be able to keep me. If I'm pressed, I'll fight to the death with you. Anyone who doesn't want to die, get out of my way!" After that, It glanced at the four Qimu people with its cold eyes.

The great supernatural power exerts its power, and the color of heaven and earth changes!

Eight black winds with a height of thousands of feet suddenly rose around it. The huge wind pillars connecting the sky and the ground made eight different whistles, either sharp or low. Sand and rocks flew on the ground, lightning flashed and thundered in the sky, and countless shadows were cast between the eight wind pillars. Flying and circling, it was in a desperate posture.

Qi Mu and the others couldn't help but retreated. Although they were sure of victory with four against one, they really couldn't bear the fatal blow of a great demon cultivator for such a thing.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Lang Xing's mouth. This kind of formation could no longer scare him, but before he could speak, Jiang Xiao stood up bravely, with a large, fluttering emerald green ball condensed with spiritual power floating behind her. The flag is thirty feet long and twenty feet high. There are three big red characters on it, "Ten Thousand Blessings Alliance". This flag is very majestic, with dark lines floating on the flag. It depicts birds singing, flowers fragrant, and scenes of all ethnic groups living in harmony. It can be seen that she I spent a lot of time on such a big flag. There is a small yellow flag above the big flag with a big "绛" character on it. That is the flag of the alliance leader.

"Four Immortal Lords and Immortal Concubines, please step back." Jiangxiao gave orders to the four Feathered Monks as soon as he came up.

Seeing her majestic appearance, Lang Xing was both amazed and amused. He also formed a slightly smaller war flag behind his back. There was also a small flag hanging on top of the war flag, which read "Punish the evil envoy——Lang Xing" "Five blue words.

Xiyang and Gongsun Chong glanced at Langxing speechlessly. They were so generous with each other, which was much better than when they were looking for money back then.

Jiangxiao was very satisfied with Langxing's performance, and then glanced at Xiyang and Gongsun Chong with slight dissatisfaction. The two had no choice but to form a battle flag of the Wanfu Alliance in the same way as Langxing, but they were too embarrassed to hang it like Langxing. A small flag with an official position written on it. After all, the Wanfu League has not yet been officially established.

The eagle-headed demon cultivator didn't know what Jiang Xiao was trying to do, so he looked at her with wary eyes. Everyone else was also confused and looked at this heroic and heroic fairy with wide eyes.

At this time Jiangxiao glanced at Yundao and Sijia again.

Yundao smiled and formed a battle flag behind her back that was much smaller than that of Lang Xing and the others. Although she was still not used to the behavior of Jiang Xiao, Lang Xing and others, she had to admit that these people They are really funny. Not only are they funny in ordinary times, but they can also make earth-shattering events very funny.

Looking sideways at the battle flag that Sijia Ning produced, Yun Dao almost laughed out loud. This saint was even more amazing. The flag that she produced was only the size of a palm. She was just having fun with Jiang Xiao.

Jiangxiao and the others were almost made to laugh by Sijia's battle flag, but they held it back, but Huahu and the others behind them burst into laughter.

"Quiet!" Jiangxiao yelled at the three of them. The Wanfu League was making its debut and it couldn't be a farce.

The three of them, Huahu, naturally wanted to cheer for Jiangxiao, and immediately stopped laughing. The three of them straightened their faces and acted solemnly, looking at the fog.

I almost wanted to scold them. These three boys would not behave so obediently in front of the alliance leader.

As the saying goes, people praise others, Lingxiang and Huahu are both great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, and Lingxiang still has the deputy commander's war flag flying on his head. Under Jiangxiao's scolding, the two of them were so obedient, This made everyone involuntarily take a high look at the Jiang leader.

At this time, Jiangxiao looked at the great eagle-headed demon cultivator majestically: "I let five of my subordinates fight against you. It doesn't count as bullying a few."

"Of course not. If you have the guts to just come here, I can even guarantee not to hurt your lives." The eagle-headed demon cultivator secretly rejoiced in his heart. This is really a savior sent from heaven. As long as one or two can be captured, most of them will be saved today. He could leave safely. He immediately figured out which one to capture first. He knew a little bit about Gongsun Chong and knew that this kid was more difficult to deal with. Lang Xing was obviously not easy to mess with. The sword that flashed with lightning had to be dealt with carefully. , after choosing, he felt that Jiangxiao and Xiyang should be the first choices, because with his eyesight, he could see that Yundao and Sijia must have very special skills, especially that Sijia, who still had the leisure to show off such a side at this time Xiaoqi and Jiangxiao were having fun, which showed how relaxed he was.

"Well, our Wanfu Alliance will use your sacrifice flag today! Get it for me!" Jiangxiao pointed at the eagle-headed demon cultivator with great momentum.

"Kill!" Lang Xing's violent shout was uttered at the same time as Xin Nian Shuan's shout.

At the same moment, Yun Dao suddenly pressed down the jade hand holding the spell, and the Wandering Soul Sword came out. However, this time she did not rush forward as hard as before. The six of them would not necessarily be able to fight against three or four feather monks. You'll lose, it's too easy to beat this one.

Sijia's reciting voice also sounded. She was even more cunning. She didn't even push the treasure out. Lang Xing's Shui Ting Sword was enough.

Xiyang's Xinghuo and Gongsun Chong's Yunshui came out together. The two then used their body skills to urge their respective spirit treasures to pounce forward.

Jiangxiao really has the style of the leader of the alliance. She stood there calmly and motionless. She was very confident in her heart. There was no need to use the combined attack spell of Zhenyuan Lu. It was easy for these five people to deal with a big demon cultivator. The reason why she stood up and proposed six The reason why humans fight against the great demon cultivator is, firstly, to establish prestige for the Ten Thousand Fortunes Alliance, and secondly, to hide everyone's fighting power. Otherwise, Langxing can kill the opponent alone. Five people can kill one Feathered cultivator, which is enough to see. It was enough to make Wanfu League famous in one battle.

When Jiangxiao pointed at the great demon cultivator and shouted "Get it for me", Huahu said to Lingxiang and Heisi with emotion, "This little lady is really quick and easy in doing things."

He was not the only one to feel this way, everyone present had this feeling. The battle with the Huayu monk was fought at the drop of a hat. It only took three or two sentences in total. It was so refreshing that many people had not yet woken up. Well, the action has already been taken over there, and no one can think about it anymore, they are all watching the battlefield nervously.

Lingxiang and the three of them knew the outcome clearly, so they chatted while looking at the battlefield. Lingxiang said with a wicked smile, "What? Are you greedy?"

Hua Hu sighed.

Hei Si thought his sigh was a bit strange, and was afraid that he really had some thoughts about Jiang Xiao, so he said, "Only Xi Yang can tolerate her."

Hua Hu said with an angry mind, "Don't talk nonsense, you two. I was thinking of Xun Yi."

Now both Lingxiang and Hei Si understood. Yes, Jiangxiao had told them more than once how close she and Xunyi were. If Xunyi were here right now, the scene would definitely be more interesting. What a pity...

While the three of them were chatting, the war over there had ended. To be precise, the war ended just as the three of them were chatting.

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