Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2835 Siren Killing Formation

Lang Xing laughed and said, "It's easy to say. As long as the fairy concubine doesn't mind that my cultivation level is too low, we will have many opportunities to talk about Taoism in the future. Please take the immortal concubine back to settle down first." After saying this, he moved the place where the immortal concubine was. The location and the magic of the magic circle were passed on, and he warned, "Please stop searching for those two little frogs, so as not to disturb them. I will ask the fairy to learn more about their magic powers in the future."

"Thank you so much!" Fairy Princess Fu Feng was overjoyed. Knowing that Lang Xing had a lot to do at the moment, she said goodbye knowingly.

When she came to the magic circle where Concubine Pinshen was, she checked it out and couldn't help but be confused. The person who set up the magic circle was not very skilled. It should have been done by Lang Xing, but this technique was too clever. She tried a few times but failed to destroy it. She really wanted to study it carefully, but such a mysterious magic circle could not be broken in a short while, so she could only settle down the God of Death first.

After hitting the magic spell given by Lang Xing, the magic circle immediately turned into a wave of spiritual power and dissipated. This made her very annoyed and stamped her feet anxiously.

Concubine Pinshen was overjoyed when she saw her coming to save her, but she couldn't help but feel nervous due to her appearance.

Immortal Concubine Fu Feng sighed, and after a few simple explanations, she took her back to her fairy mansion.

Langxing led Sijia, Yundao and Huaying to catch up with Jiangxiao.

At this moment, the battle to sweep away the Wanfu Xiuyu was in full swing. With Gongsun Chong, a man who knew the Wanfu Xiuyu very well, as the planner, they had already made a detailed sweep plan, because the battle to lure the enemy went much better than expected. He killed a large number of enemies, and the Beast Tribe and the Flower Tribe turned into helpers, so the mopping up battle became a lot easier. Kirigakure was originally prepared to pay a heavy price, but now it seems that the casualties will not be too big. .

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the entire Wanfu Xiuyu Territory was stunned, the Zhilu Guards, Yiling Guards, and Wanfu Alliance were divided into more than a dozen teams to attack the predetermined targets, sweeping across them like a broom. Their sweeping speed was even faster. This makes their actions easier than the speed at which news can spread.

Jiangxiao still took good care of the people in Zixiao Palace. In order to ensure that they were not injured, such a powerful force was only divided into two teams, one led by Sui Yu and the other led by Wen Bing. The people from Xu Gong were also assigned to Suan Yu's team.

Lang Xing took Huaying to join Wen Bing's team, and asked Yundao and Sijia to guard Sui Yu's team. The two teams were stronger. Jiang Xiao wanted Lang Xing to follow her. She had to arrange for beast tribe monks and flower tribe monks, and she was a little overwhelmed with her work. Kerang Xing was more concerned about the safety of everyone in Zixiao Palace, and Jiangxiao was so angry that she could only curse a few words and let him go.

The strength of the Zhenhai League is not weak, but before the war started, Lang Xing and the others wiped out the three strongest sects. Some of the elites died in the battle to lure the enemy. We still don’t know what happened to the rest. They were defeated one by one. The entire Zhenhai League was defeated and failed to put up any decent resistance.

Despite this, the Wanfu Xiuyu Territory is vast, and no matter how smoothly it is fought, it cannot be swept across in three or two days. Such a large area will take several days to fly at a rapid speed.

Seven days later, the two teams from Zixiao Palace swept all the way through Wanfu Xiuyu from south to north, and met at the seaside. Beyond that was the Jade Sea.

It became lively as soon as it stopped. Seven or eight disciples all had signs of breaking through. As Xiao Yu took the lead in breaking through the realm and entered the Yuan Dynasty.

In the late stage of infancy, the influence of the mysterious realm caused the remaining people to break through the realm one after another. In the end, as many as ten people broke through the realm, which was really spectacular.

Suan Yu and others were overjoyed. Since they left Zixiao Palace and entered Nanjingzhou with full of sadness, they have experienced too many great changes. This battle was fought so magnificently that it was understandable that so many people were in trouble. , now it seems that it is worthwhile to follow the little uncle to come here. No matter what happens in the future, this experience is extremely rare. If it were not for the help of the little uncle, they would never have such an experience in this life.

One day later, Lingye rushed over and said to Lang Xing with a mischievous smile, "I have some bad news for you. Xianyun Pojing has entered the late Nascent Soul stage. Liuyun asked me to send you a message so that you can be honest in the future. point."

Lang Xing laughed happily and said, "This kid has finally made some progress. Okay, go back and help Senior Sister Liu Yun protect him." He understood that Liu Yun was worried about him and took this opportunity to send Lingye over. have a look.

Sure enough, Lingye said, "She asked me to stay with you, and it's enough for her to protect Xianyun."

Langxing still wanted to send him back, but before he could speak, Lingye looked at the direction of Yuhai and frowned, "There is a war, it seems to be Gongsun Chong."

Langxing was surprised and said, "Quick! Take me there!" Then he turned to Zianyu and others and ordered, "Hold the camp and don't move."

Lingye sent a spiritual thought to Sijia, Yun Dao, and Huaying, "It seems that the opponent is very strong." After passing on this spiritual thought, he flew away with Lang Xing.

Sijia and the others used their physical skills to catch up. The clear rain brought down the makeup rain and morning dew, and the three of them also chased after them. They had the guts to disrespect Langxing's instructions.

During the flight, Lingye saw the situation over there clearly, frowned and conveyed the grand and terrifying scene to Langxing.

On the rough sea, surging war clouds covered the sky, and the sea and sky were as dark as night. Severe flashes continued to flash. Huge whirlpools and water columns were scattered on the sea, as if a pot was boiling, and there were countless in mid-air. There are endless sea monsters and water monsters, they have strange shapes, some are as big as mountains, some are as small as millet, some are round and round, some are like silk and ribbons, and some are colorful and shining with dazzling brilliance. They formed a large circle and were attacking the people inside.

The one under attack was a large water polo, and the situation inside could not be clearly seen, but judging from the appearance of the water polo, it must be Gongsun Chong's Yunshui.

"Hurry!" Lang Xing was so anxious that his eyes were on fire, but he couldn't help but feel a little panicked in his heart. So many sea monsters were really scary. He had seen sea monsters last time he came to Jade Sea. Not only did these things have weird magical powers, but they were also the most disturbing. The troublesome thing for people is that many of them have no intelligence and are as unreasonable as mad dogs.

Not only did Lingye not speed up, but he also slowed down. He had to wait for Sijia and others to catch up. As a feather monk, he could not directly attack these sea monsters. In this formation, if Lang Xing was thrown into it, No matter how amazing this kid is, he will probably die.

"Stop!" Lang Xing was so anxious that he shouted with his spiritual thoughts, but no one paid any attention to his spiritual thoughts in such a fierce battlefield, and they were dispersed by the ripples of spiritual power before they could reach far.

Lingye activated the body-protecting divine light, revealing the holy brilliance of the great supernatural power, hoping to scare these sea monsters, but as soon as the light on his side flashed, three groups immediately flashed up in the sky and in the sea over there. With the same level of brilliance, he alone, as a feather monk, would definitely not be able to scare others. Lang Xing laughed and said, "It's easy to say. As long as the fairy concubine doesn't mind that my cultivation level is too low, we will have many opportunities to talk about Taoism in the future. Please take the immortal concubine back to settle down first." After saying this, he moved the place where the immortal concubine was. The location and the magic of the magic circle were passed on, and he warned, "Please stop searching for those two little frogs, so as not to disturb them. I will ask the fairy to learn more about their magic powers in the future."

"Thank you so much!" Fairy Princess Fu Feng was overjoyed. Knowing that Lang Xing had a lot to do at the moment, she said goodbye knowingly.

When she came to the magic circle where Concubine Pinshen was, she checked it out and couldn't help but be confused. The person who set up the magic circle was not very skilled. It should have been done by Lang Xing, but this technique was too clever. She tried a few times but failed to destroy it. She really wanted to study it carefully, but such a mysterious magic circle could not be broken in a short while, so she could only settle down the God of Death first.

After hitting the magic spell given by Lang Xing, the magic circle immediately turned into a wave of spiritual power and dissipated. This made her very annoyed and stamped her feet anxiously.

Concubine Pinshen was overjoyed when she saw her coming to save her, but she couldn't help but feel nervous due to her appearance.

Immortal Concubine Fu Feng sighed, and after a few simple explanations, she took her back to her fairy mansion.

Langxing led Sijia, Yundao and Huaying to catch up with Jiangxiao.

At this moment, the battle to sweep away the Wanfu Xiuyu was in full swing. With Gongsun Chong, a man who knew the Wanfu Xiuyu very well, as the planner, they had already made a detailed sweep plan, because the battle to lure the enemy went much better than expected. He killed a large number of enemies, and the Beast Tribe and the Flower Tribe turned into helpers, so the mopping up battle became a lot easier. Kirigakure was originally prepared to pay a heavy price, but now it seems that the casualties will not be too big. .

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the entire Wanfu Xiuyu Territory was stunned, the Zhilu Guards, Yiling Guards, and Wanfu Alliance were divided into more than a dozen teams to attack the predetermined targets, sweeping across them like a broom. Their sweeping speed was even faster. This makes their actions easier than the speed at which news can spread.

Jiangxiao still took good care of the people in Zixiao Palace. In order to ensure that they were not injured, such a powerful force was only divided into two teams, one led by Sui Yu and the other led by Wen Bing. The people from Xu Gong were also assigned to Suan Yu's team.

Lang Xing took Huaying to join Wen Bing's team, and asked Yundao and Sijia to guard Sui Yu's team. The two teams were stronger. Jiang Xiao wanted Lang Xing to follow her. She had to arrange for beast tribe monks and flower tribe monks, and she was a little overwhelmed with her work. Kerang Xing was more concerned about the safety of everyone in Zixiao Palace, and Jiangxiao was so angry that she could only curse a few words and let him go.

The strength of the Zhenhai League is not weak, but before the war started, Lang Xing and the others wiped out the three strongest sects. Some of the elites died in the battle to lure the enemy. We still don’t know what happened to the rest. They were defeated one by one. The entire Zhenhai League was defeated and failed to put up any decent resistance.

Despite this, the Wanfu Xiuyu Territory is vast, and no matter how smoothly it is fought, it cannot be swept across in three or two days. Such a large area will take several days to fly at a rapid speed.

Seven days later, the two teams from Zixiao Palace swept all the way through Wanfu Xiuyu from south to north, and met at the seaside. Beyond that was the Jade Sea.

It became lively as soon as it stopped. Seven or eight disciples all had signs of breaking through. As Xiao Yu took the lead in breaking through the realm and entered the Yuan Dynasty.

In the late stage of infancy, the influence of the mysterious realm caused the remaining people to break through the realm one after another. In the end, as many as ten people broke through the realm, which was really spectacular.

Suan Yu and others were overjoyed. Since they left Zixiao Palace and entered Nanjingzhou with full of sadness, they have experienced too many great changes. This battle was fought so magnificently that it was understandable that so many people were in trouble. , now it seems that it is worthwhile to follow the little uncle to come here. No matter what happens in the future, this experience is extremely rare. If it were not for the help of the little uncle, they would never have such an experience in this life.

One day later, Lingye rushed over and said to Lang Xing with a mischievous smile, "I have some bad news for you. Xianyun Pojing has entered the late Nascent Soul stage. Liuyun asked me to send you a message so that you can be honest in the future. point."

Lang Xing laughed happily and said, "This kid has finally made some progress. Okay, go back and help Senior Sister Liu Yun protect him." He understood that Liu Yun was worried about him and took this opportunity to send Lingye over. have a look.

Sure enough, Lingye said, "She asked me to stay with you, and it's enough for her to protect Xianyun."

Langxing still wanted to send him back, but before he could speak, Lingye looked at the direction of Yuhai and frowned, "There is a war, it seems to be Gongsun Chong."

Langxing was surprised and said, "Quick! Take me there!" Then he turned to Zianyu and others and ordered, "Hold the camp and don't move."

Lingye sent a spiritual thought to Sijia, Yun Dao, and Huaying, "It seems that the opponent is very strong." After passing on this spiritual thought, he flew away with Lang Xing.

Sijia and the others used their physical skills to catch up. The clear rain brought down the makeup rain and morning dew, and the three of them also chased after them. They had the guts to disrespect Langxing's instructions.

During the flight, Lingye saw the situation over there clearly, frowned and conveyed the grand and terrifying scene to Langxing.

On the rough sea, surging war clouds covered the sky, and the sea and sky were as dark as night. Severe flashes continued to flash. Huge whirlpools and water columns were scattered on the sea, as if a pot was boiling, and there were countless in mid-air. There are endless sea monsters and water monsters, they have strange shapes, some are as big as mountains, some are as small as millet, some are round and round, some are like silk and ribbons, and some are colorful and shining with dazzling brilliance. They formed a large circle and were attacking the people inside.

The one under attack was a large water polo, and the situation inside could not be clearly seen, but judging from the appearance of the water polo, it must be Gongsun Chong's Yunshui.

"Hurry!" Lang Xing was so anxious that his eyes were on fire, but he couldn't help but feel a little panicked in his heart. So many sea monsters were really scary. He had seen sea monsters last time he came to Jade Sea. Not only did these things have weird magical powers, but they were also the most disturbing. The troublesome thing for people is that many of them have no intelligence and are as unreasonable as mad dogs.

Not only did Lingye not speed up, but he also slowed down. He had to wait for Sijia and others to catch up. As a feather monk, he could not directly attack these sea monsters. In this formation, if Lang Xing was thrown into it, No matter how amazing this kid is, he will probably die.

"Stop!" Lang Xing was so anxious that he shouted with his spiritual thoughts, but no one paid any attention to his spiritual thoughts in such a fierce battlefield, and they were dispersed by the ripples of spiritual power before they could reach far.

Lingye activated the body-protecting divine light, revealing the holy brilliance of the great supernatural power, hoping to scare these sea monsters, but as soon as the light on his side flashed, three groups immediately flashed up in the sky and in the sea over there. With the same level of brilliance, he alone, as a feather monk, would definitely not be able to scare others.

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