Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2866 Beat him!

All the matters that need to be dealt with were dealt with, and Langxing rode the crane leisurely.

This was the most relaxed moment he had felt since meeting Yu Chan for the first time, which inspired his ambition to break into the world of cultivation.

From an ignorant boy, he has grown into a freak who can be proud of the cultivation world. The most obvious feeling he feels at this moment is boredom.

Yes, it’s not pride and satisfaction, nor joy and peace, it’s boring.

In the past, although various dangers often made him feel uneasy and frightened, and various difficulties often made him helpless and frustrated, the hard-working life was extremely fulfilling, and the hidden things gained through hardships and dangers could make him excited to tears.

Now, there are fewer and fewer things that can make him nervous. The just-concluded Battle of Wanfu Cultivation Realm was seen by others as a battle that had never happened in the cultivation world for thousands of years, but he killed five Avatars in this battle. Monk Yu, the Fire Demon of the Demon Flame Palace, the Silver Bag Immortal of the Silver Soul Sect, the Great Divine Power of the Eagle Head, and two big sea monsters.

Killing these five great supernatural powers can't even be said to be very thrilling. They are five great supernatural powers. They have excellent qualifications. After thousands of years of practice, they have finally become transcendent beings above the world of cultivation. In a short period of time, They died one after another at his hands.

Nowadays, only a few great supernatural powers can join forces to deal with him, otherwise few people can threaten him. In terms of combat power, he has steadily surpassed the Little Demon Lord. Of course, in a head-on battle, the Sixth Brother will rely on his rich fighting experience and indomitable will to fight against him. Fa, at most, can inflict heavy damage on him. With the protective golden body blessed by Shui Qingzhou's great supernatural powers, and the guardian spirit of Yu Chan, Sixth Brother cannot kill him, not even people like Sixth Brother can kill him. He can truly be said to be able to dominate the world.

Without danger, life would naturally become boring. This was a problem that he and Shen Qing had discussed before. Now he finally felt it for himself. People are just cheap people. It is difficult to enjoy an overly comfortable life. Even he This is true for all kinds of people, let alone others? You can't blame Shen Qing for always being restless.

Lying on the spiritual crane with his legs crossed, he took out the green leaf given to him by Tianhufeng. This was a difficult problem for him. If he didn't improve his cultivation level, it would be difficult to break the restrictions on it. The feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold will become even more severe.

No matter what the price, he had to bring Shu Yan back. He condensed the word "Yan" on the collar of the dazzling immortal robe, and silently thought about improving his cultivation. This matter was important to everyone. They are all things that can be met but cannot be sought, but it is different here. His cultivation is like a barrier lake formed by a blocked river. As long as he is willing to open it, the breakthrough will follow.

In everyone's opinion, he is now at the perfect state of the middle Yuanying stage, the late stage of Yuanying, Xiaocheng state, the consummation state, and the Feathering stage. He needs to go through four promotions before he can enter the Feathering stage, but he himself knows it. , he doesn’t have a Nascent Soul at all, so the improvement of his cultivation level is a bad deal. He himself can’t figure out how many improvements are needed to reach the stage of becoming a feather.

Maybe it only takes one time... He had this feeling, but he was not sure.

"Hoo!" He breathed out to the sky. Others were more happy than panic when they were about to break through. He was more panic than looking forward to it, although breaking through was a hurdle for everyone and was full of dangers. , but this hurdle of his is particularly dangerous. God will not let go of any opportunity to accept him. He has a clear premonition about this.

"It depends on Su Wan

Yes. "Only Su Wan can help him with the matter of breaking through the realm. Even Senior Xiaoyao and Yu Chan can't help. Although he can't explain where this feeling comes from, he is sure that this idea is not wrong.

What is the mysterious connection between myself and Amelia Su?

As soon as this thought flashed in his mind, he suppressed it. With a long roar, he urged the spirit crane to rush forward as fast as lightning.

It's better to be confused on this issue. If you really want to understand it, you may have to leave Amelia Su. He had a bad premonition in this regard. What should he do if only separation could ensure Amelia Su's safety?

He had already made a heartbreaking decision at the Fruit Picking Conference in his previous life. Perhaps it was the remaining feelings that made him unwilling to face that choice again in this life. If Su Wan was willing to live and die with him, then Regardless of the confusion, let's go on hand in hand, even if there is an abyss ahead, don't worry about it, at least they will be happy before they fall.

While thinking wildly, he noticed that there were two people fighting in front of him. He quickly collected the green leaves, released the crane, and accelerated to fly over.

The two people fighting were both wearing Taoist robes of the same style. At first glance, they were brothers from the same sect. Their cultivation levels were both in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. One was fierce and burly, the other was delicate and weak. The burly man had the upper hand and activated a golden sword. The flying sword beat the weak man until he could only parry but was unable to fight back.

"Stop!" Langxing scolded the burly man with a displeased face. These two people reminded him of the time when Xingpeng bullied him.

"Who are you? Get away and mind your own business!" The burly man yelled back, his face full of ferocity, and his energy showed that he was used to running wild.

"Pa!" Lang Xing used his physical skills to bully him suddenly, waved his hand and slapped him hard, causing five clear fingerprints to swell up on the man's fleshy face.

This slap made Lang Xing quite happy. After he came back, he looked at him with a smile and said, "Try one more harsh slap, let me see how tough you are."

The big man knew he was facing a tough situation, so naturally he didn't dare to be aggressive anymore. Although he lowered his head, his eyes were still fierce.

"Bang!" Lang Xing took action again and took out five fingerprints on the other side of his face, then stared at him with cold eyes.

The big man lowered his head again. He understood that this boy wanted to destroy his arrogance and make him give in. The opponent was too powerful and he had to give in, so he did not dare to show a fierce light in his eyes.

Lang Xing looked at him with disdainful eyes and said, "Do you know why I hit you? What I dislike the most is a domineering person like you. I don't care why you two fight, and I don't care who is reasonable and who is not. I will fight whoever is overbearing." Who am I to kill? This is to teach you about etiquette. I hope there will be more etiquette in this world and less vicious people like you." After that, he said to the weak man, "Hit him!"

The weak man held the flying sword and stabbed at the big man without hesitation. The tip of the sword emitted a blue sword light several feet long, and his eyes flashed with a fierce light, clearly indicating that he was going to kill him.

This was a bit unexpected by Lang Xing. He originally wanted this weakling to beat up the big man. After all, he had experienced countless strange things and would not make arbitrary assumptions just based on his bad impression of the big man. This fight was all the big man's fault. It seemed that this weakling was not a good person. All the matters that need to be dealt with were dealt with, and Langxing rode the crane leisurely.

This was the most relaxed moment he had felt since meeting Yu Chan for the first time, which inspired his ambition to break into the world of cultivation.

From an ignorant boy, he has grown into a freak who can be proud of the cultivation world. The most obvious feeling he feels at this moment is boredom.

Yes, it’s not pride and satisfaction, nor joy and peace, it’s boring.

In the past, although various dangers often made him feel uneasy and frightened, and various difficulties often made him helpless and frustrated, the hard-working life was extremely fulfilling, and the hidden things gained through hardships and dangers could make him excited to tears.

Now, there are fewer and fewer things that can make him nervous. The just-concluded Battle of Wanfu Cultivation Realm was seen by others as a battle that had never happened in the cultivation world for thousands of years, but he killed five Avatars in this battle. Monk Yu, the Fire Demon of the Demon Flame Palace, the Silver Bag Immortal of the Silver Soul Sect, the Great Divine Power of the Eagle Head, and two big sea monsters.

Killing these five great supernatural powers can't even be said to be very thrilling. They are five great supernatural powers. They have excellent qualifications. After thousands of years of practice, they have finally become transcendent beings above the world of cultivation. In a short period of time, They died one after another at his hands.

Nowadays, only a few great supernatural powers can join forces to deal with him, otherwise few people can threaten him. In terms of combat power, he has steadily surpassed the Little Demon Lord. Of course, in a head-on battle, the Sixth Brother will rely on his rich fighting experience and indomitable will to fight against him. Fa, at most, can inflict heavy damage on him. With the protective golden body blessed by Shui Qingzhou's great supernatural powers, and the guardian spirit of Yu Chan, Sixth Brother cannot kill him, not even people like Sixth Brother can kill him. He can truly be said to be able to dominate the world.

Without danger, life would naturally become boring. This was a problem that he and Shen Qing had discussed before. Now he finally felt it for himself. People are just cheap people. It is difficult to enjoy an overly comfortable life. Even he This is true for all kinds of people, let alone others? You can't blame Shen Qing for always being restless.

Lying on the spiritual crane with his legs crossed, he took out the green leaf given to him by Tianhufeng. This was a difficult problem for him. If he didn't improve his cultivation level, it would be difficult to break the restrictions on it. The feeling of being overwhelmed by the cold will become even more severe.

No matter what the price, he had to bring Shu Yan back. He condensed the word "Yan" on the collar of the dazzling immortal robe, and silently thought about improving his cultivation. This matter was important to everyone. They are all things that can be met but cannot be sought, but it is different here. His cultivation is like a barrier lake formed by a blocked river. As long as he is willing to open it, the breakthrough will follow.

In everyone's opinion, he is now at the perfect state of the middle Yuanying stage, the late stage of Yuanying, Xiaocheng state, the consummation state, and the Feathering stage. He needs to go through four promotions before he can enter the Feathering stage, but he himself knows it. , he doesn’t have a Nascent Soul at all, so the improvement of his cultivation level is a bad deal. He himself can’t figure out how many times of improvement it takes to reach the stage of becoming a feather.

Maybe it only takes one time... He had this feeling, but he was not sure.

"Hoo!" He breathed out to the sky. Others were more happy than panic when they were about to break through. He was more panic than looking forward to it, although breaking through was a hurdle for everyone and was full of dangers. , but this hurdle of his is particularly dangerous. God will not let go of any opportunity to accept him. He has a clear premonition about this.

"It depends on Su Wan

Yes. "Only Su Wan can help him with the matter of breaking through the realm. Even Senior Xiaoyao and Yu Chan can't help. Although he can't explain where this feeling comes from, he is sure that this idea is not wrong.

What is the mysterious connection between myself and Amelia Su?

As soon as this thought flashed in his mind, he suppressed it, and with a long roar, he urged the spirit crane to rush forward as fast as lightning.

It's better to be confused on this issue. If you really want to understand it, you may have to leave Amelia Su. He had a bad premonition in this regard. What should he do if only separation could ensure Amelia Su's safety?

He had already made a heartbreaking decision at the Fruit Picking Conference in his previous life. Perhaps it was the remaining feelings that made him unwilling to face that choice again in this life. If Su Wan was willing to live and die with him, then Regardless of the confusion, let's go on hand in hand, even if there is an abyss ahead, don't worry about it, at least they will be happy before they fall.

While thinking wildly, he noticed that there were two people fighting in front of him, so he quickly collected the green leaves, released the crane, and accelerated to fly over.

The two men fighting were both wearing Taoist robes of the same style. At first glance, they were brothers from the same sect. Their cultivation levels were both in the middle stage of Nascent Soul. One was fierce and burly, and the other was delicate and weak. The burly man had the upper hand and activated a golden sword. The flying sword beat the weak man until he could only parry but was unable to fight back.

"Stop!" Langxing scolded the burly man with a displeased face. These two people reminded him of the time when Xingpeng bullied him.

"Who are you? Get away and mind your own business!" The burly man yelled back, his face full of ferocity, and his energy showed that he was used to running wild.

"Pa!" Lang Xing used his physical skills to bully him suddenly, waved his hand and slapped him hard, causing five clear fingerprints to swell up on the man's fleshy face.

This slap made Lang Xing feel quite happy. After he came back, he looked at him with a smile and said, "Try another hard slap and let me see how tough you are."

The big man knew he was facing a tough situation, so naturally he didn't dare to be aggressive anymore. Although he lowered his head, his eyes were still fierce.

"Pop!" Lang Xing took action again and took out five fingerprints on the other side of his face, then stared at him with cold eyes.

The big man lowered his head again. He understood that this boy wanted to destroy his arrogance and make him give in. The opponent was too powerful and he had to give in, so he did not dare to show a fierce light in his eyes.

Lang Xing looked at him with disdainful eyes and said, "Do you know why I hit you? What I dislike the most is a domineering person like you. I don't care why you two fight, and I don't care who is reasonable and who is not. I will fight whoever is overbearing." Who am I to kill? This is to teach you about etiquette. I hope there will be more etiquette in this world and less vicious people like you." After that, he said to the weak man, "Hit him!"

The weak man held the flying sword and stabbed at the big man without hesitation. The tip of the sword emitted a blue sword light several feet long, and his eyes flashed with a fierce light, clearly indicating that he was going to kill him.

This was a bit unexpected by Lang Xing. He originally wanted this weakling to beat up the big man. After all, he had experienced countless strange things and would not make arbitrary assumptions just based on his bad impression of the big man. This fight was all the big man's fault. It seemed that this weakling was not a good person.

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