Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2878 You can cook and eat by yourself

Early the next morning, the two of them went fishing in the mountain stream excitedly.

Lang Xing had never been in the river very often when he was a child, and he was terrible at fishing, but with the muscles and bones he had developed through training, it was not difficult to catch fish with his bare hands.

Since he wanted to experience mortal life, he had to kill animals. Under Langxing's guidance, Su Wan used a kitchen knife to clean up the fish he caught and threw them into the pot to stew them.

Although a lot of herbs and spices from the cultivating world were put into the pot, and the smell of this pot of fish could make mortals crave to death, it still smelled fishy and pungent to both of them, so they must throw it away as soon as possible.

"Several lives have been lost in vain. Let's not eat fish in this life." Su Wan said to Lang Xing while using her magic to remove the fishy smell from the kitchen utensils and the room.

Langxing stood at the entrance of the courtyard and said lightly, "This kind of smell is indispensable in living in the mortal world. Get used to it. You have to make your home fragrant. It won't take a few days for the secret to be exposed."

"Come in and get used to it!" Su Wan carried Lang Xing, who was standing and talking without back pain, into the kitchen, and ran to the door of the courtyard.

At dusk, Su Wan pulled Lang Xing to the top of the mountain early. The two of them found a place more than a hundred feet apart, waiting to watch the sunset.

The weather was very good, and the sky was filled with red clouds. Su Wan looked at it carefully and felt the magnificent magnificence. This was the first time in her life that she looked at the sunset so seriously. She really felt the beauty and shock that she had never experienced before.

When she saw Yue Yuan, she glanced at Lang Xing and saw Lang Xing lazily leaning on the stone wall behind him with his head in his hands. He was not at all in the obsessed state he was in yesterday. She didn't immediately ask what was going on until Yu Hui Only walked over after finishing.

"Why aren't you as fascinated as yesterday?" She kicked Long Xing's leg.

Lang Xing rolled his eyes and looked at her and said, "Because you are causing trouble, I now believe that you are a kind of magic power of heaven, and you are the kind that cannot be killed. Even if I kill you, it will only make you become It's just intangible and without substance, but its magic power will be stronger until it kills me.


"So you are just thinking about these things, and you are blaming me for being distracted!" Su Wan kicked his leg hard.

"If it weren't for you, I naturally wouldn't think about this. It's your fault in the first place." Lang Xing said and wanted to stand up.

Su Wan kicked him down and cursed, "Then get away from me and never bother me again!"

Lang Xing simply leaned against the stone wall again and said with a smile, "Don't deceive others with such lies. Didn't I just say that killing you won't work, but it will make you stronger. You are the power of heaven. Don’t you know something like this?”

"Then you go to hell! Save me some trouble." Su Wan grabbed a handful of blades of grass and threw them on his head.

Langxing didn't care about the blades of grass scattered on his head, he laughed and said, "Why should I die? This magic power is so ecstasy, I wish I could enjoy it all the time. Anyway, I don't want to become an immortal. God's thoughtful arrangement is just right." I mean, if I were left to arrange it myself, I wouldn't be able to make such a good arrangement, because I really can't imagine such an ecstasy, and only God can create it." He pointed at Su Wan for fear of not being beaten. .

Su Wan kicked him away with a kick, but there was a look of thinking in her eyes. He didn't expect that his previous joke turned out to be so many things. When he thought about it carefully, it actually made sense, and the more he thought about it, the more he thought about it. Shocking.

Langxing fell hundreds of feet and landed safely on an open space under the cliff. He made Su Wan angry again. He raised his head happily and shouted, "It's time for you to cook." He ignored Su Wan's reply. , he stopped shouting and climbed up the mountain leisurely looking for a gentle place. After climbing for a while, he couldn't help but think of the scene when he was bullied by Xingpeng when he was carrying water. "Grandma." He cursed and immediately decided to return the favor. Gotta go have some fun

Peng Dian.

When he got home, he saw a piece of paper on the desk, which Su Wan left for him. It said, "I went to study by myself. When I come back in a few days, you can cook and eat by yourself."

Lang Xing pouted at the piece of paper, and then couldn't help but laugh. She had to run back and write it down on paper even though she could solve it with just one divine thought. Only God could create this kind of thing. thing.

A wasteful thing! Langxing cursed and put the piece of paper away. Such interesting evidence needs to be preserved. .??.

He knew that Su Wan was not only trying to learn the way of life of ordinary people, but also to avoid him for quiet thinking, so it was not easy for him to find her.

After walking around the house twice, he felt quite bored. After living under the same roof for two days, the house suddenly became boring without Su Wan.

"I'll be back in three or two days." Lang Xing persuaded himself in his heart, then walked into the bedroom, sat on the bed and stared at Su Wan's empty bed.

After all, we were newlyweds, and it was really uncomfortable to be alone in an empty room in a blink of an eye.

It would be miserable if he were really a mortal...

Langxing secretly rejoiced that he was quite aware of the sufferings of mortals. At this moment, he had further feelings. If the two of them were mortals, the time they would spend together would only be a few decades at most, which would be too short.

As a monk, he and Su Wan both have a life span of thousands or even tens of thousands of years, so there is no need to worry about being separated due to the end of life. In this scene, he felt the misfortune of mortals.

Back then, after his father passed away, his mother followed him immediately. He understood her mother's mood at that time. For a loving couple, there would be nothing left to miss in this world after the other party left. Not to mention relatives and friends, the whole house was full of people. Children and grandchildren are not enough for her to stay.


Vague thoughts arose in his heart, followed by a familiar feeling of fear.

"Get away!" Lang Xing rolled his eyes toward the sky in disgust, and hurriedly sneaked underground. Without Su Wan's protection, the Shui Ting Sword had also absorbed the sky thunder. He did not dare to attract the sky thunder anymore at this moment.

Drilling deep into the ground, he entered the Qiankun Bag without any delay.

When You Fang, who was meditating on the Qiankun Bag, saw Lang Xing, he immediately started asking questions. These days of meditating gave him a new understanding of this space.

Lang Xing waved his hand to stop him and said, "I'll answer it later. I'm a little confused now. Can you send me to the small world for a while?"

"Okay..." You Fang took out the spell in his hand and said with a strange expression, "I never thought that this magical power could be used in this way. How did you come up with it?"

Lang Xing grinned and urged, "I'm ready. Just have a cup of tea or two."

You Fang nodded and fired the spell at him. Lang Xing immediately entered the small world in a daze.

After two cups of tea, You Fang woke up Lang Xing and asked, "Is it okay?"

Lang Xing breathed out and said, "Don't ask anything else. Let's talk about the Qiankun Bag."

After the two chatted for a while, You Fang said a little embarrassedly, "I have received so many benefits from you, but you never mentioned to me about cultivating spiritual eyes. Is it because you are not very interested in this magical power?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "How can you not be interested? There are too many things to do and I can't keep up. Now you can teach me and see if I have innate spiritual eyes."

"You must have it. I really can't think of what you are busy with. Is there anything more important than this?" You Fang said reproachfully. He was very fond of Lang Xing and hoped that he would Able to focus on cultivating spiritual eyes.

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