Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2884 This little lady is so beautiful

"Divide the meat, divide the meat, Lupert has prepared it, one for each family." Lang Xing said calmly.

Everyone showed humility to each other, and each family took a portion. The joy of sharing the meat diluted the unpleasant atmosphere.

Just when everyone was about to go home, shouts came from outside.

"Don't move! We are official servants!" Immediately, five official servants swarmed in from the door. .??.

Yang Gong hurriedly pushed Langxing and told him to hide quickly, but it was not too late.

The leader of the official was a big man in his forties with a sinewy face. He stared at the large pieces of deer meat in everyone's baskets with gleaming eyes and said, "We have shot such a big deer. We have been running around here and there these days." It’s really in need of replenishment, please give us some.”

Yang Gong hurriedly responded, "It's easy to talk. Since the officials have caught up, they will naturally have a share. Come on, come on. Let's take our picks." While he was pulling several officials to choose meat, he said to Lang again. Xingdi winked and told him to take advantage of the chaos and run away.

Langxing didn't want to make the old man anxious, so he tentatively walked towards the door.

"Don't move!" An official saw Lang Xing slipping towards the door and shouted at him sternly.

The leading official dropped the meat in his hand and said with a serious face, "Have you heard the news? We are going to war with Li State. We are here today to recruit the best men in the village." He pointed at Langxing, Goudan, Xiao Zheng, "All three of you have to join the army." After speaking, he pointed to Uncle Zhang and Lu Bo, "You two have to become civilian husbands."

Yang Gong begged bitterly, "My lord, this young man has just arrived here. The young couple has just gotten married a few days ago. He is helpless here. Please do a good job and don't take him away." As he said, he Secretly taking out the little money he had on him and stuffing it into the other party's hand.

"No!" The official shook off Mr. Yang's hand and said with a straight face, "This is a major military matter. If you engage in fraud for personal gain, you will lose your head. I won't take the money that the rich and powerful families are giving you, let alone yours." It's just a few small coins, so don't make any mistakes.

The second king is determined to destroy the country of Li. Whoever dares to mess up the whole family will be killed. "

Having said this, he took a breath and said, "Please don't make things difficult for us brothers. If this battle goes well, one of them will come back in a year and a half. Go back and pack your things. You have to leave with us immediately." ”

Xiao Zheng said with a sad face, "What if this battle doesn't go well? How long will it take to come back?"

The head officer glared and said, "How dare you say such bastard words?! You are really a villager in the wilderness. If you dare to ask such words again in the military camp, your head will be gone!"

Lu Bo smiled and said, "This kid has never even been to the town a few times. How can he understand this? We have strong soldiers and horses, and we will certainly be victorious and undefeated when we fight against the Li Kingdom. Don't worry, officials. Let's clean up and follow." You go, but I have a request. I also want to go out and kill the enemy. I don’t want to be a civilian. Can you please tell me about it? "

The leader of the official looked at him with a slightly strange look. A young official came up and patted Lu Bo. He said enthusiastically, "If we are all loyal and brave people like you, why worry about not being able to dominate the world? I will help you with this." Talk to the top."

Lu Bo said gratefully, "Thank you, thank you! Thank you so much to this little official. I have been holding back for a long time to kill these bastards from the Li Kingdom. I must cut that bastard King Li into pieces with a thousand swords!"

"Go and pack your things, you guys will follow." The leading officer ordered the other officers to escort everyone away, but he blocked Lang Xing, looked at Su Wan, and said greedily, "This little lady is so beautiful. Ah, it’s so rare to find such stunning beauty in the mountains.”

"Go into the house quickly." Yang Gong stepped forward and stood between the two of them, saying, "She is my goddaughter."

The flesh on the officer's face blossomed and he said to Su Wan, "Don't worry too much, little lady. Although I have to take your husband away, my heart is full of flesh. I can't bear to see you newlyweds separated like this. Don’t worry, my friend is an officer in the army. I’ll say hello later and ask your husband to serve as his attendant. It will be much safer and he will definitely come back.”

Su Wan pretended to be shy and turned around and entered the room, skipping a thank you. She would not thank such an uneasy and kind-hearted person.

Langxing pretended to be frowning and went back to pack a small package and carry a hunting fork. He had already thought about how to deal with this conscription, and he started to prepare it when several officials entered the room. Anyway, , and this matter cannot ruin the two people's initial plan to hide.

Soon, Uncle Zhang and Xiao Zheng were urged to come out of the house by official officials. Aunt Zhang, Xing'er, Xiao Zheng's wife, Liu Wuniang and others cried heartbrokenly. Even Aunt Lu was in tears. Although She has feelings for her family and country, but her husband and son are about to go to war all of a sudden, and they may never see each other again, and she can't bear it now.

Mr. Yang and Mrs. Yang were in tears. If Su Wan hadn't supported her hard, they would have knelt down in front of the official and continued to beg.

Seeing Lang Xing carrying a bag and standing next to the official with a sad face, Su Wan couldn't help but want to laugh, but her face was so full of tears that she was so sad that Lang Xing couldn't bear it either. He couldn't stop laughing. He was sure that Su Wan must have used her cultivation skills, otherwise she wouldn't be able to act like this.

"Madam, you have to serve me well and wait for me to come back." Lang Xing said with a sad face.

"Husband... you... you must come back..." Su Wan cried as if she was about to die.

Without waiting for the official's urging, Langxing was the first to hit the road. If he didn't leave, he would definitely laugh.

come out.

Five officers escorted the five people on the dark path. Two officers held torches one after the other. Lu Bo actually prepared a torch. He and Goudan couldn't help comforting Uncle Zhang and Xiao Zheng. As for Lang, Xing and the others didn't dare to interfere, fearing that the boy would say those treacherous words again in front of the official.

After Su Wan saw off Lang Xing, she hid her face and went home crying. After closing the door, she burst out laughing, and then a sharp light flashed in her bright eyes. Although the two had agreed not to interfere in the mortal world. Although she is a great supernatural power who must abide by the laws of heaven, now that the matter has come to light, she will not be polite.

Mr. Yang and Mrs. Yang supported each other and chased them to comfort each other. Su Wan sent the two old people back saying they wanted to stay alone for a while.

Langxing, who was walking on the road, suddenly said angrily to the two officials carrying the basket, "You took too much meat. You took most of the deer."

An official said angrily, "It would be nice to leave half of the meat for you. If it weren't for the fact that you are tired from the long journey, I wouldn't even leave a piece of meat for you. Just give it to me!" A basket of meat was handed to him.

Another official also handed the basket to Xiao Zheng and said to Lang Xing, "You should worry about your life first. You don't have time to worry about these pieces of meat. You are really tolerant. That little wife of yours is That’s great, it’s a pity to marry such an idiot like you.”

The leading officer reprimanded, "Don't worry about it, it won't be your turn no matter what!"

The man who was scolded understood it immediately and hurriedly said, "That's right, that's right, I don't dare to worry about it. Don't be wary of me. I don't have the guts. I'll be satisfied if I can just drink some soup with you."

A few meaningful smirks rang out in the team, and now the five men in the village had dark faces, and even Lu Bo and Goudan fell silent.

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