Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2886 Good ministers are just minions

"When Li State is captured, I will give each of you a hundred taels of gold!" King Song Zhi said to the concubines with great satisfaction, looking very confident in this battle.

The concubines immediately cheered and rushed to send flattering words.

Seeing these beautiful women vying to please a bad old man, Su Wan felt disgusted and felt sad for them.

"You don't want to believe in hell, nor do you want to believe in retribution, right? You're just a mortal king, and you think you can fight against the way of heaven? You're so old that you don't have much time to live, and you're still so greedy. Do you think you are It’s so stupid to live forever.”

"Who?!" The sudden voice in his mind shocked King Song. Anyone with such a strange voice and such terrifying words would think that he had encountered a ghost.

When all the concubines saw that the king was so panicked, they all thought that an assassin was coming, and their faces turned pale.

Su Wan did not send any more spiritual thoughts and turned around silently. King Song fell to the ground and died.

"This helps him." Su Wan thought helplessly. Ending his life earlier would help him do less evil and reduce his bad debts. She didn't want to help such a bastard, but in order to prevent Lang Xing from going Being a soldier can only resolve this war.

General Pingnan's palace was also brightly lit, and several generals were talking energetically about attacking Li State during the banquet. The banquet was also filled with delicacies, and there were also dancers and singers in the palace.

The smell here was even worse than that of the palace, and Su Wan stopped in mid-air several miles away, unwilling to get any closer. .??.

After listening to their conversation for a while, Su Wan left silently again, and several generals died suddenly in the banquet.

There are not many lights or many pavilions in Songguo's military advisor's residence. Compared with the previous two places, it can be said to be simple. Only the study is as bright as day, and the gray-haired military advisor is planning on a geographical map. With a resolute expression and sharp eyes, he is truly a pillar of talent.

Good soldiers are ominous. God's weapon is willing to be used by evil people

If it is used, the evil is not small. Without such capable ministers, King Song would not be able to cause so many bloody storms.

"Your talent and diligence are a disaster for thousands of people, and a blessing for ignorant emperors and corrupt officials. You have small wisdom but no great wisdom, know small principles but do not understand great justice. You are called a good minister, but in fact you are the claws of an evil tiger. You know your guilt. ?"

This divine thought made the military advisor tremble and the pen in his hand fell to the ground. After all, he was a wise man. Although he was scared to death, he was not as miserable as King Song.

"Immortal, forgive me..." He trembled and knelt down in worship. Although he could mobilize thousands of troops with just one sentence, his majesty and momentum instantly collapsed in front of ghosts and gods.

"Some are doing it for fame, some are doing it for profit, why are you?" Su Wan asked coldly.

"For...loyalty..., for...the people..." The military advisor lowered his head and rolled his eyes.

"Huh." Su Wan snorted lightly and said nothing more.

"I..., I was wrong." The military advisor slowly raised his head, looked at the night sky outside the window, his eyes were a little blurred, and murmured, "What the immortal taught me is that I have a heart for the people, but what I do is... The actions that harm the people, even if they can bring peace to the world, will not alleviate their suffering at all. Looking forward to a wise king in the future is like looking forward to fairy grass growing from excrement. It’s not that the villain has never thought about this, but he just needs to be taught by the immortal. At this moment Fang has completely given up. The immortal is right. I have been a claw of the evil tiger for most of my life. I am so stupid that I will die for it."

Su Wan continued to remain silent. If the other party cannot wake up, then killing him a hundred times is not too much. But this man has obviously woken up. If he kills him again, he will not be given a chance to atone for his sins. Sparing his life may benefit the people of this area. The difficult thing is that his identity has been revealed. Although he has not shown up, the other party also understands what kind of existence he is. If the other party is a person seeking

It's easy for ordinary people to say that if someone speaks lightly, it won't have much impact if it is said out. It may even be regarded as a fabrication. This is a military advisor of a country.

Just when Su Wan was in trouble, the military advisor slowly grabbed the sword beside him and asked bitterly out the window, "Since immortals exist, then there must be some in the underworld. The villain knows that his sins are serious, so he looks up to the immortal in his mind." If you don’t mean to do evil, I would be very grateful if you say a few nice words to the underworld for the villain.”

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out his sword and killed himself.

This was because she was afraid that Su Wan would not agree to help him go to the underworld to plead for mercy, so she used the last trick in her life before she died.

Of course Su Wan had time to stop her, but she didn't take action. She was feeling embarrassed anyway. Since he had decided to die, let him die. Forget about asking for mercy from the underworld. She was not that "immortal" yet. What a great skill.

"You brat, you have to share half of these life debts for me." After saying this to Langxing in her heart, she turned around and flew towards the small village thousands of miles away. .??.

Let Lang Xing share half of it, not only because this matter is between two people, but also because killing the culprit and eradicating the root cause of the disease is what Lang Xing preaches. If it were not influenced by Lang Xing's view, she would not I thought of killing these people.

After returning home, she used her spiritual consciousness to see that Lang Xing and Xiao Zheng were running back with Uncle Zhang lifeless. She wanted to use her spiritual consciousness to make a joke, but she felt that she was not in the mood anymore, so she sat in front of the window and faced Ye Kong thought about the way of man.

It was already daybreak when Lang Xing and the others returned to the small village. Everyone in the village was guarding the entrance of the village. Everyone was filled with joy and sorrow when they saw them. They cried and shouted to welcome them. Su Wan secretly glanced at Xiao Zheng's wife and imitated others. With tears running down his face, Lang Xing laughed and cried twice.

Lang Xing secretly sent a telepathic message, "You said I was acting with you all day, but you act much better than me."

Su Wan sent a telepathic message back and scolded, "Shut up, don't delay me from feeling this sadness and joy."

After a while of chaos, Lang Xing said to the three members of the Lu family who were standing aside, "It's great that you two are okay. It was really dangerous. We were worried that you would get into trouble. You ran away early. Brother Zheng and I saw Uncle Zhang fainted. Even though we were scared, we had to bite the bullet and go back to see him. Fortunately, Uncle Zhang is lucky. We were exhausted all the way."

Seeing Lang Xing giving way like this, Uncle Lu hurriedly said, "We really didn't see him faint, otherwise we would have to go back to see him. We were really scared at the time. We had never seen such a big tiger. You two little brothers are very righteous. I admire you."

At this time, Aunt Zhang cried and pulled Xing'er over to kowtow to Lang Xing to thank him for saving her life.

Su Wan helped the mother and daughter up and said, "This is what we should do. Since we moved here, you and Uncle Zhang have been taking care of us. Stop it. You should thank Xiao Zheng more. This idiot doesn't have that much courage. He must have been dragged back by Xiao Zheng." Xiao Zheng on the side hurriedly said, "Sister-in-law, don't wrong Brother Lang. He is braver than me. He was the first to say that he wanted to go back to save Uncle Zhang." Aunt Zhang took Xing'er and bowed to Xiao Zheng again, "You two should stop being humble to each other. You are both good children and our great benefactors. Auntie will remember this kindness for the rest of her life." Lang Xing smiled innocently and said, "Auntie, don't talk about gratitude or not. Just make us a delicious meal. We are really tired and hungry." Everyone laughed. Su Wan said angrily, "Go home to eat, and you will be hungry!" Everyone laughed again, and then went home happily. Afterwards, Aunt Zhang asked Xing'er to bring a pot of cooked deer meat to Langxing, and the meat they shared was given to Langxing and Xiao Zheng.

Seeing Xing'er drooling with greed, Su Wan smiled and pushed her to sit down, letting her eat as much as she wanted.

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