Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2890 Fight to the end! Kill it!

"How long do you think we should hide?" Lang Xing asked calmly.

"What do you think?" Su Wan asked without answering.

Lang Xing remained silent, blinking his eyes.

"Don't you want to hide anymore?" Su Wan looked at him with clear and bright eyes.

Lang Xing grinned and said, "I haven't lived enough yet."

"I haven't lived enough." Su Wan said quietly. After a while, she pointed to the cave and said, "But living like this is not what I want."

Lang Xing's eyes flashed for a moment, but he finally endured what he wanted to say.

Su Wan looked at him with candid eyes and said, "I have figured it out these days. If I can only live in fear in the future, even when I stay with my relatives and friends, I have to worry about disturbing them, then I might as well give it a try." ”

"You really think so?" Lang Xing bit his lip.

Su Wan nodded calmly and analyzed, "It's been three months and they haven't found us yet, which means they are not omnipotent, and God has not sent down any divine punishment on us. This at least means that the person we killed and God has nothing to do with it, or as you inferred, God is dead or has left. Even if we kill an immortal, they are not as powerful as we thought before. Instead of waiting for them to find the head, it is better to wait for them Send them to the door and deal with them one by one. With Xiao Yunduo and your magical power, we can take advantage of it. "

After a pause, she continued, "If the other party is not an immortal, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Maybe he is just a lonely stranger like the guardian of heaven. Most monks will take care of any situation that disturbs both the cultivation and mortal worlds." No matter, we just happened to meet a person with extremely weird cultivation. In fact, your skills are enough to pretend to be an immortal like him. If so, he may not have any accomplices at all. We just scared ourselves. It’s just a field.”

Langxing's eyes showed a smile that could see through her thoughts, "If I guess correctly, you are thinking about finding something from them, right? It's my speculation that God is dead or has left, plus our victory this time, It gives you confidence and courage. You wish the other party was an immortal, so that you can catch an immortal and understand the situation in the fairy world. "

Su Wan showed an aggrieved expression and argued, "The main reason is that I don't want to live like a mouse. If this matter is not resolved, will you still dare to live with everyone in the future? If someone comes to find you, everyone will fight to the death to protect you. This You know one thing better than me."

Lang Xing put away his meaningful expression and said with full of hesitation, "I have the same idea as you on how to solve this matter. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative, but I am not willing to take such a big risk." "It's good to live one more day. I really haven't lived enough. I would be very unhappy if I died."

After sighing, he continued, "Your guesses are all reasonable, but they are just guesses after all. There may be a group of people waiting for us near the village right now, or even ambushing us nearby, waiting for us to leave." This town up there is going to attack us, and I don’t want our lives to end so soon.”

Su Wan knew that it was her reluctance to let him go that made him so afraid of death. After puckering her lips, she slowly but firmly grabbed Lang Xing's hand, stared at him deeply and said, "It is impossible to live in hibernation under the heaven." That's all, but I'm restlessly dormant deep underground.

What’s the fun in living? Since God is no longer here, no one can separate us. I must muster up such confidence and courage. Langxing, we are capable of fighting against the law of heaven. As long as it doesn’t mess with us, I’m willing to accompany you. Live such a happy life, but if it doesn't want us to live it, or even wants to break us up, then your retreat will allow it to succeed step by step, until you finally let it dominate you, then you will regret it. "

Lang Xing gritted his teeth tightly, his body trembled slightly, his breathing gradually became faster, and his chest heaved violently. Only Su Wan in this world could make him fight back against Heaven. Only Su Wan could inspire him to have the courage and pride to not be afraid of death. Now Su Wan finally did this, and it had an immediate effect.

Lang Xing's weak hand gradually gained strength, and held Su Wan's hand tightly. He pursed his lips tightly, stared at Su Wan with a determined look and said, "Okay! If it really comes to mess with us, then it's nothing." It’s easy to say, fight to the end! Smash it to pieces!”

"It's just here to mess with us. It just hit you with such a thick thunderbolt not long ago." Su Wan added another layer of anger.

"Yeah!" Lang Xing nodded heavily with excitement. He was obviously a little fooled by Su Wan. The last thunderstorm was clearly aimed at him alone. It was because he thought about something that touched the way of heaven that the disaster was caused. , has nothing to do with Su Wan, and has nothing to do with wanting to break up the two of them. Su Wan insisted on putting this shit basin on Tiandao, but Lang Xing was very willing to agree, feeling that Su Wan said this out of her deep love for him, because That's how he is. If Su Wan suffered repeated disasters and was killed in the end, no matter what the reason was, he would record this account as the way of heaven to break them up. This makes no sense, as long as the result is to break them up. If it's open, then it won't work!

"Kill out! Whoever blocks us will die!" Lang Xing said fiercely, his body still trembling.

"Calm down first, you can't go out like this." Su Wan withdrew her hand and said in a calm tone, "Let's first test whether there is anyone ambushing nearby. If there is no ambush, then the estimate of the opponent's strength will be reduced. If there is an ambush, fight if you can. If you can't fight, flee into the town and think of a way."

Lang Xing nodded, "Be prepared to resist the attacks of thoughts. If this is their main attack method, then I will not be afraid. Back then, I was able to resist the attacks of thoughts from the Lingxin tribe. Now, the power of thoughts is stronger than that of others." It was a lot stronger then.”

Su Wan said harshly, "Our two fairy treasures are enough for them. It will be bad luck for them if they dare to offend us!"

Su Wan's ruthless and pretty look made Lang Xing feel loved and pitiful, especially when Su Wan opened and closed her mouth with the word "we", which made him even more courageous. As long as life and death are together, there is nothing to fear about death. He He opened his mouth and laughed silently, patted his Qiankun bag and said, "These are the three immortal treasures and the Hatred Dzi Bead. Even if we die, we have to drag them all on our backs!"

After making thorough preparations, the two chose the next morning when mortal activity was the most frequent and carefully came to the wild land outside the town. Their mental powers did not sense the powerful presence, and Little Yunduo did not issue a warning.

The two of them were extremely vigilant and flew quietly towards the wilderness. They didn't find any danger until they flew to a place far away from people.

Lang Xing looked at Su Wan with a smile in his eyes.

Su Wan breathed a sigh of relief, pursed her lips, and the two flew towards home with firm confidence. "How long do you think we should hide?" Lang Xing asked calmly.

"What do you think?" Su Wan asked without answering.

Lang Xing remained silent, blinking his eyes.

"Don't you want to hide anymore?" Su Wan looked at him with clear and bright eyes.

Lang Xing grinned and said, "I haven't lived enough yet."

"I haven't lived enough." Su Wan said quietly. After a while, she pointed to the cave and said, "But living like this is not what I want."

Lang Xing's eyes flashed for a moment, but he finally endured what he wanted to say.

Su Wan looked at him with candid eyes and said, "I have figured it out these days. If I can only live in fear in the future, even when I stay with my relatives and friends, I have to worry about disturbing them, then I might as well give it a try." ”

"You really think so?" Lang Xing bit his lip.

Su Wan nodded calmly and analyzed, "It's been three months and they haven't found us yet, which means they are not omnipotent, and God has not sent down any divine punishment on us. This at least means that the person we killed and God has nothing to do with it, or as you inferred, God is dead or has left. Even if we kill an immortal, they are not as powerful as we thought before. Instead of waiting for them to find the head, it is better to wait for them Send them to the door and deal with them one by one. With Xiao Yunduo and your magical power, we can take advantage of it. "

After a pause, she continued, "If the other party is not an immortal, then there is nothing to be afraid of. Maybe he is just a lonely stranger like the guardian of heaven. Most monks will take care of any situation that disturbs both the cultivation and mortal worlds." No matter, we just happened to meet a person with extremely weird cultivation. In fact, your skills are enough to pretend to be an immortal like him. If so, he may not have any accomplices at all. We just scared ourselves. It’s just a field.”

Langxing's eyes showed a smile that could see through her thoughts, "If I guess correctly, you are thinking about finding something from them, right? It's my speculation that God is dead or has left, plus our victory this time, It gives you confidence and courage. You wish the other party was an immortal, so that you can catch an immortal and understand the situation in the fairy world. "

Su Wan showed an aggrieved expression and argued, "The main reason is that I don't want to live like a mouse. If this matter is not resolved, will you still dare to live with everyone in the future? If someone comes to find you, everyone will fight to the death to protect you. This You know one thing better than me."

Lang Xing put away his meaningful expression and said with full of hesitation, "I have the same idea as you on how to solve this matter. Instead of sitting back and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative, but I am not willing to take such a big risk." "It's good to live one more day. I really haven't lived enough. I would be very unhappy if I died."

After sighing, he continued, "Your guesses are all reasonable, but they are just guesses after all. There may be a group of people waiting for us near the village right now, or even ambushing us nearby, waiting for us to leave." This town up there is going to attack us, and I don’t want our lives to end so soon.”

Su Wan knew that it was her reluctance to let him go that made him so afraid of death. After puckering her lips, she slowly but firmly grabbed Lang Xing's hand, stared at him deeply and said, "It is impossible to live in hibernation under the heaven." That's all, but I'm restlessly dormant deep underground.

What’s the fun in living? Since God is no longer here, no one can separate us. I must muster up such confidence and courage. Langxing, we are capable of fighting against the law of heaven. As long as it doesn’t mess with us, I’m willing to accompany you. Live such a happy life, but if it doesn't want us to live it, or even wants to break us up, then your retreat will allow it to succeed step by step, until you finally let it dominate you, then you will regret it. "

Lang Xing gritted his teeth tightly, his body trembled slightly, his breathing gradually became faster, and his chest heaved violently. Only Su Wan in this world can make him fight back against Heaven. Only Su Wan can inspire him to have the courage and pride to not be afraid of death. Now Su Wan finally did this, and it had an immediate effect.

Lang Xing's weak hand gradually gained strength, and held Su Wan's hand tightly. He pursed his lips tightly, stared at Su Wan with a determined look and said, "Okay! If it really comes to mess with us, then it's nothing." It’s easy to say, fight to the end! Smash it to pieces!”

"It just came to mess with us. It just used such a thick thunder to hit you not long ago." Su Wan added more anger.

"Yeah!" Lang Xing nodded heavily with excitement. He was obviously a little fooled by Su Wan. The last thunderstorm was clearly aimed at him alone. It was because he thought about something that touched the way of heaven that the disaster was caused. , has nothing to do with Su Wan, and has nothing to do with wanting to break up the two of them. Su Wan insisted on putting this shit basin on Tiandao, but Lang Xing was very willing to agree, feeling that Su Wan said this out of her deep love for him, because That's how he is. If Su Wan suffered repeated disasters and was killed in the end, no matter what the reason was, he would record this account as the way of heaven to break them up. This makes no sense, as long as the result is to break them up. If it's open, then it won't work!

"Kill out! Whoever blocks us will die!" Lang Xing said fiercely, his body still trembling.

"Calm down first, you can't go out like this." Su Wan withdrew her hand and said in a calm tone, "Let's first test whether there is anyone ambushing nearby. If there is no ambush, then the estimate of the opponent's strength will be reduced. If there is an ambush, fight if you can. If you can't fight, flee into the town and think of a way."

Lang Xing nodded, "Be prepared to resist the attacks of thoughts. If this is their main attack method, then I will not be afraid. Back then, I was able to resist the attacks of thoughts from the Lingxin tribe. Now, the power of thoughts is stronger than that of others." It was a lot stronger then.”

Su Wan said harshly, "Our two fairy treasures are enough for them. It will be bad luck for them if they dare to offend us!"

Su Wan's ruthless and pretty look made Lang Xing feel loved and pitiful, especially when Su Wan opened and closed her mouth with the word "we", which made him even more courageous. As long as life and death are together, there is nothing to fear about death. He He opened his mouth and laughed silently, patted his Qiankun bag and said, "These are the three immortal treasures and the Hatred Dzi Bead. Even if we die, we have to drag them all on our backs!"

After making thorough preparations, the two chose the next morning when mortal activity was the most frequent and carefully came to the wild land outside the town. Their minds and magical powers did not sense any powerful presence, and Little Yunduo did not issue a warning.

The two of them were extremely vigilant and flew quietly towards the wilderness. They didn't find any danger until they flew to a place far away from people.

Lang Xing looked at Su Wan with a smile in his eyes.

Su Wan breathed a sigh of relief, pursed her lips, and the two flew towards home with firm confidence.

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