Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2892: Falling into a trap

"What do you want to do?" Langxing handed the sealed child to Su Wan. The child's little face was filled with a happy expression of a full meal.

"Take him with you." Su Wan glanced in the direction of home with a solemn expression.

Lang Xing seemed to understand what she was thinking, frowning and said, "Do you want me to use this child as a shield? Your thinking is too simple. Who would care about the life of a child?"

Su Wan pursed her lips and said, "What if it works? Taking care of a child won't be much of a burden. I think people who want to maintain order in the two worlds will definitely not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Anyway, if it weren't for us, this child would be dead." , If we get through this disaster safely, we just need to raise him well, we already need a child. "

Lang Xing showed a strange look and said, "Then just find another child and take one back home."

Su Wan disapproved and said, "That's just looking down on human life. This child was sent to us by God."

Lang Xing was a little speechless, but thinking that Su Wan wanted to protect herself, he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll buy him some clothes, some food and toys, but I never expected that he would suddenly Dad."

Su Wan pursed her lips and smiled. She wanted to take the child, but when she saw the rags, she retracted her hand. She held the child in front of her with her spiritual power and waved to Lang Xing.

Soon Lang Xing came back with a bunch of purchases. Since he had taken care of Bai Xiang, he had some experience in this area.

After changing the child into new clothes from the inside out, Su Wanxin happily held the child in her arms and looked at it for a while, and then said to Lang Xing, "I like this child very much. Please give him a name."

Langxing thought for a while and said, "My mother wants to take him into the river, and my stepmother wants to shield him. This life is really hard, so let's call him a bitter baby."

Sure enough, Langxing still maintained his "unique style" in naming.

Su Wan glared at him angrily and said, "His life may have been miserable before, but he was blessed with luck. Not only did he not die this time, but he also brought his mother a lot of money. From now on, we will make more money." If he doesn’t suffer anymore, I’ll call him Fu’er, Lang Fu.”

"It's so vulgar." Langxing dropped these two words and turned around and flew forward. He understood that although this name was vulgar, it contained Su Wan's expectations. It was not only the hope that the child would be happy in the future, but also the hope for the child. Can bring him good luck.

"You come and hold it." Su Wan caught up and wanted to hand the child over to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing pointed at the Qiankun Bag, "You can hold it first, you still need to place the traveler."

When he was still fifty or sixty thousand miles away from the small village, Langxing chose a small town and fell into the dense forest on the edge of the town, releasing the You Fang from the Qiankun Bag.

He said bluntly, "We caused some trouble. Su Wan and I killed a few mortal bastards. We didn't want to attract the pursuit of a mysterious figure. We killed him and hid outside for a while. Now we are ready." Go back and take a look. It's just 20,000 to 30,000 miles away. You can ambush here. If anything happens, we will run over here. You can catch them off guard. But if we haven't come back in two days, then go back. If you don’t come, run for your life and don’t go looking for us.”

You Fang widened his eyes and said, "Are you offending the immortals who protect the laws of heaven?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "We can't guess. The other party's method is indeed a bit unusual. From the beginning

He never showed up. "

You Fang was scared and excited at the same time and said, "If it's really an immortal, then... it would be too fatal, but it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a real immortal. How many helpers have you... invited?"

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Except for my magical power, others can't detect them at all. It's useless to call for help."

You Fang's eyes were a little straightened, feeling that the two of them were ready to challenge the immortal.

Lang Xing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, we are not easy to mess with. We have already killed one."

You Fang was not stupid. After he regained his composure, he grabbed Lang Xing's hand tightly and said, "You released me just to let me escape, right? Lang Xing, my spell may be of some help. You must be able to kill the enemy." You must lead me here, I don’t want to lose you two friends.”

Lang Xingcan smiled and said, "I am letting you ambush here because I want you to help. Use this town to hide yourself and don't act rashly. But if two days pass, you must sneak away without hesitation and go Go to Daiyuan Mountain, give this to Huang Ying, and then return to Wutian Valley. If we can survive, we will meet you as soon as possible." He handed a jade slip to You Fang.

"You..." You Fang didn't know what to say for a moment. This change happened too suddenly.

Langxing looked at him and said, "We are also confused about this matter. There is nothing more to say. If I can figure it out, I will tell you everything. From now on, hide it and don't come out of this forest." "

After setting up Yu Fang, Su Wan handed Fu'er to Lang Xing to hold, while she used the invisible method to hide herself. The two of them were two to three thousand feet apart and flew toward the small village with full vigilance.

When we were not even thousands of miles away from the small village, Little Yunduo suddenly issued a warning!

"There is a situation!" Lang Xing hurriedly used his mind and spirit to send a message to Su Wan. As soon as he sent this sentence, his body was trapped by a restriction!

It was too fast, and it was not until this moment that he used his mental power to sense the two people rushing over.

"The mind retreats from the spiritual platform!"

This is a majestic divine thought, but it is different from the previous majesty that means domination of the upper world. It is only a majesty due to advanced cultivation.

This is obviously a direct search for souls. Lang Xing holds Fu'er in one hand and uses the other to check the restrictions locked on his body. Perhaps he should really thank Su Wan for this idea. Without Fu'er, the other party would probably use more severe methods. The restriction directly blocked his cultivation.

"Who are you! What are you doing?!" Lang Xing asked pretending to be frightened. Although he had clearly sensed the positions of the two people, he did not tell Su Wan immediately because the two were in front of him. One stopped a hundred thousand feet away. Su Wan could not deal with the two of them at the same time. Judging from his perception, the one stopped in the distance was quite powerful, at least at the mid-stage feather level. He was obviously there to be on guard. , these two people are extremely vigilant.

If he can't unlock the restriction as soon as possible, he can only hope that the guardian spirit set by Yu Chan in his spiritual platform can cause some trouble for the enemy.

He did not bother to report the enemy's situation to Su Wan, and quickly explored the restriction. If he did not unlock this restriction, he would be defeated today. Today, there is no need to prioritize protecting Su Wan. The relationship between the two has already reached the point of life and death. As they share the same fate, Su Wan will not escape alone no matter what. This saves a burden. I just hope that Su Wan can calm down and not rush to take action. "What do you want to do?" Langxing handed the sealed child to Su Wan. The child's little face was filled with a happy expression of a full meal.

"Take him with you." Su Wan glanced in the direction of home with a solemn expression.

Lang Xing seemed to understand what she was thinking, frowning and said, "Do you want me to use this child as a shield? Your thinking is too simple. Who would care about the life of a child?"

Su Wan pursed her lips and said, "What if it works? Taking care of a child won't be much of a burden. I think people who want to maintain order in the two worlds will definitely not kill innocent people indiscriminately. Anyway, if it weren't for us, this child would be dead." , If we get through this disaster safely, we just need to raise him well, we already need a child. "

Lang Xing showed a strange look and said, "Then just find another child and take one back home."

Su Wan disapproved and said, "That's just looking down on human life. This child was sent to us by God."

Lang Xing was a little speechless, but thinking that Su Wan wanted to protect herself, he smiled and said, "Okay, I'll buy him some clothes, some food and toys, but I never expected that he would suddenly Dad."

Su Wan pursed her lips and smiled. She wanted to take the child, but when she saw the rags, she retracted her hand. She held the child in front of her with her spiritual power and waved to Lang Xing.

Soon Langxing came back with a bunch of purchases. Since he had taken care of Bai Xiang, he had some experience in this area.

After changing the child into new clothes from the inside out, Su Wanxin happily held the child in her arms and looked at it for a while, and then said to Lang Xing, "I like this child very much, please give him a name." ??

Langxing thought for a while and said, "My mother wants to take him into the river, and my stepmother wants to shield him. This life is really hard, so let's call him a bitter baby."

Sure enough, Langxing still maintained his "unique style" in naming.

Su Wan glared at him angrily and said, "His life may have been miserable before, but he was blessed with luck. Not only did he not die this time, but he also brought his mother a lot of money. From now on, we will make more money." If he doesn’t suffer anymore, I’ll call him Fu’er, Lang Fu.”

"It's so vulgar." Langxing dropped these two words and turned around and flew forward. He understood that although this name was vulgar, it contained Su Wan's expectations. It was not only the hope that the child would be happy in the future, but also the hope for the child. Can bring him good luck.

"You come and hold it." Su Wan caught up and wanted to hand the child over to Lang Xing.

Lang Xing pointed at the Qiankun Bag, "You can hold it first, you still need to place the traveler."

When he was still fifty or sixty thousand miles away from the small village, Langxing chose a small town and fell into the dense forest on the edge of the town, releasing the You Fang from the Qiankun Bag.

He said bluntly, "We caused some trouble. Su Wan and I killed a few mortal bastards. We didn't want to attract the pursuit of a mysterious figure. We killed him and hid outside for a while. Now we are ready." Go back and take a look. It's just 20,000 to 30,000 miles away. You can ambush here. If anything happens, we will run over here. You can catch them off guard. But if we haven't come back in two days, then go back. If you don’t come, run for your life and don’t go looking for us.”

You Fang widened his eyes and said, "Are you offending the immortals who protect the laws of heaven?"

Lang Xing shook his head and said, "We can't guess. The other party's method is indeed a bit unusual. From the beginning,

He never showed up. "

You Fang was scared and excited at the same time and said, "If it's really an immortal, then... it would be too fatal, but it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see a real immortal. How many helpers have you... invited?"

Lang Xing grinned and said, "Except for my magical power, others can't detect them at all. It's useless to call for help."

You Fang's eyes were a little straightened, feeling that the two of them were ready to challenge the immortal.

Lang Xing patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, we are not easy to mess with. We have already killed one."

You Fang was not stupid. After he regained his composure, he grabbed Lang Xing's hand tightly and said, "You released me just to let me escape, right? Lang Xing, my spell may be of some help. You must be able to kill the enemy." You must lead me here, I don’t want to lose you two friends.”

Lang Xingcan smiled and said, "I am letting you ambush here because I want you to help. Use this town to hide yourself and don't act rashly. But if two days pass, you must sneak away without hesitation and go Go to Daiyuan Mountain, give this to Huang Ying, and then return to Wutian Valley. If we can survive, we will meet you as soon as possible." He handed a jade slip to You Fang.

"You..." You Fang didn't know what to say for a moment. This change happened too suddenly.

Langxing looked at him and said, "We are also confused about this matter. There is nothing more to say. If I can figure it out, I will tell you everything. From now on, hide it and don't come out of this forest." "

After setting up Yu Fang, Su Wan handed Fu'er to Lang Xing to hold, while she used the invisible method to hide herself. The two of them were two to three thousand feet apart and flew toward the small village with full vigilance.

When we were not even thousands of miles away from the small village, Little Yunduo suddenly issued a warning!

"There is a situation!" Lang Xing hurriedly used his mind and spirit to send a message to Su Wan. As soon as he sent this sentence, his body was trapped by a restriction!

It was too fast, and it was not until this moment that he used his mental power to sense the two people rushing over.

"The mind retreats from the spiritual platform!"

This is a majestic divine thought, but it is different from the previous majesty that has the meaning of domination of the upper world. It is only a majesty due to advanced cultivation.

This is obviously a direct search for souls. Lang Xing holds Fu'er in one hand and uses the other to check the restrictions locked on his body. Perhaps he should really thank Su Wan for this idea. Without Fu'er, the other party would probably use more severe methods. The restriction directly blocked his cultivation.

"Who are you! What are you doing?!" Lang Xing asked pretending to be frightened. Although he had clearly sensed the positions of the two people, he did not tell Su Wan immediately because the two were in front of him. One stopped a hundred thousand feet away. Su Wan could not deal with the two of them at the same time. Judging from his perception, the one stopped in the distance was quite powerful, at least at the mid-stage feather level. He was obviously there to be on guard. , these two people are extremely vigilant.

If he can't unlock the restriction as soon as possible, he can only hope that the guardian spirit set by Yu Chan in his spiritual platform can cause some trouble for the enemy.

He did not bother to report the enemy's situation to Su Wan, and quickly explored the restriction. If he did not unlock this restriction, he would be defeated today. Today, there is no need to prioritize protecting Su Wan. The relationship between the two has already reached the point of life and death. As they share the same fate, Su Wan will not escape alone no matter what. This saves a burden. I just hope that Su Wan can calm down and not rush to take action.

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