Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2898 Most things that make the body happy are harmful

Sure enough, after Fu'er drank enough honey water, the next thing she wanted most was food.

"Cake, I want to eat cake..." Because his wishes were fulfilled the first two times, Fu'er became bolder and not as timid as before.

"What kind of cake?" Langxing asked with a smile.

"Delicious cake! Cake!" Fu'er's eyes widened and he made a shape with his two little hands. He was a little anxious because he couldn't say much.

Now Langxing is in trouble. Obviously, he can't be expected to tell which kind of problem it is.

Seeing the child swallowing and gesticulating vigorously, Su Wan felt distressed and quickly took his little hand and said, "Okay, I'll let you eat the cake tonight."

"Mom..." Fu'er immediately laughed happily and opened her little hands for Su Wan to hug her. .??.??

After getting along with each other for more than ten days, he has become accustomed to calling these two people father and mother, but he has almost forgotten about his mother.

That night, Fu'er was surprised to see seven or eight kinds of cakes. Su Wan was worried at first that these cakes didn't have the kind he wanted. After Fu'er tasted them one by one, she asked carefully, "Which one do you want?" "

Fu'er didn't have time to answer. He was holding a piece of cake in one hand, his mouth full, and just smiled silly at Su Wan.

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "These are expensive cakes. The ones he ate before must be far inferior to these."

Su Wan also smiled. Children are easy to be satisfied, and children from poor families are even more likely to be satisfied. Looking at that happy little face, she felt extremely happy.

Next, after Fu'er ordered two or three more things he wanted to eat, Langxing asked him what he wanted again, but he couldn't tell. These were the only good things he had ever eaten.

Su Wan said to Lang Xing, "I can only take him to the town. I think he really can't tell."

Lang Xing looked at Su Wan with a meaningful look and said, "If you never take him to see new things, guess what will happen?"

Su Wan rolled her eyes and said, "Then he will have no more desire for food."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "He can eat these things for a lifetime, and he won't get tired of them because he doesn't know there are other delicious foods. This is the case for many people who live in deep mountains and old forests."

Su Wan agreed, "The same is true for us. When we first ate spiritual fruits, we cared about the taste. As our cultivation level improved, we became less and less aware of the taste. Now we only eat spiritual fruits to satisfy our hunger. We have stopped paying attention to the taste. Desire is indeed a lot less troublesome than ordinary people.”

Langxing pointed at his body and said, "This makes an important magic power of this shackle invalid. Diet is the most important thing in a mortal's life. Most of ordinary people's energy is spent on this. In order to have People who stutter, in order to eat better, would have an easier life if they didn’t know there are so many delicious foods.”

"You don't want to treat Fu'er like this, do you?" Su Wan glared.

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "Letting him eat more delicious food will only increase his desire in this area, making the shackles more powerful in controlling him. Although satisfying his oral desires can make him happy, it is like giving him a hallucinogenic drug." poison, this is definitely not a good thing, don’t think it means loving him, but we came to the mortal world to experience it, and we agreed to let him live a normal mortal life, and in this environment, sooner or later he will go to the town , to see more delicious food, so let’s take another path so that he can eat all the delicious food,

When he gets tired of scolding, things will turn to the extreme, which will eventually reduce his desire in this regard. "

Su Wan thought silently. Lang Xing's idea of ​​comparing food to poison is quite novel. If you think about it, it is indeed the case. Of course, the premise is that you must be able to realize that the body is a shackles, and the pleasure you feel when eating delicious food is just a little bit of the shackles. The price paid for the sweetness is being under its control stronger and falling deeper.

"Everything that makes people feel happy is harmful?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lang Xing shook his head, "Most of the things that make the body happy are harmful, and they are driven by this shackles. Of course, if you have the restraint to just try and stop, or the wisdom to enjoy it without indulging, then you can turn the harm into a benefit. It's like taking the bait but not catching it, the shackles will have no power over you."

Su Wan asked, "What about pleasure other than physical pleasure?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I think most of them are beneficial, such as the joy of helping others, the joy of being like-minded, and the joy of being in love with each other."

Su Wan rolled her eyes at him and didn't want him to talk any more. She pointed outside and said, "Hurry up and set up the car. Let's take the kids to the town."

Langxing walked out of the house with a smile, picked up the bucket and said, "Let him slow down. He is always on the verge of death these days. If he continues to eat like this, we will have to be fed to death. I went to water the ground. Let’s take him there in a few days.”

A few days later, the family of three went to the town. Fu'er had also been to his town before, but his mother had no spare money to buy him delicious food. When she encountered a shop selling food, she always walked over quickly. Fu'er could only lie on his mother's shoulder, staring at the delicacies with alluring aromas and swallowing his saliva. This time it was different. Langxing carried him to the place where food was sold, and he could eat whatever he wanted. What to eat.

From then on, Fu'er's happy childhood began, and it didn't take long for him to eat all the delicacies in the town.

When he was less than four years old, he became a child he had never seen before. His cute little face turned into a rosy and chubby face. At the same time, his temperament also changed. From the timid and cautious one in the past, he became a talkative one. Smile, cheerful and lively.

In order not to arouse everyone's suspicion, most of the delicacies were secretly given to Fu'er, but even so, the whole village still felt that these two couples were too doting on their children, and from time to time they would kindly advise them to save some money. , Su Wan had to consider letting Lang Xing go out to do business, but Lang Xing didn't want to go, because he hadn't had enough of this kind of newlywed life.

As long as Long Xing doesn't want to do something, he can figure out a way to deal with it.

That night, the villagers heard the rapid sound of horse hooves. The next day, the couple said they had received news from their family that Su Wan's father had died and they had to go back to attend the funeral. There is no burden for the two of them to make up this lie. Su Wan's father has been dead for more than a thousand years, and she has no memory of what her father looked like.

The family of three drove a donkey cart all the way to a big city hundreds of miles away. Fuer's happy life of eating and drinking went to a new level. He ate there for several months. Only then returned to the village wearing mourning clothes.

This time I brought back more gifts to the villagers because I received a generous share of the family property.

Everyone looked at the gifts they were given and secretly guessed that the money they had received must be at least a thousand taels of silver.

In this way, the money problem is solved.

The appearance of Fuer changed the two people's original plan of living in poverty. Sure enough, after Fu'er drank enough honey water, the next thing she wanted most was food.

"Cake, I want to eat cake..." Because his wishes were fulfilled the first two times, Fu'er became bolder and not as timid as before.

"What kind of cake?" Langxing asked with a smile.

"Delicious cake! Cake!" Fu'er's eyes widened and he made a shape with his two little hands. He was a little anxious because he couldn't say much.

Now Langxing is in trouble. Obviously, he can't be expected to tell which kind of problem it is.

Seeing the child swallowing and gesticulating vigorously, Su Wan felt distressed and quickly took his little hand and said, "Okay, I'll let you eat the cake tonight."

"Mom..." Fu'er immediately laughed happily and opened her little hands for Su Wan to hug her.

After getting along with each other for more than ten days, he has become accustomed to calling these two people father and mother, but he has almost forgotten about his mother.

That night, Fu'er was surprised to see seven or eight kinds of cakes. Su Wan was worried at first that these cakes didn't have the kind he wanted. After Fu'er tasted them one by one, she asked carefully, "Which one do you want?" "

Fu'er didn't have time to answer. He was holding a piece of cake in one hand, his mouth full, and just smiled silly at Su Wan.

Lang Xing smiled and shook his head and said, "These are expensive cakes. The ones he ate before must be far inferior to these."

Su Wan also smiled. Children are easy to be satisfied, and children from poor families are even more likely to be satisfied. Looking at that happy little face, she felt extremely happy.

Next, after Fu'er ordered two or three more things he wanted to eat, Langxing asked him what he wanted again, but he couldn't tell. These were the only good things he had ever eaten.

Su Wan said to Lang Xing, "I can only take him around the town. I think he really can't tell."

Lang Xing looked at Su Wan with a meaningful look and said, "If you never take him to see new things, guess what will happen?"

Su Wan rolled her eyes and said, "Then he will have no more desire for food."

Lang Xing nodded and said, "He can eat these things for a lifetime, and he won't get tired of them because he doesn't know there are other delicious foods. This is the case for many people who live in deep mountains and old forests."

Su Wan agreed, "The same is true for us. When we first ate spiritual fruits, we cared about the taste. As our cultivation level improved, we became less and less aware of the taste. Now we only eat spiritual fruits to satisfy our hunger. We have stopped paying attention to the taste. Desire is indeed a lot less troublesome than ordinary people.”

Langxing pointed at his body and said, "This makes an important magic power of this shackle invalid. Diet is the most important thing in a mortal's life. Most of ordinary people's energy is spent on this. In order to have People who stutter, in order to eat better, would have an easier life if they didn’t know there are so many delicious foods.”

"You don't want to treat Fu'er like this, do you?" Su Wan glared.

Lang Xing said disdainfully, "Letting him eat more delicious food will only increase his desire in this area, making the shackles more powerful in controlling him. Although satisfying his oral desires can make him happy, it is like giving him a hallucinogenic drug." poison, this is definitely not a good thing, don’t think it means loving him, but we came to the mortal world to experience it, and we agreed to let him live a normal mortal life, and in this environment, sooner or later he will go to the town , to see more delicious food, so let’s take another path so that he can eat all the delicious food,

When he gets tired of scolding, things will turn to the extreme, which will eventually reduce his desire in this regard. "

Su Wan thought silently. Lang Xing's idea of ​​comparing food to poison is quite novel. If you think about it, it is indeed the case. Of course, the premise is that you must be able to realize that the body is a shackles, and the pleasure you feel when eating delicious food is just a little bit of the shackles. The price paid for the sweetness is being under its control stronger and falling deeper.

"Everything that makes people feel happy is harmful?" she asked with a raised eyebrow.

Lang Xing shook his head, "Most of the things that make the body happy are harmful, and they are driven by this shackles. Of course, if you have the restraint to just try and stop, or the wisdom to enjoy it without indulging, then you can turn the harm into a benefit. It's like taking the bait but not catching it, the shackles will have no power over you."

Su Wan asked, "What about pleasure other than physical pleasure?"

Lang Xing smiled and said, "I think most of them are beneficial, such as the joy of helping others, the joy of being like-minded, and the joy of being in love with each other."

Su Wan rolled her eyes at him and didn't want him to talk any more. She pointed outside and said, "Hurry up and set up the car. Let's take the kids to the town."

Langxing walked out of the house with a smile, picked up the bucket and said, "Let him slow down. He is always on the verge of death these days. If he continues to eat like this, we will have to be fed to death. I went to water the ground. Let’s take him there in a few days.”

A few days later, the family of three went to the town. Fu'er had also been to his town before, but his mother had no spare money to buy him delicious food. When she encountered a shop selling food, she always walked over quickly. Fu'er could only lie on his mother's shoulder, staring at the delicacies with alluring aromas and swallowing his saliva. This time it was different. Langxing carried him to the place where food was sold, and he could eat whatever he wanted. What to eat.

From then on, Fu'er's happy childhood began, and it didn't take long for him to eat all the delicacies in the town.

When he was less than four years old, he became a child he had never seen before. His cute little face turned into a rosy and chubby face. At the same time, his temperament also changed. From the timid and cautious one in the past, he became a talkative one. Smile, cheerful and lively.

In order not to arouse everyone's suspicion, most of the delicacies were secretly given to Fu'er, but even so, the whole village still felt that these two couples were too doting on their children, and from time to time they would kindly advise them to save some money. , Su Wan had to consider letting Lang Xing go out to do business, but Lang Xing didn't want to go, because he hadn't had enough of this kind of newlywed life.

As long as Long Xing doesn't want to do something, he can figure out a way to deal with it.

That night, the villagers heard the rapid sound of horse hooves. The next day, the couple said they had received news from their family that Su Wan's father had died and they had to go back to attend the funeral. There is no burden for the two of them to make up this lie. Su Wan's father has been dead for more than a thousand years, and she has no memory of what her father looked like.

The family of three drove a donkey cart all the way to a big city hundreds of miles away. Fuer's happy life of eating and drinking went to a new level. He ate there for several months. Only then returned to the village wearing mourning clothes.

This time I brought back more gifts to the villagers because I received a generous share of the family property.

Everyone looked at the gifts they were given and secretly guessed that the money they had received must be at least a thousand taels of silver.

In this way, the money problem is solved.

The appearance of Fuer changed the two people's original plan of living in poverty.

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