Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2910 We are all his biological fathers

Su Wan used her body skills to the extreme and no longer tried to comfort Lang Xing. She could also think of the dangers that Lang Xing could think of. This was not the time to think about the good. The only thing they had to do was to rush over as quickly as possible.

Su Wan didn't like Lu Gang very much before, just like she didn't like Xiyang back then. But people are like this. Once they get along for a long time and have feelings for each other, their opinions will change. No matter how bold Xiyang is or how ruthless Lu Gang is Although she still thinks that these two people will not have any good influence on Lang Xing, she can only do this.

From the point of view of Su Yuan, the fate between these two people and Lang Xing is not over yet, and because of Lang Xing, she was also tied in. This shows how powerful the web of Su Yuan is. It is really like a spider web. You can easily get involved with it, but it's not that easy to get rid of it.

East, all the way east.

Compared with other directions, the east is where Nanjingzhou monks have the least exposure, because the desolate area here is too wide, wider than the sea and mountain areas. Spiritual energy is the lifeblood of monks. Places where spiritual energy cannot be found are restricted areas for monks.

Flying over the miasma-filled mountains and the dust-filled desert, Su Wan really didn't know what to say to Bai Xiang and Xiao Hefeng. These two people were so courageous, but she could understand this. Famous teachers make great disciples. Well, under the guidance of a group of experts, these two children have learned too much, and they no longer bother to venture into ordinary places. Moreover, Lang Xing's deeds are too legendary, which will inevitably have a great impact on the two children. Bird Sui Luan and phoenix fly a long way, they are already at the age when the pony starts to feel that the road is narrow, and they must be full of energy to surpass Langxing. I really can't blame them for not knowing how high the sky is, because the role model beside them is too brilliant.

When the morning light first appeared, Langxing estimated that it was coming soon. He was about to remind Su Wan to take a rest first to replenish his spiritual power, but he saw that Su Wan's figure had changed. With the help of the magic power of the Qiankun Bag, he could see that Su Wan had more appearance. There was a layer of faint ripples. He was aware of this situation. Su Wan was actually using invisible magic to hide her body. Something unusual must have happened to her!

Without waiting for Su Wan to signal, he quietly got out of the Qiankun Bag. Su Wan immediately grabbed his wrist tightly, looked at Lang Xing with worried eyes and said, "You must stay calm, Lu Gang is still here." Alive, but a little miserable.”

Lang Xing looked forward eagerly, and sent back his spiritual thoughts to force himself to calm down, "Quickly tell me what you saw, as long as he is still alive."

Su Wan then passed on the distant scene and at the same time grabbed Lang Xing's wrist tighter.

Seven or eight thousand miles away, a large lake was so calm that there was no ripple, and it was so clear that it was almost transparent. It was originally a peaceful and peaceful scene, but in the sky there was a miserable scene that was incompatible with it. The gray-faced Lu Gang was struggling to fly. The speed was as slow as crawling, and blood was dripping from the corner of his mouth. As the blood dropped into the pure lake water, swaying blood-colored flowers bloomed in the lake. Although the blood flowers were far apart, due to the water of the lake, It is extremely clean, and a long bloody trace can be seen.

Lu Gang's cultivation has reached the perfect state of the middle stage of Nascent Soul. How much blood does he have in his body?

A dark blue spiritual beast that looked like a monkey was riding on Lu Gang's neck. Its two paws waved black cold water mist and slapped Lu Gang's head. It was obvious that

It is obvious that the water attribute mana of this spiritual beast can restrain Lu Gang's fire of burning hatred.

How could Lu Gang bear such an insult? Although his eyes had dimmed due to weakness, they were still red and full of resentment and humiliation.

Five people in exotic costumes followed Lu Gang thousands of feet away with contempt and joy on their faces. It seemed that they did not dare to get too close because of fear, and they were just waiting for Lu Gang to be exhausted until the lamp ran out. Step forward and capture him.

"You little bastard, show us how cruel you are again." A fat man waved out a burst of spiritual power, which staggered Lu Gang, and a small stream of blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth.

"Don't you have a strong bone? I'll make you kneel down and call me daddy in a moment!" Another person said with vicious pleasure.

"Let him call each of us his biological father a hundred times, and we will all be his biological fathers." One person said in a lewd voice.

Lang Xing's body trembled, and the bloodshot eyes quickly spread.

Su Wan hurriedly conveyed her thoughts and said, "You have to calm down. I can feel that there is a great supernatural power following the other party. It is best for us to ambush here and catch them off guard. Only in this way can we ensure that Lu Gang is rescued."

Of course Lang Xing understood this, otherwise he wouldn't have endured it until now, but seeing Lu Gang in such a miserable condition, he couldn't wait any longer!

"Lang Xing! They will definitely catch him alive and search for his soul. Lu Gang won't die. No matter how patient you are..."

Just as Su Wan's dissuasive thoughts were halfway through, a terrifying magical power pushed her away. At the same time, five monks thousands of feet away were also frightened by the terrifying magical power and rushed toward her in panic. After retreating hastily, the spirit beast riding on Lu Gang's head let out a strange cry and fled in haste.

Lu Gang's body was swaying, and he also felt the frightening magic power. He knew clearly that it was coming from the hunter's bow. In just a moment, he saw his good brother's blood-red eyes and his hand full of weapons. The hunter's bow rushed towards him. The moment he saw Lang Xing, tears instantly filled his eyes. He couldn't remember the last time he shed tears. He thought he would never shed tears again in this life. , but at this moment he couldn't help but cry, because of excitement, grievance, and even more humiliation.

The reason why he endured the humiliation and flew back was that there was still a glimmer of hope in his heart. Now that his hope had come true, he had no regrets about dying. As long as he could avenge this, death would be okay!

"Don't kill them..." After gritting his teeth and saying this, he couldn't hold on any longer and staggered down.

Lang Xing understood that Lu Gang wanted him to catch them alive, and he wanted to kill these people with his own hands, but seeing that Lu Gang had already fallen, he couldn't care less about chasing those people, so he hurriedly put away his hunter's bow. , used his spiritual power to pull Lu Gang up.

"Leave me alone! Chase! Chase..." Lu Gang yelled at Lang Xing angrily and anxiously, so anxious that his voice broke.

At this time, two groups of holy light flashed in the distance and floated towards them in a leisurely manner!

Lu Gang closed his mouth, clenched his teeth, and there was regret in his red eyes. It was only at this moment that he admitted that it was a bit too much to take revenge alone. If he died, he would die, causing Lang Xing to accompany him. Death was the outcome he didn't want to see anyway. At this moment, he would rather Lang Xing didn't come to save him.

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