Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2925 What is the greatest merit?

Sitting in the cave arranged by Immortal Xiaoyao, Langxing blinked and swayed back and forth leisurely. Although he promised Su Wan to summon Senior Xiaoyao, he was still a little hesitant on this matter. It was easy to deceive Su Wan anyway. , he can consider it calmly.

There are two reasons for his hesitation. One is that Senior Xiaoyao may be in seclusion at the moment, and it would be inappropriate to disturb others. The second is that he doesn't think it is necessary. It is enough to have Yu Chan here to take charge. .

Of course, there may be old monsters in the middle stage of the Yuan Dynasty on the East Nightmare Continent. Even if there are more than one, there is no need to be afraid. There is also Hutian, who will definitely not allow the war in the middle stage of the Yuanbao to happen in front of his eyes.

Heaven and earth have their own ways of protecting themselves.

Langxing's thoughts began to wander. If God is no longer there, then Hutian will be the protector god bred by heaven and earth. He can also be said to be blessed with the beauty of heaven and earth, and he is as determined as Hutian to protect this world. , then he was also born with the blessing of heaven and earth?

As his thoughts drifted further and further, he became increasingly confused, and his slightly swaying body became still.

"Isn't that right?" A voice sounded vaguely.

"Well, that's not quite right... After giving this answer casually, Lang Xing suddenly woke up and was shocked to see Immortal Xiaoyao sitting quietly opposite him!

"Hey! Why are you here?!" He stood up and saluted in surprise, "I was just thinking about whether I should send you a message."

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord said, "I went to Daiyuan Mountain to find you. Lu Gang told me about the invasion of Dongmengzhou. I came here just to see if I can meet you."

"Oh! What a coincidence. What do you want from me?" Lang Xing took out the tea set diligently, brewed a cup of tea and served it with both hands.

Immortal Xiaoyao didn't answer and asked, "I didn't ruin your business, did I? I've been here for more than an hour, and I saw that your expression was getting worse and worse, so I made a sound to wake you up."

Lang Xing squinted his eyes and thought about it, then smiled and said, "You are right to wake up. The thoughts just now are getting farther and farther, and I feel far-fetched and absurd."

Immortal Xiaoyao nodded and didn't ask any more questions. There was no need to pay attention to things that Lang Xing himself thought were absurd. He said in a calm tone, "I listened to the Taoist teachings learned by Yun Dao last time, and borrowed the spiritual power." The Xu Miao Realm has cleared away the stray souls. I have been meditating on it for a period of time. The main thing I have been thinking about is whether I can survive without this broken body. This broken body only ties me down. "

"You have to be extremely cautious about this. I don't have any new ideas in this area." Lang Xing said with a grin. Senior Xiaoyao once asked him to help him understand this aspect, but he never thought about it very much. , because this is not only related to the law of heaven, but also too dangerous. He would rather let Senior Xiaoyao live like this than let him take this risk.

Immortal Xiaoyao still said in a calm tone, "I have figured out some things. Because I am not sure, I can't tell you. These things are indeed dangerous, but I will take the risk after all. I I’ve had enough of this broken body.”

Lang Xing shook his head with a grimace and said, "I don't want you to take this risk easily. If you just want to get rid of this body, you can choose to seize the body." He is very repulsive to the evil magic of seizing the body, but Xiaoyao Xian If Jun does this, he can accept it.

Immortal Xiaoyao said disapprovingly, "To seize a body, you must first find someone with excellent qualifications."

Yes, even after seizing the body, this qualification will be greatly reduced. And from your point of view, the body is a shackles. Why do I need to change a set of shackles? For those who are greedy for the world, seizing the body is a way to survive. There is no way, but I don’t bother to live like that. "

"Then...then you can't risk your own life and death. I don't agree with you doing that." Lang Xing had a bitter look on his face, his eyes full of opposition.

Immortal Xiaoyao knew how much he couldn't let go of her, so he reached out and patted his shoulder comfortingly, saying, "If you were allowed to live like me, would you be willing?"

Langxing's bitter face turned into a sad face. If he put himself in his shoes, he would definitely not care about life and death. He would not do to others what he did not want others to do to him. Even if he was reluctant to give up, he could not put a burden on Senior Xiaoyao. Besides, Senior Xiaoyao was a person of character. He won't be held back by others, and it's useless to cry while holding someone else's lap.

Immortal Xiaoyao comforted, "That day is still far away. Of course I have to wait until I am more confident before trying again, because I still have some concerns that I cannot tell you, so you can trust me and don't worry about me in such a hurry. I say hello to you in advance. Firstly, I want you to help me understand and understand, and strive to make this confidence as big as possible. Secondly, I feel that the mysterious earth true energy has become a burden, and I am giving up this body. It may cause trouble when the body is broken, so I want to pass it on to you. After removing the stray soul, my cultivation level has improved a bit, and I no longer need to rely on it. "

Lang Xing shook his head firmly and said, "I don't need it either. I have enough spells and treasures and I can't use them anymore. You'd better keep them for now." Senior Xiaoyao's ability to survive to this day is due to the nourishment of Xuantu Zhenyuan. It has a lot to do with it. If you accept the true essence of Xuantu, then the process of seeking death for Senior Xiaoyao will be smoother.

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord emphasized, "This true essence is very helpful for enlightenment. Yuchan is willing to give Chenfeng True Essence to you. If you have two kinds of true essence, it will not only greatly strengthen your magic power, but also help You..." He originally wanted to encourage Lang Xing by saying that it would help him gain enlightenment, but when he realized that Lang Xing was unwilling to gain enlightenment, he had to change his words and said, "It can also help you get Shu Yan back earlier."

When Shu Yan was mentioned, Lang Xing felt tangled, but after thinking about it, he still said, "Hu Tian is very kind to Shu Yan. It seems that it is a good thing for him to guide Shu Yan's cultivation."

Xiaoyao Xianjun was helpless. Langxing was no longer Xiaozhui'er, so he couldn't force his head down anymore.

Lang Xing was afraid that Senior Xiaoyao would be unhappy, so he hurriedly said, "Let's talk about this later. Let's first understand that being more confident is the most important thing."

Xiaoyao Xianjun said, "You have had the experience of soul leaving the body, and Su Wan has also formed a strange spirit body. This shows that it is feasible to abandon the body, but this kind of thing is too risky. You should be more careful when enlightening." ." After that, he thought for a moment before continuing, "There is one more thing I want to talk to you about. What do you think is the greatest merit in the world?"

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "How did you come up with this problem? Are the merits you are talking about the praise of the world, or the merits of the underworld?"

Xiaoyao Xianjun said, "Of course it is the merits of the underworld. There is nothing to say about the merits of the world. Doing those things that people's hearts desire is merit."

Lang Xing smiled even more happily, "I have thought about this kind of thing when I was a child and listened to my mother telling stories. Later, although I often used this to scare people, I didn't think much about things like the underworld and the underworld. , because I think those myths and legends are too fake and are completely made up by people. If there is an underworld, it is definitely not what everyone says." Sitting in the crypt arranged by Xiaoyao Immortal, Lang Xing blinked and walked back and forth leisurely. Shaking his body, although he promised Su Wan to summon Senior Xiaoyao, he was still a little hesitant on this matter. Anyway, it was easy to deceive Su Wan, so he could consider it calmly.

There are two reasons for his hesitation. One is that Senior Xiaoyao may be in seclusion at the moment, and it would be inappropriate to disturb others. The second is that he doesn't think it is necessary. It is enough to have Yu Chan here to take charge. .

Of course, there may be old monsters in the middle stage of feathering in Dongmengzhou. Even if there are more than one, there is no need to be afraid. There is also Hutian, who will definitely not allow the war in the middle stage of feathering to happen in front of his eyes.

Heaven and earth have their own ways of protecting themselves.

Langxing's thoughts began to wander. If God is no longer there, then Hutian will be the protector god bred by heaven and earth. He can also be said to be blessed with the beauty of heaven and earth, and he is as determined as Hutian to protect this world. , then he was also born with the blessing of heaven and earth?

As his thoughts drifted further and further, he became increasingly confused, and his slightly swaying body became still.

"Isn't that right?" A voice sounded vaguely.

"Well, that's not quite right... After giving this answer casually, Lang Xing suddenly woke up and was shocked to see Immortal Xiaoyao sitting quietly opposite him!

"Hey! Why are you here?!" He stood up and saluted in surprise, "I was just thinking about whether I should send you a message."

Xiaoyao Immortal Lord said, "I went to Daiyuan Mountain to find you. Lu Gang told me about the invasion of Dongmengzhou. I came here just to see if I can meet you."

"Oh! What a coincidence. What do you want from me?" Lang Xing took out the tea set diligently, brewed a cup of tea and served it with both hands.

Immortal Xiaoyao didn't answer and asked, "I didn't ruin your business, did I? I've been here for more than an hour, and I saw that your expression was getting worse and worse, so I made a sound to wake you up."

Lang Xing squinted his eyes and thought about it for a moment, then smiled and said, "You're right to wake up. The thoughts just now are drifting further and further, and I feel that they are far-fetched and absurd."

Immortal Xiaoyao nodded and didn't ask any more questions. There was no need to pay attention to things that Lang Xing himself thought were absurd. He said in a calm tone, "I listened to the Taoist teachings learned by Yun Dao last time, and borrowed the spiritual knowledge." The Xu Miao Realm has cleared away the stray souls. I have been meditating on it for a period of time. The main thing I have been thinking about is whether I can survive without this broken body. This broken body only ties me down. "

"You have to be extremely cautious about this. I don't have any new ideas in this area." Lang Xing said with a grin. Senior Xiaoyao once asked him to help him understand this aspect, but he never thought about it very much. , because this is not only related to the law of heaven, but also too dangerous. He would rather let Senior Xiaoyao live like this than let him take this risk.

Immortal Xiaoyao still said in a calm tone, "I have figured out some things. Because I am not sure, I can't tell you. These things are indeed dangerous, but I will take the risk after all. I I’ve had enough of this broken body.”

Lang Xing shook his head with a grimace and said, "I don't want you to take this risk easily. If you just want to get rid of this body, you can choose to seize the body." He is very repulsive to the evil magic of seizing the body, but Xiaoyao Xian If Jun does this, he can accept it.

Immortal Xiaoyao disapproved and said, "To seize the body, you must first find someone with excellent qualifications."

Yes, even after seizing the body, this qualification will be greatly reduced. And from your point of view, the body is a shackles. Why do I need to change a set of shackles? For those who are greedy for the world, seizing the body is a way to survive. There is no way, but I don’t bother to live like that. "

"Then...then you can't risk your own life and death. I don't agree with you doing that." Lang Xing had a bitter look on his face, his eyes full of objections.

Immortal Xiaoyao knew how reluctant he was to let go of her, so he reached out and patted his shoulder comfortingly, saying, "If you were allowed to live like me, would you be willing?"

Langxing's bitter face turned into a sad face. If he put himself in his shoes, he would definitely not care about life and death. He would not do to others what he did not want others to do to him. Even if he was reluctant to give up, he could not put a burden on Senior Xiaoyao. Besides, Senior Xiaoyao was a person of character. You won't be held back by others, and there's no point crying while holding someone else's lap.

Immortal Xiaoyao comforted, "That day is still far away. Of course I have to wait until I am more confident before trying again, because I still have some concerns that I cannot tell you, so you can trust me and don't worry about me in such a hurry. I say hello to you in advance. Firstly, I want you to help me understand and understand, and strive to make this confidence as big as possible. Secondly, I feel that the mysterious earth true energy has become a burden, and I am giving up this body. It may cause trouble when the body is broken, so I want to pass it on to you. After removing the stray soul, my cultivation level has improved a bit, and I no longer need to rely on it. "

Lang Xing shook his head firmly and said, "I don't need it either. I have enough spells and treasures and I can't use them anymore. You'd better keep them for now." Senior Xiaoyao's ability to survive to this day is due to the nourishment of Xuantu Zhenyuan. It has a lot to do with it. If you accept the true essence of Xuantu, then the process of seeking death for Senior Xiaoyao will be smoother.

Immortal Xiaoyao said with emphasis, "This true essence is very helpful for enlightenment. Yuchan is willing to give Chenfeng true essence to you. If you have two kinds of true essence, it will not only greatly strengthen your magic power, but also help You..." He originally wanted to encourage Lang Xing by saying that it would help him gain enlightenment, but when he realized that Lang Xing was unwilling to gain enlightenment, he had to change his words and said, "It can also help you get Shu Yan back earlier."

When Shu Yan was mentioned, Lang Xing felt tangled, but after thinking about it, he still said, "Hu Tian is very kind to Shu Yan. It seems that it is a good thing for him to guide Shu Yan's cultivation."

Xiaoyao Xianjun was helpless. Langxing was no longer Xiaozhui'er, so he couldn't force his head down anymore.

Lang Xing was afraid that Senior Xiaoyao would be unhappy, so he hurriedly said, "Let's talk about this later. Let's first realize that being more confident is the most important thing."

Xiaoyao Xianjun said, "You have had the experience of soul leaving the body, and Su Wan has also formed a strange spirit body. This shows that it is feasible to abandon the body, but this kind of thing is too risky. You should be more careful when enlightening." "After that, he thought for a moment before continuing, "There is one more thing I want to talk to you about. What do you think is the greatest merit in the world?"

Lang Xing smiled happily and said, "How did you come up with this problem? Are the merits you are talking about the praise of the world, or the merits of the underworld?"

Xiaoyao Xianjun said, "Of course it is the merits of the underworld. There is nothing to say about the merits of the world. Doing those things that people's hearts desire is merit."

Lang Xing smiled even more happily, "I have thought about this kind of thing when I was a child and listened to my mother telling stories. Later, although I often used this to scare people, I didn't think much about things like the underworld and the underworld. , because I think those myths and legends are too fake and are completely made up by people. If there really is an underworld, it is definitely not what everyone says. "

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