Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2941 The Unlucky Fortune Gate

Thousands of people are nervously and excitedly waiting for the result of this battle. This is the first big competition in Nanjingzhou. The previous exciting competitions have made them satisfied, although they will be held every three hundred years in the future. There has been a meeting of immortal heroes, but the first one is undoubtedly the most worth talking about. The first person to win the title of "immortal hero" is also the most glorious. I am lucky enough to witness this scene and my disciples and grandchildren will be proud of it in the future.

People who don't know Lang Xing firmly believe that Wu Yan will win, because this strange man can easily sweep away the heroes of the world, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he shocked the entire Nanjingzhou cultivation world.

People who know Lang Xing firmly believe that Lang Xing will win, because sweeping the world's heroes is no longer a problem for this kid, he can even sweep the world's great supernatural powers.

Two gambling games were opened on site, one was opened by Fucaimen. This sect is considered an alternative to Nanjingzhou Xiujie. They are keen on doing business. Wherever there is excitement, they will be there. They have opened the market in every arena before. We have already lost a lot of money on this bet today. This is the worst loss Fucaimen has ever suffered because there were too many accidents.

Another bet was opened by the Heavenly Law Alliance. The Heavenly Law Alliance generally does not do this kind of thing. The reason given this time is that because this battle cannot be held in public, the Heavenly Law Alliance felt that it could not tolerate everyone's enthusiasm, so it opened a bet. It was lively and lively, giving everyone something to do while waiting.

Fucaimen was very dissatisfied with this. They were hoping to get some money back from this game. Tianlu Meng was purely trying to grab business, and they felt that Tianlu Meng knew more information about both sides and it was unfair to open a gambling game.

Tianlu Meng said that it would not set odds for the two people fighting against each other. No matter who wins the bet, as long as the bet wins, the bet will be doubled.

Fucaimen had nothing to say. In order to compete with Tianlu Meng for business, they offered Langxing an odds of two and a half times to one, which was half a percent higher than Tianlu Meng. Silent Party refused to accept bets because They judged that Wu Yan would win and only make money from the people who bet on Long Star to win.

Moreover, they also ingeniously set up a draw option with a loss of 100. This is purely for fun. Businessmen, if they don’t come up with some novel tricks, they are not considered smart businessmen.

Carrying the clouds, Lingxiang, Huahu, Jiangxiao, Qingyu and others all went to Fucaimen to place heavy bets.

Binzi secretly asked a subordinate to help cast a thousand Yuan Yingshi.

The people from Fucaimen didn't expect so many people to be so ruthless, and they were a little worried when they saw the bets collected. What made them funny was that someone actually bet to win the tie, and the person who came to place the bet was a mysterious person. The young female cultivator from the Fang sect has just opened up her cultivation level, but she is quite generous with her one hundred Yuan Yingshi.

"We set up this draw as a joke, are you really betting?" The person in charge of collecting the bets almost had snot in his nose from laughing.

"Yes! Just bet on a draw, bet on no outcome between them." The little female cultivator said with certainty.

The bettor shook his head with a smile and said kindly, "This is a decisive battle for the title of 'Xianying'. How can it end in a draw? It's impossible. If you put down the hundred yuan baby stone, it will be gone. This is not It’s a small amount. Besides, how can a girl like you get so many spiritual stones?”

The little female cultivator raised her chin proudly and said, "Don't worry about where the spirit stone came from. It was not stolen or robbed anyway. I will bet on a draw. If I lose, I will lose. We Xuanfang Sect disciples can afford to lose!" "

"Hey! Although Xuanfang Sect is small, it is really talented. Who are you, Xunyi?" The bet collector admired the spirit of this little girl.

"It's my uncle. Our Xuanfang sect has more than one talent: Uncle Xunyi." The little female cultivator became even more energetic.

The bet collector asked, "It is rumored that your leader has transformed into a feather. Is it true?"

The little girl Xiu Xiu is proud of this. It was the master who gave her the spirit stone to place a bet. "It's not convenient for me to talk about this. Do you accept my bet? Your Fu Cai Sect won't be one of them." Are you afraid of losing?"

The man laughed angrily at her and reminded her again, "There is no regret in betting. If I accept the spirit stone, you can't regret it. You are too young. I really don't want to accept such a heavy bet from you." If you insist on gambling, then ask your master to come over."

"No need! I don't care if I lose. Anyway, you have a draw, so you have to accept my bet." The little female cultivator threw the spirit stone on the table proudly, turned around and left.

Several people from Fucai Sect looked at each other, and one of them said, "I'll give her fifty spiritual stones later. I can't return them all to her, so let's just teach her a lesson."

Another prisoner muttered, "Why do I think we are being plotted? How can anyone place a big bet on a draw?"

Another person said, "Do you think there is a possibility of a draw? With so many people watching, how can the Heavenly Law Alliance explain it to everyone if there is a draw?"

The prisoner murmured and the man shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter if we are being tricked. Who told us to draw this draw? As long as Langxing doesn't win, we are not afraid."

Before he finished speaking, another eleven hundred Nascent Soul Stones were placed on several cases. The bet was on Longxing to win, and the bet was on Bai Ling of the Junlu Sect. Naturally, she was sent by Qimu Xianzun. Of course, this Immortal Lord did not want to earn spiritual stones, but just wanted to show off to Lang Xing. He gave him the thousand yuan infant stone. Bai Ling herself deposited fifty yuan, and Lin Zhen who accompanied her also deposited fifty yuan. Money, the two of them are kind enough. They both have some wealth, but they feel that it is not appropriate to make too much, so they do not make a big bet.

"What if Lang Xing wins..." The lover muttered as the man looked at his fellow disciples with a grin.

"Shut up, we have enough to carry this time. We have lost more than 10,000 yuan of baby stones. How can we carry it all the way to the end?! I don't believe that Langxing can win!" said the person who presided over this bet. The eldest brother stared and said that he was really panicked. If Langxing won, they would suffer miserably in this Xianying meeting. They would have to pay tens of thousands of baby stones for this game alone.

When Lang Xing and Wu Yan appeared in front of everyone hand in hand, thousands of monks seemed to be frozen at the same time. They all looked at them in surprise. Thousands of monks could not even breathe.

The only one who expected this ending was Su Wan. She curled her lips slightly as she was hiding in the distance, and looked at Fucaimen with pride, laughing secretly that these people were really unlucky, and the bet that ended in a draw was simply unlucky. It was specially prescribed for her alone.

\u003e "Is it even?" The question came from Fucaimen first. This was related to their interests. They were surprised. Because they were concerned about profit and loss, they reacted faster than others.

Lang Xing smiled and responded, "Yes, there is no winner."

Wuyan smiled at Langxing and walked away, completely ignoring the calls of Tianbinzi and others.

Countless people gathered around Lang Xing, rushing to ask how the battle was fought. Lang Xing just smiled and waved his hands, refusing to reveal a word.

The little female cultivator from the Xuanfang sect came to Fu Cai Gate excitedly with a flying sword, opened her hands and said, "Bring it here! I don't want you to suffer too much, just give me half of it, and give me 5,000 Nascent Soul Stones. Just take it as a lesson to you, you'd better be more careful when setting up such fancy gambling in the future!" This was naturally what the headmaster ordered her to do. Su Wan heard the words of the people from Fu Cai Sect and retaliated with retaliation.

The people from Fu Cai Sect looked at the little female cultivator with admiration. The man who accepted the bet slowly laughed, took out a total of 10,000 Yuan Yingshi and handed it over, saying, "You little junior sister, I really have you! I am willing to admit defeat." , our fortune family relies on credibility, how could we lose your money? Take it, we still made a profit in this game, several people made heavy bets, but most of them were lost to you, little girl. I just woke up now. It must be your boss who asked you to place the bet, right?"

The little female cultivator couldn't bear to laugh, put the five thousand Nascent Soul Stones into the Qiankun Bag, put the remaining five thousand Nascent Soul Stones on a few tables, turned around and left as before, but after all, she was so interested in such a large sum of souls. Shi was quite reluctant to give up, and couldn't help but look back at the five thousand yuan infant stones on the table.

Everyone in Fu Cai Sect couldn't laugh or cry. The man who accepted the bet bowed his hands to the little female cultivator's back and thanked him. He muttered concisely, "Although Master Su made us a huge profit, we still have to thank Master Su for returning the five thousand spirit stones. Please Junior sister, please bring our thanks to Master Su."

The little female cultivator turned around and smiled brightly, her little face already flushed with excitement. It was so easy to earn this spiritual stone, five thousand Yuan Yingshi. The leader is really capable, no wonder she became the Feather Fairy.

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