Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 2944 Unwilling to lose but nothing to say

The crowd of onlookers made noisy noises.

"Okay! The Four Phase Killing Formation is really powerful!"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! The power of Five-Star Zhuri hasn't been released yet!"

"Okay! The Four Phase Killing Formation is unfathomable!"

"Shit! Just wait and see Five Stars showing off their power day by day!"

"You're so awesome, you've been beaten into a scurrying thieves. I think we should call it 'Five Stars to Avoid the Sun'"

"Stop arguing! The outcome has not yet been determined. Don't you have so much patience?"

"This is called cheering. What else is there to say when the winner is equal?!"


The reason why the two sides can quarrel is because the strength of the two sides is evenly matched, and it is difficult for anyone to win quickly, and the fight is inseparable.

At this time, the Four Phase Killing Formation started to move, and the five people chasing the Yanxing Sect were wandering around in the field. Although the five meteors were escaping, they still maintained their formation. The route of the five people was still so varied and complicated. For those with a discerning eye, Everyone can see that as long as their flight path cannot be disrupted, the mana of Five Stars Chasing the Sun can be maintained and continued to condense, and the power can be continued while escaping. The Five Stars Chasing the Sun is indeed a spell that is very suitable for fighting.

Zheng Guo, who leads the four-phase killing array, certainly understands the secret to disrupting the opponent's path, but it is impossible to concentrate on attacking one of them. He has tried several times, but the magic power formed by the five stars day by day can always resolve his attack. Attack, but he can only use non-stop attacks to delay the further concentration of mana.

"Change of formation!"

Following an excited shout from the crowd, the escaping Five Stars suddenly rose into the sky,

The small phalanx of the Four Phase Killing Formation chased after them.

One side is complex and colorful, while the other side has neither brilliance nor majestic airflow, let alone any sound, and is simple to the extreme.

The two completely different styles make this battle both lively and beautiful, yet profound and mysterious.

"Stars Falling into the Sun!" Several people who strongly advocated the Five Stars Chasing the Sun excitedly shouted the name of this move. They had previously used this move to defeat the rather powerful Julong Sect.

As the magic power of the five stars changes day by day, thousands of colorful meteors appear in the sky, and their colors are far more than just five kinds: yellow, red, blue, white, and black. Each meteor is a piece of magic power that may be virtual or real, and the virtual and the real interact with each other. The virtual can become real in an instant, and the real can become virtual at a touch. This move can attack multiple people separately, or it can attack a single point together. This is a great killing move for Five Star Zhuri.

"Hey!" Zheng Guo yelled again, his arms folded together in front of his chest, his hands spread upward like buds and new leaves, and the Four Phase Killing Formation had to switch from offense to defense.

The stars fell like rain, and it was drizzle in the strong wind, because not all of them fell from the sky, but many of them came from all around and from below, which made people feel a bit unpredictable.

Most of the star rain disappeared silently thousands of feet away from the Four-Phase Killing Array, and some burst out with bright brilliance. That was the protective range of the Four-Phase Killing Array. The invisible Four-Phase Killing Array was outlined by falling meteors. out of shape.

As the attack continued, the star shower seemed endless, and the aura blooming from the falling meteors shrank little by little, from a thousand feet to five hundred feet, then to three hundred battles, a hundred battles...

Zhengguo and Zhenghe can still cope with it, but the speed of Zhengqi and Zhengzhen's hands has obviously become faster. As Su Wan said, these two people are a bit weak, and Su Wan's estimation of them is a bit biased. Taller

, these four people could only activate 50% of the power of the Four Phase Killing Formation at most, not the 60% she had estimated.

"It won't work! It won't work! The five stars are running out day by day! There are no stars!" Those who strongly advocated the four-phase killing array saw the meteors getting thinner and shouted loudly with joy. They could finally breathe a sigh of relief. There were only two or three halos left. It's ten feet long, so nervous. If the four-phase killing formation can withstand this big killing move, then the chance of winning is very high!

"It's time to decide the winner." Su Wan said, but she didn't hear Lang Xing's response. When she looked sideways, she saw Lang Xing's eyes looking blankly at the battlefield, obviously thinking about something.

Could this kid have learned something from the tactics of both sides? Su Wan secretly felt cruel and stared at the battlefield attentively. She couldn't always wake up after being prompted by this kid. She had to strive to be able to see something herself.

The stars have all fallen, but a black giant star has reached beyond the pitifully small protective range of the Four-Phase Killing Formation at some point. Maybe it was generated directly there, or maybe it flew over quietly under the cover of the stars. People with different cultivation levels have different views on this.

Zheng Guo let go of the spell in his hand and sighed with some reluctance. They were defeated. Although they were a little dissatisfied, they had to admit that the five-star Zhuri was really powerful. This black giant was the ultimate killing power, and in Before this, they had already struggled to deal with it. The result of this duel was not a narrow defeat, but a defeat with nothing to say.

The black giant star that condensed but not emitted slowly rose into the sky after the result was released, and then exploded, blooming into a brilliant and dazzling light. This is a gift for people with low cultivation levels who cannot understand the way. After all, the five of them were celebrating their victory. Being able to defeat the world-shaking Four Phase Killing Formation was something to be proud of for anyone.

Everyone in the Wuxiang Sect camp was dejected. They could not accept the defeat of the Four Phase Killing Formation. This was already the strongest lineup they could send below the level of Feather. An important honor for the Wuxiang disciples was lost like this. Well, getting second place is not only not something to be happy about, it’s also a shame.

On the other hand, those who advocated for the Five-Star Sun were cheering loudly. Some were excitedly talking about the various highlights of the battle just now, while others went to the gambling bureau to receive their bonuses with a smile on their face. This included Qingyu, Zhuangzhuang, etc. Yu and the others, because they lost a lot last time, Su Wan gave them some news in advance. Not only did they make up for their losses this time, but they also made some profits.

The same goes for Su Wan. You can say that she is not a money-crazed person. She gave all the spiritual stones she earned to the Xuanfang Sect, which is equivalent to taking them home. You can say that she is a money-crazed person. This time Betting on the Star Gate She was very sure of winning, but she didn't place a bet. This little lady was quite interesting. She seemed to think she had made enough and stopped making money.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Su Wan asked Lang Xing in a murmur. Although after hard observation and thinking, she saw something worth saying, she felt that the weight was not enough and she wondered if she could catch up with Lang Xing. something to ponder.

Langxing smiled and said, "I'm thinking that Fu'er is definitely not a scholar. I'm not willing to let him go into business. That would be too close to the temptation of greed. Without greed, you can't make money. What I hope most is It is to let him live in the countryside. But before, you took him all over the world to visit the big city and ate everything. His knowledge is higher than most people. When he grows up, you want him to live in peace and contentment. I’m afraid it’s not possible to stay in the countryside.”

Su Wan almost lost her breath in anger and looked at Lang Xing with a strange expression. She was really speechless.

"What's wrong?" Lang Xing looked at her puzzled.

"It's okay." Su Wan calmed down secretly and said calmly, "I thought you were thinking about the two techniques they used." The crowd of onlookers made noisy noises.

"Okay! The Four Phase Killing Formation is really powerful!"

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand! The power of Five-Star Zhuri hasn't been released yet!"

"Okay! The Four Phase Killing Formation is unfathomable!"

"Shit! Just wait and see Five Stars showing off their power day by day!"

"You're so awesome, you've been beaten into a scurrying thieves. I think we should call it 'Five Stars to Avoid the Sun'"

"Stop arguing! The outcome has not yet been determined. Don't you have so much patience?"

"This is called cheering. What else is there to say when the winner is equal?!"


The reason why the two sides can quarrel is because the strength of the two sides is evenly matched, and it is difficult for anyone to win quickly, and the fight is inseparable.

At this time, the Four Phase Killing Formation started to move, and the five people chasing the Yanxing Sect were wandering around in the field. Although the five meteors were escaping, they still maintained their formation. The route of the five people was still so varied and complicated. For those with a discerning eye, Everyone can see that as long as their flight path cannot be disrupted, the mana of Five Stars Chasing the Sun can be maintained and continued to condense, and the power can be continued while escaping. The Five Stars Chasing the Sun is indeed a spell that is very suitable for fighting.

Zheng Guo, who leads the four-phase killing array, certainly understands the secret to disrupting the opponent's path, but it is impossible to concentrate on attacking one of them. He has tried several times, but the magic power formed by the five stars day by day can always resolve his attack. Attack, but he can only use non-stop attacks to delay the further concentration of mana.

"Change of formation!"

Following an excited shout from the crowd, the escaping Five Stars suddenly rose into the sky,

The small phalanx of the Four Phase Killing Formation chased after them.

On the one hand, it is complex and colorful, on the other hand, it has neither brilliance nor majestic airflow, nor any sound, and is simple to the extreme.

The two completely different styles make this battle both lively and beautiful, yet profound and mysterious.

"Stars Falling into the Sun!" Several people who strongly advocated the Five Stars Chasing the Sun excitedly shouted the name of this move. They had previously used this move to defeat the rather powerful Julong Sect.

As the magic power of the five stars changes day by day, thousands of colorful meteors appear in the sky, and their colors are far more than just five kinds: yellow, red, blue, white, and black. Each meteor is a piece of magic power that may be virtual or real, and the virtual and the real interact with each other. The virtual can become real in an instant, and the real can become virtual at a touch. This move can attack multiple people separately, or it can attack a single point together. This is a great killing move for Five Star Zhuri.

"Hey!" Zhengguo yelled again, his arms folded together in front of his chest, his hands spread upward like buds and new leaves, and the four-phase killing formation had to switch from offense to defense.

The stars fell like rain, and it was drizzle in the strong wind, because not all of them fell from the sky, but many of them came from all around and from below, which made people feel a bit unpredictable.

Most of the star rain disappeared silently thousands of feet away from the Four-Phase Killing Array, and some burst out with bright brilliance. That was the protective range of the Four-Phase Killing Array. The invisible Four-Phase Killing Array was outlined by falling meteors. out of shape.

As the attack continued, the star shower seemed endless, and the halo released by the falling meteors shrank little by little, from a thousand feet to five hundred feet, then to three hundred battles, a hundred battles...

Zhengguo and Zhenghe can still cope with it, but the speed of Zhengqi and Zhengzhen's hands has obviously become faster. As Su Wan said, these two people are a bit weak, and Su Wan's estimation of them is a bit biased. Taller

, these four people could only activate 50% of the power of the Four Phase Killing Formation at most, not the 60% she had estimated.

"It won't work! It won't work! The five stars are running out day by day! There are no stars!" Those who strongly advocated the four-phase killing array saw the meteors getting thinner and shouted loudly with joy. They could finally breathe a sigh of relief. There were only two or three halos left. It's ten feet long, so nervous. If the four-phase killing formation can withstand this big killing move, then the chance of winning is very high!

"It's time to decide the winner." Su Wan said, but she didn't hear Lang Xing's response. When she looked sideways, she saw Lang Xing's eyes looking blankly at the battlefield, obviously thinking about something.

Could this kid have learned something from the tactics of both sides? Su Wan secretly felt cruel and stared at the battlefield attentively. She couldn't always wake up after being prompted by this kid. She had to strive to be able to see something herself.

The stars have all fallen, but a black giant star has reached beyond the pitifully small protective range of the Four-Phase Killing Formation at some point. Maybe it was generated directly there, or maybe it flew over quietly under the cover of the stars. People with different cultivation levels have different views on this.

Zheng Guo let go of the spell in his hand and sighed with some reluctance. They were defeated. Although they were a little dissatisfied, they had to admit that the five-star Zhuri was really powerful. This black giant was the ultimate killing power, and in Before this, they had already struggled to deal with it. The result of this duel was not a narrow defeat, but a defeat with nothing to say.

The black giant star that condensed but not emitted slowly rose into the sky after the result was released, and then exploded, blooming into a brilliant and dazzling light. This is a gift for people with low cultivation levels who cannot understand the way. After all, the five of them were celebrating their victory. Being able to defeat the world-shaking Four Phase Killing Formation was something to be proud of for anyone.

Everyone in the Wuxiang Sect camp was dejected. They could not accept the defeat of the Four Phase Killing Formation. This was already the strongest lineup they could send below the level of Feather. An important honor for the Wuxiang disciples was lost like this. Well, getting second place is not only not something to be happy about, it’s also a shame.

On the other hand, those who advocated for the Five-Star Sun were cheering loudly. Some were excitedly talking about the various highlights of the battle just now, while others went to the gambling bureau to receive their bonuses with a smile on their face. This included Qingyu, Zhuangzhuang, etc. Yu and the others, because they lost a lot last time, Su Wan gave them some news in advance. Not only did they make up for their losses this time, but they also made some profits.

The same goes for Su Wan. You can say that she is not a money-crazed person. She gave all the spiritual stones she earned to the Xuanfang Sect, which is equivalent to taking them home. You can say that she is a money-crazed person. This time Betting on the Star Gate She was very sure of winning, but she didn't place a bet. This little lady was quite interesting. It seemed that she thought she had made enough and stopped making money.

"What were you thinking about just now?" Su Wan asked Lang Xing in a murmur. Although after hard observation and thinking, she saw something worth saying, she felt that the weight was not enough and she wondered if she could catch up with Lang Xing. something to ponder.

Langxing smiled and said, "I'm thinking that Fu'er is definitely not a scholar. I'm not willing to let him go into business. That would be too close to the temptation of greed. Without greed, you can't make money. What I hope most is It is to let him live in the countryside. But before, you took him all over the world to visit the big city and ate everything. His knowledge is higher than most people. When he grows up, you want him to live in peace and contentment. I’m afraid it’s not possible to stay in the countryside.”

Su Wan almost lost her breath in anger and looked at Lang Xing with a strange expression. She was really speechless.

"What's wrong?" Lang Xing looked at her puzzled.

"It's okay." Su Wan calmed down secretly and pretended to be calm, "I thought you were thinking about the two techniques they used."

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