Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 788: Go find your new love

Because of Shen Xin's cultivation, Xunyi felt quite calm when he opened the Heart-Lianning Illusion this time.

Su Wan felt his state of mind as soon as she entered the illusion, and couldn't help but said with relief, "It seems that you have been practicing quietly recently. It's so rare. This is the first time in so many years that you have made me feel at ease."

Xunyi grinned and said apologetically, "I know I'm a bastard for making you work so hard, but... alas..."

Su Wan smiled gently and said, "I know you can't help yourself most of the time. It's not your fault that you have a bad fate. Now that you have so many magical powers to protect you, I think your life will no longer be difficult in the future. This may be your blessing." Pay it forward." At this point, her eyes became a little playful, and she continued, "Don't blame yourself. If the pain I put in for you is compared with the reward, I'm afraid I'd be the envy of all teachers in the world. ”

Xun Yi chuckled heartily. The warm atmosphere made him no longer as reserved as before. He joked, "Senior, are Fairy Huang Ying and the others all well? I miss them from time to time."

Su Wan's expression changed when she heard this. She was not a person who could hide it. She stayed for a moment before forcing out a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "Okay..., they... are all very good." After becoming a disciple, Xun Yi always avoided addressing her when he could, but now the word "senior" made her feel uncomfortable.

"I..." Xunyi realized that the joke was too big and wanted to pull back the words, but at this moment, his slow mind made him lose his usual ability. He grinned and couldn't hold back the right words for a while.

"They are all very nice, your senior sister...Huang Ying..." Su Wan wanted to resolve the embarrassment, but she didn't have the ability at all. She made a mistake as soon as she opened her mouth. Although she changed her words, she couldn't continue.

"I just wanted to make a joke..." Xun Yi explained regretfully.

Su Wan tried her best to calm down, and smiled again and said, "Your senior sister told me, even if I drive you away,

After leaving school, she still recognizes you as her junior brother in her heart. Your senior sister misses you very much, and other senior brothers and sisters also miss you very much. "

Xunyi's eyes were red, his throat was congested and he was even more speechless. After a long pause, he said, "I will always regard them as senior brothers and sisters in my heart. Don't mind it. It's no wonder you are in trouble. It's my fault." There are too many. God wants to make things difficult for me. What can I do? It’s time for me to see Yu Chan. It’s not convenient for other senior brothers and sisters to know too much. Please help me ask my senior sister.”

Su Wan nodded slightly and looked at him silently.

Xun Yi smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Senior, let me say a few more words. In terms of qualifications, you are considered very good. The reason why you have been unable to enter the Nascent Soul stage before is because you relied too much on elixirs. Secondly, I took in too many disciples out of my compassion, which cost me too much energy, especially now that I have finally given birth to a baby, I should reflect on myself and not give birth to a baby. The pride and arrogance has not gone anywhere in the early stage of Nascent Soul. We must be more vigilant in the future and not slack off even a little bit. However, we cannot be self-righteous and think that we can make great progress in the future. In that case, we are likely to be blocked. You will be unable to recover. Only by maintaining a peaceful mind can you get what you want without asking for anything. Well... you will have a deeper understanding of this truth in the future. Even if I have warned you in advance, I will not I won’t say any more, just take care of yourself.”

Su Wan was even more speechless as she cried and laughed. The boy shouted "Senior" as if he had got rid of many taboos between master and disciple. This made her feel at a loss. She really couldn't imagine that this was not a big or small thing. What will it look like in front of you in the future?

Xunyi came to Jingshui Fairy Concubine with a happy smile. Jingshui Fairy Concubine felt that

With his happiness, he asked with a smile, "Is Su Wan giving you a good look, or is it because I benefited greatly from the treasure left by your predecessor?"

Xunyi laughed and said, "Bullshit! Just talking about it makes me angry. Those things he left are all for Pu Yunzhou's skills, and I can't use any of them!"

Mirror Water Fairy Princess was worried and asked calmly, "Is this also true for the spells that need to be learned to go into battle?"

Xunyi was startled for a moment, and then said with a surprised look on his face, "Didn't I tell you last time that it was an ancient magic? That one does not involve Pu Yunzhou's skills."

When he made up a lie last time, he did say that it was an ancient magic, and Fairy Jingshui was deceiving her. Although Xunyi didn't show any flaws, her expression still made her feel a bit artificial, and judging from the feeling, this The boy looked like he was lying.

Xunyi didn't dare to give her too many opportunities to cross-examine, and then started to complain, "Last time, in order to explain it to you clearly, I couldn't even see Yu Chan. You are so good at causing trouble. This time Just hold back whatever you say until you have time later, I have to go see Yu Chan."

"Stop!" Jingshui Fairy Princess shouted with a smile in her eyes.

"What are you doing?" Xunyi looked at her with an unhappy face.

"Put away your stinky face."

Xun Yi saw that her expression was quite playful, and she didn't seem to be trying to embarrass him, so he put away his unhappy expression and put on a smile and said, "If you have any orders, my dear concubine, just tell me, but don't delay me to see her." Another beloved concubine.”

Concubine Jingshui Fairy held back a smile and said, "I won't miss your good news of liking the new and hating the old." After saying that, there was a look of love and pity in her eyes, "I just want to tell you that I have figured it out and I won't cause trouble to you in the future."

Xunyi asked in confusion, "What do you want to understand? What do you mean by not causing trouble to me anymore?"

Fairy Concubine Jingshui sighed and said, "I have long known in my heart that even if someone has put a knife on your neck, you will not say a word to me. That's what you are. I'm here in a hurry." Fire is not only useless but will also cause you trouble. It is better to stay quiet so that you can recover as soon as possible. So if you want to see me in the future, just wait a little longer. If you don’t want to see me, I will not enter the illusion. "

Xunyi stamped his feet and said, "You finally figured it out. How did you figure it out!"

Seeing his behavior, Fairy Jingshui was so angry that she said calmly, "When we meet one day, I will tear your mouth apart."

Xunyi smiled happily and said, "The fact that you can think clearly means that your cultivation level has recovered. This is the bastard state of mind that a great supernatural power should have. It is ruthless, meaningless, and carefree. But I really like you to become like that." of."

"Go find your new love quickly." Fairy Mirror Water Fairy said with mocking eyes, and then warned with a cold tone, "You'd better have an idea of ​​how often you should visit me."

"There are many, it can save you some worry! I'm leaving, wait until I come to see you." Xunyi left almost jumping.

The Fairy Concubine Jingshui still had a smile on her face after leaving the illusion. How could she not know the truths she just said? But reason and emotion often run counter to each other, and when emotions prevail, they won't care about the reason. Now that she can let go, it's thanks to Xun Yi. After hearing about his bizarre experience last time, it triggered The meditation lasted for more than twenty days, and it made her want to understand far more than just finding Yi. It can be said that it was a great gain that cleared her mind.

She didn't want to tell Xun Yi about this, because the enlightenment gained from reincarnation might make Xun Yi's desire to die even more determined. Although she no longer wanted to force Xun Yi to struggle to live, She didn't want to watch him die, after all, she didn't know what reincarnation was like.

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