Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 821: I only like to be close to female monks

After a day and night of hurried travel, when Fairy Yanxia released Xunyi from the divine light that protected his body, he saw a vast and boundless fiery red world in front of him.

The ground is red, the mountains are red, the clouds in the sky are also red, but no stars can be seen further up. It seems that we are in a magic circle. What grows between the sky and the earth are patches of strange apricot forests, those towering ancient trees. The tree looks like an apricot tree, but the leaves are dark red, and the apricot fruits that weigh heavily on the branches are all emerald green. They seem to be far from ripe, but the tangy fruit fragrance smells like they are ripe. .

Not only does this place look red and blazing, it is actually extremely hot. It feels like entering a furnace. The heat is so intense that it is unbearable without activating the protective divine light to resist.

"Here we are." Fairy Yanxia diligently gave him a piece of ruby-like object about the same thickness and length as his thumb, and tied it on the silk ribbon. "This is the essence of ancient fire apricots. It can avoid inflammation, so you won't be afraid of the heat when you carry it. It can withstand fire-attributed magic attacks, so I’ll give it to my junior brother. It’s something I got with great difficulty, and it’s the nemesis of our special spells. No other senior sister would give it to me anyway.”

"Thank you, Second Senior Sister. It's really much cooler." Xunyi was like a child who had a piece of candy stuffed into his mouth. His mouth was sweet and the smile on his face was even sweeter. With this piece of fire apricot essence, the burning sensation disappears.

The four of them took him flying into an apricot forest, where each tree was more than ten feet thick. Flying among such thick trees, Xun Yi felt like they were like a group of small flying insects, and was quite shocked.

In general, the trees get taller as you go deeper into the forest, but this is the opposite in this apricot forest. The apricot trees become smaller as you go deeper, and the leaves change from dark red to fiery red.

When the apricot trees around us became only more than ten feet thick, the trunks of those trees also changed from dark brown to bright red. Each tree seemed to be carved out of red gems, but the apricot fruits on the branches remained unchanged. , still emerald green. A wooden house appeared in an open space. The wooden house was completely made of apricot wood and was a bright rose red color. The wooden house was not big but was very delicately built.

The three fairies brought Xun Yi into the house, while Jinxia Fairy went to invite their master. Judging from the layout of the house, this should be a place for entertaining guests. Fairy Yanxia let Xunyi sit on her left hand, while she stayed with him. Fairy Wanxia then brought a plate of apricots and placed them in front of Xunyi. There were only three apricots, each one. They are all about the size of a baby's fist, are carmine red in color, and smell fragrant and very tempting.

Fairy Wanxia said enthusiastically, "This is the Fire Cloud Immortal Apricot. Anyone who doesn't specialize in ice-cold techniques can eat it. Try it. This apricot forest won't produce a few in a hundred years. With your current level of cultivation, you can only eat it at one time." You can only eat one pill, but you’d better take half a pill first, because if you can’t surrender, you’ll have to meditate immediately.”

Xunyi laughed dumbly and said, "I can hear how reluctant you are to let me eat it."

Fairy Wanxia covered her mouth and smiled and said, "I don't want to waste it. I should have meditated immediately after eating this fairy fruit. It would be a pity to eat it in vain."

Fairy Yanxia said in a fit of laughter and tears, "Is there anyone who treats guests like you? How can he say that? You are the Seventh Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. What kind of things have you never seen in the world? You can't make people laugh at you." Xiaojiaziqi."

Xunyi laughed and said, "Second Senior Sister, please don't praise me so much. What knowledge can I have at such a young age? The things that Fourth Senior Sister cherishes so much must have a great origin. I'd better wait and taste them carefully when I have free time." Those who waste natural resources will be punished by God.”

"Why did you listen to her!" Fairy Yanxia scolded with a smile.

However, she didn't advise Xun Yi to eat the apricots. She was not afraid of spoiling things, but she was afraid that Xun Yi would delay the detoxification of the master's poison after eating the apricots.

Not long after, Jinxia Immortal Lord led Chixia Fairy Concubine to arrive. This Chixia Fairy Concubine was wearing a brown Taoist robe, her hair was tawny, her complexion was not fair, her appearance was plain but she did not look old, she was only in her thirties. He looks very old, and you can tell from his expression that he is a withdrawn person. Bloodshot eyes also appeared in her eyes, and the most eye-catching thing was the dark red fireball the size of a fist hanging above her head.

The eldest disciple, Fairy Chaoxia, introduced both parties. Xun Yi politely called him Master and came forward to kneel down and worship.

Fairy Chixia nodded and said, "Get up." Then she sat on the chairman.

After Xunyi returned to the table, Fairy Chixia asked directly, "Are you really a disciple of Zhengtian Immortal Lord? Why do you practice Nanjingzhou Kung Fu?"

Xunyi stood up and replied with a respectful expression, "This junior is originally a monk in Nanjingzhou. My master took me under the door in Nanjingzhou."

Fairy Chixia said, "No need to be formal, just sit down and talk. Where does your spiritual beast that can swallow evil come from?"

Xun Yi thanked him and sat back, then blinked and said, "This... involves a big secret. Please forgive me for not reporting it truthfully."

Fairy Chixia said "Oh" expressionlessly, and then fell silent, as if she didn't know what to say next.

Jinxia Fairy had been standing next to Chixia Fairy, and now he said, "Why don't we let him try to help you remove the evil poison, and let's see how it goes."

Fairy Chixia nodded, put away the fireball above her head, and said to Xunyi, "Then come and try it."

Xun Yi had already seen clearly that there were no less than a hundred Yin deficiency poisons intruding into her body-protecting divine light. She could still maintain such a calm state despite the intrusion of so many Yin deficiency poisons. The Taoism of this fairy concubine was enough to make him speechless.

Hearing the summons, he walked to Chixia Fairy, sat down cross-legged and pretended to adjust his breath for a while, then performed a few more spells, and then activated the wind dragon. He felt it as soon as the wind dragon came out. Xunyi had expected the threat from the great supernatural power and hesitated to move forward. He quickly made a magic spell and pretended to drive the spiritual beast with all his strength, and soon made himself short of breath.

"It was frightened by your divine power and did not dare to approach you." Xun Yi stopped his hand and said with a sad face.

Immortal Concubine Chixia's eyes were filled with restlessness at this time, and she breathed a sigh of relief after the fireball rose above her head again.

"If you can't control it, you might as well give it to us first, and we will return it to you when the poison is removed." Immortal Lord Jinxia looked at Xunyi anxiously and said.

Xunyi said with a cold face, "Okay, if you can take it, take it. This is my natal spiritual beast. Please forgive me for not being able to give it to you personally."

When Fairy Yanxia saw Xunyi lose her face, she hurriedly sent a secret message to Fairy Jinxia, ​​telling him to speak less so as not to offend this young master.

Fairy Chixia also waved her hand to Fairy Jinxia, ​​and then said to Xunyi, "Then you should cure him of the evil poison first. His cultivation is not as good as Zhaoxia and Yanxia. I might not be able to bear it after a long delay."

Immortal Lord Jinxia shook her head hurriedly and said, "No, no need, I can hold on, it's more important to detoxify you first."

Xunyi lowered his eyebrows and muttered in a low voice, "My spirit beast is a male beast. It only likes to be close to female monks. It never likes to be close to male monks. Forcing it to detoxify this senior brother may be worse than asking it to detoxify you." It's hard work." After a day and night of hurried walking, when Fairy Yanxia released Xunyi from the protective divine light, he saw a vast and boundless fiery red world in front of him.

The ground is red, the mountains are red, the clouds in the sky are also red, but no stars can be seen further up. It seems that we are in a magic circle. What grows between the sky and the earth are patches of strange apricot forests, those towering ancient trees. The tree looks like an apricot tree, but the leaves are dark red, and the apricot fruits that weigh heavily on the branches are all emerald green. They seem to be far from ripe, but the tangy fruit fragrance smells like they are ripe. .

Not only does this place look red and blazing, it is actually extremely hot. It feels like entering a furnace. The heat is so intense that it is unbearable without activating the protective divine light to resist.

"Here we are." Fairy Yanxia diligently gave him a piece of ruby-like object about the same thickness and length as his thumb, and tied it on the silk ribbon. "This is the essence of ancient fire apricots. It can avoid inflammation, so you won't be afraid of the heat when you carry it. It can withstand fire-attributed magic attacks, so I’ll give it to my junior brother. It’s something I got with great difficulty, and it’s the nemesis of our special spells. No other senior sister would give it to me anyway.”

"Thank you, Second Senior Sister. It's really much cooler." Xunyi was like a child who had a piece of candy stuffed into his mouth. His mouth was sweet and the smile on his face was even sweeter. With this piece of fire apricot essence, the burning sensation disappears.

The four of them took him flying into an apricot forest, where each tree was more than ten feet thick. Flying among such thick trees, Xun Yi felt like they were like a group of small flying insects, and was quite shocked.

In general, the trees get taller as you go deeper into the forest, but this is the opposite in this apricot forest. The apricot trees get smaller as you go deeper, and the leaves change from dark red to fiery red.

When the apricot trees around us became only more than ten feet thick, the trunks of those trees also changed from dark brown to bright red. Each tree seemed to be carved out of red gems, but the apricot fruits on the branches remained unchanged. , still emerald green. A wooden house appeared in an open space. The wooden house was completely made of apricot wood and was a bright rose red color. The wooden house was not big but was very delicately built.

The three fairies brought Xun Yi into the house, while Jinxia Fairy went to invite their master. Judging from the layout of the house, this should be a place for entertaining guests. Fairy Yanxia let Xunyi sit on her left hand, while she stayed with him. Fairy Wanxia then brought a plate of apricots and placed them in front of Xunyi. There were only three apricots, each one. They are all about the size of a baby's fist, are carmine red in color, and smell fragrant and very tempting.

Fairy Wanxia said enthusiastically, "This is the Fire Cloud Immortal Apricot. Anyone who doesn't specialize in ice-cold techniques can eat it. Try it. This apricot forest won't bear a few in a hundred years. With your current cultivation level, you can only eat it at one time." You can only take one, but you’d better take half a pill first, because if you can’t surrender, you’ll have to meditate immediately.”

Xunyi laughed dumbly and said, "I can hear how reluctant you are to let me eat it."

Fairy Wanxia covered her mouth and smiled and said, "I don't want to waste it. I should have meditated immediately after eating this fairy fruit. It would be a pity to eat it in vain."

Fairy Yanxia said in a fit of laughter and tears, "Is there anyone who treats guests like you? How can he say that? You are the Seventh Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace. What kind of things have you not seen in the world? You can't make people laugh at you." Xiaojiaziqi."

Xunyi laughed and said, "Second Senior Sister, please don't praise me so much. What knowledge can I have at such a young age? The things that Fourth Senior Sister cherishes so much must have a great origin. I'd better wait and taste them carefully when I have free time." Those who waste natural resources will be punished by God.”

"Why did you listen to her!" Fairy Yanxia scolded with a smile.

However, she didn't advise Xun Yi to eat the apricots. She was not afraid of spoiling things, but she was afraid that if Xun Yi ate the apricots, it would delay the detoxification of the master.

Not long after, Jinxia Immortal Lord led Chixia Fairy Concubine to arrive. This Chixia Fairy Concubine was wearing a brown Taoist robe, her hair was tawny, her complexion was not fair, her appearance was plain but she did not look old, she was only in her thirties. He looks very old, and you can tell from his expression that he is a withdrawn person. Bloodshot eyes also appeared in her eyes, and the most eye-catching thing was a dark red fireball the size of a fist hanging above her head.

The eldest disciple, Fairy Chaoxia, introduced both parties. Xun Yi politely called him Master and came forward to kneel down and worship.

Fairy Chixia nodded and said, "Get up." Then she sat on the chairman.

After Xunyi returned to the table, Fairy Chixia asked directly, "Are you really a disciple of Zhengtian Immortal Lord? Why do you practice Nanjingzhou Kung Fu?"

Xunyi stood up and replied with a respectful expression, "This junior is originally a monk in Nanjingzhou. My master took me under the door in Nanjingzhou."

Fairy Chixia said, "No need to be formal, sit down and talk. Where does your spiritual beast that can swallow evil come from?"

Xun Yi thanked him and sat back, then blinked and said, "This... involves a big secret. Please forgive me for not reporting it truthfully."

Fairy Chixia said "Oh" expressionlessly, and then fell silent, as if she didn't know what to say next.

Jinxia Fairy had been standing next to Chixia Fairy, and now he said, "Why don't we let him try to help you remove the evil poison, and let's see how it goes."

Fairy Chixia nodded, put away the fireball above her head, and said to Xunyi, "Then come and try it."

Xun Yi had already seen clearly that there were no less than a hundred Yin deficiency poisons intruding into her body-protecting divine light. She could still maintain such a calm state despite the intrusion of so many Yin deficiency poisons. The Taoism of this fairy concubine was enough to make him speechless.

Hearing the summons, he walked to Chixia Fairy, sat down cross-legged and pretended to adjust his breath for a while, then performed a few more spells, and then activated the wind dragon. He felt it as soon as the wind dragon came out. Xunyi had expected the threat from the great supernatural power and hesitated to move forward. He quickly made a magic spell and pretended to drive the spiritual beast with all his strength, and soon made himself short of breath.

"It was frightened by your divine power and did not dare to approach you." Xun Yi stopped his hand and said with a sad face.

Immortal Concubine Chixia's eyes were filled with restlessness at this time, and she breathed a sigh of relief after the fireball rose above her head again.

"If you can't control it, you might as well give it to us first, and we will return it to you when the poison is removed." Immortal Lord Jinxia looked at Xunyi anxiously and said.

Xunyi said with a cold face, "Okay, if you can take it, take it. This is my natal spiritual beast. Please forgive me for not being able to give it to you personally."

When Fairy Yanxia saw Xunyi lose her face, she hurriedly sent a secret message to Fairy Jinxia, ​​telling him to speak less so as not to offend this young master.

Fairy Chixia also waved her hand to Fairy Jinxia, ​​and then said to Xunyi, "Then you should cure him of the evil poison first. His cultivation is not as good as Zhaoxia and Yanxia. I might not be able to bear it after a long delay."

Immortal Lord Jinxia shook her head hurriedly and said, "No, no need, I can hold on, it's more important to detoxify you first."

Xunyi lowered his eyebrows and muttered in a low voice, "My spirit beast is a male beast. It only likes to be close to female monks. It never likes to be close to male monks. Forcing it to detoxify this senior brother may be worse than asking it to detoxify you." It’s hard work.”

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