Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 828 - Chapter 829 I won’t talk nonsense

As soon as these words came out, the smile on Chixia Fairy Princess's face froze immediately. This made it clear that Yu Chan wanted to take over her cave.

She was right. Yu Chan really fell in love with this place. After entering the magic circle and seeing the situation clearly, Yu Chan was tempted. The fairy apricot that Chixia Fairy took out only increased her interest in this place. Greed, judging from her perspective, the reason why Fairy Chixia and her four disciples are able to achieve such cultivation is largely due to this treasure land, and the secret realm hidden here is very important to them. She will definitely benefit from it.

Just when Xun Yi was about to complain about Yu Chan, Yu Chan's spiritual thoughts came into his mind: "This place is good for me to improve my cultivation. You have to help me with this. Don't talk too much. I'll talk to her."

Xunyi looked at Yu Chan sideways and said, "You know that my most annoying thing is cultivation, do you have to go against me?" His complaint was very knowledgeable, and it seemed like he was just showing off his temper.

Yu Chan is so smart. As long as there is a pole, she can climb up. She stared and said, "You can stop practicing if you don't want to practice? We have saved you a lot of effort by finding suitable places for you to practice. Otherwise, would you be able to achieve this level of cultivation? Don’t be ignorant of blessings.”

Xun Yi felt very conflicted. On the one hand, Yu Chan asked him for help and he couldn't refuse. On the other hand, he felt a bit guilty for doing this favor. In a dilemma, he lowered his head and muttered with a sullen face, "Don't mind my business. You It’s not my master.”

Yu Chan ignored him and said to Chixia Fairy Concubine with a smile, "Have you seen what this is? We have spent a lot of effort to help him practice. This treasure land of fellow Taoist is really good. I wonder if we can lend it to him temporarily." For ten years, I forced him to practice here for a period of time and then he will return the favor. I know this is an unkind request, but I have no choice but to say this for this little guy. My fellow Taoist practices the art of fire, and I happen to know A secret realm of mysterious fire can be given to Taoist friends for temporary residence. What do you think?"

Chixia Fairy looked at the secret scene that Yu Chan sent through her spiritual thoughts, nodded and said, "There is nothing I can't do to repay the Seven Immortals for saving my life. Is three hundred years enough?" What Yu Chan showed That secret place in the world didn't have much appeal to her, but Yuchan kept calling for Xunyi. She couldn't refuse, and she couldn't refuse. She also had to say that it was fortunate that this little fairy was here to protect her. If not, Yu Chan would probably snatch this little fairy by force, and it was uncertain whether he could survive or not.

"That's enough, then let's take it for three hundred years." Yu Chan responded casually and glanced at Xun Yi. In this matter, she was not afraid that Fairy Chixia would not agree, but she was afraid that Xun Yi would not agree. promise.

Xunyi saw that Fairy Chixia had agreed, so he didn't want to get too involved, but the play still had to be finished, so he glanced at Yuchan unhappily, and then forced out a smile as if he knew what he was doing. Fairy Princess Chixia said, "Thank you for your love, uncle, but I think one hundred and fifty years is enough." .??.??

Seeing him bargaining like this, Fairy Chixia felt a little funny, because most of her hopes of taking back this cave in the future depended on this little guy, so even if she was not good at words, she had to say a few words of intimacy, and smiled. He said, "There are so many people helping you. You should cherish it. However, you are still too young. It is inevitable that you will not be able to calm down. It will be fine in a few years. Bear with it. Two or three hundred years will be a long time." It’ll be over soon.”

"Okay." Xun Yizuo, who had failed in bargaining, lowered his head helplessly, then turned to look at Yu Chan and said, "It's only three hundred years as agreed, not even one more day. Then we have to return this place to the teacher." uncle."

Yu Chan said angrily, "Looking at your character, I feel chilled just thinking about it. You are so ungrateful." This was a double entendre, and she was secretly scolding Xun Yi for eating too much. She was in a very good mood now, so she took the opportunity to start driving. joke.

Xun Yi muttered dissatisfiedly, "If I feel chilled, please leave me alone. It's like someone begging you."


He spat, "Just wait, look back and see how I deal with you!"

Seeing the two of them talking back and forth, Fairy Chixia felt chills in her heart. It seemed that Yu Chan's love for this little fairy was far beyond her expectation. At this moment, she was eager to know about Xun Yi. Did she tell Yu Chan that Jin Xia had killed him? If Yu Chan didn't know yet, it's hard to say what the consequences would be if she found out.

Thinking that Jinxia had scolded Xunyi just now, Fairy Chixia couldn't sit still. An idea came to her mind, and she sent a spiritual thought to Yuchan: "There is an immortal to protect you, and you have no ego to show off your shame." But firstly, it is to repay the kindness of the little fairy, and secondly, I think I have some experience in the fire technique, so I want to plant a magic sign for the little fairy, I wonder if the immortal will allow it. "

Yu Chan immediately replied with her spiritual thoughts, "Fellow Taoist, you are so humble. This is what I could not ask for." She was indeed very happy. It seemed like it was just a look and a sharp shout, but in fact the loss was huge. , especially the loss of spiritual consciousness, it may not take two to three hundred years to recover. Therefore, if they are not extremely fond of a certain junior, the great supernatural powers will not easily use this method. Among the ten sons of Zixiao before, only The youngest Xinxie and Nuandong are treated like this. From this, we can see how much money Taifa Immortal Lord of Nanhai spent when he planted the Dharma for Ning Xin as soon as they met. That's why Mingben Immortal Lord is so good. uneasiness.

Xunyi already possesses the two dharma appearances of Huarui Immortal Concubine and Yuchan Immortal Concubine, plus a life-saving dragon scale of Long Ping. If he adds the dharma aspect of Chixia Immortal Concubine, then he will have the protection of four great magical powers. This is Cultivation of the world is no longer common. What particularly reassured Yu Chan was that Chixia Fairy Concubine had great magical powers and lived in seclusion. She had almost no enemies, so her appearance would not cause any unexpected disasters.

Yu Chan was happy after looking at it. After waiting for a while, she realized that Fairy Chixia's eyes were probably waiting for her to avoid her. She smiled hurriedly and said to Xun Yi, "I'll go take a look right away and find a suitable place for you to set up." It’s a doghouse. From now on, you can just practice here for me.” After she finished speaking, she drifted away before Xun Yi could speak. Her cultivation level was higher than that of Fairy Chixia, and they almost fought each other. It was normal for Fairy Chixia to have difficulty concentrating on casting spells when she was present, so she had no suspicion about it.

After Yuchan left, Fairy Chixia pretended to be close and asked Xunyi to sit next to her, holding his hand and saying, "Thanks to you for this time."

Xunyi giggled, and before he could speak, Fairy Chixia's spiritual thoughts came over, "I hope you can cover up what Jinxia and the others did to you earlier. This is related to the lives of several of them. I know that in this case In fact, they are very sorry for you. If there is an opportunity in the future, we will try our best to repay you. This time, I will give you a favor, and I will severely reprimand them. "

Xun Yi smiled brightly and said, "Uncle, there is no need to worry about this. My nephew is not that kind of narrow-minded person. I still hope that you and Zixiao Palace can be reconciled. How can you tear yourself down?" , Don’t worry, I won’t talk nonsense. Even if Concubine Chan learns the whole story from elsewhere, I won’t let her embarrass the four senior brothers and sisters.”

Immortal Concubine Chixia held his shoulders lovingly and said, "You are such a sensible child. No wonder Immortal Concubine Chan loves you so much. When we return here, you will be a distinguished guest here. You can come whenever you want." , Uncle Master will never wait."

"Thank you, uncle, for your kindness." Xun Yi smiled happily. After rolling his eyes, he frowned again, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Chapter 829? It can’t have anything to do with you, right?

"Just tell me what you have to say." Chixia

The fairy concubine showed rare kindness.

Xun Yi said cautiously, "My nephew learned some news about Ling Pingzi not long ago. I don't know if you like it or not, so I kept it in my heart and didn't dare to say it."

Upon hearing the three words Ling Pingzi, Fairy Chixia's expression suddenly changed. From her ever-changing eyes, it could be seen that there was an emotional frenzy in her heart.

"Don't say it yet." Immortal Concubine Chixia slowly uttered these words and closed her eyes. She had to finish what she had to do while the good or bad was unknown.

Seeing this, Xunyi groaned secretly in his heart. He was worried that Lingpingzi's incident would bring too much excitement to Fairy Chixia, so he held it in until now. People who deliver bad news never get any benefits, but he And I have to say that firstly, he promised to the dead Lingpingzi that he would try his best to deliver the letter, but now God has sent him directly to the Chixia Fairy. There is really no way to explain it. Secondly, if there is no With the map left by Ling Pingzi, it would be impossible for Yu Chan to find him. He couldn't help but feel in awe of this mysterious providence.

"Hey!" Just when Xun Yi was thinking about it, Fairy Chixia suddenly opened her eyes and shouted at him.

After casting the spell, Fairy Chixia could no longer control the excitement in her heart. She closed her eyes tightly and said in a difficult voice, "Just say it."

After Xun Yi calmed down, he roughly guessed what the scream was about. The experience of his master's wife planting a dharma sign on him last time left a deep impression on him. Although he was not sure whether his guess was correct, Chixia Fairy Princess This look on his face made him dare not ask any more questions, so he quickly took out the jade slip left by Ling Pingzi and held it up with both hands.

Not seeing any movement from Fairy Chixia, the jade slip was already in her hand. Xunyi was just startled when he saw a trace of blood as thin as a hair appearing on the corner of Fairy Chixia's mouth. The Huayu monk is as light as a feather, and his body is very different from that of ordinary people. There is not much blood to shed, and this blood mark is equivalent to a violent spurt of blood.

Xunyi had this knowledge. He was shocked when he saw this. He pulled his neck and shouted, "Yu Chan! Come on!"

Before he could stop shouting, Yu Chan and Yunlin Sixing rushed in. The five of them were shocked when they saw this scene.

Immortal Lord Jinxia only thought that her master had been tricked after all. She glared at Yuchan and Xunyi with splitting eyes, and hissed, "You! You..."

"Hahaha..." Immortal Concubine Chixia suddenly laughed miserably. Yu Chan was so frightened that she hurriedly pulled Xunyi to her side, while Fairy Zhaoxia and others looked at their master in horror.

Fairy Chixia smiled until tears appeared in her eyes and then suddenly disappeared. Yunlin Sixing was unable to track the master's whereabouts. Seeing Yuchan turning her head to look northwest, they hurriedly followed her.

At this time, a soul-stirring spiritual thought came over, "I am no longer connected to this world. This matter has nothing to do with Concubine Chan and the Seventh Immortal Lord. You four can take matters into your own hands." It is obvious that this powerful spiritual thought is conveyed by this person. The fairy concubine has almost reached the point where it is difficult to control her mind.

"Master..." Fairy Zhaoxia and Fairy Yanxia knelt down at the same time with tears streaming down their faces.

"Master! Master!..." Immortal Lord Jinxia and Fairy Wanxia cried and chased towards the place where the divine thoughts came from.

Seeing that the trouble was like this, Xunyi felt a little regretful and said to Yu Chan, "Uncle Xia will be fine. You can catch up and have a look."

Yu Chan shook her head slightly, saying that no one else could help her like this.

Fairy Yanxia, ​​who was kneeling on the ground, asked Xunyi and Yuchan with tears in her eyes, "Why did the master suddenly leave?! It can't have anything to do with you!"

Yu Chan snorted coldly and said, "Is it relevant or not?"

Didn't she herself make it very clear? "

Xunyi winked at Yu Chan, telling her not to be so arrogant. Yu Chan said to him with her spiritual thoughts, "I'm casting a spell to help them wake up."

When Xunyi turned to look at Zhaoxia and Yanxia, ​​he saw that their expressions were no longer so excited. Fairy Zhaoxia kowtowed to Yu Chan and said, "Please forgive my junior sister for being disrespectful, and I hope you can explain the reason." "

Yu Chan was more confused than she was, so she asked Xun Yi with her spiritual mind, "What's going on?"

Xunyi sighed and told about Ling Pingzi.

Zhaoxia and Yanxia knew about the emotional entanglement between their master and Lingpingzi, and they both looked dejected after hearing this. They knew in their hearts that their master would probably never come back again.

It was too boring for Xun Yi to make such a fuss. He said to the two fairies, "Two senior sisters, please be more liberal. It's all my fault. If I had known that this would happen, I might as well have concealed it without saying a word. I've been holding it back." I didn’t dare to say it, and I couldn’t hold it back in the end, but Uncle Master’s poison has been eliminated, so you can rest assured.”

After all, these two fairies are great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage. After calming down, they stood up one after another. Fairy Zhaoxia said to Xun Yi, "Don't say that. It's a good thing for the master to get rid of this concern. That way she It’s not known whether the old man can clear his mind and gain enlightenment.”

Yu Chan said with approval, "You have some wisdom in thinking like this. Just now, your master has agreed to lend this place to the Seven Immortals for three hundred years. I also gave her a place to practice. If she trusts you, I want to come back to see you, and I will definitely look for you there, so you should move there as soon as possible." She said and showed the location of the secret place to the two of them.

Xunyi now understood how useless Yuchan was, and hurriedly said to Zhaoxia and Yanxia, ​​"Although my uncle has indeed made this promise, my sister and brother should just act calmly and there is no need to rush to move."

"Let's pack up and leave." Fairy Zhaoxia said while wiping away her tears. She believed that these two people would not lie, but she knew without thinking that the master must have been forced to agree to lend this place to them. The four of them are now He has become a motherless child. No matter how much anger he feels in his heart, he can only swallow it.

"This...sigh..." Xunyi couldn't bear it and glanced at Yuchan angrily.

Yu Chan was afraid that the young master would soften his heart and take another side, so he hurriedly explained, "The secret realm I gave them may not be of much benefit to your uncle, but it will be of great benefit to the four of them." , Not to mention repaying you, just in terms of this exchange, they will not suffer. "

Xunyi frowned and said, "Then we shouldn't mention this now. Can't we mention it later when they feel more relaxed? It's not something urgent."

Fairy Zhaoxia was afraid that Xunyi would be punished for arguing, so she hurriedly stopped her and said, "Junior brother, please don't contradict the fairy concubine. The master is just leaving. We can take it for granted. We should abide by what the master promised. What the fairy concubine said It makes sense, it’s not to rush us.”

Xunyi smiled bitterly and didn't want to stay here any longer, so he said to the two of them, "Two senior sisters, please take care of yourself. We won't cause trouble here. I will visit you when I have free time. Please come back in three hundred years." I swear with my Taoist heart that I will return it."

Seeing that he actually swore an oath with Taoism, there was more hope of taking back the cave. The two fairies were overjoyed and both bowed and thanked him.

Fairy Yanxia didn't know how to express her inner gratitude. Taking advantage of her closeness to Xunyi, she stepped forward and stroked his head and said, "Junior brother, you must come to visit us. Our master has told us to communicate with Zixiao." When the palace is repaired, you can take us to Zixiao Palace and let us talk."

"Okay." Xunyi agreed with a smile, but sighed softly in his heart.

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