Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 836: I will give you an oath!

"Are you trying to tell me that good and evil will eventually be rewarded?" There was another sarcastic smile on Yu Chan's lips.

Xunyi waved his hand, indicating that she should stop talking and continue listening, "I can't say whether good and evil will have their respective retributions in the end, because there are too many things where good people get evil retribution and evil people get good retribution, but I want to believe that in the end it will be Everyone will have their own due rewards, which is what I often talk about, but this can only be seen clearly if we can know the past and present lives, and none of us know what we have done in our previous lives, so no matter how much I want to believe that there is good in the world. Retribution for evil is retribution, and it can only be a wish.”

"Go on." Yu Chan became a little interested.

Xunyi blinked his eyes, "Back to the bullying thing just now, there is nothing to say about the two types of people, those who help regardless of anger and those who are indifferent and can ignore it with peace of mind. Their respective paths have been set, and there is a wavering. The kind of people who struggle are the most interesting ones. What I just said is the situation where you can leave with peace of mind after making excuses for yourself. In fact, there is also the situation where you are burdened with too many worries and burdens and dare not give up your life easily. They will have no choice but to leave, but they will not feel at ease. Do you think this kind of people are sincere? "

Yu Chan smiled faintly and said, "Yi Buyi's sincerity is not as verbose as what you said. This is a matter of self-knowledge. To put it simply, it is nothing more than the four words 'clear conscience'. The most difficult thing to see through is the human heart. Otherwise, how could it be possible?" Some people say that the heart is unpredictable. For many people, good and evil are often just a matter of thoughts."??

Xunyi nodded and said, "The four words "clear conscience" are generally good, and the four words "cold and warm, self-awareness" are also used thoroughly. Then please ask yourself, my beloved, if you don't want to let me go, is it out of more care? Or do you value my available value more?”

"Heartless! Heartless! Bah!" Yu Chan spat at him harshly.

Xunyi said with a smile, "Don't scold me first, I mean, if you are really good for me, then you should let me go and let me go on the path I chose, because this is the only way I can go." , only if you don’t give up the Xu Shui Secret Realm, the Heart-Learning Illusion Realm and other benefits will you hold me back.”

Yu Chan was so angry that he slapped him so hard that he fell from the air and made a big hole in the ground.

Xunyi got up and stood at the bottom of the pit, looking up at Yu Chan without any anger at all.

Yu Chan sat down and asked slowly, "Are you tired after going in such a long circle to talk about this?"

Xunyi said seriously, "I'm not talking in circles. In fact, those are the truths that I have understood. There was a lot more to say. It's just that your words of 'having a clear conscience' were too appropriate for the occasion, so I took the opportunity to stop talking." ”

Yu Chan's pretty face turned cold and she said, "It's okay if you want me to let you go, but you have to tell me clearly what kind of path you want to take."

Xunyi felt that she was secretly exerting pressure on him. While he could still resist, he stepped forward and hugged Yuchan gently.

Yu Chan could have used coercion to scare him back when he approached, but because she didn't know what he wanted to do, she adopted a wait-and-see attitude. She didn't want to find Yi coming to hug her, which was beyond her expectation. , hurriedly collected the pressure that had spread out.

Once the pressure was gone, Xunyi felt much more relaxed. After hugging Yu Chan gently for a while, he let go and took two steps back. He looked at Yu Chan with slightly red eyes and said, "I was sad when my wife left me." For a long time, I knew that she really loved me, but she could finally let go of me and never visit me again. I think this should be due to the realm of Monk Huayu, a bit like how I treat Ping Son, I pity her but I can’t stay with her forever.”

Having said this, he looked up at the sky, sighed and then looked at Yu Chan and continued, "I know you like me more than my wife now. After all, we have experienced many things from enemies to friends, and we have been together for a long time." It's also much longer than the time I spent with my senior sister. I'm not that reluctant to leave Second Senior Sister and the others. I can also be cruel to leave my sisters Yuehong and Shao Ling, but when it comes to leaving you..." At this point His eye circles were red again, and he calmed down before continuing, "I really don't want to leave you. Leaving you is even sadder than being abandoned by my wife before, but I have to do this..." He closed his eyes He rolled his eyes, tears streaming down from the corners of his eyes.

"Why do you have to do this? What forced you to do this? If you tell me, I will take on the big things for you." Yu Chan couldn't help being moved when she saw him being so emotional. At the same time, she felt a little cold in her heart. She stepped forward and stroked his back, but it didn't help him calm down. She wanted Xun Yi to tell him what was difficult.

Xun Yi was really sad. With this cry, he also vented his guilt towards his senior brothers and sisters, Yue Hong, Shao Ling and others. He choked up and shed tears for a long time before he stopped crying.

"Don't worry, no one is forcing me, I'm forcing myself. I'm so tired of Pu Yunzhou. I can't stand this world of oppression and bullying. I don't want to stay any longer."

"Then I will accompany you to Nanjingzhou. Although I am a monk in Puyunzhou, no one dares to provoke me with my current cultivation level. The two of us will establish a sect there, and you will be the leader." Yu Chan teased him explain.

Xunyi forced a smile and said, "How can you stay with me all the time? At most, you will leave like my wife when I am older. My cultivation level cannot be improved anymore. In fact, it doesn't matter how many years you stay with me." It’s useful, and I don’t want to live under your protection all the time. It would be too boring. Thinking about it, the days of wandering were more interesting.”

Yu Chan's eyes sharpened and he said sharply, "Actually, you just want to go on to find death, right?"

Xunyi shook his head calmly and said, "That's not entirely true. I don't care about life and death. There's no need to hide it from you, but I really want to do something this time, and I won't deliberately seek death." "

"You just don't want to tell me what you want to do, right?" Yu Chan started to grit her teeth in hatred.

"Didn't I just say that you should cultivate and follow your own path of cultivation? If everything goes well, there's no telling if you can make a breakthrough. I've heard that some people can become immortals without going through the process of conceiving a baby. And how could I know that I'm so blessed? I can’t have any more luck, and I’ll have no chance if I’m tied to you all day long.”

Yu Chan got a little angry and said, "You just said that if God wants to torment people, he has many ways. If he wants to give you blessings, of course he has many ways. Don't mess around with me. I can take you to find a way to continue your cultivation. Anyway, It’s better than finding it yourself!”

Xun Yi, in turn, stroked her back and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry. What I mean is that cultivation is the main thing. Meeting good luck again can only be said to be an unexpected gain. Moreover, God can torment people with all their efforts, but they are so stingy." , expecting it to bring you some blessings will definitely cost you half of your life.”

Yu Chan pushed him away angrily and cursed, "You are still messing around with me. You are so angry with me. How can I not be angry!"

Xunyi put on a smile and said, "Calm down, you are just too worried that something will happen to me, that's why you are like this. In fact, if you think about what I said carefully, it is really not unreasonable. If I knew that you had been following me secretly, , then how can you concentrate on your cultivation? So just agree and make an oath with your Taoist heart and promise not to follow me again."

"I didn't even agree to let you go to Nanjingzhou! I made an oath to you!" Yu Chan was so angry that he kicked him out. "Are you trying to tell me that good and evil will eventually be rewarded?" There was another sarcastic smile on Yu Chan's lips.

Xunyi waved his hand, indicating that she should stop talking and continue listening, "I can't say whether good and evil will have their respective retributions in the end, because there are too many things where good people get evil retribution and evil people get good retribution, but I want to believe that in the end it will be Everyone will have their own due rewards, which is what I often talk about, but this can only be seen clearly if we can know the past and present lives, and none of us know what we have done in our previous lives, so no matter how much I want to believe that there is good in the world. Retribution for evil is retribution, and it can only be a wish.”

"Go on." Yu Chan became a little interested.

Xunyi blinked his eyes, "Back to the bullying thing just now, there is nothing to say about the two types of people, those who help regardless of anger and those who are indifferent and can ignore it with peace of mind. Their respective paths have been set, and there is a wavering. The kind of people who struggle are the most interesting ones. What I just said is the situation where you can leave with peace of mind after making excuses for yourself. In fact, there is also the situation where you are burdened with too many worries and burdens and dare not give up your life easily. They will have no choice but to leave, but they will not feel at ease. Do you think this kind of people are sincere? "

Yu Chan smiled faintly and said, "Yi Buyi's sincerity is not as verbose as what you said. This is a matter of self-knowledge. To put it simply, it is nothing more than the four words 'have a clear conscience'. The most difficult thing to see through is the human heart. Otherwise, how could it be possible?" Some people say that the heart is unpredictable. For many people, good and evil are often just a matter of thought." .??.

Xunyi nodded and said, "The four words "clear conscience" are generally good, and the four words "cold and warm, self-awareness" are also used thoroughly. Then please ask yourself, my beloved, if you don't want to let me go, is it out of more care? Or do you value my available value more?”

"Heartless! Heartless! Bah!" Yu Chan spat at him harshly.

Xunyi said with a smile, "Don't scold me first, I mean, if you are really good for me, then you should let me go and let me go on the path I chose, because this is the only way I can go." , only if you don’t give up the Xu Shui Secret Realm, the Heart-Learning Illusion Realm and other benefits will you hold me back.”

Yu Chan was so angry that he slapped him so hard that he fell from the air and made a big hole in the ground.

Xunyi got up and stood at the bottom of the pit, looking up at Yu Chan without any anger at all.

Yu Chan sat down and asked slowly, "Are you tired after going in such a long circle to talk about this?"

Xunyi said seriously, "I'm not talking in circles. In fact, those are the truths that I have understood. There was a lot more to say. It's just that your words of 'having a clear conscience' were too appropriate for the occasion, so I took the opportunity to stop talking." ”

Yu Chan's pretty face turned cold and she said, "It's okay if you want me to let you go, but you have to tell me clearly what kind of path you want to take."

Xunyi felt that she was secretly exerting pressure on him. While he could still resist, he stepped forward and hugged Yuchan gently.

Yu Chan could have used coercion to scare him back when he approached, but because she didn't know what he wanted to do, she adopted a wait-and-see attitude. She didn't want to find Yi coming to hug her, which was beyond her expectation. , hurriedly collected the pressure that had spread out.

Once the pressure was gone, Xunyi felt much more relaxed. After hugging Yuchan gently for a while, he let go and took two steps back. He looked at Yuchan with slightly red eyes and said, "I was sad when my wife left me." For a long time, I knew that she really loved me, but she could finally let go of me and never visit me again. I think this should be due to the realm of Monk Huayu, a bit like how I treat Ping Son, I pity her but I can’t stay with her forever.”

Having said this, he looked up at the sky, sighed and then looked at Yu Chan and continued, "I know you like me more than my wife now. After all, we have experienced many things from enemies to friends, and we have been together for a long time." It's also much longer than the time I spent with my senior sister. I'm not that reluctant to leave Second Senior Sister and the others. I can also be cruel to leave my sisters Yuehong and Shao Ling, but when it comes to leaving you..." At this point His eye circles were red again, and he calmed down before continuing, "I really don't want to leave you. Leaving you is even sadder than being abandoned by my wife before, but I have to do this..." He closed his eyes He rolled his eyes, tears streaming down from the corners of his eyes.

"Why do you have to do this? What forced you to do this? If you tell me, I will take on the big things for you." Yu Chan couldn't help but be moved when she saw that he was so emotional. At the same time, she felt a little cold in her heart. She stepped forward and stroked his back, but it didn't help him calm down. She wanted Xun Yi to tell him what was difficult.

Xun Yi was really sad. With this cry, he also vented his guilt towards his senior brothers and sisters, Yue Hong, Shao Ling and others. He choked up and shed tears for a long time before he stopped crying.

"Don't worry, no one is forcing me, I'm forcing myself. I'm so tired of Pu Yunzhou. I can't stand this world of oppression and bullying. I don't want to stay any longer."

"Then I will accompany you to Nanjingzhou. Although I am a monk in Puyunzhou, no one dares to provoke me with my current cultivation level. The two of us will establish a sect there, and you will be the leader." Yu Chan teased him. explain.

Xunyi forced a smile and said, "How can you stay with me all the time? At most, you will leave like my wife when I am older. My cultivation level cannot be improved anymore. In fact, it doesn't matter how many years you stay with me." It’s useful, and I don’t want to live under your protection all the time. It would be too boring. Thinking about it, the previous days of wandering were more interesting.”

Yu Chan's eyes sharpened and he said sharply, "Actually, you just want to go on to find death, right?"

Xunyi shook his head calmly and said, "That's not entirely true. I don't care about life and death. There's no need to hide it from you, but I really want to do something this time, and I won't deliberately seek death." "

"You just don't want to tell me what you want to do, right?" Yu Chan started to grit her teeth in hatred.

"Didn't I just say that you should cultivate and follow your own path of cultivation? If everything goes well, there's no telling if you can make a breakthrough. I've heard that some people can become immortals without going through the process of conceiving a baby. And how could I know that I'm so blessed? I can’t have any more luck, and I’ll have no chance if I’m tied to you all day long.”

Yu Chan got a little angry and said, "You just said that if God wants to torment people, he has many ways. If he wants to give you blessings, of course he has many ways. Don't mess around with me. I can take you to find a way to continue your cultivation. Anyway, It’s better than finding it yourself!”

Xun Yi, in turn, stroked her back and said, "Don't be angry, don't be angry. What I mean is that cultivation is the main thing. Meeting good luck again can only be said to be an unexpected gain. Moreover, God can torment people with all their efforts, but they are so stingy." , expecting it to bring you some blessings will definitely cost you half of your life.”

Yu Chan pushed him away angrily and cursed, "You are still messing around with me. You are so angry with me. How can I not be angry!"

Xunyi put on a smile and said, "Calm down, you are just too worried that something will happen to me, that's why you are like this. In fact, if you think about what I said carefully, it is really not unreasonable. If I knew that you had been following me secretly, , then how can you concentrate on your cultivation? So just agree and make an oath with your Taoist heart and promise not to follow me again."

"I didn't even agree to let you go to Nanjingzhou! I made an oath to you!" Yu Chan was so angry that he kicked him out.

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