Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 839: Do you want to kill me?

Xunyi withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, true or false, just let it go. Don't worry too much about my affairs. Just focus on your cultivation. In fact, even if you find me The method of cultivation may not be of much use to a lazy person like me. I would rather you give me a few elixirs that can quickly improve your cultivation after you become an immortal."

Yu Chan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Where do you want to go next?"

Xunyi stepped forward and hugged her. He hugged her silently for a while before letting go. Then he looked at her with an expression on his face and said, "Don't worry about it anymore. Go to Xinglin to practice. I will open the illusion to find you if I need anything."

Yu Chan looked at him for a while, and suddenly said calmly, "Take out that footprint and show it to me."

"What are you doing? You still don't believe me?!" Xunyi frowned in displeasure.

Yu Chan snorted softly, "Stop pretending. If you were really useless, you would have boasted about it by now. Don't I still know what you are?"

Xunyi grinned in embarrassment and said, "I almost lost my life several times in Xuantu Riyuan last time. It was too dangerous. I only used it when I had no other choice. I lied to you because I was afraid you would be unhappy." He took out the little footprint.

Yu Chan didn't say anything to this, but took out a small white jade figurine and handed it to him and said, "This is a life-saving thing I specially made for you. It is used for escaping. As a monk who transforms into feathers, I can't give you too much." A treasure that can injure enemies more than once. Although this can only be used once, I think it is enough for you to escape danger. After using it, open the illusion of heart and let me save you." .??.

"Okay." Xunyi couldn't help but hugged her again, reluctant to let go for a long time.

Yuchan disappeared quietly in his arms. Xunyi put down the two arms that were hugging him, turned around and muttered, "I guess you haven't left at all. You must have planned to follow me secretly, because you never dared to Make an oath with your heart.”

After waiting for a while, Yu Chan didn't reply. He flew leisurely towards the west sky barrier and continued to mutter, "Then I will go to seek death. I don't believe you won't show up."

Flying into the edge of the western sky barrier, he stopped and looked around and said, "The poisonous gas here is really powerful. I can't stand it as soon as I come in." Before he finished speaking, he activated his body movements as fast as possible. He rushed towards the depths of the white mist at a very fast speed.

Soon he slammed into a hard invisible barrier. The impact was really hard, and he almost knocked out the dragon scale protection. With his blood boiling, Xunyi took a breath before shouting, "Do you want to?" Hit me to death? I have the poison protection provided by Huaxian, I just want to see if you can leave!"

Yu Chan, who was hiding on the side, gritted her silver teeth with hatred. She was being played so unfairly this time, and she really wanted to beat up this thing that was not a toy.

Xunyi, who had calmed down, said proudly, "You didn't expect that, did you? Hehe, even if I poison you here, I may not die. To tell you the truth, I had planned it before I asked you to send me here. My cultivation starts here. I have many friends here. If you can afford it, just stay with me for ten years."

Yu Chan couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart. This boy had so many magical powers that it was outrageous. Coupled with his evil intentions, a great fairy concubine like herself in the middle stage of becoming a feather could only do so in this situation. There was nothing she could do. She really couldn't afford to spend time with him. In this poisonous place, she had to rely on her cultivation to resist, but this guy didn't have to do anything. After a long time, she would definitely not be able to wear him down, and she didn't have to. After spending so much free time, I secretly followed Xunyi just to see if he really wanted to practice his own way.

There is still another way to go.

Seeing Xun Yi leisurely bypassing the barrier he had cast and continuing to fly forward, Yu Chan actually smiled, because when she thought about it, if she had to deal with this kid so hard, then of course it would be even harder for others. , maybe I don’t have to worry so much.

After following him for a while, there was still no sign that Xunyi could use his divine light to protect himself against the poison. Yuchan no longer worried about him, and secretly considered whether she should let Xunyi put in a good word with the two flower fairies. They also added a layer of anti-poison protection to themselves. This idea was too tempting, but they could only think about it. She understood that the reason why Huaxian was willing to use this secret technique on Xunyi was not only because of their deep kindness to each other. , but also because Xunyi's cultivation level is not high and he cannot threaten the safety of the Hua Clan. He does not possess either of these. It is completely wishful thinking to make such a request. It is useless no matter how much face Xunyi has with the Huaxian.

"Come out, come out, I'm back to see you. Anyone who needs to replenish their spiritual power can come." Xunyi shouted loudly as he flew. Fairy Jingshui had told him that he would be injured if he conveyed his spiritual thoughts here, so He could only shout.

Yu Chan looked at it in amusement. There were no flower demons or tree spirits nearby, and few Zhenyuan could understand the human thoughts. What's more, this kind of shouting. In her opinion, Xunyi was playing the piano to a cow. .

When the first light green true essence flew out from a strange tree and rushed towards Xunyi, Yu Chan's eyes widened in surprise. She had never had much contact with true essence in her life. Seeing Xunyi When she walked towards the true essence with a smile on her face, she didn't care to hide it anymore, and said urgently, "Be careful!"

Xunyi said hurriedly, "Don't scare it. These are my friends and will not hurt me."

Yu Chan resisted the urge to take action, only to see the light green true energy approaching Xun Yi and immediately surrounding him with a cheerful light. Although she didn't know what the true essence was expressing, she could feel the joyful meaning in it.

"They're all out! You shout for me to let them all come out." Xunyi said to the light green true essence while continuing to fly forward, then turned around and said with a smile, "The secret is completely exposed, right? Just keep hiding it. Come on, don’t scare these friends of mine.”

The green true essence couldn't understand Xunyi's request, and just circled around him happily. Yu Chan glared at Xunyi angrily, but unfortunately Xunyi couldn't see it.

After a while, the second and third true essence flew over one after another, and then the true essence gathered faster and faster. They were like fireflies. After they flew to Xunyi's side, some were the same as the first one. Like true essence, they circled around Xunyi, and some followed Xunyi not far away. Without exception, they kept shining brightly.

"Don't scare them away. Nothing will happen." Xunyi turned around and told Yu Chan worriedly. He was sure that Yu Chan would be following him, but he didn't know that Yu Chan had already flown in front of him. , and was already a little stunned with surprise.

The last time Xun Yi came here, he had been in a state of fear and didn't remember the route very much. In addition, there were few reference scenery for recording the route in the white mist, so he turned around after walking for most of a day.

"Have I been walking deeper? Didn't I turn?" He had no choice but to ask Yu Chan for help.

Yu Chan could still check the stars at this moment and could tell that Xun Yi was following an arc, but she didn't intend to help, so she chose to remain silent.

Seeing that others ignored him, Xunyi could only snort and continue to fly towards the place where the white fog was thickest according to his own method. Yu Chan wanted to take the opportunity to learn more about Xi Tianzhang, so he decided to follow patiently. Xunyi withdrew his gaze and said with a smile, "Okay, okay, true or false, just let it go. Don't worry too much about my affairs. Just focus on your cultivation. In fact, even if you find me The method of cultivation may not be of much use to a lazy person like me. I would rather you give me a few elixirs that can quickly improve your cultivation after you become an immortal."

Yu Chan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Where do you want to go next?"

Xunyi stepped forward and hugged her. He hugged her silently for a while before letting go. Then he looked at her with an expression on his face and said, "Don't worry about it anymore. Go to Xinglin to practice. I will open the illusion to find you if I need anything."

Yu Chan looked at him for a while, and suddenly said calmly, "Take out that footprint and show it to me."

"What are you doing? You still don't believe me?!" Xunyi frowned in displeasure.

Yu Chan snorted softly, "Stop pretending. If you were really useless, you would have boasted about it by now. Don't I still know what you are?"

Xunyi grinned in embarrassment and said, "I almost lost my life several times in Xuantu Riyuan last time. It was too dangerous. I only used it when I had no other choice. I lied to you because I was afraid you would be unhappy." He took out the little footprint.

Yu Chan didn't say anything to this, but took out a small white jade figurine and handed it to him and said, "This is a life-saving thing I specially made for you. It is used for escaping. As a monk who transforms into feathers, I can't give you too much." A treasure that can hurt the enemy more than once. Although this can only be used once, I think it is enough for you to escape danger. After using it, open the heart-warming illusion and I will save you. "

"Okay." Xunyi couldn't help but hugged her again, reluctant to let go for a long time.

Yuchan disappeared quietly in his arms. Xunyi put down the two arms that were hugging him, turned around and muttered, "I guess you haven't left at all. You must have planned to follow me secretly, because you never dared to Make an oath with your heart.”

After waiting for a while, Yu Chan didn't reply. He flew leisurely towards the west sky barrier and continued to mutter, "Then I will go to seek death. I don't believe you won't show up."

Flying into the edge of the western sky barrier, he stopped and looked around and said, "The poisonous gas here is really powerful. I can't stand it as soon as I come in." Before he finished speaking, he activated his body movements as fast as possible. He rushed towards the depths of the white mist at a very fast speed.

Soon he slammed into a hard invisible barrier. The impact was really hard, and he almost knocked out the dragon scale protection. With his blood boiling, Xunyi took a breath before shouting, "Do you want to?" Hit me to death? I have the poison protection provided by Huaxian, I just want to see if you can leave!"

Yu Chan, who was hiding on the side, gritted her silver teeth with hatred. She was being played so unfairly this time, and she really wanted to beat up this thing that was not a toy.

Xunyi, who had calmed down, said proudly, "You didn't expect that, did you? Hehe, even if I poison you here, I may not die. To tell you the truth, I had planned it before I asked you to send me here. My cultivation starts here. I have many friends here. If you can afford it, just stay with me for ten years."

Yu Chan couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart. This boy had so many magical powers that it was outrageous. Coupled with his evil intentions, a great fairy concubine like herself in the middle stage of becoming a feather could only do so in this situation. There was nothing she could do. She really couldn't afford to spend time with him. In this poisonous place, she had to rely on her cultivation to resist, but this guy didn't have to do anything. After a long time, she would definitely not be able to wear him down, and she didn't have to. After spending so much free time, I secretly followed Xunyi just to see if he really wanted to practice his own way.

There is still another way to go.

Seeing Xun Yi leisurely bypassing the barrier he had cast and continuing to fly forward, Yu Chan actually smiled, because when she thought about it, if she had to deal with this kid so hard, then of course it would be even harder for others. , maybe I don’t have to worry so much.

After following him for a while, there was still no sign that Xunyi could use his divine light to protect himself against the poison. Yuchan no longer worried about him, and secretly considered whether she should let Xunyi put in a good word with the two flower fairies. They also added a layer of anti-poison protection to themselves. This idea was too tempting, but they could only think about it. She understood that the reason why Huaxian was willing to use this secret technique on Xunyi was not only because of their deep kindness to each other. , but also because Xunyi's cultivation level is not high and he cannot threaten the safety of the Hua Clan. He does not possess either of these. It is completely wishful thinking to make such a request. It is useless no matter how much face Xunyi has with the Huaxian.

"Come out, come out, I'm back to see you. Anyone who needs to replenish their spiritual power can come." Xunyi shouted loudly as he flew. Fairy Jingshui had told him that he would be injured if he conveyed his spiritual thoughts here, so He could only shout.

Yu Chan looked at it in amusement. There were no flower demons or tree spirits nearby, and few Zhenyuan could understand the human spirit. What's more, this kind of shouting, in her opinion, Xunyi was playing tricks on others. .

When the first light green true essence flew out from a strange tree and rushed towards Xunyi, Yu Chan's eyes widened in surprise. She had never had much contact with true essence in her life. Seeing Xunyi When she walked towards the true essence with a smile on her face, she didn't care to hide it anymore and said urgently, "Be careful!"

Xunyi said hurriedly, "Don't scare it. These are my friends and will not hurt me."

Yu Chan resisted the urge to take action, and saw the light green true essence approaching Xun Yi and immediately surrounding him with a cheerful light. Although she didn't know what the true essence was expressing, she could feel the joyful meaning in it.

"They're all out! You shout for me to let them all come out." Xunyi said to the light green true essence while continuing to fly forward, then turned around and said with a smile, "The secret is completely exposed, right? Just keep hiding it. Come on, don’t scare these friends of mine.”

The green true essence couldn't understand Xunyi's request, and just circled around him happily. Yu Chan glared at Xunyi angrily, but unfortunately Xunyi couldn't see it.

After a while, the second and third true essence flew over one after another, and then the true essence gathered faster and faster. They were like fireflies. After they flew to Xunyi's side, some were the same as the first one. Like true essence, they circled around Xunyi, and some followed Xunyi not far away. Without exception, they kept shining brightly.

"Don't scare them away. Nothing will happen." Xunyi turned around and told Yu Chan worriedly. He was sure that Yu Chan would be following him, but he didn't know that Yu Chan had already flown in front of him. , and was already a little stunned with surprise.

The last time Xun Yi came here, he had been in a state of fear and didn't remember the route very much. In addition, there were few reference scenery for recording the route in the white mist, so he turned around after walking for most of a day.

"Have I been walking deeper? Didn't I turn?" He had no choice but to ask Yu Chan for help.

Yu Chan could still check the stars at this moment and could tell that Xun Yi was following an arc, but she didn't intend to help, so she chose to remain silent.

Seeing that others ignored him, Xunyi could only snort and continue to fly towards the place where the white fog was thickest according to his own method. Yu Chan wanted to take the opportunity to learn more about Xi Tianzhang, so he decided to follow patiently.

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