Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 841 The fish spirit was subdued

Six years later, Xunyi once again emerged from the Western Barrier in a majestic manner, escorted by countless true essences.

Six years is not a long time for a monk, but Xunyi seemed to be a different person when he came out of the West Sky Barrier. Not only was the signature smile that had been on his face all day gone, but his clear and lively eyes had also changed. He became peaceful and calm, and six years of quiet precipitation finally made him look a bit like a Nascent Soul monk.

The first thing he did after leaving the Western Heaven Barrier was to use the Zhenyan Dafa to change his appearance. With this spell, he had almost reached the second level of perfection. If a monk who was one level above him did not use his spiritual consciousness to carefully check It was difficult for Tan to detect abnormalities. He did not change his appearance too exaggeratedly, but he believed that with his current expression and eyes, even if senior sister Huang Ying bumped into her, she might not be able to recognize him at a glance.

After identifying his location, he released a mediocre flying sword, stepped on it and flew forward leisurely. At this time, he had put on the Taoist robe of Nanjingzhou, and the Qiankun bag in the style of Nanjingzhou was hung around his waist. The Qiankun bag he usually used was still hidden in his sleeve as it was in Puyunzhou. Yu Chan was there On the way to Nanjingzhou, an invisibility spell was added to the Qiankun bag, making it easy for him to be discovered. In terms of careful thinking, Yu Chan, who has been struggling all his life, is certainly much better than Xun Yi. He can She thought of everything she could think of for Xun Yi.

Flying under the sky of Nanjingzhou, Xunyi felt an indescribable sense of relaxation and joy. During these years in Puyunzhou, he had been living under the care of many great monks and even the Feathered monks. Regardless of these people Whether they are protecting him or trying to plot against him, it is always uncomfortable to be in a forest of strong opponents. In the eyes of these people, he is an out-and-out child, so he can only pretend to be a child all day long.

Now finally no one is staring at him, and after comparing with his personal experience, he can realize how safe Nanjingzhou is. As for Qianjie Sect’s death order, it has been so long, I don’t think there will be many people there. I still remember this, and my appearance has changed again. There are probably not many people in the entire Nanjingzhou who can recognize me.

His current level of cultivation was not enough to see the stars in the distance, and the continents were too vast. He did not dare to wander around without a map, so he could only go back along the road of his last escape. The difference from last time is that he now has the ability to cultivate the Nascent Soul and can walk much faster.

After leaving the remote area of ​​​​Xitianzhang, I bumped into more and more monks on the road, but this so-called number was only a monk with a similar level of cultivation who I met in a day or two. After receiving several kind greetings, I found Yi quickly adapted to it and began to take the initiative to say hello to people he met on the road. Of course, this kind of greeting was just a kind-hearted spiritual thought sent from afar, which was equivalent to a smile and greeting in the mortal world. This kind of etiquette in the cultivation world The main reason is that their world is too vast and there are too few of their kind, so they will naturally feel close to each other when they meet. However, this kind of etiquette is far less popular in Puyunzhou than in Nanjingzhou.

More than a month later, Xunyi finally saw the starry sky that he was very familiar with. At that moment, his eyes were filled with tears from his surging heart.

The Taihe River is a large river with a width of thousands of feet. Its rich products support the towns and villages along the coast. This section of the river basin where Silver Fish Village is located is particularly peaceful.

On weekdays, the river is calm and calm, with white sails dotted and birds soaring. The sound of fishermen singing on the boat and the chirping of birds drifting along with the water waves make people feel happy watching it.

But today, this docile river showed a violent scene. The clear river water turned completely turbid. The calm water surface in the past was turbulent. A huge water column more than ten feet high was set off in the center of the river, and the fishy wind was violent. The rapids are rolling, and a white-haired old man is dancing with a sword in the huge waves that hit the sky. The flashing sword light cuts out pieces of ripples, and occasionally a huge fish mouth full of sharp teeth can be seen emerging from the turbulent waves. He stretched out his middle finger to bite the old man. At this time, the old man would use the magic formula he pinched with his right hand and send out a burst of spiritual power to repel the fish mouth. However, from the look on his face, it was obvious that the old man was struggling to hold on. His face was completely drained of color and showed a look of defeat.

There were seven or eight young and strong men on the shore holding harpoons, sticks and other things, roaring and cheering. Waves of strong waves rushed up from time to time and knocked them staggering, but these few people never retreated. They were all the young and strong men in the village. Okay, far behind them, there was a group of old and weak women and children, each holding a stick and cheering. Whether it was the young and strong men standing in front or the old and weak women and children standing behind, everyone had a smile on their face. Amid fear and anxiety, this is a battle that affects the fate of the whole village, and they cannot afford to lose.

At this time, the battle in the middle of the river has reached its final moment. The huge water column is spinning more and more rapidly, but the old man seems to be getting more and more helpless. His body is falling down bit by bit in the fishy wind and waves. Everyone on the shore is shaking My heart was in my throat, and I was too nervous to scream.

The old man's eyes had long been filled with despair. He had had a chance to return to the shore before, but he knew that there was no hope of improving his cultivation in this life, so he planned to risk his life to seriously injure the fish spirit and give his life to the villagers. A hundred years of peace, but unfortunately this wish is not only difficult to realize, but I am also unable to save my life.

Just when he was trying his best to close his eyes and wait for death, the manic water column suddenly fell away. He was almost exhausted and had no time to figure out what happened. His body also fell down and landed on the shore. As everyone exclaimed in unison, the old man who had fallen halfway felt himself being supported by a gentle force and was then sent to the villagers.

The well-informed old man immediately understood what was going on. As soon as his knees weakened, he knelt down on the ground, looked up into the sky and said loudly, "I know that I have violated the law, and I have no excuse. I am willing to accept the punishment, but I have already left the school, and it’s not because my mentor warned me poorly. What happened today was entirely due to my own will. I hope you will be more careful and don’t involve innocent people..."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the villagers fell to their knees, kowtowed to the sky and cried.

Before the old man finished speaking, a spiritual thought came into his mind: "Uncle, my nephew is here to visit you. Go home quickly so that I can show up and say hello to you."

The old man was stunned for a moment. When he realized what he was doing, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He got up from the ground with support and said to everyone in a trembling voice, "Get up, everyone, get up. God has forgiven the sin of old age, fish spirit." I have been surrendered too, please go home and burn incense to thank God for your kindness." After saying that, he quickly ran back to the village and closed the courtyard door tightly, even shutting out his children and grandchildren who were chasing behind him. Six years later, Xunyi once again emerged from the Western Heaven Barrier in a majestic manner, escorted by countless true energy.

Six years is not a long time for a monk, but Xunyi seemed to be a different person when he came out of the West Sky Barrier. Not only was the signature smile that had been on his face all day gone, but his clear and lively eyes had also changed. He became peaceful and calm, and six years of quiet precipitation finally made him look a bit like a Nascent Soul monk.

The first thing he did after leaving the Western Heaven Barrier was to use the Zhenyan Dafa to change his appearance. With this spell, he had almost reached the second level of perfection. If a monk who was one level above him did not use his spiritual consciousness to carefully check It was difficult for Tan to detect abnormalities. He did not change his appearance too exaggeratedly, but he believed that with his current expression and eyes, even if senior sister Huang Ying bumped into her, she might not be able to recognize him at a glance.

After identifying his location, he released a mediocre flying sword, stepped on it and flew forward leisurely. At this time, he had put on the Taoist robe of Nanjingzhou, and the Qiankun bag in the style of Nanjingzhou was hung around his waist. The Qiankun bag he usually used was still hidden in his sleeve as it was in Puyunzhou. Yu Chan was there On the way to Nanjingzhou, an invisibility spell was added to the Qiankun bag, making it easy for him to be discovered. In terms of careful thinking, Yu Chan, who has been struggling all his life, is certainly much better than Xun Yi. He can She thought of everything she could think of for Xun Yi.

Flying under the sky of Nanjingzhou, Xunyi felt an indescribable sense of relaxation and joy. During these years in Puyunzhou, he had been living under the care of many great monks and even the Feathered monks. Regardless of these people Whether they are protecting him or trying to plot against him, it is always uncomfortable to be in a forest of strong opponents. In the eyes of these people, he is an out-and-out child, so he can only pretend to be a child all day long.

Now finally no one is staring at him, and after comparing with his personal experience, he can realize how safe Nanjingzhou is. As for Qianjie Sect’s death order, it has been so long, I don’t think there will be many people there. I still remember this, and my appearance has changed again. There are probably not many people in the entire Nanjingzhou who can recognize me.

His current level of cultivation was not enough to see the stars in the distance, and the continents were too vast. He did not dare to wander around without a map, so he could only go back along the road of his last escape. The difference from last time is that he now has the ability to cultivate the Nascent Soul and can walk much faster.

After leaving the remote area of ​​​​Xitianzhang, I bumped into more and more monks on the road, but this so-called number was only a monk with a similar level of cultivation who I met in a day or two. After receiving several kind greetings, I found Yi quickly adapted to it and began to take the initiative to say hello to people he met on the road. Of course, this kind of greeting was just a kind-hearted spiritual thought sent from afar, which was equivalent to a smile and greeting in the mortal world. This kind of etiquette in the cultivation world The main reason is that their world is too vast and there are too few of their kind, so they will naturally feel close to each other when they meet. However, this kind of etiquette is far less popular in Puyunzhou than in Nanjingzhou.

More than a month later, Xunyi finally saw the starry sky that he was very familiar with. At that moment, his eyes were filled with tears from his surging heart.

The Taihe River is a large river with a width of thousands of feet. Its rich products support the towns and villages along the coast. This section of the river basin where Silver Fish Village is located is particularly peaceful.

On weekdays, the river is calm and calm, with white sails dotted and birds soaring. The sound of fishermen singing on the boat and the chirping of birds drifting along with the water waves make people feel happy watching it.

But today, this docile river showed a violent scene. The clear river water turned completely turbid. The calm water surface in the past was turbulent. A huge water column more than ten feet high was set off in the center of the river, and the fishy wind was violent. The rapids are rolling, and a white-haired old man is dancing with a sword in the huge waves that hit the sky. The flashing sword light cuts out pieces of ripples, and occasionally a huge fish mouth full of sharp teeth can be seen emerging from the turbulent waves. He stretched out his middle finger to bite the old man. At this time, the old man would use the magic formula he pinched with his right hand and send out a burst of spiritual power to repel the fish mouth. However, from the look on his face, it was obvious that the old man was struggling to hold on. His face was completely drained of color and showed a look of defeat.

There were seven or eight young and strong men on the shore holding harpoons, sticks and other things, roaring and cheering. Waves of strong waves rushed up from time to time and knocked them staggering, but these few people never retreated. They were all the young and strong men in the village. Okay, far behind them, there was a group of old and weak women and children, each holding a stick and cheering. Whether it was the young and strong men standing in front or the old and weak women and children standing behind, everyone had a smile on their face. Amid fear and anxiety, this is a battle that affects the fate of the whole village, and they cannot afford to lose.

At this time, the battle in the middle of the river has reached its final moment. The huge water column is spinning more and more rapidly, but the old man seems to be getting more and more helpless. His body is falling down bit by bit in the fishy wind and waves. Everyone on the shore is worried My heart was in my throat, and I was too nervous to scream.

The old man's eyes had long been filled with despair. He had had a chance to return to the shore before, but he knew that there was no hope of improving his cultivation in this life, so he planned to risk his life to seriously injure the fish spirit and give his life to the villagers. A hundred years of peace, but unfortunately this wish is not only difficult to realize, but I am also unable to save my life.

Just when he was trying his best to close his eyes and wait for death, the manic water column suddenly fell away. He was almost exhausted and had no time to figure out what happened. His body also fell down and landed on the shore. As everyone exclaimed in unison, the old man who had fallen halfway felt himself being supported by a gentle force and was then sent to the villagers.

The well-informed old man immediately understood what was going on. As soon as his knees weakened, he knelt down on the ground, looked up into the sky and said loudly, "I know that I have violated the law, and I have no excuse. I am willing to accept the punishment, but I have already left the school, and it’s not because my mentor warned me poorly. What happened today was entirely due to my own will. I hope you will be more careful and don’t involve innocent people..."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the villagers fell to their knees, kowtowed to the sky and cried.

Before the old man finished speaking, a spiritual thought came into his mind: "Uncle, my nephew is here to visit you. Go home quickly so that I can show up and say hello to you."

The old man was stunned for a moment. When he realized what he was doing, he couldn't help but burst into tears. He got up from the ground with support and said to everyone in a trembling voice, "Get up, everyone, get up. God has forgiven the sin of old age, fish spirit." I have been surrendered too, please go home and burn incense to thank God for your kindness." After saying that, he quickly ran back to the village and closed the courtyard door tightly, even shutting out his children and grandchildren who were chasing behind him.

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