Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 844 Only one request

Xunyi nodded to the four guards in front of the door. The four people looked a little indifferent, but they all nodded to him. Following the direction of the spiritual thought, Xunyi walked into a small room. In the hall, two people, one fat and one thin, were sitting, both looking around forty. The thin man had a friendly smile on his face, while the fat man was sitting upright with no expression on his face.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a seat." The thin man politely pointed to a futon below.

"Thank you." Xunyi thanked him and sat down calmly.

"Do you want to join the Black Flag Guard or the White Flag Guard?" The thin man asked and then went on to explain without waiting for Xun Yi's answer. "Most of the people who join the White Flag Guard are innocent people. They may feel that their path is hopeless, or I want to get some common experience opportunities in Yiling Guard. After joining the White Flag Guard for three hundred years, you can come and go freely. After joining the Black Flag Guard, you can't leave at will. The advantage is that no matter how much trouble you have been burdened with before, The Heavenly Law Alliance will try their best to shoulder the responsibility for you, unless the trouble you cause is something that the Heavenly Law Alliance cannot afford. But there is one thing you can rest assured. As long as the crime is not serious enough to cause death, even if you provoke the Huayu Monk, the Heavenly Law Alliance will not be able to bear it. I will give my last drop of blood to seek justice for you.”

"I want to join the Black Flag Guard." Xunyi waited patiently for him to finish before speaking out his choice in a firm tone. ??

The fat man said calmly, "Are you saddled with a blood debt?"

Xunyi shook his head and said, "That's not true. I'm just tired of living and want to use this little life to contribute to the Heavenly Law Alliance."

The fat man said coldly, "If that is the case, I suggest you join the White Flag Guard first to avoid regrets, because joining the Black Flag Guard means you will be planted with a 'life-threatening rope'. It is something that can kill you at any time. Once planted, It’s almost impossible to get rid of it.”

Xunyi had heard about the "life-threatening rope". After hearing this, he nodded gratefully to the fat man and said, "Thank you for the advice, but I have made up my mind to join the Black Flag Guard."

The thin man frowned and looked at Xun Yi with a scrutinizing gaze, "If fellow Taoist really didn't come here to hide from your enemies, then I have to advise you to think carefully before making a decision. Even if you don't want this life, then Being a white flag guard is much more relaxed than being a black flag guard. Let me tell you the difference between the two flags in detail."

Xunyi waved his hand and said, "I won't bother you with my words. I just want to go to a place where I can contribute the most. I think Black Flag Guard is more suitable."

The fat man and the thin man looked at each other, and the thin man said in a gentler tone, "Of course we have to abide by your decision in this matter, but our duty is to let you fully understand Yiling before you make a choice. Wei, I have to speak more clearly. Most of the people who join the Black Flag Guard are people who have committed serious crimes. There are people like you, but they are very few. Once you get here, we can't force you to question you. What's wrong, but you have to be aware of it. We often encounter people who are frightened by trivial things and come to ask to join the Yiling Guard. After some people tell the truth, we can easily help them solve it. , there is no need to work in Yilingwei."

Xunyi took off the mask on his face and said with a smile to the two of them, "You two are so dedicated to your duties, which strengthens your determination to contribute to the Heavenly Law Alliance. If I had known this, it would be better to lie and claim that I am burdened with sin. That would I can save you two a lot of trouble, so please rest assured. My decision to join the Black Flag Guard is not just a whim or something that scares me.

Now, it’s not that useless. I know exactly what I want to do. "

Seeing his gaze, the fat and thin people felt that there was no need to waste any more words, because those eyes showed wisdom at first sight, and people with such eyes definitely didn't need help from others to make decisions.

The fat man nodded to Xunyi and said, "If you are willing to report the guru's sect and other information, we can let you go to Black Flag Guard to experience it for a period of time before making a decision, without having to plant a 'life-threatening rope'. This is a right for Wu." A concern for sinners.

"No need, I only have one request. Please send me to the most dangerous place in the border. Except for the north, the other three sides are fine."

The fat man muttered, "We will record your request, but there is no guarantee whether it will be approved. After all, the personnel transfer of Yiling Guard needs to be coordinated and arranged."

Xunyi frowned and said, "If this request is not approved, then I might as well go to the border to protect the territory myself. You just need to assign tasks to me."

The thin man smiled and said, "You think too simply. There is no room for carelessness in border matters, because it will easily cause chaos. If you go privately, you will definitely be expelled."

Xunyi thought for a moment, then nodded happily and said, "Okay, anyway, I'm here to help sincerely. Seeing your attitude, I know for sure. I believe Yilingwei will not arrange this matter." So inhumane.”

The fat man and the thin man both smiled at him and said nothing.

The monks in Nanjingzhou who want to join the Zhilu Guards and the White Flag Yiling Guards must go through strict review. However, no information is required to join the Black Flag Yiling Guards, because it is a waste utilization and will be "involved" after being planted. At the moment when you "take your life on the line", your life is considered to be handed over to the Tianlu League. The Black Flag Guard is a place where evil and evil are hidden. Survival is the only pursuit of these people.

The procedure for joining the Black Flag Yiling Guards is the simplest, but there is more than just a review process for fat people and thin people. After that, Xunyi was taken to another courtyard, where he was informed in detail about joining the Black Flag Guards. Not only that, he was required to reconsider everything he faced in a quiet room for three days.

On the fourth day, Xunyi walked out of the quiet room naked. This was the rule of choosing to plant a 'life-bearing rope'. When the people of Yilingwei Mansion saw him coming out like this, they didn't ask any more questions. Three seals were sealed on his body. After the first level of ban, he was taken to the top of Tianjin Peak under the strict supervision of two immortal officials and four guards. The third level of ban not only sealed Xun Yi's cultivation but also his six senses, so he was both Can't see or hear.

When he stopped, a god said, "This is your last chance to regret it. If you want to change your mind, we will send you back immediately. After planting the 'lifeline', you will have only one way to go."

When receiving this divine thought, Xunyi smiled slightly and replied calmly, "I am determined to be a Black Flag Yiling Guard."

"Put your hand on it."

Following these words, a crystal clear stone wall like ice appeared in front of Xun Yi. When he pressed his hand on it, the transparent stone wall suddenly turned milky white, and there were vaguely visible several hair-like strands inside. The black lines were swimming. When the stone wall became transparent again, Xunyi clearly felt something drilled into his palm, which made him shiver involuntarily, followed by a sharp pain in his heart. Xunyi nodded to the four guards in front of the door. The four people looked a little indifferent, but they all nodded to him. Following the direction of the spiritual thought, Xunyi walked into a small room. In the hall, two people, one fat and one thin, were sitting, both looking around forty. The thin man had a friendly smile on his face, while the fat man was sitting upright with no expression on his face.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a seat." The thin man politely pointed to a futon below.

"Thank you." Xunyi thanked him and sat down calmly.

"Do you want to join the Black Flag Guard or the White Flag Guard?" The thin man asked and then went on to explain without waiting for Xun Yi's answer. "Most of the people who join the White Flag Guard are innocent people. They may feel that their path is hopeless, or I want to get some common experience opportunities in Yiling Guard. After joining the White Flag Guard for three hundred years, you can come and go freely. After joining the Black Flag Guard, you can't leave at will. The advantage is that no matter how much trouble you have been burdened with before, The Heavenly Law Alliance will try their best to shoulder the responsibility for you, unless the trouble you cause is something that the Heavenly Law Alliance cannot afford. But there is one thing you can rest assured. As long as the crime is not serious enough to cause death, even if you provoke the Huayu Monk, the Heavenly Law Alliance will not be able to bear it. I will give my last drop of blood to seek justice for you.”

"I want to join the Black Flag Guard." Xunyi waited patiently for him to finish before speaking out his choice in a firm tone. ??

The fat man said calmly, "Are you saddled with a blood debt?"

Xunyi shook his head and said, "That's not true. I'm just tired of living and want to use this little life to contribute to the Heavenly Law Alliance."

The fat man said coldly, "If that's the case, I suggest you join the White Flag Guard first to avoid regrets, because joining the Black Flag Guard means you will be planted with a 'life-threatening rope'. It is something that can kill you at any time. Once planted, It’s almost impossible to get rid of it.”

Xunyi had heard about the "life-threatening rope". After hearing this, he nodded gratefully to the fat man and said, "Thank you for the advice, but I have made up my mind to join the Black Flag Guard."

The thin man frowned and looked at Xun Yi with a scrutinizing gaze, "If fellow Taoist really didn't come here to hide from your enemies, then I have to advise you to think carefully before making a decision. Even if you don't want this life, then Being a white flag guard is much more relaxed than being a black flag guard. Let me tell you the difference between the two flags in detail."

Xunyi waved his hand and said, "I won't bother you with my words. I just want to go to a place where I can contribute the most. I think Black Flag Guard is more suitable."

The fat man and the thin man looked at each other, and the thin man said in a gentler tone, "Of course we have to abide by your decision in this matter, but our duty is to let you fully understand Yiling before you make a choice. Wei, I have to speak more clearly. Most of the people who join the Black Flag Guard are people who have committed serious crimes. There are people like you, but they are very few. Once you get here, we can't force you to question you. What's wrong, but you have to be aware of it. We often encounter people who are frightened by trivial things and come to ask to join the Yiling Guard. After some people tell the truth, we can easily help them solve it. , there is no need to work in Yilingwei."

Xunyi took off the mask on his face and said with a smile to the two of them, "You two are so dedicated to your duties, which further strengthens your determination to contribute to the Tianlu Alliance. If I had known this, it would be better to lie and claim that I am burdened with sins. That way I can save you two a lot of trouble, so please rest assured. My decision to join the Black Flag Guard is not a whim or something that scares me.

Now, it’s not that useless. I know exactly what I want to do. "

Seeing his gaze, the fat and thin people felt that there was no need to waste any more words, because those eyes showed wisdom at first glance, and people with such eyes definitely didn't need help from others to make decisions.

The fat man nodded to Xunyi and said, "If you are willing to report the guru's sect and other information, we can let you go to Black Flag Guard to experience it for a period of time before making a decision, without having to plant a 'life-threatening rope'. This is a right for Wu." A concern for sinners.

"No need, I only have one request. Please send me to the most dangerous place in the border. Except for the north, the other three sides are fine."

The fat man muttered, "We will record your request, but there is no guarantee whether it will be approved. After all, the personnel transfer of Yiling Guard needs to be coordinated and arranged."

Xunyi frowned and said, "If this request is not approved, then I might as well go to the border to protect the territory myself. You just need to assign tasks to me."

The thin man smiled and said, "You think too simply. There is no room for carelessness in border matters, because it will easily cause chaos. If you go privately, you will definitely be expelled."

Xunyi thought for a moment, then nodded happily and said, "Okay, anyway, I'm here to help sincerely. Seeing your attitude, I know for sure. I believe Yilingwei will not arrange this matter." So inhumane.”

The fat man and the thin man both smiled at him and said nothing.

The monks in Nanjingzhou who want to join the Zhilu Guards and the White Flag Yiling Guards must go through strict review. However, no information is required to join the Black Flag Yiling Guards, because it is a waste utilization and will be "involved" after being planted. At the moment when you "take your life on the line", your life is considered to be handed over to the Tianlu Alliance. The Black Flag Guard is a place where evil and evil practices are hidden. Survival is the only pursuit of these people.

The procedure for joining the Black Flag Yiling Guards is the simplest, but there is more than just a review process for fat people and thin people. After that, Xunyi was taken to another courtyard, where he was informed in detail about joining the Black Flag Guards. Not only that, he was also asked to reconsider everything he faced in a quiet room for three days.

On the fourth day, Xunyi walked out of the quiet room naked. This was the rule of choosing to plant a 'life-bearing rope'. When the people of Yilingwei Mansion saw him coming out like this, they didn't ask any more questions. Three seals were sealed on his body. After the first level of ban, he was taken to the top of Tianjin Peak under the strict supervision of two immortal officials and four guards. The third level of ban not only sealed Xun Yi's cultivation but also his six senses, so he was both Can't see or hear.

When he stopped, a god said, "This is your last chance to regret it. If you want to change your mind, we will send you back immediately. After planting the 'lifeline', you will have only one way to go."

When receiving this divine thought, Xunyi smiled slightly and replied calmly, "I am determined to be a Black Flag Yiling Guard."

"Put your hand on it."

Following these words, a crystal clear stone wall like ice appeared in front of Xun Yi. When he pressed his hand on it, the transparent stone wall suddenly turned milky white, and there were vaguely visible several hair-like strands inside. The black lines were swimming. When the stone wall became transparent again, Xunyi clearly felt something drilled into his palm, which made him shiver involuntarily, followed by a sharp pain in his heart.

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