Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 847: Let’s keep him

Several officials couldn't believe Xun Yi's words, but Xun Yi's sincere eyes made them somewhat hesitant.

"I think you really want to die!" The little official who was training Xun Yi stared at Xun Yi with a livid face, wishing he could go up and skin him immediately.

Xun Yi looked at him calmly and said, "I came to be a Yiling Guard with no intention of living for a long time. The reason why I obeyed the training docilely before was because I knew that my purpose of coming here was to contribute to the Heavenly Law Alliance." If I am not causing trouble to the Heavenly Law Alliance, my obedience is not because I am afraid of punishment. If I must be assigned to the Wusha Camp, then I might as well be executed for disobedience to set an example. In this way, I can also be regarded as doing something for the Heavenly Law Alliance. Point of contribution.”

"You!" The little official was so angry that veins popped up on his forehead, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Xunyi ignored him and handed the talisman in his hand to Hui Yingzi. The meaning was very clear, he would rather die than go to Wusha Camp. The other eleven people were a little stupid now. None of them expected that this person who they had always thought was a weakling could actually be such a ruthless character.

Seeing that several people from Hou Zhi Camp were about to be unable to get off the stage, the white flag official from before reached for Xun Yi's talisman, looked at him with mocking eyes and said, "Are you looking down on Wu Sha Camp? No matter how many reasons you have, I advise you to be more sensible, otherwise you will only be asking for trouble." Officials working in the general camp do not dare to do anything inappropriate, but they are not so polite to their subordinates.

Xunyi sighed secretly in his heart, looked up at the sky, then put his hands behind his back as if he was willing to be punished and said, "My subordinates have no intention of looking down on Wusha Camp, I just don't want to go to the north. If I Committing suicide will bring you some trouble no matter what, and it will also have a bad influence on other people, so I choose to be executed for the crime of disobedience, but please don’t torture me. I have no intention of causing any chaos to the Heavenly Law Alliance. , because that goes against my original intention of coming here.”

"What a beautiful idea you have!" The little official who was training Xun Yi couldn't bear it anymore, and after saying that, he activated the life-threatening rope in Xun Yi's body.

Xun Yi forced himself to stand there motionless, big beads of sweat broke out in an instant, and his face suddenly turned sallow. If he relied solely on his cultivation, he would have been rolling on the ground in pain long ago. He could hold on because he had suffered too much pain, and his endurance was stronger than most monks of the same level.

Seeing that Xun Yi could actually resist, the little official increased his pressure even if he made Xun Yi kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Stop!" Xunyi, who was already unbearable, couldn't stand now. He was in indescribable severe pain that made him unable to speak. After sending out this angry divine thought, he fell down.

"Stop." Hui Yingzi ordered the little official with a displeased look on his face. He was a little annoyed by this person's unauthorized action, and if he followed this method of urging, it would probably kill Xun Yi.

After Xunyi regained his composure, he immediately struggled to stand up. He could understand the mood of the young official, so he did not argue with him. Instead, he endured the pain that had not subsided and said to Hui Yingzi as calmly as possible, "Please Don’t use any more punishment, otherwise I will have no choice but to commit suicide.”

Hui Yingzi looked at him expressionlessly and remained silent without saying a word.

Now everyone can see clearly that this kid is really not afraid of death. The White Flag official who has never spoken to him tried to smooth things over and said, "The northern region is very big. Your enemies can't be all over the north, right? Then we will arrange a place for you to stay away from your enemies." Just keep watch at our place. Don't say any more. Just follow us.

. "

Xunyi couldn't believe what he said. He knew the secrets here very well. He could still fight in the main camp, but it was hard to say what would happen when he was far away from Emperor Tiangao. What if Pu Yunzhou knew about it? I am in Yilingwei, and the Second Senior Sister and the others must be jealous. Not to mention that all my calculations have been in vain. Puyunzhou and Nanjingzhou are incompatible with each other. Once this chaos occurs, there is no guarantee that no one will take the opportunity to cause trouble. The war cannot be calmed down by just a few words.

At this point Xun Yi had nothing to say, so he smiled faintly and returned to the queue.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that he is ready to commit suicide at any time. If it were not difficult to commit suicide in front of so many great monks, I am afraid that he would end his life immediately.

It is true that most of the people who come to serve as Yiling Guards are desperadoes, but since they are willing to take this road, it is to survive. There must be people like Xun Yi who do not take life and death seriously, but there are only a few. , after all, his lack of fear of death is completely different from his fearlessness of life when the blood comes up.

However, this few is much more than in other places, so these Yilingwei officials have also experienced it quite a bit. They are all used to killing, so naturally they will not take this as a big deal. .

The two white flag officials added the mark of Wu Sha Ying on all the other eleven talisman and returned them to them. The man who kept talking in the end fiddled with Xunyi's talisman and looked at Xunyi sideways at Hui Yingzi. He said, "Leave this to us." He wanted to sell his favor to others. It stands to reason that Xun Yi must have not been well-trained and should continue to be left to Hou Zhiying.

Hui Yingzi didn't want to, but said, "It's better to keep him, and let me make a representation to him."

The White Flag official who spoke less said with a smile, "No need, right? He's just a small soldier in the early stage of Nascent Soul, why bother? We'll be responsible for whatever happens."

Hui Yingzi still insisted, "I have good intentions. We should continue to do the things we have not done well. Let's keep him for the time being."

His persistence surprised everyone. The main function of the Hou Zhi camp is actually to retain new recruits. When the number of people is enough, each camp will select them. The training is just a matter of course. Speaking of training, , the methods of each battalion are much more than those of Hou Zhi Camp. As long as the newcomers complete two months of training in Hou Zhi Camp, then Hou Zhi Camp can be considered for assignment. At this moment, Hui Yingzi is so insistent, the only reasonable guess is this It was a slap in the face to call the person who sent his life, so he wanted to keep him and teach him a lesson to express his bad temper.

"That's fine." The white flag official threw the talisman back to Xun Yi, and then said to his colleagues around him, "It's a rare occasion for you to come over and catch up with them, and tell them about the situation over there." He said, I just want to take this opportunity to understand the quality of this group of people."

Another White Flag official nodded knowingly, and said to Hui Yingzi and his subordinates with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for a hundred years, right? Let's go, I brought some good things for you."

Hui Yingzi knew in his heart that the reason why Sichuan Ban was asking Gan Meng to take them away was simply to teach his friend a lesson for his friend. Chuan Ban served as the instructor in Wusha Camp and often came here. Hou Zhiying selects newcomers, so he has some friendship with the people in Hou Zhiying, especially Gao Kun, who is responsible for training Xun Yi. Although Gao Kun hates Xun Yi now, he is subject to the rules. However, he did not dare to be cruel to Xun Yi, and Sichuan Ban was not from Hou Zhiying. Even if Xun Yi was injured, Hui Yingzi would not care too much. Several officials couldn't believe what Xun Yi said, but Xun Yi's sincere eyes made them somewhat hesitant.

"I think you really want to die!" The little official who was training Xun Yi stared at Xun Yi with a livid face, wishing he could go up and skin him immediately.

Xun Yi looked at him calmly and said, "I came to be a Yiling Guard with no intention of living for a long time. The reason why I obeyed the training docilely before was because I knew that my purpose of coming here was to contribute to the Heavenly Law Alliance." If I am not causing trouble to the Heavenly Law Alliance, my obedience is not because I am afraid of punishment. If I must be assigned to the Wusha Camp, then I might as well be executed for disobedience to set an example. In this way, I can also be regarded as doing something for the Heavenly Law Alliance. Point of contribution.”

"You!" The little official was so angry that veins popped up on his forehead, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

Xunyi ignored him and handed the talisman in his hand to Hui Yingzi. His meaning was very clear, he would rather die than go to Wusha camp. The other eleven people were a little stupid now. None of them expected that this person who they had always thought was a weakling could actually be such a ruthless character.

Seeing that several people from Hou Zhi Camp were about to be unable to get off the stage, the white flag official from before reached for Xun Yi's talisman, looked at him with mocking eyes and said, "Are you looking down on Wu Sha Camp? No matter how many reasons you have, I advise you to be more sensible, otherwise you will only be asking for trouble." Officials working in the general camp do not dare to do anything inappropriate, but they are not so polite to their subordinates.

Xunyi sighed secretly in his heart, looked up at the sky, then put his hands behind his back as if he was willing to be punished and said, "My subordinates have no intention of looking down on Wusha Camp, I just don't want to go to the north. If I Committing suicide will bring some trouble to you and have a bad influence on other people, so I choose to be executed for the crime of disobedience, but please don’t torture me. I have no intention of causing any chaos to the Heavenly Law Alliance. , because that goes against my original intention of coming here.”

"What a beautiful idea you have!" The little official who was training Xun Yi couldn't bear it anymore, and after saying that, he activated the life-threatening rope in Xun Yi's body.

Xun Yi forced himself to stand there motionless, big beads of sweat broke out in an instant, and his face suddenly turned sallow. If he relied solely on his cultivation, he would have been rolling on the ground in pain long ago. He was able to hold on because he had suffered too much pain, and his endurance was stronger than most monks of the same level.

Seeing that Xun Yi could actually resist, the little official increased his pressure even if he made Xun Yi kneel down and beg for mercy.

"Stop!" Xunyi, who was already unbearable, couldn't stand now. He was in indescribable severe pain that made him unable to speak. After sending out this angry divine thought, he fell down.

"Stop." Hui Yingzi ordered the little official with a displeased look on his face. He was a little annoyed by this person's unauthorized action, and if he followed this method of urging, it would probably kill Xun Yi.

After Xunyi regained his composure, he immediately struggled to stand up. He could understand the mood of the young official, so he did not argue with him. Instead, he endured the pain that had not subsided and said to Hui Yingzi as calmly as possible, "Please Don’t use any more punishment, otherwise I will have no choice but to commit suicide.”

Hui Yingzi looked at him expressionlessly and remained silent without saying a word.

Now everyone can see clearly that this kid is really not afraid of death. The White Flag official who has never spoken to him smoothed things over and said, "The northern region is very big. Your enemies can't be all over the north, right? Then we will arrange a place for you to stay away from your enemies." Just keep watch at our place. Stop talking and just follow us.

. "

Xunyi couldn't believe what he said. He knew the secrets here very well. He could still fight in the main camp, but it was hard to say what would happen when he was far away from Emperor Tiangao. What if Pu Yunzhou knew about it? I am in Yilingwei, and the Second Senior Sister and the others must be jealous. Not to mention that all my calculations have been in vain. Puyunzhou and Nanjingzhou are incompatible with each other. Once this chaos occurs, there is no guarantee that no one will take the opportunity to cause trouble. The war cannot be calmed down by just a few words.

At this point, Xun Yi had nothing to say, so he smiled faintly and returned to the queue.

Anyone who is not a fool can see that he is ready to commit suicide at any time. If it were not difficult to commit suicide in front of so many great monks, I am afraid that he would end his life immediately.

It is true that most of the people who come to serve as Yiling Guards are desperadoes, but since they are willing to take this road, it is to survive. There must be people like Xun Yi who do not take life and death seriously, but there are only a few. , after all, his lack of fear of death is completely different from his fearlessness of life when the blood comes up.

However, this few is much more than in other places, so these Yilingwei officials have also experienced it quite a bit. They are all used to killing, so naturally they will not take this as a big deal. .

The two white flag officials added the mark of Wu Sha Ying on all the other eleven talisman tokens and returned them to them. The man who kept talking in the end fiddled with Xunyi's talisman tokens and looked at Xunyi sideways at Hui Yingzi. He said, "Leave this to us." He wanted to sell his favor to others. It stands to reason that Xun Yi must have not been trained well and should continue to be left to Hou Zhiying.

Hui Yingzi didn't want to, but said, "It's better to keep him, and let me make a representation to him."

The White Flag official who spoke less said with a smile, "No need, right? He's just a small soldier in the early stage of Nascent Soul, why bother? We'll be responsible for whatever happens."

Hui Yingzi still insisted, "I have good intentions. We should continue to do the things we have not done well. Let's keep him for the time being."

His persistence surprised everyone. The main function of the Hou Zhiying camp is actually to retain new recruits. When the number of people is enough, each battalion will select them. The training is just a matter of course. Speaking of training, , the methods of each battalion are much more than those of Hou Zhi Camp. As long as the newcomers complete two months of training in Hou Zhi Camp, then Hou Zhi Camp can be considered for assignment. At this moment, Hui Yingzi is so insistent, the only reasonable guess is this It was a slap in the face to call the person who sent his life, so he wanted to keep him and teach him a lesson to express his bad temper.

"That's fine." The white flag official threw the talisman back to Xun Yi, and then said to his colleagues around him, "It's a rare occasion for you to come over and catch up with them, and tell them about the situation over there." He said, I just want to take this opportunity to understand the quality of this group of people."

Another White Flag official nodded knowingly, and said to Hui Yingzi and his subordinates with a smile, "We haven't seen each other for a hundred years, right? Let's go, I brought some good things for you."

Hui Yingzi knew in his heart that the reason why Sichuan Ban was asking Gan Meng to take them away was simply to teach his friend a lesson for his friend. Chuan Ban served as the instructor in Wusha Camp and often came here. Hou Zhiying selects new people, so he has some friendship with everyone in Hou Zhiying, especially Gao Kun, who is responsible for training Xun Yi. Although Gao Kun hates Xun Yi now, he is subject to the rules. However, he did not dare to be cruel to Xun Yi, and Sichuan Ban was not from Hou Zhiying, so even if Xun Yi was injured, Hui Yingzi would not care too much.

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