Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 851 It’s up to you whether to change or not.

Xunyi currently has four pieces of light spirit treasures on his body, and the top attack magic weapons include the evil-killing knife and the apricot marrow sword. This Chiying sword can be said to be the worst. If he gives it away, he won't feel bad at all. The behavior of this group of people trying to get rich by trickery didn't disgust him at all. After all, they were all scum. He had prepared for this when he decided to join the Yiling Guards, but he couldn't show off his wealth too much, so he had to pretend He looked at Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun with an extremely embarrassed look.

Jin Yuanzi frowned and looked at Huang Qing with some displeasure. Before he could speak, Wuhun who had been silent spoke first, "This treasure is indeed very suitable for Lingyan to use." As he said that, he looked at Xunyi , "It's such a waste to keep it in your hands."

"Isn't this not good?" Jin Yuanzi sent a spiritual thought to Wuhun, and at the same time frowned even more tightly, so that Xunyi could see clearly that he disagreed.

After hearing Wuhun's words, Lingyanzi was so happy that he couldn't be restrained and said continuously, "That's right, with this sword, the strength of my subordinates can be greatly increased. After all, improving our ancient camp's combat power is the most important thing." What's important is that I won't treat this little brother badly." He took out a thick silver flying sword and threw it to Xun Yi, "This sword is called Thief of Light. Come and try it. Except it doesn't have the power. Except for the fire attribute, the power will never be worse than yours. It is enough for you to use. This is just a gift. The words I just said about teaching you a set of skills still count. "

Xun Yi took the flying sword and felt a little unhappy. He didn't mind how shameless Huang Qing, Ling Yanzi and the others were, but it was too much for Wuhun to blatantly bully him as the deputy manager of the camp. It was too much. Fortunately, he was used to seeing injustices in Puyunzhou, so the unhappiness he felt in his heart was immediately suppressed. He acted like he was extremely reluctant to leave but wanted to please everyone, and he made a cry that was even uglier than crying. With a smile, he tossed Chiying to Lingyanzi.

Ling Yanzi was so happy that his beard almost stood up. He couldn't put it down, holding Chi Ying and turning it over and over. Yu Chan had wiped away the restrictions on several common treasures for Xun Yi, including the evil-killing knife. Go, if these magic weapons are lost, they will be lost. If someone discovers that there are profound restrictions on them, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Jin Yuanzi's face looked a little ugly. Wuhun was blatantly violating Yilingwei's prohibition. Although the Yilingwei were all scum, the Heavenly Law Alliance still had to provide them with necessary protection. Like this Seizing treasures by coercion and forcing spells to be taught are all serious crimes. Wuhun's actions made him very embarrassed. Once the matter was revealed, his guilt would definitely be heavier than Wuhun's.

Wuhun looks a little younger than Jin Yuanzi, less than forty years old, but he looks much calmer than Jin Yuanzi. His resolute face does not show much expression change, because he has experienced too much. He has killed so many people, and the evil spirit he exudes can make people shudder. However, this evil aura did not have a great impact on Xun Yi. The little devil's evil aura was only stronger than this one. He had already experienced this, and he had endured pressure from great supernatural powers so many times. Yes, they are both menacing things, how can this kind of evil spirit be compared to the coercion of a great supernatural power.

When Xunyi turned his attention to Wuhun, Wuhun said again, "Additional fifty red flat seals." The red flat seal is the abbreviation of the red criminal seal, which is a unique method of recording meritorious service in Yilingwei.

It is equivalent to the military medal of the law enforcement guard. There are five levels of peace medals. From low to high, they are white, yellow, red, purple and black. One hundred white peace medals can be exchanged for one yellow peace medal. Chapters, and so on, if you save a hundred black guilt seals, you will no longer be driven by the Yiling Guards, and you can gain a lot of freedom. Apart from the fact that the life rope will not be pulled out, other aspects are not much like ordinary monks. The difference is that the most important thing is that no matter how many crimes you have committed, the Heavenly Law Alliance will not pursue them at this time and will continue to protect you.

Paying off one's sins with merit seems very nice, but not many people really work towards this goal, because it is really harder than reaching the sky. Generally speaking, a monk in the early stage of Yuanying may not be able to get ten Baiping Chapters in one year. A monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul can generally get one or two red flat medals. Based on this calculation, you can see how difficult it is to accumulate a hundred black flat medals.

It is more difficult for monks in the late stage of Yuanying to get the seal of apology than for monks in the middle stage of Yuanying. This setting is not difficult to understand, because the crime that can force them into Yilingwei will definitely not be small. Such people must pay a big enough price. There is a price to pay, and besides, they are the backbone of the Yiling Guards, so they cannot be let go easily.

Of course, there are many criteria for the assessment of the Peaceful Sin Chapter, such as being able to get corresponding rewards by surviving the years, etc. If you can work in Yilingwei for five thousand years, you can almost save enough even if you have no special achievements. Hundreds of black seals.

Since the hope of accumulating enough Black Ping Chapters is so slim, it is necessary to add some other uses to the Ping Gui Chapters to encourage everyone to perform meritorious deeds. The Tianlu Alliance has spent a lot of thought on this. For example, every Yiling Guard has To make a certain number of spirit stones, every time a monk in the later stage of Nascent Soul gets a black seal, the amount of spirit stones can be reduced by 10%. Each level of cultivation has different standards for reduction.

Another measure that doubles the value of the peace seal is that it can be exchanged for a little freedom. The standard is of course extremely stringent. Taking the early Yuanying stage as an example, a red seal can be exchanged for ten days of freedom. Regardless of the early Yuanying stage, It is difficult for a monk to get a red medal, but if there is someone outside who makes you worried, all the hardships in order to meet him are nothing.

The purpose of the Peace of Sin Chapter does not end there. It can also make you eligible to participate in certain trading conferences organized by the Tianlu Alliance, and it can also make you eligible to go to the recreational spots set up by Yilingwei.

There is always one of these benefits that can make your heart flutter, and if the Ping Zunzhang, which carries many benefits, cannot be traded, then it will not be of much significance to most people with lower cultivation levels. A person in the early stage of Yuanying Even if people save for hundreds of years, they may not be able to save enough to go to the trading conference. It will be different if they can exchange the acquittal medals they get into spiritual stones and elixirs. When they reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul, they can It would be much easier to save up for the exoneration stamp to go to the trading conference. Those with higher cultivation levels also have various trading needs.

Since the transactions in the Ping Zuizhang need to be liberalized, the supervision of the transactions must not be relaxed, otherwise there will be a big chaos. The Tianlu Alliance has established an extremely strict review system for this. Who dares to play wrong with this? That is asking for death.

The deal proposed by Wuhun was in compliance with the laws, but what he proposed could only be a suggestion, so he then said to Lingyanzi who grinned, "You can decide whether to change or not." Xunyi was now filled with light. There are four treasures, and the top attack magic weapons are the evil-killing sword and the apricot marrow sword. This Chiying sword can be said to be the worst. If you give it to someone, he won't feel bad at all. As soon as these people come up, He was not disgusted with the behavior of trying to gain wealth by clever means. After all, they were all scum. He had prepared for this when he decided to join the Yiling Guards. However, he couldn't show off his wealth too much, so he had to pretend to be extremely embarrassed. To Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun.

Jin Yuanzi frowned and looked at Huang Qing with some displeasure. Before he could speak, Wuhun who had been silent spoke first, "This treasure is indeed very suitable for Lingyan to use." As he said that, he looked at Xunyi , "It's such a waste to keep it in your hands."

"Isn't this not good?" Jin Yuanzi sent a spiritual thought to Wuhun, and at the same time frowned even more tightly, so that Xunyi could see clearly that he disagreed.

After hearing Wuhun's words, Lingyanzi was so happy that he couldn't be restrained and said continuously, "That's right, with this sword, the strength of my subordinates can be greatly increased. After all, improving our ancient camp's combat power is the most important thing." What's important is that I won't treat this little brother badly." He took out a thick silver flying sword and threw it to Xun Yi, "This sword is called Thief of Light. Come and try it. Except it doesn't have the power. Except for the fire attribute, the power will never be worse than yours. It is enough for you to use. This is just a gift. The words I just said about teaching you a set of skills still count. "

Xun Yi took the flying sword and felt a little unhappy. He didn't mind how shameless Huang Qing, Ling Yanzi and the others were, but it was too much for Wuhun to blatantly bully him as the deputy manager of the camp. It was too much. Fortunately, he was used to seeing injustices in Puyunzhou, so the unhappiness he felt in his heart was immediately suppressed. He acted like he was extremely reluctant to leave but wanted to please everyone, and he made a cry that was even uglier than crying. With a smile, he tossed Chiying to Lingyanzi.

Ling Yanzi was so happy that his beard almost stood up. He couldn't put it down, holding Chi Ying and turning it over and over. Yu Chan had wiped away the restrictions on several common treasures for Xun Yi, including the evil-killing knife. Go, if these magic weapons are lost, they will be lost. If someone discovers that there are profound restrictions on them, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

Jin Yuanzi's face looked a little ugly. Wuhun was blatantly violating Yilingwei's prohibition. Although the Yilingwei were all scum, the Heavenly Law Alliance still had to provide them with necessary protection. Like this Seizing treasures by coercion and forcing spells to be taught are all serious crimes. Wuhun's actions made him very embarrassed. Once the matter was revealed, his guilt would definitely be heavier than Wuhun's.

Wuhun looks a little younger than Jin Yuanzi, less than forty years old, but he looks much calmer than Jin Yuanzi. His resolute face does not show much expression change, because he has experienced too much. He has killed so many people, and the evil spirit he exudes can make people shudder. However, this evil aura did not have a great impact on Xun Yi. The little devil's evil aura was only stronger than this one. He had already experienced this, and he had endured pressure from great supernatural powers so many times. Yes, they are both menacing things, how can this kind of evil spirit be compared to the coercion of a great supernatural power.

When Xunyi turned his attention to Wuhun, Wuhun said again, "Additional fifty red flat seals." The red flat seal is the abbreviation of the red criminal seal, which is a unique method of recording meritorious service in Yilingwei.

It is equivalent to the military medal of the law enforcement guard. There are five levels of peace medals. From low to high, they are white, yellow, red, purple and black. One hundred white peace medals can be exchanged for one yellow peace medal. Chapters, and so on, if you save a hundred black guilt seals, you will no longer be driven by the Yiling Guards, and you can gain a lot of freedom. Apart from the fact that the life rope will not be pulled out, other aspects are not much like ordinary monks. The difference is that the most important thing is that no matter how many crimes you have committed, the Heavenly Law Alliance will not pursue you at this time and will continue to protect you.

Paying off one's sins with merit seems very nice, but not many people really work towards this goal, because it is really harder than reaching the sky. Generally speaking, a monk in the early stage of Yuanying may not be able to get ten Baiping Chapters in one year. A monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul can generally get one or two red flat medals. Based on this calculation, you can see how difficult it is to accumulate a hundred black flat medals.

It is more difficult for monks in the late stage of Yuanying to get the seal of apology than for monks in the middle stage of Yuanying. This setting is not difficult to understand, because the crime that can force them into Yilingwei will definitely not be small. Such people must pay a big enough price. There is a price to pay, and besides, they are the backbone of the Yiling Guards, so they cannot be let go easily.

Of course, there are many criteria for the assessment of the Peaceful Sin Chapter, such as being able to get corresponding rewards by surviving the years, etc. If you can work in Yilingwei for five thousand years, you can almost save enough even if you have no special achievements. Hundreds of black seals.

Since the hope of accumulating enough Black Ping Chapters is so slim, it is necessary to add some other uses to the Ping Gui Chapters to encourage everyone to perform meritorious deeds. The Tianlu Alliance has spent a lot of thought on this. For example, every Yiling Guard has To make a certain number of spirit stones, every time a monk in the later stage of Nascent Soul gets a black seal, the amount of spirit stones can be reduced by 10%. Each level of cultivation has different standards for reduction.

Another measure that doubles the value of the peace seal is that it can be exchanged for a little freedom. The standard is of course extremely stringent. Taking the early Yuanying stage as an example, a red seal can be exchanged for ten days of freedom. Regardless of the early Yuanying stage, It is difficult for a monk to get a red medal, but if there is someone outside who makes you worried, all the hardships in order to meet him are nothing.

The purpose of the Peace of Sin Chapter does not end there. It can also make you eligible to participate in certain trading conferences organized by the Tianlu Alliance, and it can also make you eligible to go to the recreational spots set up by Yilingwei.

There is always one of these benefits that can make your heart flutter, and if the Ping Zunzhang, which carries many benefits, cannot be traded, then it will not be of much significance to most people with lower cultivation levels. A person in the early stage of Yuanying Even if people save for hundreds of years, they may not be able to save enough to go to the trading conference. It will be different if they can exchange the acquittal medals they get into spiritual stones and elixirs. When they reach the middle stage of Nascent Soul, they can It would be much easier to save up for the exoneration stamp to go to the trading conference. Those with higher cultivation levels also have various trading needs.

Since the transactions in the Ping Zuizhang need to be liberalized, the supervision of the transactions must not be relaxed, otherwise there will be a big chaos. The Tianlu Alliance has established an extremely strict review system for this. Who dares to play wrong with this? That is asking for death.

The deal Wuhun proposed was in compliance with the rules, but what he proposed could only be a suggestion, so he then said to the grinning Ling Yanzi, "You can decide whether to switch or not."

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