Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 853: A little unconvinced, right?

At noon on the fourth day after Xunyi came to Guyingying, the protective array of Guyingying suddenly turned red. This was a warning sent by the Furuno Branch through a special communication method, indicating that an emergency situation had occurred. Immediately, a rapid His spiritual thoughts were passed on to Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun.

When the magic circle turned red, all the people in the ancient camp flew into the air and formed their own formations according to their cultivation.

"You, you, you, you, you, stay." Wuhun ordered four people like a general, and then he and Jin Yuanzi led the crowd out of the magic circle.

Of course, Xun Yi, the newcomer, will be left behind. The other three people named to stay are Fairy Mu Cai, Huang Qing, Hou Yuan, and Jin Shan. The four of them are also in the early stage of Nascent Soul. In a sudden red alert, Danjie monks are generally not brought into battle. Their flying speed is too slow, so all Danjie monks are left behind.

"You all go back." Fairy Mu Cai proudly ordered the Danjie monks, then glanced at Huang Qing and then at Xun Yi.

Huang Qing understood the idea and smiled and said to Xun Yi, "My fate, I said something extra that day and asked you to exchange the treasure. You don't hold a grudge against me, do you?"

Xunyi smiled back and said, "In other words, that deal was a good deal. I took advantage of it. I should thank you."

Fairy Mu Cai lost no time and said, "That's right. One hundred and ten acquittal stamps, a thief lightsaber, and a set of skills. You've got quite an advantage."

Huang Qing laughed with a friendly face and said, "Put aside whether you are grateful or not. As long as you don't hold grudges, I think you are also a loyal person. Then we will be brothers from now on."

Xunyi smiled brightly and said, "Thank you for your love. I hope the four of you can take care of me in the future."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. We can only help each other to live a few more years if we get to this point." Huang Qing seemed very sincere, and the other three people nodded in agreement.

Huang Qing showed excitement and said, "Let's go try out your new thief lightsaber and let us see its power. The old man Ling Yanzi has been hiding the sword since he got it. We haven't had the chance to see it yet." Woolen cloth."

"Okay." Xunyi readily agreed and took the lead on the podium.

Fairy Mu Cai and Huang Qing both had joy in their eyes. Jinshan knew that they had bad intentions. He didn't want to be involved, so he turned around and left. Hou Yuan, who had evil thoughts about Fairy Mu Cai, followed him without hesitation. .

After arriving at the holding platform, Huang Qing opened the protective magic circle here and explained with a guilty conscience, "Don't scare those little monks, let's open the magic circle."

"You're still thoughtful." Xunyi said with a silly smile.

"Let me try it!" Fairy Mu Cai stretched out her hand to Xun Yi, with a rare look of desire on her arrogant face.

"Okay." Xunyi took out the Thief's Light Sword and handed it to her without hesitation.

Fairy Mu Cai didn't expect him to be so happy. She was so happy that she took the sword and immediately sealed the restriction and put it into the Qiankun bag. After that, the smile on her face disappeared.

The smile on Huang Qing's face turned into a sinister smile, with a fierce and threatening look in his eyes, and he said coldly, "Boy, take out any other treasures you have, don't wait for us to bother you."

Xunyi took a few steps back, pretending to be panicked, and said loudly, "What are you going to do?"

This is a matter of eyesight. Wuhun can see that Xunyi does not need to exercise courage, and these few

But people feel that Xun Yi is someone who can be bullied. Xun Yi's eyesight can tell that these villains must be shown how powerful they are, and there is no other way except to defeat them.

"Don't be ignorant, take it out quickly to avoid skin pain." Huang Qing said as he took out a silver gun. The coldness in his eyes made him look completely different from the smooth and smooth person before.

Fairy Mu Cai and Hou Yuan also took out their treasures, and they also showed fierce looks.

"If you hurt me, you will not escape severe punishment!" Xun Yi continued to act out his own drama.

Huang Qing showed a wild look and said, "Guyingying are all our brothers. If you dare to leak what happened today, you will only have a few days left to live. We have many ways to kill you."

"I'm not scared! You shameless people!" Xunyi held on with panic in his eyes. Faced with such a good opportunity, of course he had to push for these three people to take action first, whether it was necessary or not. All the principles that can be occupied must be occupied.

"Do you insist on suffering something?" Huang Qing raised an eyebrow, and the silver gun in his hand was activated so that a dazzling light flashed out.

Fairy Mu Cai and Hou Yuan also mobilized their respective treasures. If they wanted to fight quickly, they had to go together. Otherwise, it would be very long before two monks of the same level fought to determine the winner.

"How dare you!" Xunyi shouted hysterically, trying not to shed tears until he saw the coffin.

Seeing that it was useless to continue threatening, the three of them took action at the same time under Huang Qing's greeting. Their actions were measured and more to express their determination to dare to take action. Make Xun Yi surrender.

To Xun Yi, the three of them were brought up to be beaten. With a flash of green light, the evil-killing knife struck Huang Qing's silver spear fiercely. With such ferocious power, Huang Qing was knocked upside down with just one blow, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

With one successful blow, Xunyi deployed his floating shadow body technique to avoid the other two magic weapons. The evil-killing knife turned around and struck Hou Yuan's body-protecting divine light again. In a three-on-one situation, Hou Yuan had no chance at all. He was defensive. Before he could figure out what was happening, the knife had already struck a solid blow. He was even worse than Huang Qing. He fell straight down after being struck, and his Qi Palace was almost shattered.

In an instant, the two accomplices were severely injured. Fairy Mu Cai was stunned and stared at Xun Yi, not daring to move.

"You! You..." Huang Qing, who was shaken more than ten feet away, looked at Xun Yi with horror in his eyes, said "you" twice before closing his mouth.

Hou Yuan, who was struck to the ground, couldn't speak at all. He was paralyzed there and desperately trying to gather his scattered energy.

Xunyi became arrogant, playing with the evil-killing knife in his hand and glaring at Huang Qing, "So you guys are so reluctant to fight. If I had known better, I wouldn't have had to reveal this treasure."

This cheap talk almost made Huang Qing explode with anger. If it weren't for this fierce treasure, how could the three of them have been defeated so miserably. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's so clever. We are all blind. How could it happen?" It was you who plotted against me."

"A little unconvinced, aren't you? Then come again." Xunyi held the evil-killing knife and walked towards him slowly.

Huang Qing was almost stunned by the knife just now, and he didn't bother to see how Hou Yuan was injured, so he was really a little unconvinced. Seeing Xunyi approaching, he shouted to Fairy Mu Cai, "Don't do it." Just fight him hard, go!" After saying that, he started to use his skills to fight. At noon on the fourth day after Xunyi came to Guyingying, the protective array of Guyingying suddenly turned red. This was a warning sent by the Furuno Branch through a special communication method, indicating that an emergency situation had occurred. Immediately, a rapid His spiritual thoughts were passed on to Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun.

When the magic circle turned red, all the people in the ancient camp flew into the air and formed their own formations according to their cultivation.

"You, you, you, you, you, stay." Wuhun ordered four people like a general, and then he and Jin Yuanzi led the crowd out of the magic circle.

Of course, Xun Yi, the newcomer, will be left behind. The other three people named to stay are Fairy Mu Cai, Huang Qing, Hou Yuan, and Jin Shan. The four of them are also in the early stage of Nascent Soul. In a sudden red alert, Danjie monks are generally not brought into battle. Their flying speed is too slow, so all Danjie monks are left behind.

"You all go back." Fairy Mu Cai proudly ordered the Danjie monks, then glanced at Huang Qing and then at Xun Yi.

Huang Qing understood the idea and smiled and said to Xun Yi, "My fate, I said something extra that day and asked you to exchange the treasure. You don't hold a grudge against me, do you?"

Xunyi smiled back and said, "In other words, that deal was a good deal. I took advantage. I should thank you."

Fairy Mu Cai lost no time and said, "That's right. One hundred and ten acquittals, a thief's lightsaber, and a set of skills. You've got quite an advantage."

Huang Qing laughed with a friendly face and said, "Put aside whether you are grateful or not. As long as you don't hold grudges, I think you are also a loyal person. Then we will be brothers from now on."

Xunyi smiled brightly and said, "Thank you for your love. I hope the four of you can take care of me in the future."

"It's easy to say, it's easy to say. We can only help each other to live a few more years if we get to this point." Huang Qing seemed very sincere, and the other three people nodded in agreement.

Huang Qing showed excitement and said, "Let's go try out your new thief lightsaber and let us see its power. The old man Ling Yanzi has been hiding the sword since he got it. We haven't had the chance to see it yet." Woolen cloth."

"Okay." Xunyi readily agreed and took the lead on the podium.

Fairy Mu Cai and Huang Qing both had joy in their eyes. Jinshan knew that they had bad intentions. He didn't want to be involved, so he turned around and left. Hou Yuan, who had evil thoughts about Fairy Mu Cai, followed him without hesitation. .

After arriving at the holding platform, Huang Qing opened the protective magic circle here and explained with a guilty conscience, "Don't scare those little monks, let's open the magic circle."

"You're still thoughtful." Xunyi said with a silly smile.

"Let me try it!" Fairy Mu Cai stretched out her hand to Xun Yi, with a rare look of desire on her arrogant face.

"Okay." Xunyi took out the Thief's Light Sword and handed it to her without hesitation.

Fairy Mu Cai didn't expect him to be so happy. She was so happy that she took the sword and immediately sealed the restriction and put it into the Qiankun bag. After that, the smile on her face disappeared.

The smile on Huang Qing's face turned into a sinister smile, with a fierce and threatening look in his eyes, and he said coldly, "Boy, take out any other treasures you have, don't wait for us to bother you."

Xunyi took a few steps back, pretending to be panicked, and said loudly, "What are you going to do?"

This is a matter of eyesight. Wuhun can see that Xunyi does not need to exercise courage, and these few

But people feel that Xun Yi is someone who can be bullied. Xun Yi's eyesight can tell that these villains must be shown how powerful they are, and there is no other way except to defeat them.

"Don't be ignorant, take it out quickly to avoid skin pain." Huang Qing said as he took out a silver gun. The coldness in his eyes made him look completely different from the smooth and smooth person before.

Fairy Mu Cai and Hou Yuan also took out their treasures, and they also showed fierce looks.

"If you hurt me, you will not escape severe punishment!" Xun Yi continued to act out his own drama.

Huang Qing showed a wild look and said, "Guyingying are all our brothers. If you dare to leak what happened today, you will only have a few days left to live. We have many ways to kill you."

"I'm not scared! You shameless people!" Xunyi stood up with panic in his eyes. Faced with such a good opportunity, of course he had to squeeze in and let these three people take action first, regardless of whether it was necessary or not. All the principles that can be occupied must be occupied.

"Do you really want to suffer a little?" Huang Qing raised an eyebrow, and the silver gun in his hand was activated so that a dazzling light flashed out.

Fairy Mu Cai and Hou Yuan also mobilized their respective treasures. If they wanted to fight quickly, they had to go together. Otherwise, it would be very long before two monks of the same level fought to determine the winner.

"How dare you!" Xunyi shouted hysterically, trying not to shed tears until he saw the coffin.

Seeing that it was useless to continue threatening, the three of them took action at the same time under Huang Qing's greeting. Their actions were measured and more to express their determination to dare to take action. Make Xun Yi surrender.

To Xun Yi, the three of them were brought up to be beaten. With a flash of green light, the evil-killing knife struck Huang Qing's silver spear fiercely. With such ferocious power, Huang Qing was knocked upside down with just one blow, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth.

With one successful blow, Xunyi deployed his floating shadow body technique to avoid the other two magic weapons. The evil-killing knife turned around and struck Hou Yuan's body-protecting divine light again. In a three-on-one situation, Hou Yuan had no chance at all. He was defensive. Before he could figure out what was happening, the knife had already struck a solid blow. He was even worse than Huang Qing. He fell straight down after being struck, and his Qi Palace was almost shattered.

In an instant, the two accomplices were severely injured. Fairy Mu Cai was stunned and stared at Xun Yi, not daring to move.

"You! You..." Huang Qing, who was shaken more than ten feet away, looked at Xun Yi with horror in his eyes, said "you" twice before closing his mouth.

Hou Yuan, who was struck to the ground, couldn't speak at all. He was paralyzed there and desperately trying to gather his scattered energy.

Xunyi became arrogant, playing with the evil-killing knife in his hand and glaring at Huang Qing, "So you guys are so reluctant to fight. If I had known better, I wouldn't have had to reveal this treasure."

This cheap talk almost made Huang Qing explode with anger. If it weren't for this fierce treasure, how could the three of them have been defeated so miserably. He gritted his teeth and said, "It's so clever. We are all blind. How could it happen?" It was you who plotted against me."

"A little unconvinced, aren't you? Then come again." Xunyi held the evil-killing knife and walked towards him slowly.

Huang Qing was almost stunned by the knife just now, and he didn't bother to see how Hou Yuan was injured, so he was really a little unconvinced. Seeing Xunyi approaching, he shouted to Fairy Mu Cai, "Don't do it." Just fight him hard, go!" After saying that, he started to use his skills to fight.

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