Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 858 Don’t you have any credit?

Fairy Mu Cai has completely shrunk up now. She can go back after a few more hours. She doesn't want to be troublesome.

"There are green-skinned beasts that are escaping towards you." The divine message from Xunyi frightened Fairy Mu Cai. In a moment, she scolded the eighth generation of Xunyi's ancestor, and then Hiding there, she secretly looked in the direction where her spiritual thoughts came from. She neither wanted to jump out to help nor send out her spiritual consciousness to investigate, because that would expose her position. If she did this, she could barely explain it after she returned. As long as she said that she was in When she didn't know the strength of the enemy, she could just choose a sneak attack. As for Xun Yi's life and death, she didn't care. It would be best for him to be killed by the Yuan Yi tribe.

After a few breaths, she saw Xunyi driving a monk from the Yuan clan into her field of vision. She didn't understand it at first, but when she did, she became even more confused.

"If you don't come out, I will do it myself." Xunyi sent another spiritual thought towards her.

Fairy Mu Cai sent back her spiritual thoughts suspiciously and asked, "What kind of trick are you playing?"

"I'm giving you a big gift. This green ghost is no longer able to resist. Come and kill him."

"Ah?" Fairy Mu Cai couldn't believe that he had such good intentions, "Why?"

Xun Yi impatiently sent back his thoughts and said, "I don't want to be too ostentatious. I've already killed one. Hurry up. If you force him to kill himself, your credit will be lost."

This reason immediately dispelled Fairy Mu Cai's doubts. There are many people in the Yiling Guard who want to hide their strength like Xun Yi. If this is the case, then she has really picked a big advantage. Once her doubts are gone, her energy will follow. When he came, he immediately stretched out his body and leaned forward. After approaching the Yuanyi clan monk, he suddenly struck a cruel blow.

The Yuan Yi clan monk was so dizzy by Xun Yi that he could not dodge this sudden blow. He was killed on the spot. The Yuan Ying of the early Yuan Ying monk was still very fragile, so naturally he could not escape his bad luck.

After taking the dead ghost's Qiankun bag, Fairy Mucai gave Xunyi a charming smile,

She rarely smiled like this at a male monk.

"Can you get away with it?" Xun Yi asked worriedly. He had learned the rules of the Yiling Guards and knew that after each mission, he had to show his memories to Guanying, because most of them had ulterior secrets. Therefore, unless a major incident occurs, Yilingwei will not use soul searching methods.

Fairy Mu Cai said a little coyly, "If you want to fool around, you can definitely do it. The two of us have made meritorious deeds. As long as there is no competition for merit, Jin Yuanzi and Wuhun generally won't look into it carefully." Then she became even more coy. He said, "They always turn a blind eye to the matter of giving credit, but... you are new here, how can I have the nerve to take advantage of you, and... and..."

Xunyi said calmly, "I told you, I don't want to be too public, so you don't need to thank me."

In order to get this credit firmly, Fairy Mu Cai didn't care about his indifference and said happily, "We have killed the monks of the same level. We can't run away this time with a red seal. You are really powerful." of."

Xun Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "It's you who have made the contribution. It's nothing if not for me."

"Didn't you also kill a monk of the same level?" Fairy Mu Cai looked at him in confusion.

Xunyi smiled and said, "I lied to you. I said that because I was afraid that you would not dare to accept this gift due to suspicion."

"Ah?" Fairy Mu Cai grinned.

"Remember, if you don't care about rewards, I didn't just say what I said that day. You have also experienced my skills. From now on, whenever we go out to perform tasks together, you just have to do your duty for me, and the credit will be yours. Understand Just keep silent and make a fortune."

"Okay!" Fairy Mu Cai nodded hard twice.

, and felt that it was too humiliating to be like this, so he quickly put away half of his joy, and said "Okay" in a slightly gentler tone.

Xunyi turned around before she finished her work and said without looking back, "It's not the time yet, so cheer up and keep staring."

Fairy Mu Cai gave Xunyi a look in her heart, and then happily toyed with the Qiankun bag, wanting to open it to see if there were any good things. According to regulations, such seized items belong to her, but she must first hand them over. Go up and let the chief and deputy camp commander check it. This kind of check is mainly to see if there is anything carrying important information. If any is found, another reward will be added. A small character like the one they killed will definitely not have that kind of thing. of.

After Xunyi returned, he secretly buried the Qiankun bag of the mid-stage Yuanying monk. Since Fairy Mu Cai said it was so easy to get away with it, it would be better to completely hide the matter about the mid-stage Yuanying monk.

At midnight, the two of them evacuated the defense area and rushed back to the ancient camp. Xiao Mao had been waiting outside the magic circle in advance. After receiving the life-suppressing talisman they handed over, he did not pay attention to Fairy Mu Cai, who was changing her posture. This made Fairy Mu Cai was a little annoyed. She had been a Yiling Guard for quite some time, and she had not made such big contributions as she did today. Although Xun Yi had told her not to publicize it, she still couldn't help but want to use various methods to She showed off in a subtle way, and it wasn't until Xunyi glared at her coldly that she calmed down.

Jin Yuanzi and the others also came back after a few hours, and Fairy Mu Cai couldn't wait to call Xun Yi to report his merits. Because three of the early Nascent Souls were injured in this operation, Wuhun had to be busy taking care of them, so only Jin Yuanzi met them in the lobby.

As soon as Fairy Mu Cai entered the lobby, she threw the Qiankun bag to Jin Yuanzi with all her strength, and looked at Jin Yuanzi arrogantly with a smile that was about to bloom at the corner of her mouth.

"Yo!" This was a surprise to Jin Yuanzi.

Overjoyed, "What's going on?"

Fairy Mu Cai replied, "After you leave, Xiao Mao will send an order to two people to ambush in the south of Xigu Mountain. I will go with Ji Ming."

"Why did you two go there?" Jin Yuanzi was quite surprised by this. Based on his understanding of Fairy Mu Cai, she would never go for such a thing, let alone go with Xun Yi.

"What's going on with the two of us? Is it against the rules?" Fairy Mu Cai started to get confused with a little bit of charm.

"That's not wrong, I just think it's a bit strange." Jin Yuanzi replied with a smile.

"Isn't it enough if you don't violate the rules? Please report this credit to me." Fairy Mu Cai showed the scene of killing the enemy in the end. Her spiritual consciousness can observe the surrounding situation in all directions, and she has to intercept a useless Xunyi The picture of the figure is easy.

"Don't you have any credit?" Jin Yuanzi asked after looking at the picture and staring at Xunyi.

Xunyi shook his head in shame and said, "Mu Cai had already killed him when I rushed over."

Jin Yuanzi smiled, nodded and said, "Okay, if you two have no dispute about this credit, then I will repay it like this." After putting away the Qiankun bag, he said with a slightly stern face, "Count the ones you killed. Well, only two of the five thieves who invaded were killed, and they also killed two of our law enforcement guards and injured many people. In total, we suffered a loss. This kind of record is not enough. If you intimidate the other party, they will become more aggressive in the long run. You must keep up your efforts in the next battle. Only by allowing them to come back every time can they not dare to go in easily. Only then can we be more relaxed. You should understand this truth. "

Fairy Mu Cai was not interested in his sermon, but because the credit was successfully recorded, she nodded in honor, while Xun Yi nodded in agreement again and again, looking guilty for not being able to make any merit this time. look.

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