Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 860 They have gone far enough

Fairy Xiuzhi then asked thoughtfully, "Are you buying it with spirit stones, or exchanging it with a seal of atonement? If you use a seal of atonement, the transaction will have to be reviewed by Guanying. You can also exchange the seal at first." But it will take at least two years to make up the amount, so I will have to charge some fees. "There is an annual limit for exchanging the seal of guilt for spiritual stones, Xun Yi knows.

Xunyi didn't want to reveal his wealth too much, so he said, "Then you can help me redeem this year's quota first, and I'll pay for the shortfall in spirit stones."

"Okay, counting the two five-thousand-year-old ones, I will prepare a total of twelve inner elixirs for you, with a total price of 160,000 spirit stones. What do you think?"

Xunyi frowned and said, "You are really cruel."

Xiuzhi said aggrievedly, "Don't you know anything about the market here? I've already given you a very cheap price, and I haven't earned you anything at all. If you don't believe me, ask others."

"One hundred thousand, that's the most I can come up with. If it doesn't work out, I'll have to let go of your two five-thousand-year-old ones. You should keep the opportunity to make a fortune for yourself."

Fairy Xiuzhi smiled, then showed a look of embarrassment and said, "I'll lose one hundred thousand to death. I don't want to collapse the first deal. Let's do this. After deducting the ten thousand spirit stones exchanged for the acquittal seal, you can get the remaining one hundred and fifty thousand." If you pay with Nascent Soul Stone, I can only charge you one hundred and twenty yuan. Is that okay? I accept the loss. Let's make up for it slowly in future transactions." She didn't wait for Xun Yi to speak. He then advised, "You have so many apologetic seals, will you worry about not having any spiritual stones to use in the future?" ??

Xunyi took out one hundred and two Nascent Soul Stones and held them in his hand. Before he could speak, Fairy Xiuzhi quickly put away the spiritual stones, then gestured outward with her eyes, and said: "Try to be careful." "Yes, it doesn't matter if I sell the inner elixir, you definitely don't want people to know that you are accepting the inner elixir like this, right?" Needless to say, accepting the inner elixir regardless of variety is an unusual thing, and her move is more for selling. good.

"There are still ten yuan left." Fairy Xiuzhi extended her hand to Xunyi. It was an unexpected surprise that she negotiated a small deal into a big deal of more than 100,000 spirit stones, and she also disposed of two of them. With the inner elixir in her hand, she was already very happy to receive so many spiritual stones, but she still had to do what she should do.

Xunyi smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be cheap, I've already given you an extra twenty yuan. In fact, I don't need those two five-thousand-year-old inner elixirs at all. I spent so much extra money just because Mu Cai talks too much." , that’s for your keeping.”

Fairy Xiuzhi narrowed her eyes and said, "Master, I really have to beg you. Please give me a bite of food. If you want to open a business in Guyingying, then I will have to starve to death. For this first transaction, you can It made me want to vomit blood.”

Xunyi smiled and said, "Okay, okay, don't pretend to be pitiful. I won't say anything else. Let's leave this deal as it is. If you have any questions, we'll talk about it in the next deal."

Fairy Xiuzhi gritted her teeth and nodded, "Okay, as long as you say this, I will give you twelve inner elixirs within a month."

After completing this deal, the food rations for Tuntian will be settled. This deal with Fairy Xiuzhi is also to show her his strength and character. A hundred thousand spirit stones is not too much, but not too much. It stands to reason that he can kill the two five-thousand-year-old inner elixirs that cannot be sold. In this regard, he and Xiu

Fairy Zhi knows everything in her heart. When facing an understanding person, she can just stop talking about certain things and let her figure out the rest by herself.

It was rare for the Yiling Guards to calm down. Within two days of the roundup, a new mission was sent from the Furuno Branch. This time, they were to go to Gray Swamp to capture a fugitive who had cultivated in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

There is no need to mobilize troops to arrest a fugitive who has nothing to do with the overall situation. The Yiling Guards, who are located on the border, have to keep enough manpower to be ready to deal with emergencies. After the task was assigned, Lingyanzi took the initiative to invite Ying and ordered Xunyi and Jinshan to accompany him. , and a late-stage pill-forming monk was also called out at the same time.

The expression of the late-stage pill-forming monk named Shi Yong changed immediately after he heard that he had been selected. In this kind of mission, the role of the pill-forming monk is that of a pathfinder. Whether he can come back alive depends on luck. In order to preserve the Nascent Soul Stage monks as much as possible, the Yiling Guards had no choice but to make them make more sacrifices. Anyway, few of these people deserved death, so this could be regarded as retribution.

Shi Yong, who is in the Danjie stage, has no right to refuse such a call, unless he can prove that Ling Yanzi has a grudge against him and that he was chosen to kill him. As a Nascent Soul stage Xun Yi had the right to refuse, but of course he would not refuse.

Fairy Mu Cai really wanted to follow, but she didn't dare to bring it up because Xun Yi had already told her not to do things too obviously. She was someone who had always been able to hide and hide when performing tasks. Suddenly, she Becoming active is no different from jumping around to call others into suspicion.

Gray Marsh can be regarded as a dangerous place in Nanjingzhou, but any dangerous place will naturally become a refuge for fugitives. For example, the Seven Wastelands dangerous places that Xunyi once visited, Gray Marsh is not as famous as Seven Wastelands. The desolate and dangerous land is so big, but its danger level is enough to make the Nascent Soul monk change his expression.

It took the group three and a half days to arrive at the edge of the Gray Marsh, where two law enforcement guards were waiting. It was these two men who chased the fugitive into the Gray Marsh.

After the two law enforcement guards explained the situation of the fugitives in detail to Ling Yanzi, they went back to resume their duties, and the rest of the hard work was left to Yiling Guards.

Lingyanzi then pointed at Shi Yong and told Jinshan, "Take him forward."

Jinshan frowned. The most reasonable arrangement for this kind of search would be for the Danjie monk to go in front. He and Xunyi would be responsible for the two wings. Lingyanzi would sit in the middle. Now Lingyanzi asked him to lead Shi Yong in the middle. This was very uncomfortable. It's reasonable. He doesn't want to do anything. Since Ling Yanzi told him so, he frowned and followed it.

Xunyi was on guard when his name was called by Lingyanzi. He really hoped that he was being too careless. Now that Lingyanzi had sent away Jinshan and Shi Yong, he no longer had any hope. .

"Am I in charge of the left wing or the right wing?" he asked, pretending to be nothing.

"There's no rush." ​​Lingyanzi looked ahead, acting as if he was following Jinshan's actions.

After a while, Xunyi said with a pun, "That's it. They have gone far enough."

Lingyanzi obviously heard the hidden flavor in his tone, turned around and looked at him with a half-smile and said, "I heard that you have a better treasure?"

"Who did you listen to?" Xunyi also showed a half-smiling expression. Since someone has leaked the secret, there is no need to pretend anymore. Fairy Xiuzhi then asked thoughtfully, "Are you buying it with spirit stones, or exchanging it with a seal of atonement? If you use a seal of atonement, the transaction will have to be reviewed by Guanying. You can also exchange the seal at first." But it will take at least two years to make up the amount, so I will have to charge some fees. "There is an annual limit for exchanging the seal of guilt for spiritual stones, Xun Yi knows.

Xunyi didn't want to reveal his wealth too much, so he said, "Then you can help me redeem this year's quota first, and I'll pay for the shortfall in spirit stones."

"Okay, counting the two five-thousand-year-old ones, I will prepare a total of twelve inner elixirs for you, with a total price of 160,000 spirit stones. What do you think?"

Xunyi frowned and said, "You are really cruel."

Xiuzhi said aggrievedly, "Don't you know anything about the market here? I've already given you a very cheap price, and I haven't earned you anything at all. If you don't believe me, ask others."

"One hundred thousand, that's the most I can come up with. If it doesn't work out, I'll have to let go of your two five-thousand-year-old ones. You should keep the opportunity to make a fortune for yourself."

Fairy Xiuzhi smiled, then showed a look of embarrassment and said, "I'll lose one hundred thousand to death. I don't want to collapse the first deal. Let's do this. After deducting the ten thousand spirit stones exchanged for the acquittal seal, you can get the remaining one hundred and fifty thousand." If you pay with Nascent Soul Stone, I can only charge you one hundred and twenty yuan. Is that okay? I accept the loss. Let's make up for it slowly in future transactions." She didn't wait for Xun Yi to speak. He then advised, "You have so many apologetic seals, will you worry about not having any spiritual stones to use in the future?"

Xunyi took out one hundred and two Nascent Soul Stones and held them in his hand. Before he could speak, Fairy Xiuzhi quickly put away the spiritual stones, then gestured outward with her eyes, and said: "Try to be careful." "Yes, it doesn't matter if I sell the inner elixir, you definitely don't want people to know that you are accepting the inner elixir like this, right?" Needless to say, accepting the inner elixir regardless of variety is an unusual thing, and her move is more for selling. good.

"There are still ten yuan left." Fairy Xiuzhi extended her hand to Xunyi. It was an unexpected surprise that she negotiated a small deal into a big deal of more than 100,000 spirit stones, and she also disposed of two of them. With the inner elixir in her hand, she was already very happy to receive so many spiritual stones, but she still had to do what she should do.

Xunyi smiled bitterly and said, "Don't be cheap, I've already given you an extra twenty yuan. In fact, I don't need those two five-thousand-year-old inner elixirs at all. I spent so much extra money just because Mu Cai talks too much." , I bought you to keep it secret." .??.

Fairy Xiuzhi narrowed her eyes and said, "Master, I really have to beg you. Please give me a bite of food. If you want to open a business in Guyingying, then I will have to starve to death. For this first transaction, you will It made me want to vomit blood.”

Xunyi smiled and said, "Okay, okay, don't pretend to be pitiful. I won't say anything else. Let's leave this deal as it is. If you have any questions, we'll talk about it in the next deal."

Fairy Xiuzhi gritted her teeth and nodded, "Okay, as long as you say this, I will give you twelve inner elixirs within a month."

After completing this deal, the food rations for Tuntian will be settled. This deal with Fairy Xiuzhi is also to show her his strength and character. A hundred thousand spirit stones is not too much, but not too much. It stands to reason that he can kill the two five-thousand-year-old inner elixirs that cannot be sold. In this regard, he and Xiu

Fairy Zhi knows everything in her heart. When facing an understanding person, she can just stop talking about certain things and let her figure out the rest by herself.

It was rare for the Yiling Guards to calm down. Within two days of the roundup, a new mission was sent from the Furuno Branch. This time, they were to go to Gray Swamp to capture a fugitive who had cultivated in the early stage of Nascent Soul.

There is no need to mobilize troops to arrest a fugitive who has nothing to do with the overall situation. The Yiling Guards, who are located on the border, have to keep enough manpower to be ready to deal with emergencies. After the task was assigned, Lingyanzi took the initiative to invite Ying and ordered Xunyi and Jinshan to accompany him. , and a late-stage pill-forming monk was also called out at the same time.

The expression of the late-stage pill-forming monk named Shi Yong changed immediately when he heard that he had been selected. In this kind of mission, the role of the pill-forming monk is that of a pathfinder. Whether he can come back alive depends on luck. In order to preserve the Nascent Soul Stage monks as much as possible, the Yiling Guards had no choice but to make them make more sacrifices. Anyway, few of these people deserved death, so this could be regarded as retribution.

Shi Yong, who is in the Danjie stage, has no right to refuse such a call, unless he can prove that Ling Yanzi has a grudge against him and that he was chosen to kill him. As a Nascent Soul stage Xun Yi had the right to refuse, but of course he would not refuse.

Fairy Mu Cai really wanted to follow, but she didn't dare to bring it up because Xun Yi had already told her not to do things too obviously. She was someone who had always been able to hide and hide when performing tasks. Suddenly, she Becoming active is no different from jumping around to call others into suspicion.

Gray Marsh can be regarded as a dangerous place in Nanjingzhou, but any dangerous place will naturally become a refuge for fugitives. For example, the Seven Wastelands dangerous places that Xunyi once visited, Gray Marsh is not as famous as Seven Wastelands. The desolate and dangerous land is so big, but its danger level is enough to make the Nascent Soul monk change his expression.

It took the group three and a half days to arrive at the edge of the Gray Marsh, where two law enforcement guards were waiting. It was these two men who chased the fugitive into the Gray Marsh.

After the two law enforcement guards explained the situation of the fugitives in detail to Ling Yanzi, they went back to resume their duties, and the rest of the hard work was left to Yiling Guards.

Lingyanzi then pointed at Shi Yong and told Jinshan, "Take him forward."

Jinshan frowned. The most reasonable arrangement for this kind of search would be for the Danjie monk to go in front. He and Xunyi would be responsible for the two wings. Lingyanzi would sit in the middle. Now Lingyanzi asked him to lead Shi Yong in the middle. This was very uncomfortable. It's reasonable. He doesn't want to do anything. Since Ling Yanzi told him so, he frowned and followed it.

Xunyi was on guard when his name was called by Lingyanzi. He really hoped that he was being too careless. Now that Lingyanzi had sent away Jinshan and Shi Yong, he no longer had any hope. .

"Am I in charge of the left wing or the right wing?" he asked, pretending to be nothing.

"There's no rush." ​​Lingyanzi looked ahead, acting as if he was following Jinshan's actions.

After a while, Xunyi said with a pun, "That's it. They have gone far enough."

Ling Yanzi obviously heard the hidden flavor in his tone, turned around and looked at him with a half-smile and said, "I heard that you have a better treasure?"

"Who did you hear this from?" Xunyi also showed a half-smiling expression. Since someone has leaked the secret, there is no need to pretend anymore.

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