Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 863 Li Yan and Feng Long

The fugitive wanted to use the momentum of fighting to the death to make Xun Yi retreat, but as soon as they fought, he realized that he had miscalculated. He also had Nascent Soul cultivation, and he failed to touch the opponent even with several moves. But the thief's lightsaber could continuously slash at his body-protecting divine light.

If he continued to fight like this, he would be crippled in the blink of an eye. He would lose a lot of money by stealing a chicken. He didn't care much at the moment. He hurriedly used the escape treasure that he relied on to save his life. In a flash of light, he was three hundred miles away. In addition, although you can only teleport so far, the value of escape treasures has always been very high. No one will be willing to use it until life is at stake. This distance can still be used in a battle with monks of the same level. Very useful.

This really gave Xun Yi a headache. He had the best rush talisman of the Spirit Pattern Sect. It was easy to catch up with the opponent. But in that case, it would be better to just use the dust and wind technique to capture the opponent directly, or even just A single use of the Apricot Marrow Sword can quickly end the battle. This style of fighting where there is a treasure but cannot be used makes him feel too awkward.

The chase started again, and at this time Xunyi was already in the red area of ​​the map in his mind. After each Yiling Guard was assigned, he would get a map of the area under his jurisdiction. This map was marked with extremely fine details. We strive to show every detail of every place.

The place where the two met is already a yellow area. Yellow means that early Yuanying monks should not break in alone, while red means that early Yuanying monks are strictly prohibited from entering. The map starts to become more and more simplified here, because The fog here has begun to have a relatively large blocking effect on spiritual consciousness.

The gray mist finally made the fugitive timid, and Xunyi had already chased him less than a hundred miles away. He stopped again, took off the Qiankun bag from his waist, shook it at Xunyi and said, "I can give you everything." You, leave only a little Nascent Soul Stone and this sword in your hand, and then tell you a treasure hiding place. I just ask you to let me live. That treasure hiding place is extraordinary. I fell to this place just for it. How about this field?"

Xun Yi was unmoved and said, "I'll capture you obediently. Don't make me waste my energy. If you have anything to say, go to the Heavenly Law Alliance and tell me."

The man's eyes turned red and he said, "You are such a..."

Before he could finish his words, a cloud of green smoke suddenly appeared from the protective light, and then his whole body collapsed.

Xun Yi knew something was wrong, so he used his physical skills to pull out Yilingwei's battle robe while retreating. At the same time, a slender battle flag of the Fierce Sword Camp appeared behind him. Leave quickly!"

At this time, a spiritual thought came into his mind, "You are very brave to chase a person here. I will give you Yilingwei a face. Hand over all the spiritual stones on your body, and then get out." It's not a matter of saving face. If he kills this young monk, then the Yiling Guards will have to come and search. There is really no need to cause such trouble. Extorting some spiritual stones is not a big deal. The Yiling Guards will definitely not mobilize troops for this. of.

Xunyi stopped, with a look of panic flashing in his eyes. He reluctantly took out three hundred Nascent Soul Stones and slowly sent them forward with his spiritual power. At this time, the fugitive's The body has disappeared out of thin air. It seems that it was carried by the person who came and disappeared.

body shape.

What suddenly came out was a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk who was hiding here. Xun Yi and the others thought they had fallen into a trap. After hearing the fugitive say that he knew a treasure, he decided to take advantage of this and look for Yi Yaoling. Shi was just grabbing some more oil and water on the way, but when he saw Xunyi taking out so many spiritual stones at once, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward to collect them.

After Xunyi felt a spiritual force touching the spirit stone, he immediately sent a spiritual thought to Tuntian. Tuntian was hidden in his arms, and the spiritual thought transmitted in this way could not be detected by the other party.

With a flash of green light, Tuntian released Xunyi's body-protecting divine light, and shouted in the direction indicated by his spiritual thoughts. With three auspicious clouds growing from his belly, Tuntian already had the ability to kill enemies with a condensed voice. Skill, because Xunyi can only determine a general position of the opponent, so he can only let Tuntian roar in that direction, but cannot let Tuntian exert his maximum power.

Because Tuntian concentrated the sound to a fixed position, Xunyi only heard a loud shout. It had no other impact except that his heart was shaken, but his eyes were blurred because the space in the direction he was looking at appeared. There were violent fluctuations, like a scene burned by the scorching sun, with many twisted ripples appearing, and there was a faint flow of brilliance in between.

This strange scene disappeared in an instant, and what appeared was a middle-aged man with a black spot on each cheek. His eyes were dull. He was obviously shocked by the roar of his life, and the man he mentioned was The fugitive in his hand had red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Xun Yi had already planned out the entire strategy to defeat the enemy before sending out the spirit stone. At this moment, he did not hesitate to use the Wind Ecstasy Bone move, and then Li Yan flew out and directly struck the opponent's lower abdomen. The reason why Xiao Hui was not used was because After using Xiao Hui to kill an enemy for the first time, he clearly noticed that Xiao Hui had suffered damage. After all, no one could escape unscathed when yin and yang collided. Although Xiao Hui's damage was not serious, through the Yin deficiency energy contained in the wind dragon, The nourishment can be restored, but it is also very troublesome, so it is best not to use Xiao Hui, otherwise the newly cultivated friendship between them will probably be exhausted soon.

Swallowing Sky, Feng Long, and Li Yan, with this luxurious lineup, an unsuspecting mid-stage Nascent Soul monk should be able to kill with one hit, but the problem lies in the cooperation between Feng Long and Li Yan, Xiao Hui He and Fenglong are close, and their cooperation complements each other, but it is not so easy for Li Yan to enter the wind whirlpool. If it is an ordinary treasure, there is no problem, but Li Yan is a spiritual treasure, and the weapon spirit knows to be afraid, and Fenglong would not easily let a spirit enter the range that could threaten him. It and Li Yan were not yet familiar with each other.

So Li Yan rushed to Fengxuan and stopped. Xunyi urged him eagerly. Although Li Yan moved forward a little, Fengxuan moved back. This unexpected situation made Xunyi a little bit. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I definitely don't have time to take care of these two stupid things now. They are trapped in a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. If you don't pay attention, you will be killed.

Xun Yi simply stopped urging Li Yan, and concentrated on controlling the wind dragon so that the wind spin could exert its maximum power. The fugitive lost his ability to defend himself after receiving that sneak attack, and Tun Tian's roar knocked him away. He was so shaken that he was already on the verge of death. When the wind swirled, he died. The fugitive wanted to use his fighting spirit to make Xun Yi retreat, but as soon as they fought, he realized that he had miscalculated. He also had Nascent Soul cultivation, and he couldn't even touch the opponent even though he fired several moves. But the thief's lightsaber could continuously slash at his body-protecting divine light.

If he continued to fight like this, he would be crippled in the blink of an eye. He would lose a lot of money by stealing a chicken. He didn't care much at the moment. He hurriedly used the escape treasure that he relied on to save his life. In a flash of light, he was three hundred miles away. In addition, although you can only teleport so far, the value of escape treasures has always been very high. No one will be willing to use it until life is at stake. This distance can still be used in a battle with monks of the same level. Very useful.

This really gave Xun Yi a headache. He had the best rush talisman of the Spirit Pattern Sect. It was easy to catch up with the opponent. But in that case, it would be better to just use the dust and wind technique to capture the opponent directly, or even just A single use of the Apricot Marrow Sword can quickly end the battle. This style of fighting where there is a treasure but cannot be used made him feel too awkward.

The chase started again, and at this time Xunyi was already in the red area of ​​the map in his mind. After each Yiling Guard was assigned, he would get a map of the area under his jurisdiction. This map was marked with extremely fine details. We strive to show every detail of every place.

The place where the two met is already a yellow area. Yellow means that early Yuanying monks should not break in alone, while red means that early Yuanying monks are strictly prohibited from entering. The map starts to become more and more simplified here, because The fog here has begun to have a relatively large blocking effect on spiritual consciousness.

The gray mist finally made the fugitive timid, and Xunyi had already chased him less than a hundred miles away. He stopped again, took off the Qiankun bag from his waist, shook it at Xunyi and said, "I can give you everything." You, leave only a little Nascent Soul Stone and this sword in your hand, and then tell you a treasure hiding place. I just ask you to let me live. That treasure hiding place is extraordinary. I fell to this place just for it. How about this field?"

Xun Yi was unmoved and said, "I'll capture you obediently. Don't make me waste my energy. If you have anything to say, go to the Heavenly Law Alliance and tell me."

The man's eyes turned red and he said, "You are really..." ??

Before he could finish his words, a cloud of green smoke suddenly appeared from the protective light, and then his whole body collapsed.

Xun Yi knew something was wrong, so he used his physical skills to pull out Yilingwei's battle robe while retreating. At the same time, a slender battle flag of the Fierce Sword Camp appeared behind him. Leave quickly!"

At this time, a spiritual thought came into his mind, "You are very courageous to chase someone here alone. I will give you Yilingwei a face, hand over all the spiritual stones on your body, and then get out." It's not a matter of saving face. If he kills this young monk, then Yiling Guard will have to come and search. There is really no need to cause such trouble. Extorting some spiritual stones is not a big deal. Yiling Guard will definitely not mobilize troops for this. of.

Xunyi stopped, with a look of panic flashing in his eyes. He reluctantly took out three hundred Nascent Soul Stones and slowly sent them forward with his spiritual power. At this time, the fugitive's The body has disappeared out of thin air. It seems that it was carried by the person who came and disappeared.

body shape.

What suddenly came out was a middle-stage Nascent Soul monk who was hiding here. Xun Yi and the others thought they had fallen into a trap. After hearing the fugitive say that he knew a treasure, he decided to take advantage of this and look for Yi Yaoling. Shi was just fishing for some oil and water on the way, but when he saw Xunyi taking out so many spiritual stones at once, he couldn't help but be overjoyed and hurriedly stepped forward to collect them.

After Xunyi felt a spiritual force touching the spirit stone, he immediately sent a spiritual thought to Tuntian. Tuntian was hidden in his arms, and the spiritual thought transmitted in this way could not be detected by the other party.

With a flash of green light, Tuntian released Xunyi's body-protecting divine light, and shouted in the direction indicated by his spiritual thoughts. With three auspicious clouds growing from his belly, Tuntian already had the ability to kill enemies with a condensed voice. Skill, because Xunyi can only determine a general position of the opponent, so he can only let Tuntian roar in that direction, but cannot let Tuntian exert his maximum power.

Because Tuntian concentrated the sound to a fixed position, Xunyi only heard a loud shout. It had no other impact except that his heart was shaken, but his eyes were blurry because the space in the position he was looking at appeared. There were violent fluctuations, like a scene being burned by the scorching sun, with many twisted ripples appearing, and there was a faint flow of brilliance in between.

This strange scene disappeared in an instant, and what appeared was a middle-aged man with a black spot on each cheek. His eyes were dull. He was obviously shocked by the roar of his life, and the man he mentioned was The fugitive in his hand had red blood flowing from the corner of his mouth.

Xunyi had already planned out the entire strategy to defeat the enemy before sending out the spirit stone. At this moment, he did not hesitate to use the Wind Ecstasy Bone move, and then Li Yan flew out and struck directly at the opponent's lower abdomen. The reason why Xiao Hui was not used was because After using Xiao Hui to kill an enemy for the first time, he clearly noticed that Xiao Hui had suffered damage. After all, no one could escape unscathed when yin and yang collided. Although Xiao Hui's damage was not serious, through the Yin deficiency energy contained in the wind dragon, The nourishment can be restored, but it is also very troublesome, so it is best not to use Xiao Hui, otherwise the newly cultivated friendship between them will probably be exhausted soon.

Swallowing Sky, Feng Long, and Li Yan, with this luxurious lineup, an unsuspecting mid-stage Nascent Soul monk should be able to kill with one hit, but the problem lies in the cooperation between Feng Long and Li Yan, Xiao Hui He and Fenglong are close, and their cooperation complements each other, but it is not so easy for Li Yan to enter the wind whirlpool. If it is an ordinary treasure, there is no problem, but Li Yan is a spiritual treasure, and the weapon spirit knows to be afraid, and Fenglong would not easily let a spirit enter the range that could threaten him. It and Li Yan were not yet familiar with each other.

So Li Yan rushed to Fengxuan and stopped. Xunyi urged him eagerly. Although Li Yan moved forward a little, Fengxuan moved back. This unexpected situation made Xunyi a little bit. I don't know whether to laugh or cry. I definitely don't have time to take care of these two stupid things now. They are trapped in a mid-stage Nascent Soul monk. If you don't pay attention, you will be killed.

Xun Yi simply stopped urging Li Yan, and concentrated on controlling the wind dragon so that the wind spin could exert its maximum power. The fugitive lost his ability to defend himself after receiving that sneak attack, and Tun Tian's roar knocked him away. He was so shaken that he was already on the verge of death. When the wind swirled, he died.

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