Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 882: Send your life, come back!

The five most capable ones were already dead, and the level of the treasures of these three people was even worse. When the blue light of the evil-slaying sword flashed, one of them vomited blood in less than ten breaths. Seeing that these three people could not be dealt with. Just morning and evening.

The Yuan Yi clan saw that three of them couldn't fight one, and they didn't dare to wait any longer. A great monk in the middle Yuanying stage left the formation, jumped thousands of feet above the four Judou people, and pointed at Gu Yingying. He pointed out, "You guys should choose one too."

This is clearly going to disrupt the situation. The Nanjingzhou camp could not say anything except bursts of boos. Since you are allowed to challenge, you must allow others to challenge, although this is just jumping over the wall. , but the five people from the Yuan clan who died earlier were indeed not cowards, so they still had some dignity to do so.

If Gu Yingying does not respond immediately, the great monk may break up the battle below. If he responds, chaos will inevitably occur if the two battles start at the same time, and then there will be a melee.

"Send your life and come back!" Wuhun ordered Xunyi while sending Lingyanzi to fight, because he was afraid that the opponent's great monk would deliberately hurt Xunyi during the battle. After all, he would not get rid of such a powerful little monk. Monk, in the ensuing melee, the few Yuanyings in the early stage of Yuanying tribe cannot hold out for much longer.

After Xun Yi heard the order, he immediately retreated. The three dead soldiers of the Yuan clan who were fighting with him were ordered to stand still, so as soon as he retreated, the three men followed closely.

The center of the battlefield is only more than a hundred miles away from the two camps. For an early Yuanying monk, this distance can be reached easily. Therefore, when the three Yuanyi clan dead soldiers chased after them, they seemed to be rushing straight into the enemy's formation. Therefore, everyone in the Yuan clan camp immediately attacked and took the opportunity to start a melee. ??

This kind of melee should have been a battle between soldiers and generals, but the Yuanyi clan was already at a disadvantage after five people were killed, so they tried their best to make the battle chaotic. The general did not fly to the sky thousands of feet high to fight with them. Soulless duel, but rushed to the same height as Ling Yanzi, which forced everyone to disperse to the surroundings. The three Yuanying mid-stage monks of the Yuanying tribe lowered their altitude to the duel level of the early Yuanying monks. Due to their location, the poor early Yuanying monks had no choice but to avoid them as much as possible, because further down they would be too close to the lake, which would be even more dangerous.

The capture-the-flag battle took the lake as the boundary. More than thirty people fought on the lake that was three hundred miles wide and nine hundred miles long. Among them were four pairs of great monks in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul. This area really seemed a bit small.

Xun Yi, who had caused the Yuan Yi clan to lose all face, was bound to be the one that the opponent would hit hard. Wu Xin and Ling Yanzi could still hold off their opponents, but Granny Dehua was a little behind, so the one she was fighting against The Yuanyi tribe's great monk moved closer to Xun Yi while fighting.

Xun Yi originally planned to help Granny Chuhua contain his opponent. Now that the situation in Guying's camp was already dominant, he didn't want to expose more of his secrets, so he chose to keep a close distance from that person. , and smoothly activated the evil-killing knife to chop the enemies in the early stage of Yuanying. Soon the early stage monks on both sides became thirteen versus six. After all turned into a two-on-one situation, the situation changed very quickly. It started to intensify.

The great monk who fought against Granny Destroy Flower became red-eyed, and moved and knocked two early-stage Nascent Soul monks who were camping in ancient times into the lake. However, the gap between Granny Destroy Flower and him was not a big difference. He was so Distraction must pay a price. After receiving a heavy blow from Granny Chuhua, he also lost that little advantage and no longer dared to take risks. \u003c


Amidst the sound of war drums and horns, Xunyi swung his sword to help his colleagues kill two Yuan Yi clan dead soldiers, and then rushed towards Granny Chuihua with the four brothers who had their hands free. , among these four people were Hou Yuan and Huang Qing. At this moment, this group of early Yuanying monks who were camping in ancient times had sincerely convinced this ferocious young man, so Xunyi asked them to follow him to fight. These four people did not Someone who dares to talk nonsense.

With the green rainbow drawn by the evil-killing knife in front, and four treasures shining with various colors behind, the five of them joined Granny Destroyer's battle group. Normally, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul would be able to kill five people without much effort. He is a young monk who is one level lower than him, but in this situation it is not that easy. Moreover, among the five of them is Xun Yi, who cannot be dismissed easily even under normal circumstances. Although he fought several battles in a row, with the help of his With his own strength and the power of the evil-killing knife, Xun Yi's combat power was still stronger than those four people combined.

After receiving strong support, Granny Chuihua let go of her hands and feet, and activated the two magic weapons to launch a ferocious attack on the opponent. The great monk of the Yuanyi clan blocked the left and right, and soon lost the ability to fight back. At this time, another Two brothers who had their hands free came to help in the battle, and the nine magic weapons of the seven people hit the opponent's protective divine light one after another, creating bursts of light.

In such a close-quarters fight when surrounded by people, it would be extremely dangerous to use one's body to escape. Normally, this great monk would be able to survive a few hard blows and forcefully use one's body to escape from the battlefield. But now there is nowhere to escape for hundreds of miles. He can only hold on. All his hopes can only be placed on his own general to win early, or the other two great monks can free up their hands to help him. .

But he couldn't wait for that moment. After half a stick of incense, Granny Chuhua gave a sharp shout, and his body-protecting divine light was suddenly broken, and his body immediately turned into a blood mist.

Granny Chuhua collected the man's Qiankun bag and a treasure he had just used with such speed that it was difficult for everyone to see clearly, and then rushed towards Wuxin.

Huang Qing used his body shape to fall sharply, and struggled to use his spiritual power to grab it. Finally, he caught another treasure when it was about to fall to the lake. After getting it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. That was This defensive magic weapon has been beaten to the point of losing its magic power.

"How stupid!" Xunyi cursed at Huang Qing, pointed to Lingyanzi and said, "Go over there!"

Huang Qing still put the treasure into the Qiankun bag, and then led a group of brothers to rush towards Lingyanzi. Hou Yuan and another person were so shocked that they vomited blood in the battle just now. Xunyi asked them both He went back to the shore to take medicine for treatment, and then rushed towards Fairy Mucai and Fairy Xiuzhi.

At this time, there were only two Yuanying early stage cultivators left on the Yuanyi tribe. The one who was fighting against the two fairies was also a female cultivator. She was about to be unable to hold on anymore. When she saw Xunyi flying over, she had only a little bit left. Her courage suddenly dissipated, and she closed her eyes and gave up resistance. Xiuzhi and Mu Cai's magic weapons hit her one after another, ending her life.

"How are you?" Fairy Mu Cai came up to her and asked with concern.

Xunyi whispered, "Fortunately, you and Xiuzhi go to the shore. If the situation is not good, you will withdraw from the battlefield immediately. I am willing to use my achievements to pay for the sins of you two." He cupped his hands and said, "Look everyone The officer wanted to pardon her two crimes for the sake of the many hard-fought battles."

"My life..." Fairy Mu Cai was so moved that she was speechless. She knew that with this memory, she and Xiuzhi could probably save their lives. The five most capable ones were already dead, and the level of the treasures of these three people was even worse. When the blue light of the evil-slaying sword flashed, one of them vomited blood in less than ten breaths. Seeing that these three people could not be dealt with. Just morning and evening.

The Yuan Yi clan saw that three of them couldn't fight one, and they didn't dare to wait any longer. A great monk in the middle Yuanying stage left the formation, jumped thousands of feet above the four Judou people, and pointed at Gu Yingying. He pointed out, "You guys should choose one too."

This is clearly going to disrupt the situation. The Nanjingzhou camp could not say anything except bursts of boos. Since you are allowed to challenge, you must allow others to challenge, although this is just jumping over the wall. , but the five people from the Yuan clan who died earlier were indeed not cowards, so they still had some dignity to do so.

If Gu Yingying does not respond immediately, the great monk may break up the battle below. If he responds, chaos will inevitably occur if the two battles start at the same time, and then there will be a melee.

"Send your life and come back!" Wuhun ordered Xunyi while sending Lingyanzi to fight, because he was afraid that the opponent's great monk would deliberately hurt Xunyi during the battle. After all, he would not get rid of such a powerful little monk. Monk, in the ensuing melee, the few Yuanyings in the early stage of Yuanying tribe cannot hold out for much longer. ??

After Xun Yi heard the order, he immediately retreated. The three dead soldiers of the Yuan clan who were fighting with him were ordered to stand still, so as soon as he retreated, the three men followed closely.

The center of the battlefield is only more than a hundred miles away from the two camps. For an early Yuanying monk, this distance can be reached easily. Therefore, when the three Yuanyi clan dead soldiers chased after them, they seemed to be rushing straight into the enemy's formation. Therefore, everyone in the Yuan clan camp immediately attacked and took the opportunity to start a melee.

This kind of melee should have been a battle between soldiers and generals, but the Yuanyi clan was already at a disadvantage after five people were killed, so they tried their best to make the battle chaotic. The general did not fly to the sky thousands of feet high to fight with them. Soulless duel, but rushed to the same height as Ling Yanzi, which forced everyone to disperse to the surroundings. The three Yuanying mid-stage monks of the Yuanying tribe lowered their altitude to the duel level of the early Yuanying monks. Due to their location, the poor early Yuanying monks had no choice but to avoid them as much as possible, because further down they would be too close to the lake, which would be even more dangerous.

The capture-the-flag battle took the lake as the boundary. More than thirty people fought on the lake that was three hundred miles wide and nine hundred miles long. Among them were four pairs of great monks in the middle and late stages of Nascent Soul. This area really seemed a bit small.

Xun Yi, who had caused the Yuan Yi clan to lose all face, was bound to be the one that the opponent would hit hard. Wu Xin and Ling Yanzi could still hold off their opponents, but Granny Dehua was a little behind, so the one she was fighting against The Yuanyi tribe's great monk moved closer to Xun Yi while fighting.

Xun Yi originally planned to help Granny Chuhua contain his opponent. Now that the situation in Guying's camp was already dominant, he didn't want to expose more of his secrets, so he chose to keep a close distance from that person. , and smoothly activated the evil-killing knife to chop the enemies in the early stage of Yuanying. Soon the early stage monks on both sides became thirteen versus six. After all turned into a two-on-one situation, the situation changed very quickly. It started to intensify.

The great monk who fought against Granny Destroy Flower became red-eyed, and moved and knocked two early-stage Nascent Soul monks who were camping in ancient times into the lake. However, the gap between Granny Destroy Flower and him was not a big difference. He was so Distraction must pay a price. After receiving a heavy blow from Granny Chuhua, he also lost that little advantage and no longer dared to take risks. \u003c


Amidst the sound of war drums and horns, Xunyi swung his sword to help his colleagues kill two Yuan Yi clan dead soldiers, and then rushed towards Granny Chuihua with the four brothers who had their hands free. , among these four people were Hou Yuan and Huang Qing. At this moment, this group of early Yuanying monks who were camping in ancient times had sincerely convinced this ferocious young man, so Xunyi asked them to follow him to fight. These four people did not Someone who dares to talk nonsense.

With the green rainbow drawn by the evil-killing knife in front, and four treasures shining with various colors behind, the five of them joined Granny Destroyer's battle group. Normally, a monk in the middle stage of Nascent Soul would be able to kill five people without much effort. He is a young monk who is one level lower than him, but in this situation it is not that easy. Moreover, among the five of them is Xun Yi, who cannot be dismissed easily even under normal circumstances. Although he fought several battles in a row, with the help of his With his own strength and the power of the evil-killing knife, Xun Yi's combat power was still stronger than those four people combined.

After receiving strong support, Granny Chuihua let go of her hands and feet, and activated the two magic weapons to launch a ferocious attack on the opponent. The great monk of the Yuanyi clan blocked the left and right, and soon lost the ability to fight back. At this time, another Two brothers who had their hands free came to help in the battle, and the nine magic weapons of the seven people hit the opponent's protective divine light one after another, creating bursts of light.

In such a close-quarters fight when surrounded by people, it would be extremely dangerous to use one's body to escape. Normally, this great monk would be able to survive a few hard blows and forcefully use one's body to escape from the battlefield. But now there is nowhere to escape for hundreds of miles. He can only hold on. All his hopes can only be placed on his own general to win early, or the other two great monks can free up their hands to help him. .

But he couldn't wait for that moment. After half a stick of incense, Granny Chuhua gave a sharp shout, and his body-protecting divine light was suddenly broken, and his body immediately turned into a blood mist.

Granny Chuhua collected the man's Qiankun bag and a treasure he had just used with such speed that it was difficult for everyone to see clearly, and then rushed towards Wuxin.

Huang Qing used his body shape to fall sharply, and struggled to use his spiritual power to grab it. Finally, he caught another treasure when it was about to fall to the lake. After getting it, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. That was This defensive magic weapon has been beaten to the point of losing its magic power.

"How stupid!" Xunyi cursed at Huang Qing, pointed to Lingyanzi and said, "You guys go over there!"

Huang Qing still put the treasure into the Qiankun bag, and then led a group of brothers to rush towards Lingyanzi. Hou Yuan and another person were so shocked that they vomited blood in the battle just now. Xunyi asked them both He went back to the shore to take medicine for treatment, while he rushed towards Fairy Mucai and Fairy Xiuzhi.

At this time, there were only two Yuanying early stage cultivators left on the Yuanyi tribe. The one who was fighting against the two fairies was also a female cultivator. She was about to be unable to hold on anymore. When she saw Xunyi flying over, she had only a little left. Her courage suddenly dissipated, and she closed her eyes and gave up resistance. Xiuzhi and Mu Cai's magic weapons hit her one after another, ending her life.

"How are you?" Fairy Mu Cai came up to her and asked with concern.

Xunyi whispered, "Fortunately, you and Xiuzhi go to the shore. If the situation is not good, you will withdraw from the battlefield immediately. I am willing to use my achievements to pay for the sins of you two." He cupped his hands and said, "Look everyone The officer wanted to pardon her two crimes for the sake of the many hard-fought battles."

"My life..." Fairy Mu Cai was so moved that she was speechless. She knew that with this memory, she and Xiuzhi would probably be able to save their lives.

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