Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 889: I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve

Xunyi was silent for a while, then smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter if I tell you. Anyway, I probably won't be able to come back this time. I was the one who caused the disaster in Qianjie Sect. I am being captured by this man." I used a frame-up plan when I lived there, hoping that he and Qian Jie Sect would have a dog-eat-dog fight to get out of his bad temper when he was hunted down by Qian Jie Sect. But I didn’t expect Qian Jie Sect to be such a waste. I still expected them to help me. As for getting rid of this enemy, I accept this debt, but if you want to save Fairy Su, then don't settle this debt with me first, otherwise you may not be able to save her even if you take a few lives with great supernatural powers. "

" When it comes to deception, you can go to him with confidence, and that’s what I think I’m referring to.”

"Is there more?" Xun Yi felt relieved when he saw that she finally trusted him.

"And I'm warning you not to play any tricks."

Xunyi sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. Since you dare to use dirty tricks against me, I will definitely kill you!" ??

Shen Qing frowned and said, "Xunyi, if it's really the person who caused the disappearance of the two great monks of Qianjie Sect, you can't deal with him. This matter needs to be carefully considered. You'd better follow me to see the master first. It's important to save Su Wan." , it is understandable that you blamed Qianjie Sect, and you have become a Yiling Guard and have just made great achievements. I will try my best to intercede for you in front of the master, or..." She bit her cherry lips and held back. Zhu didn't say anything to help hide the matter.

Xunyi looked at her with joking eyes and said, "How do you plan carefully? The Heavenly Law Alliance sent several great powers to Puyunzhou to save people? I don't need to tell you how hostile Qianzong will be to the Heavenly Law Alliance? If you are not careful in that case, you will be killed." It will trigger an unpredictable bloody storm, and the monsters in Shui Qing Continent have not yet been removed from Pu Yun Continent, right? At this juncture, Qian Zong is more likely to overreact, and it is not appropriate for the Tianlu Alliance to intervene in this matter!"

Shen Qing retorted, "Don't think too simplistically. What if he goes back on his word and refuses to let Su Wan go when you show up? Even if he is willing to let Su Wan go, how will Su Wan get through the many obstacles and return to Nanjingzhou?" ? She is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul!"

Xunyi looked firmly and said, "I will find a way to get him to send Fairy Su back."

Shen Qing snorted disdainfully, "You think too highly of yourself. If Su Wan falls into the hands of Qian Zonghui, it will be even more troublesome!"

Xunyi couldn't help but burst into anger, and asked sternly, "Since you know you can't let her fall into the hands of others, why didn't you take precautions earlier!"

Shen Qing also stared and said, "Of course we have taken precautions, but can we guard against the great supernatural power? You don't understand the things here at all. Although my master can set up extremely powerful defensive formations, the Huayu monk has his own Heavenly Law restricts the cultivation world from being disrupted at will. Nanjingzhou needs to protect far more than the Danfang of your Xuanfang Sect. You can’t let my master set up defensive formations for those sects one by one, right? The Heavenly Law Alliance has already given it to Pharmacist Shang Ping. We have added protection to Su Wan's spiritual platform, and the important alchemy furnace also has powerful prohibition protection. This is the only thing we can do. "

Xunyi knew what she said was reasonable, so he couldn't help but sighed depressedly and said, "Didn't you tell others that you came to see me?"

? "

Seeing that he was no longer arrogant, Shen Qing also restrained his anger and said, "No, I was not sure at the time. I came here just to try my luck."

Xun Yi looked at her with pleading eyes and said, "I have a secret that that person must get. Don't worry if he doesn't give in. Before getting the secret, he will definitely try his best to gain my trust, so he will definitely let Fairy Su go." It won’t be difficult for me to ask him to send Fairy Su back. I will settle this matter and won’t let him come back to try to take advantage of Fairy Su. You can rest assured in the future, but now I need you to send me back. I know the path to the Chaos Star Territory, and if everything goes well, Fairy Su will be back within a month."

Shen Qing said coldly, "I haven't even agreed to hand over the life-saving card to you."

Xunyi leaned back, lay down with his head in his hands, crossed his legs, looked at the sky, shook his feet and said, "If you don't take your master's life seriously, then go report it to him and rush to him." With your virtue, I really want to teach you a lesson." At this point, he sighed again, sat up and said, "But Immortal Cihang is the pillar of the Tianlu Alliance, and I can't let him get involved. This risk.”

Shen Qing looked at him coldly and said, "Have you performed enough? If you haven't performed enough, I will let you continue. If you have performed enough, stand up, stand up straight and talk to me."

Xunyi rolled his eyes and looked at her, then lay down again. Not only was Shen Qing not angry, but she was smiling. The current Xunyi finally gave her a familiar feeling.

But her smile soon froze, because Xunyi silently showed a big insect in front of her that made her sick and frightened. She was so frightened that she involuntarily took two steps back.

"This is the easiest thing to deal with in that place. It is on the outside of the protection." Xunyi said and put away the image, because he couldn't stand it. Goblin insects can be said to be the thing he least wants to think of. .

"Xuantu Riyuan?!" After being frightened, Shen Qing opened his eyes wide and looked at him.

"Ah?...No..." Xunyi was so shocked that he couldn't help but lose his composure. It was obviously too late to deny it. Now he couldn't help but regret it. He was really confused. The other party was a disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord. He had just returned He said he admitted that he had a lot of knowledge, but why did he forget it in the blink of an eye?

Shen Qing said in a deep voice, "This is the goblin insect from the Xuantu Rift Plain, it's unmistakable!"

Xunyi said with a bitter face, "I can really save Fairy Su. Don't make things worse. Let me try first. If it doesn't work, report it to the Immortal Lord. I beg you."

Shen Qing was a little distracted and said, "I won't tell you."

"What? What did you say?" Xun Yi was not sure what she meant, so he jumped up and stared at her and asked.

Shen Qing's eyes returned to clarity, and he said to him in a serious tone, "Xunyi, please listen to me. You can't talk about this matter to anyone anymore. If you dare to leak the words "Xuantu Riyuan", don't blame me. Ruthless!"

Xunyi blinked a few times, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and he said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, if you knew this was the case, I would have told you a long time ago, why bother with so much trouble." He figured out, Shen Qing was Because he is well aware of the danger of the Xuantu Rift, he doesn't want his master to know about it. Xunyi was silent for a while, then smiled lightly and said, "It doesn't matter if I tell you. Anyway, I probably won't be able to come back this time. I was the one who caused the disaster in Qianjie Sect. I am being captured by this man." I used a frame-up strategy when I lived there, hoping that he and Qian Jie Sect would have a dog-eat-dog fight to get out of his bad temper when he was chased by Qian Jie Sect. But I didn’t expect Qian Jie Sect to be such a waste. I still expected them to help me. As for getting rid of this enemy, I accept this debt, but if you want to save Fairy Su, then don't settle this debt with me first, otherwise you may not be able to save her even if you take a few lives with great supernatural powers. "

" When it comes to deception, you can go to him with confidence, and that’s what I think he’s referring to.”

"Is there more?" Xunyi felt relieved when he saw that she finally trusted him.

"And I'm warning you not to play any tricks."

Xun Yi sneered at the corner of his mouth and said, "I have a lot of tricks up my sleeve. Since you dare to use dirty tricks against me, I will definitely kill you!"

Shen Qing frowned and said, "Xunyi, if it's really the person who caused the disappearance of the two great monks of Qianjie Sect, you can't deal with him. This matter needs to be carefully considered. You'd better follow me to see the master first. It's important to save Su Wan." , it is understandable that you blamed Qianjie Sect, and you have become a Yiling Guard and have just made great achievements. I will try my best to intercede for you in front of the master, or..." She bit her cherry lips and held back. Zhu didn't say anything to help hide the matter.

Xunyi looked at her with joking eyes and said, "How do you plan carefully? The Heavenly Law Alliance sent several great powers to Puyunzhou to save people? I don't need to tell you how hostile Qianzong will be to the Heavenly Law Alliance? If you are not careful in that case, you will be killed." It will trigger an unpredictable bloody storm, and the monsters in Shui Qing Continent have not yet been removed from Pu Yun Continent, right? At this juncture, Qian Zong is more likely to overreact, and it is not appropriate for the Tianlu Alliance to intervene in this matter!"

Shen Qing retorted, "Don't think too simplistically. What if he goes back on his word and refuses to let Su Wan go when you show up? Even if he is willing to let Su Wan go, how will Su Wan get through the many obstacles and return to Nanjingzhou?" ? She is only at the early stage of Nascent Soul!"

Xunyi looked firmly and said, "I will find a way to get him to send Fairy Su back."

Shen Qing snorted disdainfully, "You think too highly of yourself. If Su Wan falls into the hands of Qian Zonghui, it will be even more troublesome!"

Xunyi couldn't help but burst into anger, and asked sternly, "Since you know you can't let her fall into the hands of others, why didn't you take precautions earlier!"

Shen Qing also stared and said, "Of course we have taken precautions, but can we guard against the great supernatural power? You don't understand the things here at all. Although my master can set up extremely powerful defensive formations, the Huayu monk has his own Heavenly Law restricts the cultivation world from being disrupted at will. Nanjingzhou needs to protect far more than the Danfang of your Xuanfang Sect. You can’t let my master set up defensive formations for those sects one by one, right? The Heavenly Law Alliance has already given it to Pharmacist Shang Ping. We have added protection to Su Wan's spiritual platform, and the important alchemy furnace also has powerful prohibition protection. This is the only thing we can do. "

Xunyi knew what she said was reasonable, so he couldn't help but sighed depressedly and said, "Didn't you tell others that you came to see me?"

? "

Seeing that he was no longer arrogant, Shen Qing also restrained his anger and said, "No, I was not sure at the time. I came here with the idea of ​​trying my luck."

Xun Yi looked at her with pleading eyes and said, "I have a secret that that person must get. Don't worry if he doesn't give in. Before getting the secret, he will definitely try his best to gain my trust, so he will definitely let Fairy Su go." It won’t be difficult for me to ask him to send Fairy Su back. I will settle this matter and won’t let him come back to try to take advantage of Fairy Su. You can rest assured in the future, but now I need you to send me back. I know the path to the Chaos Star Territory, and if everything goes well, Fairy Su will be back within a month."

Shen Qing said coldly, "I haven't even agreed to hand over the life-saving card to you."

Xunyi leaned back, lay down with his head in his hands, crossed his legs, looked at the sky, shook his feet and said, "If you don't take your master's life seriously, then go report it to him and rush to him." With your virtue, I really want to teach you a lesson." At this point, he sighed again, sat up and said, "But Immortal Cihang is the pillar of the Tianlu Alliance, and I can't let him get involved. This risk.”

Shen Qing looked at him coldly and said, "Have you performed enough? If you haven't performed enough, I will let you continue. If you have performed enough, stand up, stand up straight and talk to me."

Xunyi rolled his eyes and looked at her, then lay down again. Not only was Shen Qing not angry, but she was smiling. The current Xunyi finally gave her a familiar feeling.

But her smile soon froze, because Xunyi silently showed a big insect in front of her that made her sick and frightened. She was so frightened that she involuntarily took two steps back.

"This is the easiest thing to deal with in that place. It is on the outside of the protection." Xunyi said and put away the image, because he couldn't stand it. Goblin insects can be said to be the thing he least wants to think of. .

"Xuantu Riyuan?!" After being frightened, Shen Qing opened his eyes wide and looked at him.

"Ah?...No..." Xunyi was shocked and couldn't help but lose his composure. It was obviously too late to deny it. Now he couldn't help but regret it. He was really confused. The other party was a disciple of Cihang Immortal Lord. He had just returned He said he admitted that he had a lot of knowledge, but why did he forget it in the blink of an eye?

Shen Qing said in a deep voice, "This is the goblin insect from the Xuantu Rift Plain, it's unmistakable!"

Xunyi said with a bitter face, "I can really save Fairy Su. Don't make things worse. Let me try first. If it doesn't work, report it to the Immortal Lord. I beg you."

Shen Qing was a little distracted and said, "I won't tell you."

"What? What did you say?" Xunyi was not sure what she meant, so he jumped up and stared at her and asked.

Shen Qing's eyes returned to clarity, and he said to him in a serious tone, "Xunyi, please listen to me. You can't talk about this matter to anyone anymore. If you dare to leak the words "Xuantu Riyuan", don't blame me. Ruthless!"

Xunyi blinked a few times, and suddenly a smile appeared on his face, and he said repeatedly, "Okay, okay, if you knew this was the case, I would have told you a long time ago, why bother with so much trouble." He figured out, Shen Qing was Because he is well aware of the danger of the Black Earth Rift, he doesn't want his master to know about it.

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