Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 893: Just help me once

After coming out of the illusion, Xunyi's eyes were already bloodshot. It took him a long time to calm down. Something happened to Yu Chan. This was something he never expected, because Yu Chan had never mentioned Yaoxian Palace to him before. So he had no clue at the moment.

God's will is really funny, but he met Yu Zen only after meeting Jingshui Fairy. If he fell over, he could ask Jingshui Fairy to send Hanxiang to rescue him immediately. He had just tried hard to turn back to Jingshui. Concubine Shuixian couldn't do anything. Yu Chan's voice was so weak. He didn't know if he could survive until next month. Xun Yi was so sad that he really wanted to cry.

Looking at the direction of Xitian Miasma, Xunyi wanted to rush there immediately, but without Hanxiang's help, what was the use of him going there? Xitian Miasma was so big, where could he go to find the Medicine Fairy he had never heard of? palace? In addition, the poison in the depths is so powerful that even Concubine Jingshui Fairy must be wary of it. The protection provided by Hanxiang alone will definitely not be enough.

Are you running to find Fairy Jingshui and Hanxiang now? This is even more unreliable. First of all, Shen Qing is very sad at this level. He can only take the life-suppressing talisman by ruthlessly killing her. In order to save Yu Zen, he can do this ruthlessly, but the problem is that these two flowers The Immortal is not necessarily in the Fragrant Color Domain. He doesn’t know where else to find it except the Fragrant Color Domain. Moreover, the journey to the Fragrant Color Domain is too far. Even if he uses the identity of the Seven Immortals of Zixiao Palace to use the teleportation array, it will be chaotic. He didn't even know if there was a teleportation array here in the Star Territory. It was hard to tell how many days it would take to put it all together. If he made such a big movement diagonally across Puyunzhou, Zixiao Palace would definitely get the news. If he was caught, it would have to be A lot of trouble.

Thinking about the fact that Master Su Wan was suffering like a year, he didn't know what choice to make.

Two hours later, Shen Qing came back. She didn't say anything to Xun Yi, but she had released all the restrictions and was about to take him away.

"Have you ever heard of Yaoxian Palace?" Xunyi asked sincerely.

"What are you asking Yaoxiangong for?" Shen Qing had already noticed that something was wrong with his expression.

"If you know, please tell me." Xun Yi's look could be described as cowardly.

"I knew I wouldn't tell you, but you don't plan to save Su Wan?" Shen Qing didn't give him a good look for his good attitude, because she just felt the harassment of the Heart-Learning Illusion, even though the feeling was very slight and It was fleeting, but she was sure that it was caused by Xun Yi opening the illusion of heart. ??

Xunyi begged more sincerely, "The great magical power in the middle stage of Feathering that I told you before has fallen into Yaoxian Palace. I have to find a way to save her, please."

"It seems like you just found out? Then how did you know? Do you have good ears or clairvoyance?" Shen Qing's watery bright eyes flashed with sarcasm, and her usual energy of cherishing words like gold was different from Gu Yunzhan's. They are almost the same, but when faced with seeking changes, they will inadvertently make more nonsense.

Xunyi sighed and said, "I am the one who helped you overcome the obstacle. I have eaten a heart-stringing fruit, and I can communicate with... the person I miss in a mysterious way. I think you should have noticed this a long time ago." Yes, I just don’t know if you’ve investigated it clearly.”

"How did you help me get through the obstacle?" Shen Qing's face looked a little unnatural.

"A bridge, a ladder, two ferocious beasts, you are hesitant to decide, I will let you do what you want."

Shen Qing fell silent. She had never told anyone about the scene of breaking through the road barrier. Since Xun Yi could tell it,

That can't be wrong.

"Just because I helped you, just help me once."

"Public and private matters cannot be mixed. I will repay you for helping me overcome obstacles..."

Seeing her stop, Xunyi couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Yes, I will die soon, how can you have a chance to repay me?"

"Then just consider that I owe you. I never owe others, but there is nothing I can do this time."

Xunyi shook his head and said, "What is public? What is private? I helped you when we first met. I won't say that I saved your lives, but at least I saved you from more serious injuries, right? It can be regarded as helping you." Public affairs, right? If I hadn't helped you overcome the obstacles, you wouldn't be where you are today, right? Without this cultivation, you wouldn't be what you are today. In the cycle of cause and effect, how can we distinguish between public and private? Why are you so clear? Your contribution to the Tianlu Alliance will definitely be due to your improvement in cultivation. This is also due to me, right? I am asking you to help me a little, so you can really feel at ease and ignore it. What’s more, I’ve also made great contributions to the Tianlu Alliance.”

Shen Qing frowned and said, "Your reasoning makes sense from a human perspective, but it doesn't make sense in light of the laws of the Heavenly Law Alliance. In any case, it's not okay to abolish public service for private reasons!"

Xun Yi said calmly, "Then what are you doing now? You took advantage of your special status and took me out of the ancient camping ground with just a few words. Is this considered abusing the official position for personal gain? If you say you should follow the authority in urgent matters, , I can understand, but isn’t the subsequent failure to report the knowledge and self-assertion just to protect the teacher from danger? Isn’t this because we are not performing official duties now? If we put aside all personal relationships Kailai said, if I use my life to exchange for Fairy Su's survival, I will use my life to exchange for the important elixir that is related to the safety of Nanjingzhou not to be leaked, right? I am willing to make such a big sacrifice for Nanjingzhou. The incident is so important, so in order to allow me to die in peace, you should make some accommodations, right?"

Shen Qing was originally not good at words. How could she be an opponent against such an eloquent person? Although she thought there was something wrong with what Xun Yi said, she agreed with most of it, so she didn't argue.

"What do you want me to help you with?"

Xunyi saw her relieved and said happily, "Tell me first what is going on in Yaoxian Palace? Where is it?"

Shen Qing looked at him with mocking eyes and said, "You just said that you connected with the great magical power in the middle stage of feathering through the heart-stretching fruit? Then she should be a great fairy concubine, right?" Her face looked a little unnatural. Well, mentioning Qian Xing Guo cannot avoid the fact that Xun Yi once had a crush on her, and it would be awkward to talk about this.

"Yes, she is indeed a great fairy concubine."

"I really underestimate you. You actually dare to have your thoughts on a great fairy concubine who is in the middle of her metamorphosis. You are so courageous." Although Shen Qing used a sarcastic tone, it was also a sincere sigh. Yi was willing to let go of her love for a great fairy concubine, which she could accept, so the evil fire she was holding in her heart immediately dissipated for the most part.

"It's not what you think. The spirituality of the heart-stringing fruit is also different. Maybe the one I ate is special. As long as I miss the person, I can contact you. It doesn't necessarily involve the relationship between a man and a woman." Xun Yi wanted to resolve it. The embarrassment between the two of them was gone, but Shen Qing didn't like to hear these words. The so-called daughter's heart is like a needle in the sea. No matter how good Xun Yi is at guessing other people's thoughts, it is difficult to be 100% sure about his little daughter's thoughts. After coming out of the illusion, Xunyi's eyes were already bloodshot. It took him a long time to calm down. Something happened to Yu Chan. This was something he never expected, because Yu Chan had never mentioned Yaoxian Palace to him before. So he had no clue at the moment.

God's will is really funny, but he met Yu Zen only after meeting Jingshui Fairy. If he fell over, he could ask Jingshui Fairy to send Hanxiang to rescue him immediately. He had just tried hard to turn back to Jingshui. Concubine Shuixian couldn't do anything. Yu Chan's voice was so weak. He didn't know if he could survive until next month. Xun Yi was so sad that he really wanted to cry.

Looking at the direction of Xitian Miasma, Xunyi wanted to rush there immediately, but without Hanxiang's help, what was the use of him going there? Xitian Miasma was so big, where could he go to find the Medicine Fairy he had never heard of? palace? In addition, the poison in the depths is so powerful that even Concubine Jingshui Fairy must be wary of it, so she will definitely not be able to rely solely on the protection provided by Han Xiang.

Are you running to find Fairy Jingshui and Hanxiang now? This is even more unreliable. First of all, Shen Qing is very sad at this level. He can only take the life-suppressing talisman by ruthlessly killing her. In order to save Yu Zen, he can do this ruthlessly, but the problem is that these two flowers The Immortal is not necessarily in the Fragrant Color Domain. He doesn’t know where else to find it except the Fragrant Color Domain. Moreover, the journey to the Fragrant Color Domain is too far. Even if he uses the identity of the Seven Immortals of Zixiao Palace to use the teleportation array, it will be chaotic. He didn't even know if there was a teleportation array here in the Star Territory. It was hard to tell how many days it would take to put it all together. If he made such a big movement diagonally across Puyunzhou, Zixiao Palace would definitely get the news. If he was caught, it would have to be A lot of trouble.

Thinking again that Master Su Wan was suffering from the pain of living like a year, he didn't know what choice to make.

Two hours later, Shen Qing came back. She didn't say anything to Xun Yi, but she had released all the restrictions and was about to take him away.

"Have you ever heard of Yaoxian Palace?" Xunyi asked sincerely.

"What are you asking Yaoxiangong for?" Shen Qing had already noticed that something was wrong with his expression. ??

"If you know, please tell me." Xun Yi's look could be described as cowardly.

"I knew I wouldn't tell you, but you don't plan to save Su Wan?" Shen Qing didn't give him a good look for his good attitude, because she just felt the harassment of the Heart-Learning Illusion, even though the feeling was very slight and It was fleeting, but she was sure that it was caused by Xun Yi opening the illusion of heart.

Xunyi begged more sincerely, "The great magical power in the middle stage of feather transformation that I mentioned to you before has fallen into Yaoxian Palace. I have to find a way to save her, please."

"It seems that you just found out? Then how did you know? Do you have ears or clairvoyance?" Shen Qing's watery bright eyes flashed with sarcasm, and her usual energy of cherishing words like gold was different from Gu Yunzhan's. It's almost the same, but when facing Xunyi, you will inadvertently make more nonsense.

Xunyi sighed and said, "I am the one who helped you overcome the obstacle. I have eaten a heart-stringing fruit, and I can communicate with... the person I miss in a mysterious way. I think you should have noticed this a long time ago." Yes, I just don’t know if you’ve investigated it clearly.”

"How did you help me get through the obstacle?" Shen Qing's face looked a little unnatural.

"A bridge, a ladder, two ferocious beasts, you are hesitant to decide, I will let you do what you want."

Shen Qing fell silent. She had never told anyone about the scene of breaking through the road barrier. Since Xun Yi could tell it,

That can't be wrong.

"Just because I helped you, just help me once."

"Public and private matters cannot be mixed. I will repay you for helping me overcome obstacles..."

Seeing her stop, Xunyi couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "Yes, I will die soon, how can you have a chance to repay me?"

"Then just consider that I owe you. I never owe others, but there is nothing I can do this time."

Xunyi shook his head and said, "What is public? What is private? I helped you when we first met. I won't say that I saved your lives, but at least I saved you from more serious injuries, right? It can be regarded as helping you." Public affairs, right? If I hadn't helped you overcome the obstacles, you wouldn't be where you are today, right? Without this cultivation, you wouldn't be what you are today. In the cycle of cause and effect, how can we distinguish between public and private? Why are you so clear? Your contribution to the Tianlu Alliance will definitely be due to your improvement in cultivation. This is also due to me, right? I am asking you to help me, so you can really feel at ease and ignore it. What’s more, I’ve also made great contributions to the Tianlu Alliance.”

Shen Qing frowned and said, "Your reasoning makes sense from a human perspective, but it doesn't make sense in light of the laws of the Heavenly Law Alliance. In any case, it's not okay to abolish public service for private reasons!"

Xun Yi said calmly, "Then what are you doing now? You took advantage of your special status and took me out of the ancient camping ground with just a few words. Is this considered abusing the official position for personal gain? If you say you should follow the authority in urgent matters, , I can understand, but isn’t the subsequent failure to report the knowledge and taking the initiative to protect the teacher from danger? Isn’t this because we are not performing official duties now? If we put aside all personal relationships Kai Lai said, then if I use my life to exchange for Fairy Su's survival, I will use my life to exchange for the important elixir that is related to the safety of Nanjingzhou not to be leaked, right? I am willing to make such a big sacrifice for Nanjingzhou. The incident is so important, so in order to allow me to die in peace, you should make some accommodations, right?"

Shen Qing was originally not good at words. How could she be an opponent against such an eloquent person? Although she thought there was something wrong with what Xun Yi said, she agreed with most of it, so she didn't argue.

"What do you want me to help you with?"

Xunyi saw her relieved and said happily, "Tell me first what is going on in Yaoxian Palace? Where is it?"

Shen Qing looked at him with mocking eyes and said, "You just said that you connected with the great magical power in the middle stage of feather transformation through the heart-stretching fruit? Then she should be a great fairy concubine, right?" Her face looked a little unnatural. Well, mentioning Qian Xing Guo cannot avoid the fact that Xun Yi once had a crush on her, and it would be awkward to talk about this.

"Yes, she is indeed a great fairy concubine."

"I really underestimate you. You actually dare to have your thoughts on a great fairy concubine who is in the middle of her metamorphosis. You are so courageous." Although Shen Qing used a sarcastic tone, it was also a sincere sigh. Yi was willing to let go of her love for a great fairy concubine, which she could accept, so the evil fire she was holding in her heart immediately dissipated for the most part.

"It's not what you think. The spirituality of the heart-stringing fruit is also different. Maybe the one I ate is special. As long as I miss the person, I can contact you. It doesn't necessarily involve the relationship between a man and a woman." Xun Yi wanted to resolve it. The embarrassment between the two was removed, but Shen Qing didn't like to hear these words. The so-called daughter's heart is like a needle in the sea. No matter how good Xun Yi is at guessing other people's thoughts, it is difficult to be 100% sure about his little daughter's thoughts.

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