Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 902 Who is that female nun?

Coincidentally, Xun Yi and Shen Qing were heading towards Xinping Cave Mansion. Of course Xun Yi had to avoid the territory of the third senior brother, but this distance was nothing to a late Nascent Soul monk. He happened to catch up when he went to report the news. Xinxie was also there, and after repeatedly telling the two immortals not to reveal that it was his letter, he hurried away.

When Xinping and Xinxie caught up and saw the Shizuka fairy clothes Shen Qing was wearing, there was no need to ask. The one who had changed his appearance must be his junior brother who had not run away.

Xun Yi still wanted to fool around, so he chose to believe in evil. He gave a wink while saluting, and said in a haha, "I didn't want to meet two seniors here by such a coincidence. My nephew pays homage to these two seniors."

Xinxie and Xinping both laughed angrily at him, because they had heard the great monk say before that it didn't look like the Seven Immortals were kidnapped by the female cultivator. They both saw that Shen Qing had no intention of harming Xun Yi. Meaning, Chuxinxie caught Xunyi anyway.

Xinping stood in the distance without moving. He stopped smiling and said with a displeased look, "No matter what tricks you are playing, you can't not have these rules!" Calling himself a nephew to his senior brother is really outrageous. No wonder Even people like Sanxianjun would have a straight face.

Xun Yi glared at Xin Ping unwillingly and said, "I've already given you face, don't rely on me and act like I'm old. If you make me anxious, I'll make you walk around without food!"

After being scolded, Xinping held back his words. Since his junior brother insisted on continuing with the play, he might have had no choice but to do so, so he silently waited for Xinxie to send him spiritual thoughts, because he knew that Xinxie must be at this moment. Xun Yi is being interrogated.

Shen Qing has completely convinced Xun Yi now. Even her master, who has lived for tens of thousands of years, may not have seen such an arrogant person, let alone her. This is simply scolding anyone who catches her. If she keeps scolding her all the time. Traveling through the realm of Qianzonghui, she felt that her followers would be able to brag about it in the future. This was too domineering.

What convinced Shen Qing the most was that the two people Xun Yi scolded were so extraordinary. She recognized both Xin Ping and Xin Xie.

Knowledge, as the altar leader of the Tianlu Alliance branch, she knows some important figures in Qianzonghui. One Xinping and Xinxie are a first-grade immortal official, and the other is a second-grade immortal official. Although Xinxie is an official, A lower level, but more famous than Xinping. It was precisely because she saw these two powerful people that she was so frightened that her face changed. Otherwise, the two great monks in the late Yuan Ying stage would not have frightened her. Be like that.

The first thing Xinxie asked while pressing Xun Yi's shoulder was, "Who is that female cultivator?"

Xunyi quickly sent back his thoughts and said, "I am doing something important. Take the third senior brother away to me quickly. Don't let him ruin my affairs. That female cultivator is one of mine in Nanjingzhou." Old friend, I asked Yu Zen to pick her up. If you can trust me, don’t ask any more questions."

"Where's Yu Zen?" Xinxie turned his attention to Shen Qing.

"I sent her away, why don't you understand? Don't talk nonsense about this to me, and ask Third Senior Brother to be strict with his words. I will ask Yu Zen to send her back later. It's just a friend meeting. If you give me It’s spread like wildfire, and everyone will be joking about it, and it won’t be good if it reaches Shaoling’s ears.”

"Really?" Xinxie looked back and stared at him.

Xunyi frowned and looked at him, "What is true or false? Let me tell you again, she is a female cultivator from Nanjingzhou. I know this is wrong. I shouldn't let Yu Chan bring her here and leak it. Going out will bring trouble to Zixiao Palace, but I feel quite confident. This disguise technique is very effective. Besides, there is Yu Zen. She will join us in a moment. Sixth Brother, you have to help. Me, don’t let me lose face.”

Xinxie smiled slightly, "You must be hiding something important from us, otherwise you wouldn't have gone back to Zixiao Palace and been busy after being rescued.

Diedie left with Yu Zen. I was talking about this with Xinping just now. It's an advantage for you. I'm here today, otherwise he will never let you go easily. Go ahead and I'll help you send Xinping away. "

"Really?" Xunyi couldn't believe it. He thought it would be easier to deal with Sixth Senior Brother than Xinping, but he didn't expect it to be so easy.

A smile flashed in Xinxie's eyes, "What's true? You didn't go to Xinping, but came to me, didn't you just want me to help you? When I made trouble in the past, no one helped, now it's your turn Damn it, how can I be like them? Go ahead and let me tell you, I don't believe a word of what you just said." After saying that, he released his hand on Xun Yi's shoulder.

Xunyi laughed and saluted again, "Thank you, senior. My nephew will take his leave."

Xinxie said with a smile, "Come to me when you have time." He stretched out his hand and pointed forward, "The Chief Inspector is coming this way, do you want to go over and pay a visit?"

Xunyi knew that he was reminding him to change his Taoist robe quickly, so he rolled his eyes and said, "His car seems to have two eagles pecking the sky, right?"

Xinxie laughed dumbly, pulled Xinping and left without saying a word.

Xunyi walked up to the expressionless Shen Qing, leaned against her arm and muttered: "I have fooled you again. Wait for a while. When they come back, I have to be abrupt with you and show them off. The main thing is It’s for you. If you encounter obstacles on your way back, show them this memory. It should be of some use.”

Shen Qing just nodded and said nothing.

Xun Yi's eyes flickered for a few times and then calmed down. The sixth brother's understanding made him have the idea of ​​​​letting him go to Xiangse Domain to report to the two flower fairies, but after careful consideration, he had to give up the idea. He couldn't Dare to take this risk, no matter how wise the Sixth Brother is, he may not indulge himself when Hua Xian is involved.

If he changes his mind, everything on both sides will be delayed.

After a while, Xinxie and Xinping came back with a sky-pecking eagle. Xunyi held Shen Qing's waist and climbed onto the sky-pecking eagle, and then said to Xinping and Xinxie, "Then we'll leave first."

Xinping turned to look at Xinxie, with an expression that seemed a little unwilling. Xinxie waved his hand at Xunyi and said, "Go, just let the eagle go somewhere. It can go back on its own."

After flying some distance on the sky-pecking eagle, Xunyi said to the silent Shen Qing, "With this sky-pecking eagle, no one will dare to stop us from now on."

Shen Qing ignored his quarrel, looked ahead and said, "I know Little Demon Lord, and I also know Xinping."

"Xinping? Are you saying that the person I just scolded is Xinping, the Third Immortal Lord of Zixiao Palace?" Where are the Demon Lord’s followers? This is not good..."

Shen Qing still looked forward and said calmly, "Dare to scold the followers of the Little Demon Lord is not something ordinary disciples of the Nine Sects dare to do."

Xunyi put away his annoyed expression and managed to hum, "The Little Demon Lord thinks highly of me and said that I have the same demeanor as he did back then. Just scold the Three Immortals. Anyway, the Little Demon Lord is not angry, so I should He will intercede with the Third Immortal Lord on my behalf, and I will apologize to the Third Immortal Lord again if I have the opportunity."

Shen Qing turned his head and looked at him with indifferent eyes and said, "Not only do you have the demeanor of the little devil back then, I think you have surpassed him."

Xunyi smiled bitterly and said, "I'm just being pushed into a hurry. I don't have the domineering spirit of the Little Demon Lord at all. I don't want to be a domineering person, let alone bully others. But this is actually the case in Puyunzhou." It's very difficult to do, so I don't like it here very much." He deliberately wanted to change the subject, and he was also willing to talk to Shen Qing about his feelings.

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