Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 909 How much food and water do you have?

Xunyi knelt down in front of her in an orderly manner, as he had done before when he was listening to the teachings at the Xuanfang Sect.

Su Wan raised her eyes but still didn't look at him. She looked over his shoulder through nothingness and looked ahead, and slowly said, "After so many years, what worries me the most is distinguishing which of your words are true. The sentence is false. I know you have the last resort. Ever since I found out that the great magical power you concealed for the first time is the Palace Master of Zixiao Palace, I no longer blame you for lying to me, even though you have been lying to me. You are the most trustworthy person, even if Huang Ying can no longer trust you, I will still trust you."

Xunyi lowered his eyes and looked at the smooth jade ground. Su Wan's opening words made him feel that this level might not be easy to pass.

After Su Wan paused for a moment, she said calmly, "I want to hear a few truths now. You will make an oath with my life to ensure that everything you answer is true. Don't worry, I won't ask questions that I shouldn't ask."

Xunyi raised his eyes and looked at her, and said with a smile, "Are you too cruel? Are you willing to risk your own life just to hear a few words of truth?"

Su Wan didn't mean to smile at all, she avoided his gaze and said, "Since you know that I am cruel, you can answer truthfully in a moment. I must listen to your true words, so make an oath."

Xunyi blinked and thought for a while, then laughed, changed from kneeling to sitting cross-legged, and said carelessly, "Xianzi Su, you are no longer my master, and I just saved your life. It is yours." My savior, I don’t have to follow your orders. I won’t take this oath. You can ask whatever you want and I’ll answer it as appropriate.”

"You!" Su Wan didn't expect that he would do this to her. She couldn't help but glared angrily, but she was so angry that she couldn't speak for a moment. Since the apostle relationship was severed, although Xunyi was in the illusion of the heart, She had spoken wildly a few times, but she still couldn't stand such disrespectful behavior in person.

"Is what I said wrong?" Xunyi asked with a vindictive smile on his face. Su Wan's move was too cruel, and he was cornered. He would never dare to make that oath.

"Xunyi!" Su Wan shouted, biting her lips and glaring at him, speechless again. Once it got to the point of bickering, she would be completely powerless to resist.

Xun Yi smiled leisurely and said, "Calm down your anger, Fairy Su. Anyway, we have a master-disciple relationship. I don't mean to make you angry on purpose. Speaking of which, if you tell me to do something, I should do it." Try to do it as much as possible, but if it’s too difficult, you’ll have to discuss it separately, right?”

"I asked you to swear an oath with my life. Why should this be difficult for you!" Su Wan said so hard that she felt aggrieved.

Xunyi made an exaggerated look of embarrassment and said, "This is very embarrassing for me, because I'm so used to telling lies that I slip them out unintentionally. And I'm very grateful for your kindness. What if I accidentally tell lies?" Lies have caused you to be punished by God, so you can't blame yourself to death, so you can't do this."

"You just don't want to tell me the truth, do you?" Su Wan was so angry that she could only scold.

Xun Yi couldn't bear to make her so angry, so he put away his exaggerated expression, regained some respect and said, "No, it depends on what you are asking."

"Okay! Then let me ask you!" Su Wan was so angry that she was a little dazed, and she was so angry.

After saying this, she realized that Xun Yi had become such a virtuous person and whether she needed to ask those questions again, so she stared at Xun Yi and fell silent.

"Take your time and think about it. Then we'll talk about it." Xunyi stood up and walked leisurely into the distance with square steps, his hands behind his back. This room was very big. He walked slowly to several tables dozens of feet away. Seeing that Su Wan was still thinking, he turned to a few cases and sat down.

Seeing Su Wan's solemn and hesitant expression, Xunyi was quite confused. He couldn't guess what important matter Su Wan wanted to ask. Of course, he didn't think that Su Wan wanted to test whether he had any relationship with him. It means forming a Taoist couple yourself.

Xun Yi's life-saving rescue really made Su Wan feel that she must repay something. Moreover, the man in black robe also pierced the window paper, and Xun Yi was now heartbroken about Yu Chan. She hoped to give Xun Yi some comfort. This feeling was very similar to Xun Yi's desire to hold her in his arms and give her some support.

When Xun Yi saw Su Wan walking towards him, he didn't get up. He had been forced to have no room to retreat in this matter. "Have you thought about it?" Although he had a relaxed smile on his face, he still felt sad in his heart. But he felt very guilty. He always felt guilty when facing Su Wan.

"Think about it." Su Wan sat across from him with a serious face.

"Then ask, I'll answer as appropriate."

"How much food and water do you have?" Su Wan asked seriously.

"Ah?" This question was too unexpected for Xun Yi, "You...that's what you want to ask?"

Su Wan nodded and said, "Yes, I was caught off guard. I didn't bring any food or water with me. What if this person is gone for a hundred years? So we have to make a long-term plan now. I'm afraid you will arrive." I was reluctant to give me food and water before I thought of asking you to swear."

Xunyi looked at her with a strange expression for a while, and then couldn't help laughing. When Su Wan saw him laughing, she also pursed her lips and laughed. Su Wan was not a boring person, she just rarely joked with her disciples.

"Okay, okay." Xunyi took out all the food and water he had brought and put them on the tables. He suppressed a smile and said, "I, the Immortal Lord, often have bad luck coming, so I have always been well prepared in this regard. , take it, take it, take it all, so you don’t have to plot against me for stuttering.”

Su Wan really put away all the food and water, and then she said with a proud look in her eyes, "You brat, I don't believe I can't cure you. When you are so hungry and dizzy, let's see if you listen to me!" "

Xun Yi tried hard to calm his pounding heart, sighed sadly, shook his head and said, "Yu Zen is suffering. How can I want to eat anything? If she dies..., well..."

Su Wan thought about it again and again and finally decided not to ask too explicit questions for the time being. Xun Yi's behavior of no longer abiding by the etiquette of master and apprentice made her feel stage fright. Just now she saw Xun Yi sitting behind the table with an upright manner, and she It feels very strange. Not only is there no trace of the naughty boy from decades ago, but Xun Yi in Lian Xin's fantasy world is not like this either.

The six years of silence in Xitian Miasma gave Xunyi a calm temperament. This was a complete change in the eyes of those who knew him well, because his previous naughty image was too vivid and deep in everyone's impressions. . Xunyi knelt down in front of her in an orderly manner, as he had done before when he was listening to the teachings at the Xuanfang Sect.

Su Wan raised her eyes but still didn't look at him. She looked over his shoulder through nothingness and looked ahead, and slowly said, "After so many years, what worries me the most is distinguishing which of your words are true. The sentence is false. I know you have the last resort. Ever since I found out that the great magical power you concealed for the first time is the Palace Master of Zixiao Palace, I no longer blame you for lying to me, even though you have been lying to me. You are the most trustworthy person, even if Huang Ying can no longer trust you, I will still trust you."

Xunyi lowered his eyes and looked at the smooth jade ground. Su Wan's opening words made him feel that this level might not be easy to pass.

After Su Wan paused for a moment, she said calmly, "I want to hear a few truths now. You will make an oath with my life to ensure that everything you answer is true. Don't worry, I won't ask questions that I shouldn't ask."

Xunyi raised his eyes and looked at her, and said with a smile, "Are you too cruel? Are you willing to risk your own life just to hear a few words of truth?"

Su Wan didn't mean to smile at all, she avoided his gaze and said, "Since you know that I am cruel, you can answer truthfully in a moment. I must listen to your true words, so make an oath." .??.

Xunyi blinked and thought for a while, then laughed, changed from kneeling to sitting cross-legged, and said carelessly, "Xianzi Su, you are no longer my master, and I just saved your life. It is yours." My savior, I don’t have to follow your orders. I won’t take this oath. You can ask whatever you want and I’ll answer it as appropriate.”

"You!" Su Wan didn't expect that he would do this to her. She couldn't help but glared angrily, but she was so angry that she couldn't speak for a moment. Since the apostle relationship was severed, although Xunyi was in the illusion of the heart, She had spoken wildly a few times, but she still couldn't stand such disrespectful behavior in person.

"Is what I said wrong?" Xunyi asked with a vindictive smile on his face. Su Wan's move was too cruel, and he was cornered. He would never dare to make that oath.

"Xunyi!" Su Wan shouted, biting her lips and glaring at him, speechless again. Once it got to the point of bickering, she would be completely powerless to resist.

Xun Yi smiled leisurely and said, "Calm down your anger, Fairy Su. Anyway, we have a master-disciple relationship. I don't mean to make you angry on purpose. Speaking of which, if you tell me to do something, I should do it." Try to do it as much as possible, but if it’s too difficult, you’ll have to discuss it separately, right?”

"I asked you to swear an oath with my life. Why should this be difficult for you!" Su Wan said so hard that she felt aggrieved.

Xunyi made an exaggerated look of embarrassment and said, "This is very embarrassing for me, because I'm so used to telling lies that I slip them out unintentionally. And I'm very grateful for your kindness. What if I accidentally tell lies?" Lies have caused you to be punished by God, so you can't blame yourself to death, so you can't do this."

"You just don't want to tell me the truth, do you?" Su Wan was so angry that she could only scold.

Xun Yi couldn't bear to make her so angry, so he put away his exaggerated expression, regained some respect and said, "No, it depends on what you are asking."

"Okay! Then let me ask you!" Su Wan was so angry that she was a little dazed, and she was so angry.

After saying this, she realized that Xun Yi had become such a virtuous person and whether she needed to ask those questions again, so she stared at Xun Yi and fell silent.

"Think about it slowly, and then talk about it after you think about it." Xunyi stood up, walked leisurely towards the distance with square steps, his hands behind his back. This room was very big, and he walked slowly to several tables dozens of feet away. Seeing that Su Wan was still thinking, he turned to a few cases and sat down.

Seeing Su Wan's solemn and hesitant expression, Xunyi was quite confused. He couldn't guess what important matter Su Wan wanted to ask. Of course, he didn't think that Su Wan wanted to test whether he had any relationship with him. It means forming a Taoist couple yourself.

Xun Yi's life-saving rescue really made Su Wan feel that she must repay something. Moreover, the man in black robe also pierced the window paper, and Xun Yi was now heartbroken about Yu Zen. She hoped to give Xun Yi some comfort. This feeling was very similar to Xun Yi's desire to hold her in his arms and give her some support.

When Xun Yi saw Su Wan walking towards him, he didn't get up. He had been forced to have no room to retreat in this matter. "Have you thought about it?" Although he had a relaxed smile on his face, he still felt something in his heart. But he felt very guilty. He always felt guilty when facing Su Wan.

"Think about it." Su Wan sat across from him with a serious face.

"Then ask, I will answer as appropriate."

"How much food and water do you have?" Su Wan asked seriously.

"Ah?" This question was too unexpected for Xun Yi, "You...that's what you want to ask?"

Su Wan nodded and said, "Yes, I was caught off guard. I didn't bring any food or water with me. What if this person is gone for a hundred years? So we have to make a long-term plan now. I'm afraid you will arrive." I was reluctant to give me food and water before I thought of asking you to swear."

Xunyi looked at her with a strange expression for a while, and then couldn't help laughing. When Su Wan saw him laughing, she also pursed her lips and laughed. Su Wan was not a boring person, she just rarely joked with her disciples.

"Okay, okay." Xunyi took out all the food and water he had brought and put them on the tables. He suppressed a smile and said, "I, the Immortal Lord, often have bad luck coming, so I have always been well prepared in this regard. , take it, take it, take it all, so you don’t have to plot against me for stuttering.”

Su Wan really put away all the food and water, and then she said with a proud look in her eyes, "You brat, I don't believe I can't cure you. When you are so hungry and dizzy, let's see if you listen to me!" "

Xun Yi tried hard to calm his pounding heart, sighed sadly, shook his head and said, "Yu Zen is suffering. How can I want to eat anything? If she dies..., well..."

Su Wan thought about it again and again and finally decided not to ask too explicit questions for the time being. Xun Yi's behavior of no longer abiding by the etiquette of master and apprentice made her feel stage fright. Just now she saw Xun Yi sitting behind the table with an upright manner, and she It feels very strange. Not only is there no trace of the naughty boy from decades ago, but Xun Yi in Lian Xin's fantasy world is not like this either.

The six years of silence in Xitian Miasma gave Xunyi a calm temperament. This was a complete change in the eyes of those who knew him well, because his previous naughty image was too vivid and deep in everyone's impressions. .

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