Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 916 He is my brother

Su Wan turned around and looked at him calmly and said, "You want me to put away all the treasures first, right?"

"Yes, I have agreed to let you go with me, so why don't you take back these treasures?"

"Then when we reach the border of Nanjingzhou, we can ask senior to throw me out directly, right?"

"You think too much, am I that kind of person?"

"You are." Su Wan nodded to him seriously, then turned her back and said to Xun Yi, "If you really don't think so, just make another oath and be more rigorous."

Xun Yi had given up completely this time. Not only was Su Wan extremely smart, but she also knew him too well. Under strict vigilance, it would be difficult for her to pull off any tricks today.

It would be easy to leave Su Wan behind in Nanjingzhou, but what to do with these four treasures? Will Amelia Su pick it up if they are thrown out together? She is now threatening to not want these four treasures. Xunyi thinks that she will probably not pick them up, so this is a huge gamble. If she and Yu Zen both die in the Western Miasma, then no one will be able to pick them up. Such a good treasure was given to her.

Su Wan really pushed him to the point of no return, "If you don't want the treasure, I won't force it. Please help me bring it to Senior Sister."

Su Wan said coldly, "No matter, I want to send him off. We are passers-by from now on."

"Do you deserve to say such heartless words..." Xun Yi muttered dissatisfiedly.

Su Wan ignored him, and Xun Yi stopped talking.

After half an hour, the pale golden earth ball suddenly began to shrink. Su Wan retreated in panic, but remained silent and refused to look back at Xun Yi.

At this time, the voice of the man in black came up, "We are about to cross the sea of ​​earth, fire, and underworld, so don't panic."

Xunyi could sense through the wind dragon that the original earth ball was still the same as before. The shrinking space was just a newly generated one. The upper half of the earth ball now looked like a large semicircle.

Using a small semicircle, the man in black robe wanted to use this method to help them.

Soon the space they were in shrank to a few feet, and neither of them could stand up straight, so they had to sit back to back.

Xunyi felt that the man in black robe had gone too far. Although there was a protective divine light through his clothes, such close contact was already too ambiguous. Although this old man was kind-hearted to help him, he could not accept such kindness. He stood up, and when he was about to speak, the shrunken earth ball expanded a little, allowing them to sit facing each other with their knees in their arms. This man in black robe who has become a human spirit seems to be quite charming, and his skill in handling the heat is very evident.

Su Wan no longer turned her back to Xun Yi this time. Being in such a small space, her heart could not help but be close. The two of them hugged their knees, placed their legs at random, and twisted their bodies to face each other. .

Xunyi spoke first, with an unusually low tone, "If brother and Hanxiang can't save Yuchan, then I have to go find it myself, otherwise I won't be able to live a stable life for a day. I know this very well, and it would be better to die." ”

"But you've tried your best, so what's the point of accompanying her to death?" Su Wan put a jade hand on his clasping hands and looked at him with pleading eyes. Xun Yi's look made her feel a little worried. It's cool, and I feel like it's probably useless even if I bring up the idea of ​​becoming a Taoist couple.

"I can't help my conscience if I don't give my last breath for her. Now when I think back to her weak cry for help, I just..." Xunyi's throat was so choked up that he couldn't continue, and there was something in his eyes. Tears.

Su Wan tightened her grip on his hand and said, "Don't be so hard on yourself. Didn't you say that you can look at things with ease? Didn't you say that this was her fate? Concubine Chan loves you very much, and she definitely doesn't want you to die for her." You risk your life in vain.”

Xun Yi calmed down his excited emotions and said, "Acting according to my heart is the way I have learned. My heart wants me to save her at all costs. Any reason to escape is an excuse. To me, deceiving my heart is Destroy the Tao, so no matter what aspect, I have to fight against this calamity with her. This is both her calamity and my calamity."

"Isn't there any reason that can make you change your mind? Once the Taoist heart is destroyed, it can be reestablished. The Tao you realize may not be the right way. The most important thing is that you have to do what Immortal Concubine Chan wants. Xunyi, I beg you." There was something in her sad eyes that made Xunyi's heart beat loudly.

Xunyi avoided her gaze and said with great sadness, "Don't force me, it will make my heart even more confused. It is a blessing for people to die well. Besides, I may not die this time. Please let me be less." Please tie me down a little bit, I beg you." He didn't dare to carefully taste the content in Su Wan's eyes, for fear that he might feel blasphemous due to his random speculation. That was a pit he didn't dare to step into. .

After Su Wan was silent for a long time, she slowly said, "Okay, you take me there. When it comes time for you to take risks, I won't stop you. I just want to be your companion during these days." , otherwise I’m afraid you’ll make yourself anxious.”

A smile slowly appeared on Xunyi's face, "If that's the case, I'll take you in just in time to let you see what's inside the Western Miasma. I have to wait until I open the illusion again before I can make any further decisions. These days are very important to me. It’s really hard for me, and it will definitely be much better if I have you by my side.”

Su Wan said bitterly, "I hope senior and Huaxian can successfully rescue Concubine Chan, and there is no need for me to worry about you bastard again."

Xun Yi grinned. Su Wan spoke in such a formal master's tone, which made him feel more cordial. He immediately found the energy to rub his nose and face, and whispered calmly, "When did you worry about me?" No good? The treasure I gave you last time was

Forget it, Yu Zen has personally taught you for so long. This alone is enough to compensate for it, right? Going forward, this is what my master wife gave you. This time I gave the benefits in advance. Two spiritual treasures and a few sets of spells are not enough to make you worry about me for a while?

Su Wan scolded with a heavy face, "I'm not in the mood to listen to your nonsense!"

Xun Yi forced out a smile and continued in a low voice, "If you are holding back the energy to give me your last breath all day long, how can you stay with me? You don't need to wait for Yu Zen to make me anxious. You can suppress me." Hey, let's think about the good news first. Yu Zen just told me some clues. I think it's not difficult to find Yaoxian Palace at least. "

"Why didn't you tell me earlier if you had any clues!" Su Wan was angry and anxious.

"How can you allow me to say a few words?"

Amelia Su pointed at his nose and said, "Don't mess around with me. I've never stopped you from talking. You can talk anytime you want!"

"The problem is that it's useless for me to tell you this. Instead, it gives you more reasons not to let me go to Xitian Miasma. What Yu Zen said seems to be that a spiritual thought was left on some white-headed tree."

"Have you told senior?" Su Wan asked under her finger.

"It's too late to say it sooner or later. Why don't I take care of you first? Do you think you are causing trouble for me?"

Su Wan glared at him fiercely and reprimanded, "Why don't you tell your senior quickly!"

Xunyi turned his head to the side and whispered, "He is my brother."

Seeing that he was still angry at her, Su Wan couldn't bear the hatred. She bit her lips and kicked her hard. This meant that she didn't dare to mess with her cultivation in this situation, otherwise she would definitely not take action. It was too light. Although Xunyi was kicked and had nowhere to hide, but with the divine light protecting his body, it was impossible to kick him. On the contrary, the scene seemed too charming.

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