Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 945: Tell me about your childhood.

"Stop! How are you talking? Have you ever talked to a master like this?" As soon as Su Wan started to scold her, she quickly regained the feeling of being a master.

Xunyi breathed out worriedly, blinked a few times, knelt down respectfully, lowered his head and said, "Disciple realizes his mistake. I will never dare to do it again. Please forgive me, Master."

"Get up." Su Wan didn't want him to kneel like this.

Xun Yi had just thought of such a good idea, so naturally he refused to get up. He said very sincerely, "Disciple's bad habits are hard to change. I might as well kneel down and talk to you from now on. It might be better this way."

Su Wan raised her eyebrows, and then said with a sullen face, "I don't like others kneeling in front of me to talk. You know this. Get up."

What she said now has become the master's destiny. If Xunyi wanted to create an atmosphere of master-disciple conversation, he could no longer disobey it, so he had no choice but to stand up.

"You look like a disciple now." Su Wandan said with satisfaction, her heart almost bursting with joy.

Xun Yi couldn't stand it any longer, so he used his trump card and said, "Disciple has to go see Shaoling and Shen Qing. Please take care of yourself." After saying that, he ran away in panic before Su Wan could speak again.

Su Wan's happiness quickly dissipated after she left the illusion. In the final analysis, this small victory was just a victory on the sidelines. Her goal was to help Xunyi get out of his emotional barrier, and Xunyi was clearly a She resisted, so the victory just made her feel more embarrassed, but she had to do it. She had to pave the way for Xun Yi to her side. Whether Xun Yi walked or not was his business. , whether you pave this road or not is your own business.

Xunyi didn't wait too long at both Jingshui Fairy Concubine and Yu Chan. Seeing that they didn't enter the illusion immediately, he turned to Shen Qing's side. He was used to Jingshui Fairy Concubine not entering the illusion, and Yu Chan had probably gone to the South China Sea. , he was afraid that it would be inconvenient for Yu Chan to enter the illusion at this time, so he didn't bother her much.

Shen Qing, who entered Qianxin Fantasy Land for the second time, was still excited and nervous.

"Why do I feel that your mood is weird?" She asked cautiously.

"Ah..., why is it weird? This illusion... is really weird." Xunyi was very slow on her side, so she could only buy herself more time to think by hesitating.

The mystery of the illusion is closely related to the depth of emotions between the two parties. Xunyi is not flexible on Shen Qing's side. In contrast, Shen Qing's emotional induction of Xunyi is not very clear, so she did not go into it further and asked instead, " Are you really not going to compete?" After being ridiculed by Xun Yi last time for "sacrificing the basics to pursue the weak", this extremely talented fairy has figured out that Xun Yi is the "foundation" of the illusion, so she no longer looks around this time. Instead, he focused his energy on talking to Xun Yi.

"...The injury has not recovered and I cannot leave the game."

Shen Qing could clearly perceive such a false sentence, and the mystery of the heart-tugging illusion made her eyes couldn't help but smile, "Really?"

"Really." Xun Yi's attitude began to become perfunctory. Su Wan's matter made him very upset, and he was not in the mood to deal with Shen Qing too much.

Shen Qing stopped talking. Not only could she sense Xun Yi's absent-mindedness, but she could also see it on Xun Yi's face. How could she, who was so proud and arrogant, have ever experienced such indifference? If it weren't for the rare opportunity to enter the dreamland of Lian Xin, she would have walked away long ago.

After feeling Shen Qing's strong dissatisfaction, Xunyi hurriedly said with a smile, "I... I'm really not in a good mood lately. Can this illusion...

...It can intensify various emotions and make people unable to control themselves. Don't mind, I'm not targeting you. "

Shen Qing felt better after hearing what he said, and asked with a bit of concern, "Have you encountered anything unpleasant?"

Xunyi shook his head, "It's not a big deal, um... I react very slowly here, and I have too many secrets hidden in my heart, so I have to be more cautious when speaking. You can talk to me about irrelevant topics. Bar."

"Okay, let's talk about what happened when you were a child." There was a smile in Shen Qing's eyes again. Xunyi accompanied her into the illusion even though he knew that the secret might be leaked, which immediately relieved her unhappiness. .

"When I was a kid? What happened when I was a kid...that's a big secret of mine."

"Why do you keep secrets about your childhood?" Shen Qing found it funny, but she could feel that Xun Yi was not joking.

Xunyi gave a helpless smile and said, "There are very few things I have experienced in my life that I can tell others. Why don't you tell me about it? Let me first talk about what happened when you were a child."

Shen Qing felt an unspeakable bitterness. This bitterness was like a gust of wind, blowing away the mysterious veil covering Xunyi's face, allowing her to see a little of Xunyi's true appearance. Shen Qing was quite shocked at this moment. She had always thought that Xun Yi was very powerful, but she didn't expect such a powerful person to have such a strong bitterness in his heart.

"I really didn't have anything to say when I was a child. I was brought back by Master to raise me before I became sensible. I started practicing after I became sensible. Maybe I was born for cultivation. Although Master and my brothers and sisters treated me well That’s great, but I only think about cultivation. I rarely have fun with them, and I’ll be bored if anyone tries to tease me.”

Xunyi smiled and said, "You are taking advantage of your young age to suddenly turn boring into interesting. I would also find it very interesting if I saw a little girl who only thinks about cultivation."

Shen Qing smiled, then frowned and said, "I am very grateful for everyone's love and tolerance for me. Now I want to express my gratitude, but because I have long developed a temperament that does not like to speak, I have never been able to do so. I want to Let’s do something for them, but there’s no place to help.”

Xunyi snorted and said, "Everyone of you Qingyuan Sect strictly abide by the rules. If everything is done according to the rules, naturally you won't find many opportunities to help."

"Don't you think it's bad for everyone to follow the rules?"

Xunyi thought for a while and said, "It depends on whether the rules are good or not. Good rules must be followed. Bad rules should not be followed, but must be abolished. The so-called rules are for those who are unwilling to follow them." For those who have their own rules in mind, they will not care about the rules set by others. Take our trip to Xuantu Riyuan as an example. If you blindly follow the rules, the outcome will definitely be miserable. Yes, after all, rules are used to restrain ordinary people. If an extraordinary person has to abide by the rules that ordinary people should abide by, then it will be difficult for him to display his extraordinary qualities. "

Shen Qing shook his head gently and said, "If everyone thinks so, then the rules will be trampled on at will. After breaking the rules, you can just use the excuse that you are not an ordinary person to feel at ease."

"If he can really have a clear conscience, then he has done nothing wrong. The question is whether he can really have a clear conscience. I think conscience is the rule set by God. To violate God's conscience is to break God's rule. A person can not abide by the mortal world and practice cultivation. You must abide by the rules of the world, but you must abide by the rules of heaven.” This is something Xunyi believes in, so it doesn’t need to be thought about. "Stop! How are you talking? Have you ever talked to a master like this?" As soon as Su Wan started to scold her, she quickly regained the feeling of being a master.

Xunyi breathed out worriedly, blinked a few times, knelt down respectfully, lowered his head and said, "Disciple realizes his mistake. I will never dare to do it again. Please forgive me, Master."

"Get up." Su Wan didn't want him to kneel like this.

Xun Yi had just thought of such a good idea, so naturally he refused to get up. He said very sincerely, "Disciple's bad habits are hard to change. I might as well kneel down and talk to you from now on. It might be better this way."

Su Wan raised her eyebrows, and then said with a sullen face, "I don't like others kneeling in front of me to talk. You know this. Get up."

What she said now has become the master's destiny. If Xunyi wanted to create an atmosphere of master-disciple conversation, he could no longer disobey it, so he had no choice but to stand up.

"You look like a disciple now." Su Wandan said with satisfaction, her heart almost bursting with joy.

Xun Yi couldn't stand it any longer, so he used his trump card and said, "Disciple has to go see Shaoling and Shen Qing. Please take care of yourself." After saying that, he ran away in panic before Su Wan could speak again.

Su Wan's happiness quickly dissipated after she left the illusion. In the final analysis, this small victory was just a victory on the sidelines. Her goal was to help Xunyi get out of his emotional barrier, and Xunyi was clearly a She resisted, so the victory just made her feel more embarrassed, but she had to do it. She had to pave the way for Xun Yi to her side. Whether Xun Yi walked or not was his business. , whether you pave this road or not is your own business.

Xunyi didn't wait too long at both Jingshui Fairy Concubine and Yu Chan. Seeing that they didn't enter the illusion immediately, he turned to Shen Qing's side. He was used to Jingshui Fairy Concubine not entering the illusion, and Yu Chan had probably gone to the South China Sea. , he was afraid that it would be inconvenient for Yu Chan to enter the illusion at this time, so he didn't bother her much.

Shen Qing, who entered Qianxin Fantasy Land for the second time, was still excited and nervous.

"Why do I feel that your mood is weird?" She asked cautiously.

"Ah..., why is it weird? This illusion... is really weird." Xunyi was very slow on her side, so she could only buy herself more time to think by hesitating.

The mystery of the illusion is closely related to the depth of emotions between the two parties. Xunyi is not flexible on Shen Qing's side. In contrast, Shen Qing's feelings about Xunyi are not very clear, so she did not delve into it further and asked instead, " Are you really not going to compete?" After being ridiculed by Xun Yi last time for "sacrificing the basics to pursue the weak", this extremely talented fairy has figured out that Xun Yi is the "foundation" of the illusion, so she no longer looks around this time. Instead, he focused his energy on talking to Xun Yi.

"...The injury has not recovered and I cannot leave the game."

Shen Qing could clearly perceive such a false sentence, and the mystery of the heart-tugging illusion made her eyes couldn't help but smile, "Really?"

"Really." Xun Yi's attitude began to become perfunctory. Su Wan's matter made him very upset, and he was not in the mood to deal with Shen Qing too much.

Shen Qing stopped talking. Not only could she sense Xun Yi's absent-mindedness, but she could also see it on Xun Yi's face. How could she, who was so arrogant, have ever experienced such indifference? If it weren't for the rare opportunity to enter the dreamland of Lian Xin, she would have walked away long ago.

After feeling Shen Qing's strong dissatisfaction, Xunyi hurriedly said with a smile, "I... I'm really not in a good mood lately. Can this illusion...

...It can intensify various emotions and make people unable to control themselves. Don't mind, I'm not targeting you. "

Shen Qing felt better after hearing what he said, and asked with a bit of concern, "Have you encountered anything unpleasant?"

Xunyi shook his head, "It's not a big deal, um... I react very slowly here, and I have too many secrets hidden in my heart, so I have to be more cautious when speaking. You can talk to me about irrelevant topics. Bar."

"Okay, let's talk about what happened when you were a child." There was a smile in Shen Qing's eyes again. Xunyi accompanied her into the illusion even though he knew that the secret might be leaked, which immediately relieved her unhappiness. .

"When I was a kid? What happened when I was a kid...that's a big secret of mine."

"Why do you keep secrets about your childhood?" Shen Qing found it funny, but she could feel that Xun Yi was not joking.

Xunyi gave a helpless smile and said, "There are very few things I have experienced in my life that I can tell others. Why don't you tell me about it? Let me first talk about what happened when you were a child."

Shen Qing felt an unspeakable bitterness. This bitterness was like a gust of wind, blowing away the mysterious veil covering Xunyi's face, allowing her to see a little of Xunyi's true appearance. Shen Qing was quite shocked at this moment. She had always thought that Xun Yi was very powerful, but she didn't expect such a powerful person to have such a strong bitterness in his heart.

"I really didn't have anything to say when I was a child. I was brought back by Master to raise me before I became sensible. I started practicing after I became sensible. Maybe I was born for cultivation. Although Master and my brothers and sisters treated me well That’s great, but I only think about cultivation. I rarely have fun with them, and I’ll be bored if anyone tries to tease me.”

Xunyi smiled and said, "You are taking advantage of your young age to suddenly turn boring into interesting. I would also find it very interesting if I saw a little girl who only thinks about cultivation."

Shen Qing smiled, then frowned and said, "I am very grateful for everyone's love and tolerance for me. Now I want to express my gratitude, but because I have long developed a temperament that does not like to speak, I have never been able to do so. I want to Let’s do something for them, but there’s no place to help.”

Xunyi snorted and said, "Everyone of you Qingyuan Sect strictly abide by the rules. If everything is done according to the rules, naturally you won't find many opportunities to help."

"Don't you think it's bad for everyone to follow the rules?"

Xunyi thought for a while and said, "It depends on whether the rules are good or not. Good rules must be observed. Bad rules should not only be observed, but must be abolished. The so-called rules are for those who are unwilling to abide by them." For those who have their own rules in mind, they will not care about the rules set by others. Take our trip to Xuantu Riyuan as an example. If you blindly follow the rules, the outcome will definitely be miserable. Yes, after all, rules are used to restrain ordinary people. If an extraordinary person has to abide by the rules that ordinary people should abide by, then it will be difficult for him to display his extraordinary qualities. "

Shen Qing shook his head gently and said, "If everyone thinks so, then the rules will be trampled on at will. After breaking the rules, you can just use the excuse that you are not an ordinary person to feel at ease."

"If he can really have a clear conscience, then he has done nothing wrong. The question is whether he can really have a clear conscience. I think conscience is the rule set by God. To violate God's conscience is to break God's rule. A person can not abide by the mortal world and practice cultivation. You must abide by the rules of the world, but you must abide by the rules of heaven.” This is something Xunyi believes in, so it doesn’t need to be thought about.

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