Cultivation of Immortality

Is there a future for Chapter 948?

Shen Qing walked to the table and sat down, and said seriously, "We think God's will is unpredictable. It should be because we are not smart enough to understand God's will. Just as you previously compared yourself to a dog raised by God, let me ask. Can you make a dog fully understand your intentions? Because dogs do not have the wisdom of their owners, their owners can only use sticks to teach them some simple rules of conduct. Our confusion is actually the same as that of dogs who have been beaten. They don’t understand what their master wants them to do, or why they always beat them. It’s just that we are too self-righteous and think that we are already smart enough. In fact, compared with God, we may not be as good as a dog. Fa tells us the mysterious truth."

Xun Yi nodded noncommittally. He had no intention of arguing with Shen Qing. Shen Qing's statement had been circulated in the cultivation world for a long time, and it was not a strange view.

"Whether it's what I said about the immortals taking turns to take power, or what you said about us not being smart enough, in short, although I often complain about God, I don't think it is useless, and I am still full of awe for it. Yes, so I will act according to the will of God that I have guessed. As for whether the guess is right or wrong, I can only let God decide. For example, if it points to the door, should I, the dog, guard the door or let me follow the door? Get out of the door, I can’t figure it out, so I can only act based on my own guess.”

"Then do you want to go see the door or get out?" Shen Qingyan asked with a smile.

"Of course get out, it's so much fun outside." ??

Shen Qing nodded lightly and said, "Go out and play. You are doing it according to your heart, and the dog should guard the door. God's intention is more likely to let you watch the door, right? God's will is the way of heaven. In this way, What you do based on your heart may not be the right way.”

Xunyi blinked a few times and then said, "It's really tiring to be with you. All you think about is enlightenment. That's just an example I gave casually. How can I pursue it as if it's the truth?"

Shen Qing disagreed and said, "The way of heaven is contained in all things, including assumptions, and assumptions are an important means to understand the way of heaven, so naturally they can be studied in depth."

Xunyi smiled and waved his hands and said, "I don't have the time to learn any Taoism right now. I just want to live a relaxed life and do things according to my own will. What I want to do right now is to teach this black sheep like Sichuan Ban a lesson. You must plan to participate." If you understand, you should think about it quietly by yourself. There is no benefit in discussing it with me. I will only cause trouble for you. "

Shen Qing looked at him silently for a while, then frowned slightly and said, "I feel that you are very depressed."

Xun Yi joked, "Can you not be depressed? I finally understood the truth, but you immediately led me astray."

Shen Qing became more serious, "I know you are perfunctory and want to send me away as soon as possible, but I really want to help you."

Xunyi smiled at her sincere gaze, "This is because you are overthinking. I don't mean to hate you, and I can't say that I am perfunctory. I don't have much in-depth insights into the Tao that I have understood. , after all, there is only so much, so it seems like perfunctory to you. You don’t have to do anything to help me. I’m so kind and I’m really grateful to you.”

"No." Shen Qing shook his head slightly, "Tao to simplicity, it has nothing to do with whether you talk more or less. Many of your insights are very inspiring to me. I hope to discuss more with you, but I can feel You are just trying to deal with me. You don't hate me, but you are too lazy to pay attention to me. In fact, you are too lazy to pay attention to anyone. "


br\u003e "Uh..., this is because you don't know me well enough. I am extremely lazy. I will never sit down if I can lie down. If I can say a few words less, I will never say more than half a word. This is not decadence. , I’m just lazy, you’ll know later.”

"Is there a future?" Shen Qing looked at him with worried eyes.

"Why not? Are you cursing me that my life will not last long?" Xunyi said happily while avoiding her eyes.

Shen Qing stood up silently and walked out of the yard silently.

After Shen Qing left, Xunyi immediately lay down on the bed, too tired to move a finger.

Xunyi had to admit that Shen Qing was indeed outstanding. She was very aware of her own sense of decadence. In fact, this sense of decadence was just born after she came out of the illusion.

Before, he had made up his mind to fight to the death for the Heavenly Law Alliance. He was very peaceful and felt that his life was quite meaningful. Then he unexpectedly spent more than twenty days with Su Wan, and his peaceful state of mind was inevitably disturbed. There were waves. This gift from God was a bit too rich for him. It was something he didn't dare to ask for in his dreams. Then he felt that he would die without regrets. Yes, God did not dare to think about it. All the benefits have been given to him, and he has nothing more to hope for in this life.

If Su Wan had not squeezed him in the illusion, he would happily continue to enjoy this gift from God until he died in a battle that ended his life. At that time, he would definitely be able to smile and close his eyes, but God seemed to He doesn't want to be a good person to the end. After realizing that he has had a bad influence on Su Wan, he knows that he can only take so much of this generous gift. When he returns from the cloud to the earth, the life before will change. It was boring, and a sense of decadence arose from it. As Shen Qing said, he didn't want to pay attention to anyone now, he was not interested in anything, and he wanted to be reincarnated in a happy and impetuous way.

One day later, when Fairy Xiuzhi came to visit him, he still maintained the same posture as when he first lay down, without moving at all.

"I heard that you are going to participate in the battle of Yuan Sha?" Xiuzhi stood in front of the couch and looked at him with doubtful eyes.

Xunyi opened his eyes and smiled at her and said, "There is a blind person who insists on making me unhappy. I have to teach him a lesson. Don't worry, I will withdraw from the competition after I teach him a lesson."

"Who is it? What level of cultivation?" Xiuzhi heard the news in Fangshi and ran back in a hurry, before he had time to learn the details.

"A priest from Wsha camp, in the middle stage of Nascent Soul." Xunyi sat up and answered casually.

"What's going on? Since he's a priest, I think you'd better not mess with him." Xiuzhi sat next to Xunyi, speaking with concern in his eyes, holding Xunyi's hand, and said, "You can forget it." If you can beat him, you will inevitably have to use treasures, and you don't have to reveal your secrets just to fight for a while."

Xunyi patted her hand and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I already have a plan, go and do your work, don't delay the business for this trivial matter, I'm just thinking about getting more spiritual stones." "Xiuzhi's care made Xunyi feel warm in his heart. It is rare to have such friendship in Yilingwei.

Xiuzhi stared at Xunyi's confident eyes for a while, and gradually a smile appeared on her face. "Be careful, don't show off your edge." After saying this, she ran back with peace of mind and continued to work on herself. The business was gone, and Xunyi's gaze made her feel very at ease. Since Xunyi made a decision and then acted, there was no need for her to worry about it. In this Yiling Guard, there was probably no one who understood Xunyi better than her. Yi's ability is over. Shen Qing walked to the table and sat down, and said seriously, "We think God's will is unpredictable. It should be because we are not smart enough to understand God's will. Just as you previously compared yourself to a dog raised by God, let me ask. Can you make a dog fully understand your intentions? Because dogs do not have the wisdom of their owners, their owners can only use sticks to teach them some simple rules of conduct. Our confusion is actually the same as that of dogs who have been beaten. They don’t understand what their master wants them to do, or why they always beat them. It’s just that we are too self-righteous and think that we are already smart enough. In fact, compared with God, we may not be as good as a dog. Fa tells us the mysterious truth."

Xun Yi nodded noncommittally. He had no intention of arguing with Shen Qing. Shen Qing's statement had been circulated in the cultivation world for a long time, and it was not a strange view.

"Whether it's what I said about the immortals taking turns to take power, or what you said about us not being smart enough, in short, although I often complain about God, I don't think it is useless, and I am still full of awe for it. Yes, so I will act according to the will of God that I have guessed. As for whether the guess is right or wrong, I can only let God decide. For example, if it points to the door, should I, the dog, guard the door or let me follow the door? Get out of the door, I can’t figure it out, so I can only act based on my own guess.”

"Then do you want to go see the door or get out?" Shen Qingyan asked with a smile.

"Of course get out, it's so much fun outside."

Shen Qing nodded lightly and said, "Go out and play. You are doing it according to your heart, and the dog should guard the door. God's intention is more likely to let you watch the door, right? God's will is the way of heaven. In this way, What you do based on your heart may not be the right way.”

Xunyi blinked a few times and then said, "It's really tiring to be with you. All you think about is enlightenment. That's just an example I gave casually. How can I pursue it as if it's the truth?" .??.??

Shen Qing disagreed and said, "The way of heaven is contained in all things, including assumptions, and assumptions are an important means to understand the way of heaven, so naturally they can be studied in depth."

Xunyi smiled and waved his hands and said, "I don't have the time to learn any Taoism right now. I just want to live a relaxed life and do things according to my own will. What I want to do right now is to teach this black sheep like Sichuan Ban a lesson. You must plan to participate." If you understand, you should think about it quietly by yourself. There is no benefit in discussing it with me. I will only cause trouble for you. "

Shen Qing looked at him silently for a while, then frowned slightly and said, "I feel that you are very depressed."

Xun Yi joked, "Can you not be depressed? I finally understood the truth, but you immediately led me astray."

Shen Qing became more serious, "I know you are perfunctory and want to send me away as soon as possible, but I really want to help you."

Xunyi smiled at her sincere gaze, "This is because you are overthinking. I don't mean to hate you, and I can't say that I am perfunctory. I don't have much in-depth insights into the Tao that I have understood. , after all, there is only so much, so it seems like perfunctory to you. You don’t have to do anything to help me. I’m so kind and I’m really grateful to you.”

"No." Shen Qing shook his head slightly, "Tao to simplicity, it has nothing to do with whether you talk more or less. Many of your insights are very inspiring to me. I hope to discuss more with you, but I can feel You are just trying to deal with me. You don't hate me, but you are too lazy to pay attention to me. In fact, you are too lazy to pay attention to anyone. "


br\u003e "Uh..., this is because you don't know me well enough. I am extremely lazy. I will never sit down if I can lie down. If I can say a few words less, I will never say more than half a word. This is not decadence. , I’m just lazy, you’ll know later.”

"Is there a future?" Shen Qing looked at him with worried eyes.

"Why not? Are you cursing me that my life will not last long?" Xunyi said happily while avoiding her eyes.

Shen Qing stood up silently and walked out of the yard silently.

After Shen Qing left, Xunyi immediately lay down on the bed, too tired to move a finger.

Xunyi had to admit that Shen Qing was indeed outstanding. She was very aware of her own sense of decadence. In fact, this sense of decadence was just born after she came out of the illusion.

Before, he had made up his mind to fight to the death for the Tianlu Alliance. He was very peaceful in his heart and felt that his life was quite meaningful. Then he unexpectedly spent more than twenty days with Su Wan, and his peaceful state of mind was inevitably disturbed. There were waves. This gift from God was a bit too rich for him. It was something he didn't dare to ask for in his dreams. Then he felt that he would die without regrets. Yes, God did not dare to think about it. All the benefits have been given to him, and he has nothing more to hope for in this life.

If Su Wan had not squeezed him in the illusion, he would have happily continued to enjoy this gift from God until he died in a battle that ended his life. At that time, he would definitely be able to smile and close his eyes, but God seemed to He doesn't want to be a good person to the end. After realizing that he has had a bad influence on Su Wan, he knows that he can only take so much of this generous gift. When he returns from the cloud to the earth, the life before will change. It was boring, and a sense of decadence arose from it. As Shen Qing said, he didn't want to pay attention to anyone now, he was not interested in anything, and he wanted to be reincarnated in a happy and impetuous way.

One day later, when Fairy Xiuzhi came to visit him, he still maintained the same posture as when he first lay down, without moving at all.

"I heard that you are going to participate in the battle of Yuan Sha?" Xiuzhi stood in front of the couch and looked at him with doubtful eyes.

Xunyi opened his eyes and smiled at her and said, "There is a blind person who insists on making me unhappy. I have to teach him a lesson. Don't worry, I will withdraw from the competition after I teach him a lesson."

"Who is it? What level of cultivation?" Xiuzhi heard the news in Fangshi and ran back in a hurry, before he had time to learn the details.

"A priest from Wsha camp, in the middle stage of Nascent Soul." Xunyi sat up and answered casually.

"What's going on? Since he is a priest, I think you'd better not mess with him." Xiuzhi sat next to Xunyi, speaking with concern in his eyes, holding Xunyi's hand, and said in a spiritual voice, "You can forget it If you can beat him, you will inevitably have to use treasures, and you don't have to reveal your secrets just to fight for a while."

Xunyi patted her hand and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter, I already have a plan, go and do your work, don't delay the business for this trivial matter, I'm just thinking about getting more spiritual stones." "Xiuzhi's care made Xunyi feel warm in his heart. It is rare to have such friendship in Yilingwei.

Xiuzhi stared at Xunyi's confident eyes for a while, and gradually a smile appeared on her face. "Be careful, don't show off your edge." After saying this, she ran back with peace of mind and continued to work on herself. The business was gone, and Xunyi's gaze made her feel very at ease. Since Xunyi made a decision and then acted, there was no need for her to worry about it. In this Yiling Guard, there was probably no one who understood Xunyi better than her. Yi's ability is over.

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