Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 950 Fifth Senior Sister, Senior Sister

Xun Yi fell silent. Shen Qing's affection for him was quite obvious. Now that the Fifth Fairy had seen through it, he had nothing to say.

"You must have a compelling reason to come to Yiling Guard. If you are willing to tell me, I may be able to help you." Qi Jia's attitude at this time can be considered gentle.

Xun Yi looked at her calmly and said, "I'm just tired of living. I think dying fighting for the Heavenly Law Alliance is a good way to die, so I became a Yiling Guard. You may believe this or not, but I don't want to do anything more." What's the explanation? If you want to help Master Shen, then find a way to transfer me to the third camp on the edge of the town, which is the most dangerous. I have made this request to the Financial Management Camp many times. Master Shen now treats me slightly. Good impression, if I die, everything will be over. You should know that this is the best solution. "

"What a pity." Qi Jia couldn't help but shook his head slightly, "Shi Ming, you are considered a good person in terms of qualifications. If you can concentrate on training, your future is limitless. Just with your calmness in front of me, I dare to say that you can become a feather. Although I don’t know your past, judging from your pure eyes, I believe that you are a kind-hearted person.” After a pause, she continued, “Young talents. I have seen a lot of Jun, and there are many who are more qualified than you, but when it comes to who is worthy of Qing'er, I think you can barely be counted as one. We senior brothers and sisters all think that she will never be right in this life. The man is tempted, I didn’t expect you to show up so suddenly. To be honest, it’s a pity to see you abandon yourself and die like this.”

Xun Yi smiled and said, "If I hadn't taken life and death lightly, I probably wouldn't be so calm in front of you. I know very well what kind of material I am. Since you have spoken your truth, I will also speak my truth. Let me tell you the truth." It will do no good for Shen Tanzhu to be with me, and no one can change my world-weary heart. Don't have any ideas about me. It will be useless even if you invite the respected master to come out. Let me disappear from this world as soon as possible."

Qi Jia couldn't help but hesitate. This was the first time she met such a strange person. People who are world-weary are not uncommon, but it is too rare for a wise and peaceful person like Xun Yi to be world-weary. No matter from which aspect, this kid seems There should be no reason to be world-weary.

Qi Jia asked himself that he could transfer Xun Yi to the third camp on the edge of the town and let him die on the battlefield as soon as possible. The Qingyuan Sect occupies a pivotal position in the Tianlu League, and Xun Yi had such a request. Under the circumstances, it is not an abuse of power for him to go along with the situation. Although she did cherish Xun Yi's talents, the first thing she had to consider now was what was best for her junior sister.

She knows her junior sister best. As Xun Yi said, her junior sister is just a little bit attracted to him now. If it must end with the death of this kid, then of course let him die as early as possible. But with the little junior sister's intelligence, it is easy to see through the tricks they are doing in secret. Even if the little junior sister does not fall out with them, the gap will be difficult to resolve. These senior brothers and sisters can still say a few words. If they also fall out with them, wouldn't this child be pitiful?

Qi Jia has always hoped that the junior sister can make more close friends. On this point, she and her classmates have different views. Others think that Shen Qing's isolation is conducive to his cultivation, but Qi Jia regards Shen Qing as his The younger sister sees it, so I hope she can be more happy. The younger sister has been practicing cultivation for almost three hundred years.

Not to mention pitiful, but it is indeed pitiable.

If Shen Qing hadn't fallen in love with a man himself, Qi Jia would never have encouraged her in this direction, because everyone knew that it was the easiest way for people to fall into emotional trouble, but now that the junior sister has fallen in love with a man, and this The man she thought was barely worthy of her junior sister, so it was inevitable that she would have to think hard.

After weighing it again and again, she looked at Xun Yi with a very friendly look and said, "I can see that you are a very independent person. It is difficult for others to change your mind about things you are sure of. But after all, you are only a hundred years old. Apart from that, The years of cultivation are equivalent to those of a teenage child in the mortal world at most, and are still very immature. There is no guarantee that your current ideas are not over-the-top. Even if there is nothing to do with Qing'er, I think you are very compatible and very willing. Help you, if you don't think I'm annoying, just follow Qing'er and call me Fifth Senior Sister. I won't force you to do anything. If you can solve it, I'll solve it. If you think it can't be solved, I will stop and consider sending it to you as appropriate. What do you think about going to the third camp in Zhenbian?"

An innocent smile appeared in Xunyi's eyes, "Thank you for your kindness. Respect is worse than obeying orders, so I will bravely climb up." As he said this, he stood up, bowed, and called Fifth Senior Sister.

Seeing Xunyi's bright smile, Qi Jia felt chilled in her heart. In her opinion, Xunyi had become world-weary at a young age. She probably encountered extremely miserable situations, so she wanted to She wanted to try to use warmth to dispel the haze in Xun Yi's heart, but how could such a bright smile come from a person whose heart was full of haze?

"Okay, sit down." Qi Jia's expression became gentler. When Xunyi sat down again, she said with a smile, "I have a hunch that I must have caused a big trouble for myself this time."

"Senior Sister, your premonition is quite accurate." Xunyi's smile was full of bad intentions. The "Fifth Senior Sister" he had just called was immediately abandoned and replaced by the more familiar "Senior Sister".

Qi Jia smiled angrily and warned, "Don't mention to me about going to the Third Camp on the edge of town again. If I feel the need to do that, I will naturally help you make plans. There is no need for you to rush me."

"I understand, and I won't just offend senior sister." Xunyi nodded sensibly. Although his expression was a bit lively now, he still maintained the poise he should have, a trick of pretending to be innocent and showing off pity. Obviously it's not suitable for use.

Qi Jia took out a small jade bottle and handed it to him with a loving expression, "This is a pill that nourishes the Nascent Soul. If you call me Senior Sister, I have to give you something as a greeting gift. Take it now and don't mention it to outsiders." "

Seeing that she didn't even reveal the name of the elixir, Xunyi guessed that this elixir must be quite valuable, so he waved his hand and said, "Senior sister, I'm not being polite to you. I don't take cultivation seriously for a long time. Taking the elixir is just for fun." It’s a waste, leave it to others, your loving brother understands.”

Qi Jia hesitated for a moment, took back the small jade bottle and took out another one, "Then change it to this one that calms the heart and calms the mind. Your Yuhuo poison must be eliminated as soon as possible."

"Uh...thank you, senior sister, for the generous gift." Xunyi took the small jade bottle. Although this kind of elixir was of no use to him, it would be pointless to continue to refuse.

After putting away the bottle of heart-clearing elixir, Xunyi took out a fire apricot fruit and said, "Senior sister, I don't have anything good to honor you. I got this by chance. I don't want to waste the spiritual fruit that improves my cultivation. You can use it as a reward." Give it to your disciple." Xun Yi fell silent. Shen Qing's affection for him was quite obvious. Now that the Fifth Fairy had seen through it, he had nothing to say.

"You must have a compelling reason to come to Yiling Guard. If you are willing to tell me, I may be able to help you." Qi Jia's attitude at this time can be considered gentle.

Xun Yi looked at her calmly and said, "I'm just tired of living. I think dying fighting for the Heavenly Law Alliance is a good way to die, so I became a Yiling Guard. You may believe this or not, but I don't want to do anything more." What's the explanation? If you want to help Master Shen, then find a way to transfer me to the third camp on the edge of the town, which is the most dangerous. I have made this request to the Financial Management Camp many times. Master Shen now treats me slightly. Good impression, if I die, everything will be over. You should know that this is the best solution. "

"What a pity." Qi Jia couldn't help but shook his head slightly, "Shi Ming, you are considered a good person in terms of qualifications. If you can concentrate on training, your future is limitless. Just with your calmness in front of me, I dare to say that you can become a feather. Although I don’t know your past, judging from your pure eyes, I believe that you are a kind-hearted person.” After a pause, she continued, “Young talents. I have seen a lot of Jun, and there are many who are more qualified than you, but when it comes to who is worthy of Qing'er, I think you can barely be counted as one. We senior brothers and sisters all think that she will never be right in this life. The man is tempted, I didn’t expect you to show up so suddenly. To be honest, it’s a pity to see you abandon yourself and die like this.”

Xun Yi smiled and said, "If I hadn't taken life and death lightly, I probably wouldn't be so calm in front of you. I know very well what kind of material I am. Since you have spoken your truth, I will also speak my truth. Let me tell you the truth." It will do no good for Shen Tanzhu to be with me, and no one can change my world-weary heart. Don't have any ideas about me. It will be useless even if you invite the respected master to come out. Let me disappear from this world as soon as possible."

Qi Jia couldn't help but hesitate. This was the first time she had met such a strange person. People who are world-weary are not uncommon, but it is too rare for a wise and peaceful person like Xun Yi to be world-weary. No matter from which aspect, this boy seems There should be no reason to be world-weary.

Qi Jia asked himself that he could transfer Xun Yi to the third camp on the edge of the town and let him die on the battlefield as soon as possible. The Qingyuan Sect occupies a pivotal position in the Tianlu League, and Xun Yi had such a request. Under the circumstances, it is not an abuse of power for him to go along with the situation. Although she did cherish Xun Yi's talents, the first thing she had to consider now was what was best for her junior sister.

She knows her junior sister best. As Xun Yi said, her junior sister is just a little bit attracted to him now. If it must end with the death of this kid, then of course let him die as early as possible. But with the little junior sister's intelligence, it is easy to see through the tricks they are doing in secret. Even if the little junior sister does not fall out with them, the gap will be difficult to resolve. These senior brothers and sisters can still say a few words. If they also fall out with them, wouldn't this child be pitiful?

Qi Jia has always hoped that the junior sister can make more close friends. On this point, she and her classmates have different views. Others think that Shen Qing's isolation is conducive to his cultivation, but Qi Jia regards Shen Qing as his The younger sister sees it, so I hope she can be more happy. The younger sister has been practicing cultivation for almost three hundred years.

Not to mention pitiful, but it is indeed pitiful.

If Shen Qing hadn't fallen in love with a man himself, Qi Jia would never have encouraged her in this direction, because everyone knew that it was the easiest way for people to fall into emotional trouble, but now that the junior sister is attracted to a man, and this The man she thought was barely worthy of her junior sister, so it was inevitable that she would have to think hard.

After weighing it again and again, she looked at Xun Yi with a very friendly look and said, "I can see that you are a very independent person. It is difficult for others to change your mind about things you are sure of. But after all, you are only a hundred years old. Apart from that, The years of cultivation are equivalent to those of a teenage child in the mortal world at most, and are still very immature. There is no guarantee that your current ideas are not over the top. Even if there is nothing to do with Qing'er, I think you are very compatible and very willing. Help you, if you don't think I'm annoying, just follow Qing'er and call me Fifth Senior Sister. I won't force you to do anything. If you can solve it, I'll solve it. If you think it can't be solved, I will stop and consider sending it to you as appropriate. What do you think about going to the third camp in Zhenbian?"

An innocent smile appeared in Xunyi's eyes, "Thank you for your kindness. Respect is worse than obeying orders, so I will bravely climb up." As he said this, he stood up, bowed, and called Fifth Senior Sister.

Seeing Xunyi's bright smile, Qi Jia felt chilled in her heart. In her opinion, Xunyi had become world-weary at a young age. She probably encountered extremely miserable situations, so she wanted to She wanted to try to use warmth to dispel the haze in Xun Yi's heart, but how could such a bright smile come from a person whose heart was full of haze?

"Okay, sit down." Qi Jia's expression became gentler. When Xunyi sat down again, she said with a smile, "I have a hunch that I must have caused a big trouble for myself this time."

"Senior Sister, your premonition is quite accurate." Xunyi's smile was full of bad intentions. The "Fifth Senior Sister" he had just called was immediately abandoned and replaced by the more familiar "Senior Sister".

Qi Jia smiled angrily and warned, "Don't mention to me about going to the Third Camp on the edge of town again. If I feel the need to do that, I will naturally help you make plans. There is no need for you to rush me."

"I understand, and I won't just offend senior sister." Xunyi nodded sensibly. Although his expression was a bit lively now, he still maintained the poise he should have, a trick of pretending to be innocent and showing off pity. Obviously it's not suitable for use yet.

Qi Jia took out a small jade bottle and handed it to him with a loving expression, "This is a pill that nourishes the Nascent Soul. If you call me Senior Sister, I have to give you something as a greeting gift. Take it now and don't mention it to outsiders." "

Seeing that she didn't even reveal the name of the elixir, Xunyi guessed that this elixir must be quite valuable, so he waved his hand and said, "Senior sister, I'm not being polite to you. I don't take cultivation seriously for a long time. Taking the elixir is just for fun." It’s a waste, leave it to others, your loving brother understands.”

Qi Jia hesitated for a moment, took back the small jade bottle and took out another one, "Then change it to this one that calms the heart and calms the mind. Your Yuhuo poison must be eliminated as soon as possible."

"Uh...thank you, senior sister, for the generous gift." Xunyi took the small jade bottle. Although this kind of elixir was of no use to him, it would be pointless to continue to refuse.

After putting away the bottle of heart-clearing elixir, Xunyi took out a fire apricot fruit and said, "Senior sister, I don't have anything good to honor you. I got this by chance. I don't want to waste the spiritual fruit that improves my cultivation. You can use it as a reward." Give it to your disciples.”

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