Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 982 Poor Snow Country

Seeing the two figures speeding away, Su Wan knew she couldn't catch up. She moved her lips but said nothing, and turned around sadly.

"What's going on with you two?" Shen Qing asked while flying quickly.

Xunyi was silent for a while before saying, "Don't ask about this."

Shen Qing snorted dissatisfied, then smiled and said, "If you don't want to talk to her, I can help you. Anyway, I am the team leader. I will just enter the secret realm and separate you two."

Xunyi raised his head and looked at the stars, "Are you taking me to see your master?"

Shen Qing smiled slyly, "Of course not. Now you can only listen to my mercy. Don't waste your efforts. My master has agreed to this."

Xunyi sighed lightly and closed his mouth. He believed that Shen Qing was telling the truth. The Qingyuan Sect had so many disciples in the Tianlu Alliance. It was impossible for this matter not to alarm the Immortal Cihang. Even if he went to see him That old Immortal Lord is probably useless.

"Don't you ask me where I'm taking you?" Shen Qing seemed to be in a good mood at the moment.

"Where are you taking me?" Xun Yi asked with a smile on his face. He no longer had a frown on his face. Shen Qing was willing to risk his life to accompany him into the secret realm. Although he could not accept such true feelings, he could no longer treat her coldly. .

"You'll know when we get there." Shen Qing said happily. .??.

"Then why are you asking me to ask?" Xunyi complained speechlessly.

A burst of laughter like silver bells caused a group of flying swan geese to turn their heads and look around. Soon they were left far behind by the two of them. Shen Qing was in a really good mood. She seemed to have never laughed so happily before in her entire life. Woolen cloth.

After changing teleportation arrays twice, the two came to a wild land in the northwest of Nanjingzhou. Although it was still far from the border, few monks came here because there was no place for spiritual energy to condense.

After flying into a plateau, white snow gradually appeared on the ground. Shen Qing pointed in front of him and said, "This is the poor snowy wilderness. Have you heard of it?"

Xunyi shook his head, "I've visited very few places. Is there anything interesting here? The name doesn't sound like a good place."

"No one would run here for free. The first time I came here was because I was chasing a fugitive. As a result, the fugitive didn't catch him but he fell in love with it. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he would stay here for a few days."

"But I don't see what's wrong with you right now."

Shen Qing glanced at him angrily and accelerated towards the depths of the snowfield.

An hour later, Shen Qing stopped on a soothing snow hill, standing gracefully on the boundless snowfield, like a delicate flower blooming in the wind and proud of the snow. Although it was small, it was shocking and beautiful.

"This is the most beautiful place in my opinion, pure and innocent." Shen Qing retracted his distant gaze and looked at Xun Yi who fell beside him, with expectation in his eyes.

"It is indeed beautiful. I also like this kind of pure scenery. The desert and the sea have fascinated me before. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful snowfield." Xunyi looked at the silver-white world with a look of intoxication on his face.

A happy smile appeared on Shen Qing's lips, and he turned his gaze to the vast snowfield again. The sky is as clean as a dazzling blue, and the white snow on the ground is equally dazzlingly pure. The sunshine here seems to be purer than other places, even so pure that it doesn't even provide warmth.

r\u003e "How long can you stay here with me?" Shen Qing asked with a smile.

"Then let's finish this month. I only have this month. Even if I can come back from the secret realm, I have to go back to ancient camping."

"It's a deal! You have to keep your word." Shen Qing looked very happy.

Xunyi smiled mockingly, "I'm afraid you'll be annoying me in less than two days. I feel like a stinky piece of shit in this clean land."

"Then I'll bury your stinking piece of shit." Although Shen Qing was joking, her face was a little cold. She waved her jade hand lightly and raised the flying snow in the sky to press down on Xun Yi. Xun Yi's depression made her very sad. Worry.

Xun Yi stood still, letting the flying snow come over him, and soon he was tightly wrapped in white snow. Through his spiritual consciousness, he saw that Shen Qing quickly used his spiritual power to gather snow to build a house, and built a house in the blink of an eye. After looking at the snowman in the beautiful little snow house, he smiled, waved his hand and erected a snow tree more than ten feet tall next to him. Xun Yi became a chubby man piled under the tree. snowman.

After Shen Qing finished, she admired her masterpiece and turned around with a satisfied smile and walked towards the snow house. She noticed the spiritual power fluctuation behind her just two steps away. Of course she knew that Xun Yi would not act as a snowman for her. , when he couldn't help laughing and looked back, he saw that the chubby snowman had become an elegant snowman with a jade tree in the wind. He looked up at the sky to watch the falling snow, and in front of him there was a snowman with the appearance of a woman rapidly taking shape. , looking at the attire, the one he wanted to pile on was undoubtedly himself. The image of the woman was bowed, holding a tray in her hands, and in the tray were a wine flask and a wine bottle.

"Seeking death!" Shen Qing cursed with a smile and waved her hand to shoot a stream of spiritual power towards Xun Yi. But as soon as the spiritual power was released, she realized something was wrong and suddenly hit the spiritual power diagonally behind Xun Yi in mid-air. At the same time, she sent spiritual thoughts to Xun Yi. Said "Be careful!"

Mr. Xue collapsed and dispersed, but Xun Yi's figure was nowhere to be seen in the swirling snow. Shen Qing was shocked, thinking that Xun Yi was turned invisible by a blow, but he didn't know that Xun Yi, who had become an expert in all battles, received a warning spirit. Immediately after thinking, he activated his escape, and the white snow on Beng's body quietly dived to the side. He was holding back his secret tricks again.

"As expected of Cihang Immortal Lord's disciple." As the deep voice sounded, a blurry white figure appeared more than a hundred feet away from Shen Qing, and then flashed nearly three hundred feet to his left. A dazzling silver light.

"Stop those little tricks of yours." The deep voice was a little excited. The white light that hit the opponent's body-protecting divine light confirmed that this person was Xun Yi who escaped decades ago.

Xun Yi saw that the fleeing shadow was of no use in front of others, so he showed his body and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you?"

The man remained silent, and his blurry figure flashed in front of Xunyi, reaching out to forcefully break through Xunyi's protective divine light and capture him. Xunyi had no time to react, but just as the man was about to When he touched Xun Yi's body-protecting divine light, a white light like a sharp flash struck him, scaring him to dodge back in panic. Shen Qing took action. Before she could figure out the other party's intention, she aimed the whip at him. To stop the enemy, he did not kill him.

"God of Punishment?!" The man was obviously quite surprised.

"Who are you? What do you mean by hiding your head and face?" Shen Qingzhan shouted sharply in front of Xun Yi.

The man said coldly, "I just want to teach him a lesson and make him suffer a little. It won't kill him, and it won't delay him from picking fruits in the secret realm. Just get out of his way. You can't stop him with this whip alone." Me." Su Wan saw the two figures speeding away, knowing that she couldn't catch up. She moved her lips but said nothing, and turned around sadly.

"What's going on with you two?" Shen Qing asked while flying quickly.

Xunyi was silent for a while before saying, "Don't ask about this."

Shen Qing snorted dissatisfied, then smiled and said, "If you don't want to talk to her, I can help you. Anyway, I am the team leader. I will just enter the secret realm and separate you two."

Xunyi raised his head and looked at the stars, "Are you taking me to see your master?"

Shen Qing smiled slyly, "Of course not. Now you can only listen to my mercy. Don't waste your efforts. My master has agreed to this."

Xunyi sighed lightly and closed his mouth. He believed that Shen Qing was telling the truth. The Qingyuan Sect had so many disciples in the Tianlu Alliance. It was impossible for this matter not to alarm the Immortal Cihang. Even if he went to see him That old Immortal Lord is probably useless.

"Don't you ask me where I'm taking you?" Shen Qing seemed to be in a good mood at the moment.

"Where are you taking me?" Xun Yi asked with a smile on his face. He no longer had a frown on his face. Shen Qing was willing to risk his life to accompany him into the secret realm. Although he could not accept such true feelings, he could no longer treat her coldly. .

"You'll know when we get there." Shen Qing said happily.

"Then why are you asking me to ask?" Xunyi complained speechlessly.

A burst of laughter like silver bells caused a group of flying swan geese to turn their heads and look around. Soon they were left far behind by the two of them. Shen Qing was in a really good mood. She seemed to have never laughed so happily before in her entire life. Woolen cloth.

After changing teleportation arrays twice, the two came to a wild land in the northwest of Nanjingzhou. Although it was still far from the border, few monks came here because there was no place for spiritual energy to condense.

After flying into a plateau, white snow gradually appeared on the ground. Shen Qing pointed in front of him and said, "This is the poor snowy wilderness. Have you heard of it?"

Xunyi shook his head, "I've visited very few places. Is there anything interesting here? The name doesn't sound like a good place."

"No one would run here for free. The first time I came here was because I was chasing a fugitive. In the end, the fugitive didn't catch him but he fell in love with it. Whenever he was in a bad mood, he would stay here for a few days."

"But I don't see what's wrong with you right now."

Shen Qing glanced at him angrily and accelerated towards the depths of the snowfield.

An hour later, Shen Qing stopped on a soothing snow hill, standing gracefully on the boundless snowfield, like a delicate flower blooming in the wind and proud of the snow. Although it was small, it was shocking and beautiful.

"This is the most beautiful place in my opinion, pure and innocent." Shen Qing retracted his distant gaze and looked at Xun Yi who fell beside him, with expectation in his eyes.

"It is indeed beautiful. I also like this kind of pure scenery. The desert and the sea have fascinated me before. This is the first time I have seen such a beautiful snowfield." Xunyi looked at the silver-white world with a look of intoxication on his face.

A happy smile appeared on Shen Qing's lips, and he turned his gaze to the vast snowfield again. The sky is as clean as a dazzling blue, and the white snow on the ground is equally dazzlingly pure. The sunshine here seems to be purer than other places, even so pure that it doesn't even provide warmth.

r\u003e "How long can you stay here with me?" Shen Qing asked with a smile.

"Then let's finish this month. I only have this month. Even if I can come back from the secret realm, I have to go back to ancient camping."

"It's a deal! You have to keep your word." Shen Qing looked very happy.

Xunyi smiled mockingly, "I'm afraid you'll be annoying me in less than two days. I feel like a stinky piece of shit in this clean land."

"Then I'll bury your stinking piece of shit." Although Shen Qing was joking, her face was a little cold. She waved her jade hand lightly and raised the flying snow in the sky to press down on Xun Yi. Xun Yi's depression made her very sad. Worry.

Xun Yi stood still, letting the flying snow come over him, and soon he was tightly wrapped in white snow. Through his spiritual consciousness, he saw that Shen Qing quickly used his spiritual power to gather snow to build a house, and built a house in the blink of an eye. After looking at the snowman in the beautiful little snow house, he smiled, waved his hand and erected a snow tree more than ten feet tall next to him. Xun Yi became a chubby man piled under the tree. snowman.

After Shen Qing finished, she admired her masterpiece and turned around with a satisfied smile and walked towards the snow house. She noticed the spiritual power fluctuation behind her just two steps away. Of course she knew that Xun Yi would not act as a snowman for her. , when he couldn't help laughing and looked back, he saw that the chubby snowman had become an elegant snowman with a jade tree in the wind. He looked up at the sky to watch the falling snow, and in front of him there was a snowman with the appearance of a woman rapidly taking shape. , looking at the attire, the one he wanted to pile on was undoubtedly himself. The image of the woman was bowed, holding a tray in her hands, and in the tray were a wine flask and a wine bottle.

"Seeking death!" Shen Qing cursed with a smile and waved her hand to shoot a stream of spiritual power towards Xun Yi. But as soon as the spiritual power was released, she realized something was wrong and suddenly hit the spiritual power diagonally behind Xun Yi in mid-air. At the same time, she sent spiritual thoughts to Xun Yi. Said "Be careful!"

Mr. Xue collapsed and dispersed, but Xun Yi's figure was nowhere to be seen in the swirling snow. Shen Qing was shocked, thinking that Xun Yi was turned invisible by a blow, but he didn't know that Xun Yi, who had become an expert in all battles, received a warning spirit. Immediately after thinking, he activated his escape, and the white snow on Beng's body quietly dived to the side. He was holding back his secret tricks again.

"As expected of Cihang Immortal Lord's disciple." As the deep voice sounded, a blurry white figure appeared more than a hundred feet away from Shen Qing, and then flashed nearly three hundred feet to his left. A dazzling silver light.

"Stop those little tricks of yours." The deep voice was a little excited. The white light that hit the opponent's body-protecting divine light confirmed that this person was Xun Yi who escaped decades ago.

Xun Yi saw that the fleeing shadow was of no use in front of others, so he showed his body and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you?"

The man remained silent, and his blurry figure flashed in front of Xunyi, reaching out to forcefully break through Xunyi's protective divine light and capture him. Xunyi had no time to react, but just as the man was about to When he touched Xun Yi's body-protecting divine light, a white light like a sharp flash struck him, scaring him to dodge back in panic. Shen Qing took action. Before she could figure out the other party's intention, she aimed the whip at him. To stop the enemy, he did not kill him.

"God of Punishment?!" The man was obviously quite surprised.

"Who are you? What do you mean by hiding your head and face?" Shen Qingzhan shouted sharply in front of Xun Yi.

The man said coldly, "I just want to teach him a lesson and make him suffer a little. It won't kill him, and it won't delay him from picking fruits in the secret realm. Just get out of his way. You can't stop him with this whip alone." I."

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