Cultivation of Immortality

Chapter 1012 What’s wrong with you?

Hua Hu ignored Xun Yi at all. Before Xun Yi finished speaking, his Heaven-Destroying Seal had already been directed at the middle-aged jailer. The middle-aged jailer's cultivation level had just reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul and he had seen the power of the Heaven-Destroying Seal. Later, he realized that it was difficult to resist. Under the threat of the Immortal Banner and the Burning Spirit Bead, he wanted to escape but did not dare. He already knew very clearly what kind of ruthless characters these three people were. If he escaped, he believed that Hei Si and Xun Yi Du did not hesitate to take out his own treasures. These two items frightened the great monks in the late Yuan Ying period, and he did not have the courage to give it a try.

The seal composed of seven light blue runes easily defeated the defensive magic weapon he activated, and was firmly imprinted on his body protection divine light. As the purple-red light flashed, his body protection The divine light was shattered, and the huge earthquake in the Qi Palace caused him to spit out blood immediately.

Hua Hu was merciful after knowing about the bitter plan. Although this kid was ruthless, he still knew how to measure. Fortunately, Wuhun and the Criminal Law Department Zhengshi blocked his two shots in succession, giving him time to calm down. , otherwise he would not have this restraint.

Hei Si did not follow suit, and frowned when he saw Xun Yi rushing over and kicking the middle-aged jailer who was vomiting blood. After all, he was a man of his duty, and he was filled with anger after knowing that it was a ruse. Most of it was scattered.

Xun Yi was really ruthless. He wanted to cripple this person. If Wuhun hadn't dissuaded him today, he would have killed this person directly. His cruelty stemmed from his hatred for the black sheep. This group of people from the Criminal Law Department You can retaliate against him in any way, but he can't tolerate using public means to avenge private hatred. Whoever dares to tarnish the fairness and justice of the Sky Law Alliance is his enemy.

In the end, Hua Hu pulled Xun Yi away because he could see that Xun Yi was beating harder and harder. If he didn't stop him, someone would be killed today.

Hei Si carried the middle-aged jailer who was beaten to death, and the three of them walked out together. These secret cells were divided into separate areas. All the blockades along the way were lifted. The Criminal Law Department Zhengshi and others were outside the cave. Waiting in mid-air, Wuhun was also there. Dozens of jailers were guarding each side, and almost all the jailers in the prison were transferred.

Xunyi took the middle-aged jailer from Hei Si, whose bones were broken and his tendons were broken, and he was almost out of shape. He looked at him contemptuously and said, "I said, if the Yiling Guards can't give me justice, I will do justice for heaven. This is You deserve the retribution!" After saying that, he glanced at all the people in the Criminal Law Department, raised the middle-aged jailer above his head, and said coldly, "This is the fate of someone who abuses his power and avenges himself."

Si Lv Zhengshi stared at Xun Yi with a livid face. His subordinates were beaten like this, but the beater was still so arrogant. How could he lose his face? "He who broke the law should be held accountable by the law enforcement officers, and you should do the same thing." Trampling the law is not upholding it, you know?”

Xun Yi calmly replied, "We just broke the law and are willing to receive the punishment we deserve. We are not trampling on the law. He is the one who tramples on the law. It is hard to say whether you can get rid of the relationship. I will wait until you get rid of the relationship." Come and teach us a lesson." He threw the middle-aged jailer who was as soft as dough at Wuhun, "We are going to sue the Criminal Law Department and ask the Deputy Supervisor to transfer him to the Supervision Department. The three of us also request to be transferred to the Supervision Department. The Criminal Law Department has been involved in the trial elsewhere, so we should avoid suspicion in this case. "

"That's almost enough. You're so disrespectful to others!" Wuhun scolded Xunyi with his spiritual thoughts in dissatisfaction, then looked at the official history of the Criminal Law Department and said, "Then send someone to escort them to the Supervision Department according to the regulations. Bar

. "

The official of the Department of Criminal Justice nodded with a cold face, told his men to follow the rules, and then turned around and left. Although this incident made him feel very aggrieved, he could only admit that he was unlucky when meeting such three people who were not afraid of death. Moreover, he was feeling guilty now. Although he had nothing to do with it, he had been entangled with him for more than an hour before. At that time, he guessed that he must have made some arrangements secretly. , now that there is such a rift, the child must be unlucky, and he might even be implicated and be charged with dereliction of duty.

The Supervision Department and the Criminal Law Department of Yilingwei are not far apart. After completing the transfer procedures, the three of them were put into three cells respectively. This time, the cells were normal rooms, with nothing else except the prison circle. It's shut down.

After Xunyi entered the cell, he lay lazily on the ground. He felt as if he had been cramped after beating the jailer, and he vaguely lost the energy he had before, where he was completely hopeless and couldn't cheer up for anything. He thought that He didn't have much time left, and his emotions were easily fluctuated at this moment. The darkness shown by the Criminal Law Department made him feel a little discouraged. He didn't even bother to care whether Li Qianzi, the Criminal Law Department Zhengshi and others would be punished. Now, he has begun to put more thought into thinking about things after reincarnation.

Not long after, two people came into the cell, a man and a woman. The woman was an acquaintance - Fifth Senior Sister Qi Jia.

Xunyi sat up, nodded and smiled at the two of them.

"Let's check the case." Qi Jia said and sat down opposite Xun Yi with the serious-looking man.

Xunyi briefly told the story of the crime and his encounter in the Criminal Law Department, and then said listlessly, "Ask Hei Si and Hua Hu for the specific details. I don't want to talk more now."

The man with a serious face frowned and his expression became more serious.

Qi Jia asked with concern, "Are you injured in any way? Can I check it for you?"

"I'm fine, I just feel a little tired." Seeing Qi Jia's worried eyes, Xunyi forced a smile and then closed his eyes, "If you are worried, just check it out."

Qi Jia put her finger on his eyebrows and checked carefully for a while, then turned to the man and said, "I'll chat with him for a few words that have nothing to do with the case." The man got up and went out knowingly.

"It's a bit similar to the situation when I first met you. What's wrong with you?" Qi Jia looked at Xun Yi worriedly and said.

"It's okay, senior sister, you don't have to worry about me. I'm going to the third camp on the edge of the town. You can find a way to hold Shen Qing back as much as possible. It's best not to let her transfer there. If it doesn't work, hold her off for a while."

"Is it true that my little junior sister can't make you fall in love?"

Xunyi smiled bitterly and said, "Senior sister, what makes two people happy is not whether the other person is good or not. I appreciate Shen Qing very much, it can even be said to be admiration, but she and I are destined not to have this fate."

"My master doesn't want us to interfere too much in our junior sister's affairs." Qi Jia sighed softly.

"Then interfere secretly. You can't watch her jump into the fire pit, right?" Xunyi looked at her with encouraging eyes.

Qi Jia said sincerely, "You make me feel so sorry. To be honest, I hope you can be with Qing'er now, but I know that you went to the third camp on the edge of the town to seek death. You make me really don't know what to do." It's good." Hua Hu ignored Xun Yi at all. Before Xun Yi finished speaking, his Heaven-Destroying Seal was already directed at the middle-aged jailer. The middle-aged jailer's cultivation level had just reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul. After realizing that the power of the Heaven-Destroying Seal was unstoppable, he wanted to escape but did not dare to do so under the threat of the Immortal Sacrifice Banner and the Burning Spirit Pearl. He already knew very clearly what kind of ruthless characters these three people were. If he escaped, he would I believe that Hei Si and Xun Yi would not hesitate to find their own treasures. These two items frightened the great monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, and he did not have the courage to give it a try.

The seal composed of seven light blue runes easily defeated the defensive magic weapon he activated, and was firmly imprinted on his body protection divine light. As the purple-red light flashed, his body protection The divine light was shattered, and the huge earthquake in the Qi Palace caused him to spit out blood immediately.

Hua Hu was merciful after knowing that there was a bitter plan. Although this kid was ruthless, he still knew how to measure. Fortunately, Wuhun and the Criminal Law Department Zhengshi blocked his two shots in succession, giving him time to calm down. , otherwise he would not have this restraint.

Hei Si did not follow suit, and frowned when he saw Xun Yi rushing over and kicking the middle-aged jailer who was vomiting blood. After all, he was a man of his duty, and he was filled with anger after knowing that it was a ruse. Most of it was scattered.

Xun Yi was really ruthless. He wanted to cripple this person. If Wuhun hadn't dissuaded him today, he would have killed this person directly. His cruelty stemmed from his hatred for the black sheep. This group of people from the Criminal Law Department You can retaliate against him in any way, but he can't tolerate using public means to avenge private hatred. Whoever dares to tarnish the fairness and justice of the Sky Law Alliance is his enemy.

In the end, Hua Hu pulled Xun Yi away because he could see that Xun Yi was beating harder and harder. If he didn't stop him, someone would be killed today.

Hei Si carried the middle-aged jailer who was beaten to death, and the three of them walked out together. These secret cells were divided into separate areas. All the blockades along the way were lifted. The Criminal Law Department Zhengshi and others were outside the cave. Waiting in the air, Wuhun was also there. Dozens of jailers were guarding each side, and almost all the jailers in the prison were transferred.

Xunyi took the middle-aged jailer from Hei Si, whose bones were broken and his tendons were broken, and he was almost out of shape. He looked at him contemptuously and said, "I said, if the Yiling Guards can't give me justice, I will do justice for heaven. This is You deserve the retribution!" After saying that, he glanced at all the people in the Criminal Law Department, raised the middle-aged jailer above his head, and said coldly, "This is the fate of someone who abuses his power and avenges himself."

Si Lv Zhengshi stared at Xun Yi with a livid face. His subordinates were beaten like this, but the beater was still so arrogant. How could he lose his face? "He who broke the law should be held accountable by the law enforcement officers, and you should do the same thing." Trampling the law is not upholding it, you know?”

Xun Yi calmly replied, "We just broke the law and are willing to receive the punishment we deserve. We are not trampling on the law. He is the one who tramples on the law. It is hard to say whether you can get rid of the relationship. I will wait until you get rid of the relationship." Come and teach us a lesson." He threw the middle-aged jailer who was as soft as dough at Wuhun, "We are going to sue the Criminal Law Department and ask the Deputy Supervisor to transfer him to the Supervision Department. The three of us also request to be transferred to the Supervision Department. The Criminal Law Department has been involved in the trial elsewhere, so we should avoid suspicion in this case. "

"That's almost enough. You're so disrespectful to others!" Wuhun scolded Xunyi with his spiritual thoughts in dissatisfaction, then looked at the official history of the Criminal Law Department and said, "Then send someone to escort them to the Supervision Department according to the regulations. Bar

. "

The official of the Department of Criminal Justice nodded with a cold face, told his men to follow the rules, and then turned around and left. Although this incident made him feel very aggrieved, he could only admit that he was unlucky when meeting such three people who were not afraid of death. Moreover, he was feeling guilty now. Although he had nothing to do with it, he had been entangled with him for more than an hour before. At that time, he guessed that he must have made some arrangements secretly. , now that there is such a rift, the child must be unlucky, and maybe he will be implicated and prosecuted for dereliction of duty.

The Supervision Department and the Criminal Law Department of Yilingwei are not far apart. After completing the transfer procedures, the three of them were put into three cells respectively. This time, the cells were normal rooms, with nothing else except the prison circle. It's shut down.

After Xunyi entered the cell, he lay lazily on the ground. He felt as if he had been cramped after beating the jailer. He vaguely lost the energy he had before, where he was completely hopeless and couldn't get up his energy. He thought that He didn't have much time left, and his emotions were easily fluctuated at this moment. The darkness shown by the Criminal Law Department made him feel a little discouraged. He didn't even bother to care whether Li Qianzi, the Criminal Law Department Zhengshi and others would be punished. Now, he has begun to put more thoughts on thinking about things after reincarnation.

Not long after, two people came into the cell, a man and a woman. The woman was an acquaintance—Fifth Senior Sister Qi Jia.

Xunyi sat up, nodded and smiled at the two of them.

"Let's inquire about the case." Qi Jia said and sat down opposite Xun Yi with the serious-looking man.

Xunyi briefly told the story of the crime and his encounter in the Criminal Law Department, and then said listlessly, "Ask Hei Si and Hua Hu for the specific details. I don't want to talk more now."

The man with a serious face frowned and his expression became more serious.

Qi Jia asked with concern, "Are you injured in any way? Can I check it for you?"

"I'm fine, I just feel a little tired." Seeing Qi Jia's worried eyes, Xunyi forced a smile and then closed his eyes, "If you are worried, just check it out."

Qi Jia put her finger on his eyebrows and checked carefully for a while, then turned to the man and said, "I'll chat with him for a few words that have nothing to do with the case." The man got up and went out knowingly.

"It's a bit similar to the situation when I first met you. What's wrong with you?" Qi Jia looked at Xun Yi worriedly and said.

"It's okay, senior sister, you don't have to worry about me. I'm going to the third camp on the edge of the town. You can find a way to hold Shen Qing back as much as possible. It's best not to let her transfer there. If it doesn't work, hold her off for a while."

"Is it true that my little junior sister can't make you fall in love?"

Xunyi smiled bitterly and said, "Senior sister, what makes two people happy is not whether the other person is good or not. I appreciate Shen Qing very much, it can even be said to be admiration, but she and I are destined not to have this fate."

"My master doesn't want us to interfere too much in our junior sister's affairs." Qi Jia sighed softly.

"Then interfere secretly. You can't watch her jump into the fire pit, right?" Xunyi looked at her with encouraging eyes.

Qi Jia said sincerely, "You make me feel so sorry. To be honest, I hope you can be with Qing'er now, but I know that you went to the third camp on the edge of the town to seek death. You make me really don't know what to do." It’s good.”

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