Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1045: Eternal wasteland!

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"The combat power reached the initial level of Tiange?" Seeing the rating of the fighting force of the angry bear in the book of the ancient wilderness, Wan Dong was slightly surprised. After a long time, he still underestimated the angry bear.

This is probably because Wandong used the law of wind to make the Wrathful Bear completely a living target and could not exert any combat power at all. From this we can also see how powerful the law of wind is once applied to combat.


Seeing Wan Dong holding a broken book, looking at it vigorously, he didn't put himself in his eyes at all, and even sent out bursts of shameless and lustful evil smiles at himself from time to time. Xiao, the bear claws swept straight to Wandong's waist, powerful and powerful, and extremely powerful, only wishing to cut Wandong's waist.

Wan Dong couldn't let it hit, and his foot moved, and his figure was ten steps away. The bear's paws of the furious bear immediately fell away, and even staggered with its huge body.

"Hey ... don't worry, I will send you to the West Heaven in a moment!"

Wan Dongxie laughed, ignoring the angry and roaring bear, and continued to study the "eternal wilderness."

"The weakness is ..."

Wan Dong's eyes lit up, and he finally found the answer he wanted. With a quick glance, Wan Donghuo raised his head and stared straight at the fist-sized white hair under the angry bear's throat.

"It turns out that your weakness is here!" Wan Dong's heart shook up and took the 'Eternal Wilderness' back to the storage ring. His wrist shook, and the magic soldier without the sword pointed suddenly appeared in his hand. .

The violent bear realized that Wan Dong's eyes were turning on the clusters of white hairs on his body, and he immediately became alert. A pair of blood-red eyes gleamed brightly, and a pair of bear claws was protected there intentionally or accidentally.

If the angry bear doesn't do this, Wandong may still have some doubts in his heart. No one knows who wrote this 'Eternal Wilderness', and of course it doesn't know whether it was right or wrong, but the performance of the angry bear is undoubtedly to prove to him that there is nothing wrong with the 'Eternal Wilderness'.

Knowing the weakness of the angry bear, this battle will be no suspense. With Wan Dong's comprehension of the law of wind, his sword became significantly faster, and I saw a rainbow light flashed away. The magical soldier in Wan Dong's hand directly penetrated the body of the angry bear, and that white snow The snow-white hair was instantly dyed blood red, and the red one was shocking!

With full of horror and disbelief, the angry bear's heavy body fell heavily on the ground.

Not to mention the angry bear ca n’t believe it, in fact, Wan Dong was also surprised. He never thought that he could kill the fairy beasts of Tiange Realm, and it was such a simple kill.

Of course, after all, fairy beasts are just fairy beasts, and they cannot be compared with monks. Wan Dong will never kill a celestial beast of the Celestial Realm because he has killed a Celestial Realm in seconds. Since then, he will not put the monks of the Celestial Realm in his eyes.

The core of the Celestial Realm Fairy Beast is the best material for refining Yuandan. Of course, Wan Dong will not waste it. With a trembling of his wrist and a sword light, the core of the angry bear has already been knocked out. The whole body is dark, but it is crystal clear, at first glance, the quality is extremely good.

Wan Dong put away the inner core of the Wrathful Bear, and at the same time took out the 'Eternal Wilderness'.

"Could it be the eternal wasteland here?"

Looking at the yellowish ancient book, Wan Dong's heart moved, but he was not sure. Rage bears are not only found in the ancient wilderness. In any case, the weaknesses of the various fairy beasts recorded in this ancient book are extremely useful to Wandong.

Taking advantage of his super memory, Wan Dongsheng wrote down all the hundreds of fairy beasts and their weaknesses recorded in the ancient book. After saving, every time I encounter a fairy beast, I have to turn the ancient book once.

At first, Wan Dong did not dare to determine where he was in the ancient wilderness, but when he walked along, the suspicion in his heart became stronger and stronger.

After walking for three days, the scenery in front of Wan Dong didn't change much. Looking around, they were all endless plains, and even a mountain was never seen. Wan Dong does not know whether there are other such vast plains besides the ancient wasteland in Daomen World.

In these three days, Wan Dong met a total of 16 kinds of fairy beasts. All of these 16 kinds of fairy beasts are recorded in the "Eternal Wilderness" without exception.

If it is only based on these, it is still not enough to determine, this is the ancient wilderness, but when Wan Donglian beheaded the golden snake of more than ten earth wheel peaks, he accidentally discovered a mature Zhu Guo , Wandong finally determined that this is the ancient wilderness.

Zhu Guo is also known as Xuan Guo, and its value is not inferior to Dilunzhi. It is also a rare treasure in Daomen. After taking it, it will greatly benefit the improvement of Daoqi. Of course, this fruit is not only grown in the ancient wasteland.

The reason why Wandong found Zhu Guo was that he was in the Vango Wilderness by discovering Zhu Guo, that is because in the book of "Gu Van Wilderness", the location of Zhu Guo was clearly marked, and it was just beside Zhu Guo Painted a gold snake pattern.

The Golden Snake and Zhu Guo are not in a half-life relationship, and the existence of the Golden Snake is not just for guarding Zhu Guo. In fact, the two coexist in one place, but it is a coincidence. It was this coincidence that allowed Wan Dong to make a conclusion.

Wan Dong not only determined that it was an eternal wasteland, but also confirmed his position in the eternal wasteland through Zhu Guo and the Golden Snake. On the entire map depicted in the book "The Everlasting Wasteland", there is a place where the golden snake and Zhu Guo exist at the same time, only this one!

The location of Wandong at this time is located on the east side of the Vango Wilderness. At the speed of Wandong, the location of the hut should be located in the center of the Vango Wilderness. Wandong ’s eyes searched for the past, and indeed found the 'Furious Bear 'picture of.

Then Wandong found it all the way according to his own walking route. The sixteen kinds of fairy beasts he encountered halfway appeared one after another, which was not bad, which proved Wandong's judgment.

The only thing that surprised Wan Dong was that it was in the location of the hut. He didn't see the pattern of the hut. I don't know if it was because the author didn't remember it at the time, or he didn't find it at all.

Determined his position and direction, Wan Dong ’s mind was settled, as long as he went eastward, he could walk out of the ancient wilderness, at least he no longer had to worry about getting lost.

Zhu Guo is also a top-grade material for refining Lingdan, and of course Wan Dong will not miss it. When Zhu Guo was included in the storage ring, a deep sense of joy suddenly burst into Wan Dong's heart. In the book "The Everlasting Wasteland", not only various fairy beasts but also various kinds were recorded. There are even treasures and inheritances from ancient times.

The difference is that Tiancaidibao does not know the location of the cursor, but also records the name and function in detail. However, the treasures and inheritances left over from the ancient times only indicate the location and what is not written, and all are replaced by question marks .

However, in Wan Dong's view, the value of these question marks is far more attractive than those marked.

Wan Dong glanced at the whole map, but he couldn't help but feel some pain.

He walked along the way and missed at least eight treasures of heaven and earth, and three ancient treasures, all within easy reach of the beast he slaughtered. But Wan Dong just missed it because he didn't know.

It was only at this time that Wan Dong turned around to look for it, and Wan Dong didn't have that thought. If you miss it, it means that you do not belong to yourself. If you want to force it, it may not be a good thing. Under the influence of Yunzhi's true meaning, Wan Dong's heart is also unknowingly changing.

The first one has already been missed, and the second one, Wan Dong does not want to miss it again.

From the position where he stood, all the way to the east, until he walked out of the ancient wilderness, marking a total of twelve kinds of treasures of heaven and earth, and two ancient treasures. If you are lucky, Wandong's harvest will be very rich.

After pondering a route that can wipe out all the treasures of heaven, earth and ancient treasures, Wandong went all the way to the east and rushed.

Of course, this way to the east, there are many fairy beasts marked on the map. Most of them are below the celestial realm, but there is also a candle dragon, which has been cultivated to the peak state of Shinto, even comparable to Kunpeng.

Such a super immortal beast, Wan Dong even understands the true meaning of Lian Yun, and will definitely not provoke it.

The earth candle dragon, Wandong must avoid it, but it is a pity that Wandong is in the site where the earth candle dragon is located, and there is a candle shade flower that has nine thousand years of history. Give up together.

This candelabra was born from the ground, bred from the ground, germinated in 3,000 years, formed in 6,000 years, and bloomed in 9,000 years. The attribute is extremely cloudy, especially suitable for women. It can make a woman reborn for the second time, and directly improve her talents and qualifications. It is the only place in the world that can not only improve cultivation, but also improve talents!

If you turn it into a magic pill, the effect is only better!

No matter how good the candle is, it's no match for Xiaominger! More importantly, the reason why the candle candle flower appeared in the earthen dragon's site is no coincidence. This candle candle flower is mostly stared at by the earth candle dragon.

The candle yin flowers are yin, and the earth candle dragon is also yin, which is of great benefit to the earth candle dragon.

It's just that there are some things in this world that you never want to avoid, so you can avoid them. People are not as good as heaven, and they never deceive others!

"help me……"

When Wan Dong was rushing, there was a faint cry in his ear. If Wan Dong's cultivation was not improved, he might not be able to hear the call for help.


Wan Dong's brow furrowed, and he ran for three days all the way, but he didn't even see half of the figure, and suddenly found someone, but still a little excited. Humans, after all, are social animals, and Wan Dong is no exception.

Following the cry for help, Wan Dong soon discovered that a man covered in blood lay vaguely in the grass in the place where he was more than ten steps away ...-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402540-- >

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