Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1047: Mother and son meet!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

With a slight smile, Wan Dong's figure accelerated again, and the true wind step was displayed under his feet. Chen Lei, who had already locked Wan Dong, only felt that his eyes were full of flowers, and then there was no Wan Dong in front of him.

Before Chen Lei could recover from the great consternation, Wan Dong's figure suddenly appeared in front of him, within a short distance.

"What !?" Such a skill, Wan Dong scared Chen Leiqi's soul away, he could not help making a strange cry, and the subconscious waved his blade, trying to push Wan Dong back. But then he found out that his sword edge had been pinched by Wandong's fingers for some time.

Not to mention Chen Lei this time, even Chen Yi and others couldn't help but exclaimed. Wan Dong's skill is too fast, almost completely beyond their imagination.

Chen Lei was sad in his heart, knowing that he was in Wandong's hands, I am afraid that there was no chance at all.

"Fool, your sword is looking for the wrong thing!"

Just when Chen Lei thought he was going to die, there was a whisper suddenly in his ear. When he was subconsciously trying to figure out the meaning of this sentence, Wan Dong had turned into a cool breeze and swept straight from his ear. .

"Who are you?" Seeing Wandong let go of Chen Lei and came straight to himself, Chen Yi was relieved at first, but soon his heart was raised again. Wandong's performance really made her feel terrible .

Wan Dong was about to speak, and inadvertently glanced over Chen Yi's face. The original Gu Jing's inner heart actually twitched inexplicably, and then it seemed that something was released from the blood. Dong's body felt waves of warmth for no reason.

Weird and strange! Wan Dong had never felt this way before. He could not tell the truth, but it made people ... intoxicated.

Wan Dong didn't know that it wasn't just him who was rising in the body at this time. Chen Yi was the same, even stronger than Wan Dong. Especially when Chen Yi saw Wan Dong's pair of bright, star-like eyes, a fragrant heart suddenly became unprecedentedly soft, as if it would melt at any time.

This feeling instantly counteracted all of Chen Yi's hostility towards Wan Dong. Not only that, but also an unusual sense of intimacy, flooding Chen Yi's heart. At this moment, Chen Yi almost instinctively wanted to take Wan Dong into his arms.

The mother and son suddenly met again without warning. Although they did not know each other, the blood-based nature had quietly started.

"you are……"

Chen Yi would like to know who Wan Dong is, and why she would feel this way to Wan Dong, but before she can make a good choice of words, Wan Dong's figure has swept past her.

"Fuck things! Why don't you stop them?" Seeing Wan Dong coming on the face, one of the Ping family disciples thought he was also a Ping family. Seeing Wan Dong just let Chen Yi and others go, they immediately opened their mouths and scolded.

"Hey ..."

Wan Dong had been brewing for a long time. Upon hearing the scolding, a sneer suddenly appeared on his face, and his palms were raised at the same time, waving quickly and without any signs.

Paying full attention to the law of wind, when Wan Dong's palms waved, he brought a violent wind between heaven and earth! The gusty wind roared, and the sand took away the stones, and Wandong's footsteps were really fast, and his speed was so fast that his figure disappeared from heaven and earth.

"What's the matter?"

"Is he a man or a ghost?"

Even if he was a disciple of the Ping family, he had never seen such a momentum. When he set his time, the strange cry of exclamation suddenly resounded through the sky.

"Who the **** is this person?" Seeing Wan Dongshi exhibiting such a horrified means, Chen Yi looked a bit dazed.

"Homeowner, this person should be a friend, not an enemy. Before he entangles the Ping family, let's go!" Chen Lei returned to Shener and said to Chen Yi in a hurry.

"Is this suitable? People are here to save us, but we leave him behind ..."

"Homeowner, his cultivation has also been seen by you, and it's strong and scary! Even if he is not an opponent of the Pingjia, he can at least retreat. We will only add chaos to him when we stay!"

Chen Yi also knew that what Chen Lei said was justified, but he didn't know what. Chen Yi's heart was full of reluctance at this time, and his legs seemed to be filled with lead water, and he couldn't move. A pair of eyes, even looking back frequently, looking for Wan Dong's figure blending into the violent wind.

"But ... but ..."

Before Chen Yike came out, Chen Lei and several other disciples of the Chen family could not help but hold her up and hurried away to the distance.


As soon as Chen Yi and others went away, the screams of the disciples of the Ping family began to be heard in the wind.

Covered by the gusty wind, Wan Dong really turned into a ghost, but those Pingjia disciples, with their eyes open and blind, became completely living targets. Without any mercy, Wan Dong will take away his life every time he shoots.

The chasing Ping family disciples finally realized that they were not right, they all withdrew and retreated, wanting to stay away from this place, but unfortunately, where can they go faster than Wandong? A series of fascinating blood arrows kept blooming in the wind and dust, and then torn into a blood mist by the wind, and fluttered with the wind, trying to dye the whole world with blood red.

The Ping Family should have come to the candle candlelight this time. All the masters have dealt with the candlestick dragon. The ones who stayed to guard the clearing have no masters. The only one is still entangled by Chen Tiande. Yi Wandong was at the beginning of the round, but he could sweep the peak of the round's combat power, and no one could hold the next round in his hand.

When the strong wind dissipated, the dust fell to the ground, and the figure of Wandong was empty, only the corpses of Pingjia disciples were left on the ground.

"Hahaha ... this won't work, you are too weak!" With a loud laugh, the master of the Pingjia master didn't have any fancy, and straightened out with brute force, slamming Chen Tiande's hands and slamming directly. On his chest.

In the mouth of Chen Tiande, three blood arrows spewed out, and a kite shaped like a broken line flew straight for more than ten feet away. After landing, a large gulp of blood vomited, and the ground immediately became red.

"A small three-pin family, dare to fight against my family, it is almost to death!"

Chen Tiande clenched his teeth tightly, staring at the Pingjia master who was approaching slowly, his eyes red.

"We can't fight your family, but the Lin family may not be afraid of you!"

"The Lin family? Hahaha ... Do you think the Lin family will come forward for you? Even if we will, our family will never take the Lin family in their eyes. It won't take long for all the family members, the Ling family, the Xiao family, all to be wiped out!"

"Humph! Infatuation!"

"You don't believe it? It doesn't matter. One day, the world will find that our Pingjia is the strongest. Even the three major first-class families must bow to our Pingjia!"

"Hey! Can you die without blowing?"

The master of the Ping family was saying happy, and a cold voice suddenly sounded slowly from behind him.

The master of the Ping family was shocked, Huo De looked back, and saw that he was three feet behind him, Wan Dongzheng looked at him coldly. In that look, it was as if looking at a jumping beam clown.

"Who are you? Are you also a member of the Chen family? How could there be a net leak? What about my family?"

Seeing Wan Dong, a deep doubt suddenly appeared on the face of the master of the family, and several questions were thrown out one after another.

"Chen Family?" Wan Dong's heart jumped suddenly, an unprecedented excitement, brewing in his chest.

"Which Chen family are you talking about?" Wan Dong asked again, his voice already a little quick.

Chen Tiande opened his mouth with a sigh, looking frustrated and helpless: "Under Chen Tiande, little brother ..."

Before Chen Tiande's words were finished, Wan Dong's head burst into a blank. Chen Yi's face appeared in his mind, Na Na said, "Then ... the woman just now is ..."

"That's my daughter Chen Yi! Little brother, has my daughter been given by someone from the family ..."

Chen Tiande was about to ask about Chen Yi's situation, but suddenly discovered that Wan Dong's expression was a bit wrong. Sometimes confused, excited, sometimes excited, and sometimes weeping, the whole person stood there, as if to forget everything between heaven and earth, and his expression kept changing, as if he was stupid.

Where will Chen Tiande understand Wan Dong's mood at this time?

Wan Dong's visit to the Daomen World this time has two most important purposes, one is Mu Lian and the other is Chen Yi.

Wan Dong never dreamed that he could meet his own mother so quickly in the vast world of Daomen, which in his view was simply a gift from heaven to him.

"Mother ... Mother ..." Wan Dong's heart whispered non-stop, and Chen Yi's face in his mind became more and more clear.

He finally understood why, when he saw Chen Yi, that kind of feeling would rush in his heart. This is affection and affection based on blood!

Wan Dong thought that he and Chen Yi were separated from each other since they were young. After meeting, it is inevitable that they will be rusty, but now it seems that he is too worried. This kind of affection that blends into the blood and penetrates the soul will not become rusty no matter how long it is apart!

Wan Dongzhen regretted why he didn't stop Chen Yi just now and didn't recognize her. In addition, dangers are everywhere in this eternal wasteland. Although she escaped the pursuit of the Ping family, it is hard to guarantee that she will not encounter other dangers, and Wan Dong is worried again.

At this time, Wan Dong, with a lot of thoughts in his heart, had some six gods without a master. The whole person seemed to be like an ant on a hot pot.

"Scary boy, what the **** are you doing?"

Wan Dong's move not only made Chen Tiande dumbfounded, even the master of the Pingjia family was inexplicable.

"Little brother, are you okay?" Chen Tiande is Wan Dong's grandfather. Naturally, he has a natural affection for him. At this time, seeing Wan Dong's expression changes, he can't help but ask with a worried mouth.

"Me?" Wan Dong raised his head and met Chen Tiande's worried eyes. He couldn't help but feel warm. He patronized his mother and forgot Chen Tiande. Speaking of which, Chen Tiande is his grandfather and his family! --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402542->

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