Cultivation – Stand above the Heaven

Chapter 1055: Lin Feng Yangwei!

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

"Sister Ling, let's stop here today!" Lin Feng's face put on a smile, a little bit more severe, than his hippie smile, like it was a different person, so that Ling Wushuang There was a faint palpitation.

"After all, everyone knows each other, why do you tear your face completely?"

Ling Wushuang was surprised at Lin Feng's transformation. On the other side, Xin Wuhen also spoke. The voice is not very loud, and there are not many words, but it can be passed into Ling Wushuang's ears, but there is a very weighty feeling.

Ling Wushuang looked up at Xin Wuhen with some surprise, and saw Xin Wuhen, with a face like an ancient well, and Shen Jing as an abyss. Slowly came to Xiao Cunxin's body and protected her with her body.

"Brother Wuzhen ..."

Xiao Cunxin was really scared enough, standing behind Xin Wuhen at this time, a manic and floating heart suddenly settled down. Looking at Xin Wuhen's gaze, soft and moist, people can't help but give birth to a kind of urge to protect her and protect her.

"Are you all right?" Xin Wuhen asked with an open mouth.

Xiao Cunxin shook his head. Although he didn't speak, the tears in his eyes could no longer be suppressed. The heart that saw Xin Wuhen suddenly shrank suddenly, as if it was pulled hard by someone. Like pain.

He had a bad look at the beginning, but added a bit of coldness, and looked at Ling Wushuang's eyes, which became sharper.

"It's the two of you !?" Ling Wushuang recovered from the surprise, and his face suddenly burst into turbulent anger, and he screamed sharply: "You two are enough to live, I Ling Do you dare to care about frost-free things? "

"Sister Ling, I have said all the good things before, but you don't even give a little face. You know that Cunxin is our elder sister, but you want to cut off her arm in front of us, how can we not care? "

Although Lin Feng still called Ling Wushuang Ling sister, but the tone is totally not the same thing as just now. Even the smile on his face was condensed, but it was dissatisfied and angry, and all the undisguised revealed.

"Huh! Joke! What do you think you two are, and also deserve to be given to you by Ling Wushuang?"

Ling Wushuang's eldest sister is used to it, maybe she never regarded Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen as the same thing.

"The face is yours, if you give it or not, it's your choice! But IMHO, your face, I'm not that rare!" Xin Wuhen's anger is greater than Lin Feng, which is why he saw Xiao Cunxin's face of grievance was even more uncontrollable.

If you want to stand in line, then Xin Wuhen is of course standing on the side of the Xiao family without hesitation! Even if the elders in the Xin family object, Xin Wuhen will never change his mind. No one knows better than him what Xiao Lang's return means to the Xiao family and what it means to the entire Daomen world.

"Xin Wuhen, do you know who you are talking to? Do you know what consequences you will incur if you speak like this?"

The younger brother who has always respected himself, at this time, is uncharacteristically, so disrespectful to himself, Ling Wushuang was really unacceptable for a while, and the anger in nature was even worse.

"Of course I know! And, I don't care at all!"

Finally, Ling Wushuang completely tore his face, and Xin Wuhen not only did not feel stressed, but also relaxed like a heavy burden. In fact, Xin Wuhen and Ling Wushuang can have an intersection, mostly because of Xiao Lang's relationship.

"Okay! A good one doesn't care! It seems that the two of you are Baoding this bad girl today!" Ling Wushuang smiled angrily.

Lin Feng snorted softly and said, "We want to protect our heart, but we are also protecting you! If there is a slight loss of the heart, the consequences will never be you, even your Xiao family can bear."

"Hahaha ... It's such a big joke! I'm going to see if there are any serious consequences. Get away with me!" Ling Wushuang was so angry that she had almost lost her mind, and at this time she not only wanted to cut Xiao Cunxin killed her even more.

In a loud laugh, Ling Wushuang pierced with a sword, and the whole person turned into an electric light, stab at Xiao Cunxin's heart.

"Ling Wushuang, I advise you to stop it!" Lin Feng's whole person, like a stone carving, stood in front of Ling Wushuang.

"Fuck me! No, I'll kill you first!" There was only one thought in Ling Wushuang's heart at this time, that was to let Xiao Cun die. In the face of Ling Wushuang's block, not only did the sword power fail, but it also added a bit of murderousness.

"You can't kill anyone!" Seeing Lin Wushuang's stubbornness that was almost obsessive and incomprehensible, Lin Feng's complexion was completely gloomy.

When Ling Wushuang's blade was still a foot away from him, Ling Feng moved suddenly. Double fists wave like wind, a series of fist shadows, like a storm, cover the sword front of Ling Wushuang.

"Mantis is a car! Give me death!"

Seeing Lin Feng trying to break his sword with a fist, Ling Wushuang's face immediately burst into disdain. The sword surged rapidly, just like a giant dragon eager to break through the bondage.

Bang Bang Bang!

A series of muffled noises seemed to detonate the mine array. Two energies collided continuously in the air, and after a dozen breathing efforts, they gradually calmed down.

"Ah?" Ling Wushuang exclaimed involuntarily. The whole person took three steps backwards and looked up to Lin Feng. He was even more shocked to find that Ling Feng only took one step back from the beginning to the end.

On the surface, Ling Wushuang seems to be higher than Lin Feng, but in fact, she is the main attacking side, and she will have some advantages. In this way, the two are in fact evenly matched and hard to separate.

"I said, today, no one can kill you!"

Compared with Ling Wushuang's shock, Lin Feng's heart was full of excitement.

He was afraid of Ling Wushuang, but not only because of Ling Wushuang's temper, but her cultivation was the main reason that Lin Feng was afraid of her. Lin Feng had never thought of it before. One day, he could stand side by side with Ling Wushuang.

"Why did your cultivation practice ... suddenly improve so much?" It seems that just overnight, it is far inferior to his own Lin Feng, and he caught up with himself. This is not only sudden for Ling Wushuang, but also difficult Confidence.

Lin Feng chuckled and didn't say anything. He knew that Ling Wushuang would be doing this right now. He didn't have to say so much nonsense to her before. Don't you Ling Wushuang like to bully the bully? Then everyone will come by!

"Lin Feng, what is your attitude? Do you think that you can stop me Ling Wushuang in your eyes? Look at the sword!"

Lin Feng jumped out, but transferred Ling Wushuang's attention to Xiao Cunxin to him. Ling Wushuang no longer ignored Xiao Cunxin, and then attacked Lin Feng with the sword. The Ling family swordsmanship has always been famous for its imposing spirit. Ling Wushuang has grasped this essence, and a sword is swayed away. He immediately cries and howls, and it is intimidating.

If it was before, Lin Feng might be frightened and flee, but now, Lin Feng is completely hard-touched and unwilling to move.

"Dangdang Dangdang"

There was a continuous sound like the sound of iron, that was the sound of Lin Feng's fist and Ling Wushuang's sword front colliding head-on. The sound sounded crisp, but it came into Xiao Cunxin's heart, but it was extremely heavy.

Xiao Cunxin looked more and more surprised, and couldn't help asking Xin Wuhen, "Brother Wuhen, why did Brother Lin Feng's cultivation practice suddenly become so high?"

Looking at Xiao Cunxin's face of worship, Xin Wuhen's heart was a little itchy, and he wished to rush up to replace Lin Feng. There is no reason to let him stand alone!

But looking at Lin Feng, who is comparable to Ling Wushuang's flag, Xin Wuhen's heart is full of emotion. Before that, probably no one would have thought that going to Ascension Mainland to take a trip would actually bring such great opportunities and changes to their lives.


Another crisp sound spread out, and Ling Wushuang and Lin Feng's bodies backed out two steps at the same time. Ling Wushuang gasped slightly, and Lin Feng's forehead also exuded a few drops of cold sweat. In order to test what kind of realm his cultivation practice has reached, Lin Feng has always adopted a hard-hit approach, which is naturally a bit of a loss for him with bare hands.

"Sister Ling, do you want to fight again?"

Lin Feng's mouth has a faint smile, and there is no longer the timidity and humility when he faced Ling Wushuang. In a trance, Lin Feng seemed to transform from a boy into a man overnight. This gave Ling Wushuang Brought incomparable surprise.

Before Lin Feng was among the second-line disciples of the Lin family, although he ranked high, he was by no means top. This time, Lin's parents decided to let Lin Feng command the second-line disciple of Lin's family, which caused some people's dissatisfaction. But now, all dissatisfaction, like the wind blowing through the clouds of smoke, disappeared without a trace.

"Are you going to admit defeat?" Ling Wushuang said coldly.

Lin Feng shook his head, and Ling Wushuang was really unreasonable. Only then did he pick up Ling Wushuang's sword strokes in a hard way, so that sweat beads appeared on his forehead, and compared to Ling Wushuang's slight panting, it seemed that he had fallen into the wind. But in fact, Lin Feng is now in a winning position.

Ling Wushuang's hole cards have been exhausted, but his hole cards have not been taken out yet!

The perfect Heavenly Seven Killing Fist that has been tempered to perfection in the trial treasure land has been successfully upgraded from second-grade martial arts to first-grade martial arts. If it is exhibited at this time, I believe that Ling Wushuang will lose!

Lin Feng looked at Xiao Lang's face and didn't want to be too stiff with Ling Wushuang, so that she could have a step down, but unexpectedly, Ling Wushuang was such an axis. Completely defeated, I'm afraid I can't be good.

After taking a long breath, Lin Feng chuckled softly and said, "Since this is the case, then Sister Ling would blame me Lin Feng mercilessly."

"Joke! Do I still fear that Ling Wushuang will fail you?" Ling Wushuang Xing Xian's eyes opened, and when the eyes were neutral, he was three points colder.

"Who has the courage to dare to bully my younger sister Ling Tianhua?" Lin Feng was about to use his seven-kill boxing fist, and in the final battle with Ling Wushuang, a voice full of contempt, high above the air, slowly Passed over. --by: dad856 | 55634 | 14402551->

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