Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the cultivating Fu Yuyun!

Huangfu Xun stared at Wei Shaoqing with resentment and gritted his teeth, "Wei Shaoqing, you are really deliberate!"

If at this time, Huangfu Xun still can't understand that all these are traps set by Wei Shaoqing, then he is simply a mallet, and he is not worthy of becoming the future master of the Huangfu family.

At this moment, the wood has become a boat, and Wei Shaoqing is no longer covering up. Yang Tian bursts into laughter, saying, "Huangfu Xun, everything you said, I didn't force you!"

"You don't need to use words to excite me. What Huangfu Xun said has never been countless. Besides, it seems that today, the sky is going to die me!" Huang Fuxun's expression looked sad and slowly raised his palm.

"Brother don't want it!" Huangfu Qing shouted when he saw that Huangfu Xun really wanted to commit suicide.

Huangfu Xun turned his head to look at Huangfu Qing, his heart was more sorrowful. Although Huangfu Xun cares about his life and death, he can face it directly, but when he thinks of his death, Huangfu Qing will fall into Wei Shaoqing's devil's claws and suffer all his life. This is more for Huangfu Xun than death. Be sad.

"Wei Shaoqing, if you dare to harm my sister, even if Huangfu Xun is turned into a ghost, he will slap you with thousands of swords!" Huang Fuxun burst into a grief in his heart and reprimanded Wei Shaoqing.

Wei Shaoqing was not threatened at all, sneered coldly, and said sarcastically, "I'm not afraid of you if you live, but are you afraid that you will become a ghost? Your defeat!"

Huangfu Xun sighed, and the raised palm suddenly fell down, which would end his life. At this very moment, a figure was faster than the lightning, and with a swish, it stood in front of Huangfu Xun and waved to block Huangfu Xun's palm front.

"Yes ... it's you?" Huangfu Xun looked up and saw Wan Dong, obviously surprised.

"Boy looking for death!" Wan Dong smiled, just about to talk, burst into a sudden burst of noise.

One of the two purple-clothed strong men rose up and flew straight to Wandong like a fierce god.

Lin Yingyang on the side, snorted, followed closely, and looked like an impregnable peak, unkindly blocked in front of the strong man in purple clothes, and protected Wan Dong.

Lin Yingyang is a strong man at the pinnacle of Shinto, and the strong man in purple clothes does n’t dare to be arrogant. Halfway through, he will take control of his life and shouted loudly, “Lin Yingyang, the rules were set long ago, anyone Do n’t intervene, do n’t you regret it? "

Huangfu Xun turned away and Lin Yingyang didn't even have time to find a way to help. Seeing that Huangfu Xun was defeated and wanted to punish himself, he was even more anxious. The tablet e-book can't help but the brain is very weak. Even if he racked his brain, he can't think of a proper way. Seeing Wan Dong suddenly swept to the stage, it made him happy. Although he didn't have much contact with Wandong, Wandong was unexpected, and the way of dealing with things in a vain way always brought him ‘surprise’. At this time, he could n’t help but put all his hopes on Wandong.

"Who repented? The match between Wei Shaoqing and Master Kaoru, the old man did not intervene, already in accordance with the rules! Otherwise, such a result will never occur!"

Two strong men in purple clothes looked at each other and had to admit that Lin Yingyang said something very reasonable. After all, this is the site of the Lin family. Lin Yingyang is also a strong man in the pinnacle of Shinto. Even if he ca n’t kill Wei Shaoqing, he can forcibly terminate the competition.

"Lin Yingyang, Huangfu Xun defeated and self-disciplined, this is also a part of the normal competition, you can't stop it too!" Another purple-clothed strongman said again.

Lin Yingyang snorted softly and said, "When did I stop? I just stopped you from hurting my Lin disciples."


"It's nothing good! Even if you can't wait for Master Kaoru to die, don't hurry at this moment?"

"Hahaha ... The two of you gave way, and the son wanted to see, this non-influential Lin family disciple, can play tricks." Wei Shaoqing laughed and waved his hand, letting the purple dress strong The person retreated aside.

Lin Yingyang sighed in his heart, he could only do so much, and the rest would depend on Wandong.

"What ... what are you doing up here?" Huangfu Xun returned to God and said, glaring at Wan Dong angrily. He is a big master of the Yipin family, so looking up at Wandong makes him very unhappy.

Wan Dong chuckled and said, "If I don't come up again, you idiot, you're dead!"

"Stupid !? You ... are you talking about this young master?" Wan Dong is definitely the first person who has dared to add these two words to his body and said it in front of him.

"Isn't it? Obviously, I was caught by someone else's strategy, but I still stupidly wanted to punish myself according to the rules set in advance. Pigs are smarter than you?"

"Ji ... Ji?" Huangfu Xun stunned, Nana asked.

Wan Dong snorted, pointed at Wei Shaoqing, and said disdainfully, "This **** is basically a straw bale, and it is not good to repair, not even your toes ..."

Wei Shaoqing was shaking the fan slowly, waiting to see what tricks Wandong would play, suddenly listening to him, the smile on his face suddenly froze, his face turned into a blackish face, almost Anxious to vomit blood on the spot. Huang Fuxun was so dark, but he couldn't help smiling.

"Then Yaoting brothers, what do you mean by this bastard?" With happiness, Huang Fuxun's attitude towards Wandong also became enthusiastic. The Yaoting brothers are really intimate.

Wan Dong snorted again, and said, "This **** is stupid by nature, and he can't make any decent strategies. It is nothing more than irritating you with words, making you emotionally disturbed, and distracted, and then taking advantage of your inattention. , Relying on the advantage of weapons, cut off your silver star gun, that's all, it's nothing worth mentioning. "

"It turned out to be like this! I said that when I was fighting just now, the surname was like being possessed by Biaozi. So many words were originally intended to irritate me deliberately. Also, this king of **** used Tiantian Steel I recast the iron fan, but it pretended to be exactly the same as the original one, clearly to hide my eyes and lead me to be fooled! "

Huangfu Xun had a suddenly realized look, and he was so angry that Wei Shaoqing was going to be crazy, and he could not bear to make a scream, "Fuck your mother's shit! Stink boy, you dare to insult this young master, this young master will break you dead Ten thousand paragraphs! "

"Broken corpse? It's up to you? I bah!"

Wan Dong spit out a spit fiercely, the disdain and contempt on his face was even more heavy.

"You said I insulted you, then I might as well prove it to everyone today! Open your dog's eyes to see what realm Laozi is?"

Although the status of Wei Shaoqing and Huangfu Xun is quite the same, but his fierce name is far more than Huangfu Xun. The young master, the master planted in his hands, is no longer known. Watching Wan Dong face Wei Shaoqing so ugly, it is absolutely impossible to say that Huang Fuqing is not worried at all. But right now, the hope of saving Huangfu Xun can only fall on Wan Dong's body, and Huang Fuqing is helpless no matter how worried she is.

"Humph! I thought you were sacred. It turned out to be just a small yellow pinnacle. The young man stretched out his finger and could crush you to death countless times!"

Wei Shaoqing was hoodwinked by Wan Dongqi. At first, he didn't notice Wan Dong's cultivation behavior. At this time, after taking a closer look, he almost didn't laugh. In front of him, a junior of the yellow seed peak, is indeed like a ant.

"Hum ... Dare you dare to fight me?" Wan Dong snorted coldly, his face abruptly, and shouted loudly.

"You ... what are you talking about?" As soon as Wan Dong said this, Wei Shaoqing froze, his face full of unbelievable expression.

Not only Wei Shaoqing, but all the people present, all had the same expression as him. A yellow seed peak dares to challenge the middle level of Tiange. Is there anything more crazy than this?

Although Huangfu Qing knows that Wan Dong seems to have only the realm of the yellow peak, but the real combat power is still above her, but Wei Shaoqing, who cannot even defeat Huang Fu Xun, can Wan Dong be able to deal with it? As for Wan Dong's previous satire on Wei Shaoqing, I am afraid that only blind fools will take it seriously.

Lin Feng and Xin Wuhen were also worried about the extreme, but they knew Wan Dong's temperament and knew that it was useless to persuade him at this time, so he could only pray in his heart.

"Your way is not a lunatic?" Wei Shaoqing asked Wan Dong up and down and asked with a condensed voice.

Wan Dong sneered: "Of course I'm not a lunatic, I just can't see you putting big garlic on here! If I beat you with my own hands, it means that I'm right, you're an incompetent person, you just show off Little clever, little clown clown. "

Wei Shaoqing is not only cunning, but also very cautious. He did not hesitate to accept the challenge because Wan Dong only had the cultivation base of the yellow seed peak, but turned his head to look at the two purple-clothed strongmen behind him.

The two purple strong men nodded at the same time, and Wei Shaoqing's heart suddenly settled. Even though he might be wrong, the two Shinto realms are never wrong.

"Hum ... Stubborn boy, since you are deliberately looking for death, I have no reason to complete you? Well! I will accept your challenge and send you to Yincao Difu!"

Wan Dong smiled disdainfully and turned to Huangfu Kaoru who was still stunned there. "There's nothing to do with you here, you can go on!"

"Fuck!" Huangfu Xun couldn't help but open his mouth and scolded, Wan Dong's breath, this expression, people who don't know think he is the great master of Huangfu's family.

But it's always good to be able to die. Huangfu Xun didn't have to be wordy. He told Wan Dongdong a word of 'Caution' and turned back.

Wei Shaoqing raised his eyebrows and said with a loud voice, "Huangfu Xun, don't think that this guy came out to mix up, and the deal between us will be settled. After I have cooked this little **** who knows nothing, you are going to die!" "

Huangfu snorted heavily and ignored it.

Huang Fuqing swept up like a cloud, and saw him help him. "Brother, are you seriously injured?"

......-- by: dad856 | 55634 | 14940087->

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